CollectionMost Reverend John Dixon Archive

Letter of Sister M. de Sales, St Malachy's, Dundalk, addressed to Most Reverend Dr Dixon - relating to the claim of Sister Mary Rose. 'She was professed in Baggot Street and any fortune she got is there. She brought nothing here. Miss Kilkelly's case was quite different. She claimed it was wages due for servitude. I have told the good Dean about it. He wrote me a letter saying he for one would not sanction her return amongst us. Will your Grace kindly give me a letter to that effect and one to Sister M. Rose herself, that I can send her telling her not to return here that you cannot sanction it', 20 October 1861.

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Repository NameArmagh Diocesan Archive (RC)
AddressAra Coeli Cathedral Road Armagh
UK Postal CodeBT61 7QY
Telephone+44 28-3752-2045
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CommentThe information listed from this repository was extracted in the late 1990s from lists available in the archives. The lists were compiled by staff of Armagh Diocesan Archive and we are grateful for their assistance. Due to time constraints not all items in this repository were examined individually.