IMC Digital Editions are now downloadable

December 16, 2020

The IMC Digital Editions service was launched in 2013 and offered a read-online service based on flip-book software using Adobe Flash Player. Support for Flash Player will be withdrawn by several browsers on 31 December 2020 and consequently IMC has revised the way it provides access to its out-of-print editions. In line with the commitment […]

Christmas arrangements and online book orders

December 16, 2020

The IMC office will close to the general public from 2 pm on Friday 18 December until 10 am on Monday 4 January 2021. Book orders received after Friday 18 December will not be posted until the New Year and email queries will be answered also at that time. IMC would like to thank everyone […]

Issue No. 51 of Analecta Hibernica published

November 11, 2020

The Chairman and members of the Irish Manuscripts Commission are delighted to announce the publication of Analecta Hibernica No. 51. Copies were delivered to the office this morning. You can find details about the six documents contained in this issue here. The topics covered range from violence, justice and self-interest in Elizabethan Connacht to a twentieth-century […]

Services during Level 5 restrictions

October 22, 2020

Thank you to the many people who have purchased IMC publications online during the various restriction levels applied during the public health response to COVID-19. We would just like to note that book orders received during the current Level 5 restrictions of the government Plan for Living with COVID-19 — which will run from 22 October to […]

Ireland’s past published — over 90 years of IMC publishing

September 25, 2020

In this final short film contribution to the Festival of History 2020, we look at the work done behind the scenes to identify and preserve materials which allow for the writing of history based on contemporaneous sources. Shortly after the destruction of the Four Courts in 1922, the Irish Manuscripts Commission was formed to recover […]

Ireland’s past recovered: families and people

September 18, 2020

This is the second of three short films for the Festival of History 2020 looking at Irish history through the sources presented in IMC editions. History is about past people, their lives and their experiences. In this short feature historians Jane Ohlmeyer and David Fleming and genealogist Nicola Morris show how we can recover the […]

Ireland’s past recovered: health and wealth

September 11, 2020

As part of IMC’s contribution to the Festival of History this is the first of three short films looking at Irish history through IMC editions. History isn’t just about politics and great men. Historians like to try capturing past lives of a cross section of society where sources are available. This short film features historians […]

Early 16th-century court source

September 9, 2020

In what has been a challenging year, the Commission is delighted to announce the first edition of 2020. ‘The Act Book of the Diocese of Armagh, 1518–1522’, edited by John McCafferty, is a rare survival for Ireland. Compiled twenty years before Henry VIII’s break with Rome, the Act Book of Archbishop Cromer is a key […]