Festival of History 2020

August 24, 2020

IMC will take part in the Dublin City Council Festival of History for the first time in 2020. The theme for three short films — which will be released on 11, 18 and 25 September — is ‘After the fire: The Irish Manuscripts Commission and the writing of Irish history’. In the 92 years since […]

COVID-19 arrangements

August 24, 2020

For the foreseeable future the office of the Irish Manuscripts Commission is open to visitors by appointment only. Please phone or email to make an appointment. Restrictions will apply and you will be required to wear a face mask on entering the building. Remember that you can buy IMC books online through our website or […]

New IMC website

February 5, 2020

The new IMC website was launched today and while there were some teething problems as one might expect it is now up and running. As well as a more up to date look, the site is now responsive on mobile devices. The services we offer include buying IMC publications and downloading the latest copy of […]

Fiftieth issue of IMC’s serial publication

December 19, 2019

The fiftieth issue of the IMC serial publication — Analecta Hibernica — edited by Professor James Kelly (DCU) was published in December 2019. To mark the occasion an embossed number ‘50’ was printed in the middle of the IMC logo on the front and back covers. This issue includes a report to the Minister for […]

Launch of Bouhéreau edition

November 17, 2019

On the 16th November the edition of the diary and accounts of Élie Bouhéreau edited by (left to right above) Jane McKee, Marie Léoutre, Amy Prendergast and Jean-Paul Pittion was launched by M. Lionel Paradisi-Coulouma, Deputy Head of Mission at the French Embassy to Ireland in the Lady Chapel of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin. The Chair […]

Culture Night 2019

September 18, 2019

Culture Night 2019 For Culture Night this year IMC has arranged for historians who have published editions with IMC to come and talk about the manuscripts they have transcribed and to explain to people how they use them to write histories of the period. Friday, 20 September 2019, is Culture Night and the historians talking […]

Publication of Jesuit Annual Letters

September 7, 2019

The Irish Manuscripts Commission is delighted to announce the publication of Vera Moynes’ edition of the surviving Jesuit Annual Letters for Ireland for the seventeenth century. Annual Letters were the means by which Jesuits across the globe stayed in contact with Rome and with each other. The Irish Jesuit missions began in 1542, but only […]

Culture Night 2019

August 1, 2019

It is that time of year again and Culture Night is looming. This year, in addition to the display of IMC publications which will be available on the 1st floor of No. 45 Merrion Square, we have lined up four historians to talk about the primary sources which formed the basis of an edition they […]