Culture Night 2019
August 1, 2019It is that time of year again and Culture Night is looming. This year, in addition to the display of IMC publications which will be available on the 1st floor of No. 45 Merrion Square, we have lined up four historians to talk about the primary sources which formed the basis of an edition they […]
New IMC website
July 29, 2019IMC is looking forward to the release of its new-look website. The updated site will be launched at the end of October and will be fully responsive on mobile devices. Watch this space!
Volume V: Kildare and Meath published in 1641 Depositions series
July 15, 2019The 1641 Depositions are witness testimonies mainly by Protestants, but also by some Catholics, from all social backgrounds, concerning their experiences of the 1641 Irish rebellion. This latest volume in the series to be published covers testimonies for Kildare and Meath. The depositions and examinations from both of these counties provide graphic evidence of the […]
New edition documenting a survey of Irish bogs 1809-1813 just published
March 13, 2019Arnold Horner’s long-awaited edition of the documents relating to the work of the Bogs Commissioners in Ireland for the period 1809 to 1813 has now been published. Illustrated with 44 colour plates, this edition brings together information on the wide range of materials generated by the Bogs Commissioners who were charged with enquiring ‘into the […]
Conservation of the documents saved after the PROI fire in 1922
January 8, 2019In 2017–2018 IMC sponsored an exciting project at the National Archives of Ireland (NAI) to look at parcels of material salved from the destruction of the Public Record Office of Ireland (PROI) in June 1922 A team of conservators at NAI, led by senior conservator Zoë Reid, carried out an initial survey of salved materials […]
Launch of Katherine Conolly
December 6, 2018Tonight the IMC Chair Professor John McCafferty welcomed an animated audience to the launch of The letters of Katherine Conolly, 1707–1747. Edited by the late Dr Marie-Louise Jennings (d. 2015) and Dr Gaye Ashford, this edition brings together many letters not previously known by historians. Launching the edition Professor David Dickson commented that Dr Jennings […]
Launch of CPR vol. 23, part 1
November 14, 2018On Wednesday 14 November the Irish Manuscripts Commission launched the latest volume in the Calendar of Papal Registers series. This volume – No. 23, Part 1 – covers the papacy of Clement VII. The volume, edited for publication by Dr Alan Macquarrie, was launched at a magnificent reception hosted by the Irish Ambassador to the […]
Letters of Katherine Conolly published
October 31, 2018The Commission is delighted to announce the publication today of this edition of the letters of Katherine Conolly covering the period 1707 to 1747. The editor, Dr Marie-Louise Jennings, sadly passed away in August 2015 and the text she submitted to IMC before then was subsequently elaborated for publication by Dr Gabrielle M. Ashford. This […]