CollectionMost Reverend John Dixon Archive

Letter of Sister M.P. Maguire, St Paul's Convent of Mercy, Crumlin Road, Belfast, addressed to Most Reverend Dr Dixon, 'I received your very kind letter, enclosing Dr Dowley's decision on yesterday and beg to assure you I feel that it is justice and charity itself, and well worthy of the kind and holy heart that dictated it. (With regard to what has been alleged as to my entering into a contract or arrangement with Mr Flanagan that could deprive Mrs Vigne of the right and power to claim or recover the arrears of interest due to her by Mr Flanagan. I can most sincerely assure you, that neither Mrs Flanagan nor I have done so. We have urged Mr Flanagan to pay the £200 due to this Community, and the Interest he owes on it, for the time Sister M. Raphael has been with us and nothing more)', 11 June 1860.

Note of Most Reverend Dr Dixon - 'I sent Mrs Vine the extract here enclosed'.

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Repository NameArmagh Diocesan Archive (RC)
AddressAra Coeli Cathedral Road Armagh
UK Postal CodeBT61 7QY
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CommentThe information listed from this repository was extracted in the late 1990s from lists available in the archives. The lists were compiled by staff of Armagh Diocesan Archive and we are grateful for their assistance. Due to time constraints not all items in this repository were examined individually.