CollectionPapers of Judge John O'Hagan (1822-1890)

25 13 November 1890. Letter of condolence to Mrs O'Hagan, from [J] Cashel Hoey, Kensington, following the death of her husband on 5 November. States 'For over forty years we have been fast friends and there never was a word of dissension.. between us. What did I not owe to his wise council, his warm affection, his beautiful example in the early years of that time, when living in Dublin I saw him almost daily.. .I have known many good men but none who moved in such an abiding atmosphere of grace - and none who had such warmth of heart with such store of wisdom, such deep devotion, and such... humour. And so he was also quite the happiest man I ever knew and I know how much of it he owed to you'.

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Death of O'Hagan, 1890-1894.

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Repository NameIrish Jesuit Archives
Address36 Leeson Street Lower Saint Kevin's Dublin 2
EircodeD02 CD93
Telephone(01) 775-8569
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CommentThe information listed from this repository has been extracted from lists available in the archive. These lists were compiled by archivists and we are grateful for their assistance.