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Strategic Development Plan, 2018-2022

IMC is delighted to announce the publication of its Strategic Development Plan for the next five years. The plan follows on from the previous strategic plan and commits to a publication programme that will ensure IMC’s place as the premier publisher of primary source material for the history or Ireland and its peoples. The plan […]

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Analecta Hibernia No. 49 is published

The latest issue of Analecta Hibernia No. 49 has just been published. It is available to purchase here. This issue contains the following contributions: Aqua lunaris and Oleum solis: a copy of a manuscript by Richard Stanihurst (edited by Conleth Loonan); Interrogating Richard Boyle: The Savoy House Proceedings of 1599 (edited by David Edwards); The appeal […]

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Culture Night

Culture Night 2018 and IMC members were on duty to discuss and explain the work of the Commission as well as some of the many and varied primary sources preserved in its editions. From the large format facsimiles of the early Irish manuscripts, to the late nineteenth-century court records of prosecutions for infanticide, there is […]

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Dr Brian Trainor

The Irish Manuscripts Commission has learned with regret of the passing of Dr Brian Trainor, a former Chairman of the Commission (1976-1977 and 1987-1998). Dr Trainor died on Wednesday 22 August. As a former director of the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland and the Ulster Historical Foundation he was intimately connected with the worlds […]

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Culture Night 2018

It is that time of year again! Culture Night will take place on Friday 21 September and members of the Irish Manuscripts Commission will be available to discuss hundreds of primary sources published by the Commission. Please do come along to see the exhibition of publications and listen to the short A/V presentations about the […]

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Launch of Neo Latin 17th-century epic

The audience that gathered last night for the launch of the 17th-century Latin epic Poema de Hibernia reflected the dual appeal of this manuscript source. One of the few complete Latin epics from the early modern period for Ireland, the interest in this source has been broadened by the scholarly translation of the text provided by Keith […]

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Beyond 2022

The Irish Manuscripts Commission is delighted to be a partner in the ‘Beyond 2022: Ireland’s Virtual Record Treasury’ project. The project, based in Trinity College Dublin, was launched today. Pictured at the launch are (back, L-R) Dr Séamus Lawless, Assistant Professor, ADAPT Centre and School of Computer Science, Trinity; Jeff James Chief Executive and Keeper […]

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Search Early Modern correspondence online

Why not search the Early Modern Letters Online (EMLO) database – it can be accessed here. The 2015 IMC edition of the Ussher correspondence edited by Dr Elizabethanne Boran is currently one of the featured catalogues along with those for the correspondence of Juan Luis Vives and Baruch Spinoza.