Digital Editions — New titles added

November 7, 2023

IMC is in the process of digitising all of its out-of-print titles. These will be made available to download through the Digital Editions located in the Digital Resources section of the IMC website.  To date 70 titles have been made available and the most recent additions to the service include the following: The letters of Katherine Conolly, 1707–1747, ed. Marie-Louise Jennings and Gabrielle M. Ashford […]

“Reading the Unreadable” with Transkribus – Public lecture for Festival of History

November 2, 2023

On 7 October, as part of this year’s Festival of History, the Irish Manuscripts Commission held a lecture “Reading the Unreadable – Ernie O’Malley’s notebooks”. Members of the public were welcomed to this event in 45 Merrion Square where Prof Anne Dolan and Dr Eve Morrison presented their work on the transcription of Ernie O’Malley’s […]

Ernie O’Malley’s Notebooks – Public lecture for Festival of History

November 2, 2023

On 7 October, as part of this year’s Festival of History, the Irish Manuscripts Commission held a lecture “Reading the Unreadable – Ernie O’Malley’s notebooks”. Members of the public were welcomed to this event in 45 Merrion Square where Prof Anne Dolan and Dr Eve Morrison presented their work on the transcription of Ernie O’Malley’s […]

Public Lecture — “Reading the Unreadable – Ernie O’Malley’s notebooks”

September 26, 2023

IMC’s contribution to the 2023 Festival of History will take place this Saturday, 7 October at 12 noon in the First Floor Lecture Theatre of 45 Merrion Square. This public lecture — entitled “Reading the Unreadable — Ernie O’Malley’s notebooks” — will be given by Drs Anne Dolan (TCD) and Eve Morrison (UCD). This event is free. […]

Festival of History 2023

June 30, 2023

IMC is delighted to be taking part in the Festival of History again this year. Our 2023 event, a lecture titled “Reading the Unreadable — Ernie O’Malley’s notebooks”, will take place at noon on Saturday 7th October at 45 Merrion Square. This event is free. Booking is not required but places are limited to 55 […]

Digital Editions — New titles added

June 20, 2023

IMC is in the process of digitising all its out-of-print titles. These will be made available to download through the Digital Editions section of the Digital Resources on the IMC website.  To date over 60 titles have been made available and the most recent additions to the service include the following: The letterbook of Richard Hare, ed. James O’Shea (2013) The Drennan–McTier Letters Vol. 1, ed. […]

Irish Manuscripts Commission Student Prize

May 3, 2023

The Irish Manuscripts Commission wishes to award a prize of €1,000 to a postgraduate student for editing a short historical document. Winning entries will also be considered for publication in Analecta Hibernica, IMC’s serial publication. The original text should be an unpublished primary source (manuscript, typescript or transcript) of Irish interest, dating from any period. […]

Strategic Development Plan published

April 4, 2023

The new IMC Strategic Development Plan, which covers the period from 2023 until 2027, is now available to download in English or Irish here. This plan builds on the outcomes of the previous Strategic Development Plan and more generally on the international reputation gained by the Irish Manuscripts Commission over more than 90 years of […]