As we reach the closing weeks of 2022 it is perhaps a good time to look back at the IMC publications which appeared in 2022. The primary sources made available this year have spanned the medieval period through to the twentieth century and included martyrologies, correspondence, censuses and merchant letterbooks.
In February 2022 we announced the first publication of the year — The Irish religious censuses of the 1760s: Catholics and Protestants in eighteenth-century Ireland by Brian Gurrin, Kerby A Miller and Liam Kennedy. You can read more about the contents of this volume here.
The paperback edition of David Edwards’ 2014 edition of Campaign journals of the Elizabethan Irish wars was reprinted a second time earlier this year. This popular edition is more fully described here.
The period from September to November was particularly busy with the publication of James O’Shea’s edition Irish maritime trade in the Restoration era: the letterbook of William Hovell, 1683–1687 and the 52nd issue of Analecta Hibernica edited by Dr Elva Johnston. The rich information about business and life in general contained in the Hovell edition was alluded to by Professor David Hayton in his launch speech summarised here and the shorter primary sources from correspondence to censuses in this latest volume of Analecta are detailed here.
This day last week we received delivery of our final publication of the year — The Eoin MacNeill Lecture 2022 – Intricate threads and bigger pictures: lives in archives. Published in pamphlet form, this lecture was delivered by Professor Ludmilla Jordanova in May. You can read about the lecture here and this pamphlet is only available to purchase through the IMC website.