Arnold Horner’s long-awaited edition of the documents relating to the work of the Bogs Commissioners in Ireland for the period 1809 to 1813 has now been published. Illustrated with 44 colour plates, this edition brings together information on the wide range of materials generated by the Bogs Commissioners who were charged with enquiring ‘into the nature and extent of the several bogs in Ireland, and the practicability of draining and cultivating them’.
Today copies of the documents produced by the Bogs Commissioners are in collections in the National Archives of Ireland, the National Library of Ireland and the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. Covering 22 counties in Ireland, the documents include their manuscript maps and reports together with the minutes of their meetings.
The central document in this edition is the minute book (including accounts) in the collections of the National Archives of Ireland. Extensive appendices indicate where documents are located and give summaries of their contents.
This edition is available to purchase here.