
Report of Library Committee, 1854.

AccessThe majority of material kept in this repository has been microfilmed and is available for consultation at the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. The material which has not been copied is privately held and is not normally open to researchers. To have your application for access considered, please write giving precise details of your research project, to the address provided.

This majority of this archive has been microfilmed and is available for consultation at the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, see MIC/16. The material listed here was not microfilmed by the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland.

A useful guide is Olive C Goodbody, A Guide to Irish Quaker Records, 1654-1860 (Dublin, 1967).

Repository NameReligious Society of Friends, Ulster Quarterly Meeting Archive
AddressUlster Quarterly Meeting Archive Committee 4 Magheralave Road Lisburn County Antrim
UK Postal CodeBT28 3BD
Repository Web Address
CommentSome of the information listed from this repository has been extracted by the Women's History Project from lists available in the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. The lists were compiled by Public Record Office of Northern Ireland staff and we are grateful for their assistance. It must be remembered that due to time constraints not all items in this repository were examined individually.