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Poema de Hibernia publication

The Irish Manuscripts Commission is delighted to announce the forthcoming publication of Poema de Hibernia, edited by Pádraig Lenihan and Keith Sidwell. This contemporaneous poem provides a detailed account of the Williamite war in Ireland from the perspective of the losers. It exists in only one manuscript (Gilbert MS 141), along with a late nineteenth-century […]

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Ussher correspondence added to EMLO

The Irish Manuscripts Commission is delighted to announce that the metadata associated with Dr Elizabethanne Boran’s 2015 IMC edition of the Correspondence of James Ussher, 1600-1656 has been added to the Early Modern Letters Online (EMLO) database. Created by the Cultures of Knowledge Project with funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, EMLO is a […]