CollectionMost Reverend John Dixon Archive

Undated, letter of Sister M.P. Maguire, St Paul's addressed to Most Reverend Dr Dixon - 'I feel truly grateful for your kind sympathy. I think, with you, that all you can do in the present mater is to urge the Bishop to make some arrangements that will keep us out of law, but I would beg of Your Grace to suggest that these arrangements would not entail upon us any yearly interest, for indeed we could not pay any more than our present expenditure. I fear Dr Denvir would just raise some money in the Bank, and, like the Church of St Malachy, the whole expense would be more than paid in interest and the principal still lying there. If the Bishop would take the portion of the debt due upon the schools as a Parish or Town debt and get the Priests to collect for it, I think they would get a good part of it at once and perhaps with this and the prospect of soon getting the rest of the money due for the schools, Mr Byrne would be satisfied and, please God, in time we would be able to pay the portion due on the Convent'.

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Repository NameArmagh Diocesan Archive (RC)
AddressAra Coeli Cathedral Road Armagh
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CommentThe information listed from this repository was extracted in the late 1990s from lists available in the archives. The lists were compiled by staff of Armagh Diocesan Archive and we are grateful for their assistance. Due to time constraints not all items in this repository were examined individually.