CollectionMost Reverend John Dixon Archive

Letter of Sister M. de Sales, St Malachy's, Dundalk addressed to Most Reverend Dr Dixon - 'I have with the advice of the Community and Your sanction decided on not going to the meeting in Limerick. We do not approve of it. We feel it will cause much mischief. It is called in opposition to the Parent House. We know many Superiors who are as averse to it as we are and will not go. From what I can learn a few Superiors in the South wish to add new Rules and abolish some good works which were practised in several houses during our Foundress's life time' ... `I read Your Grace's letter for the Rev. Mother and Mother Assistant in Ardee relative to Father Alfred Murphy being their Extraordinary Confessor', 4 March 1864.

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Repository NameArmagh Diocesan Archive (RC)
AddressAra Coeli Cathedral Road Armagh
UK Postal CodeBT61 7QY
Telephone+44 28-3752-2045
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CommentThe information listed from this repository was extracted in the late 1990s from lists available in the archives. The lists were compiled by staff of Armagh Diocesan Archive and we are grateful for their assistance. Due to time constraints not all items in this repository were examined individually.