CollectionCardinal Logue Archive
Collection DescriptionNote: (a)The Archive of His Eminence Cardinal Logue, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland from 1887- 1924, includes the period of Dr Logue's Episcopate in Raphoe, 1879-1887. (b) For the period 1888-1924 it may be necessary to consult the Archives of Cardinal O'Donnell and Cardinal MacRory.

Material relating to the Religious, includes:

Sisters of St John of God, Wexford, 29 March 1904, letter of Reverend Mother M. Stanislaus addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue - 'I should have replied before now to your kind letter which I must confess to Your Eminence disappointed us a little but did not discourage us, and so we are prepared to undertake the change you desire if Your Eminence and Dr O'Neill still wishes us to do so'.

AccessThe material in this repository is privately held. Access to this material is limited and at the discretion of the Diocesan Secretary. To have your application for access considered please write, giving precise details of your research project, to the address provided.
Repository NameArmagh Diocesan Archive (RC)
AddressAra Coeli Cathedral Road Armagh
UK Postal CodeBT61 7QY
Telephone+44 28-3752-2045
Repository Web Address
CommentThe information listed from this repository was extracted in the late 1990s from lists available in the archives. The lists were compiled by staff of Armagh Diocesan Archive and we are grateful for their assistance. Due to time constraints not all items in this repository were examined individually.