Cork launch of Hovell edition

December 6, 2022

The launch of the latest IMC edition ā€” Irish maritime trade in the Restoration era: the letterbook of William Hovel, 1683ā€“1687 ā€” took place last night in City Hall, Cork. The Lord Mayor of Cork, Councillor Deirdre Forde, welcomed guests to the beautiful Council Chambers and outlined her appreciation of the Hovell edition which added to the […]

Publication of Analecta Hibernica No. 52

December 2, 2022

We are delighted to announce the publication of the 52nd issue of Analecta HibernicaĀ which arrived from the printers this week. This issue includes a report to the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht for 2020 and the following papers: ā€˜I am in most points an ultra-ministerialistā€™: The letters of Henry Alexander to Thomas Pelham, […]

New source for Irish maritime history

November 24, 2022

After some unexpected delays the Commission is delighted to announce the publication of James O’Shea’s edition of the letterbook of Cork merchant William Hovell for the period 1683ā€“1687. The seventeenth century was a highly significant period in the development of Cork as a port and as a city, as trade grew and the city expanded. […]

Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland Workshop

October 28, 2022

On 8th October, as part of this year’s Festival of History, Ā IMC held a workshop on how to explore the Books of Survey and Distribution (BSD) in the Cromwellian Gold Seam in the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland. Members of the public were welcomed to this event at 45 Merrion Square where IMC members Professor […]

Festival of History 2022

September 14, 2022

The Festival of History, organised by Dublin City Library and Archive, takes place annually in Septemberā€“October and the Irish Manuscripts Commission (IMC) has been taking part since 2020. You can see previous contributions to the Festival from IMC editors (2020) and members (2021) on our You Tube channel here. This year will be the first […]

Maritime trade in Cork during the Restoration

September 13, 2022

The Irish Manuscripts Commission is delighted to announce the imminent publication of James O’Shea’s edition of the letterbook of William Hovell for the period 1683 to 1687. Correspondence copied inĀ letterbooks is an important primary source for socio-economic history and for the history of businessĀ administration.Ā The merchant community of Cork in the 1680s was dominated by Protestants […]

Europeana: European Cultural Heritage Portal

August 24, 2022

“Europeana empowers the cultural heritage sector in its digital transformation. We develop expertise, tools and policies to embrace digital change and encourage partnerships that foster innovation.” Europeana shares and promotes European cultural heritage to be used and enjoyed by everyone for learning, for work or just for fun. Between 2010 and 2015, the Irish Manuscripts […]

Books of Survey and Distribution in the Virtual Record Treasury

June 29, 2022

The launch of the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland on 27 June 2022 has captured the imagination of many. The rich variety of searchable records available through the Treasury is truly amazing but within the 150,000 database records are gold seams of data waiting to be discovered. Gold seams are full-scale reconstructions of entire series […]