At the end of March 2023 the members of the Irish Manuscripts Commission adopted a new Strategic Development Plan for 2023–2027. This plan builds specifically on the outcomes of the Strategic Development Plan 2018-2022 and more generally on the international reputation gained by the Irish Manuscripts Commission over more than 90 years of publishing primary sources for the histories and cultures of Ireland.
The vision of IMC is to promote public and institutional awareness of and access to primary source materials for the histories, cultures and heritage of Ireland and its peoples. IMC serves in particular the cultural heritage and academic communities and is committed to supporting the Government’s strategic objectives that recognise the vital role of culture and heritage in our national life.
The next Strategic Development Plan will encompass the centenary of IMC’s foundation in October 1928 and the centenary of its first publication — Analecta Hibernica, No. 1 — in 1930.