CollectionPapers of Judge John O'Hagan (1822-1890)

Death of O'Hagan, 1890-1894:
29 9 December 1890. Letter to Mrs O'Hagan from Redmond [F.] Carroll, Honorary Secretary of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, offering the condolences of the Superior Council of the Society, following her husband's death. 'For more than 15 years our dear Brother O'Hagan had been a member of the Council and, notwithstanding the many other important & arduous avocations in which during that time he was engaged, he gave to the affairs of our Society an attention, which was not only devoted and constant but which was of inestimable value to his colleagues. Amongst them, he was justly looked up to as a wise and ever reliable counsellor and guide, and thus, whenever a question of difficulty arose, his fellow members, with one accord, instinctively turned to him for its solution. On every occasion, he advised them with readiness & an unerring sagacity but, at the same time, in a manner so gentle and unassuming as to win, not only their concurrence, but their admiration. You are, no doubt, aware that, on the resignation of Sir John Broadstreet, the Council gave your lamented husband practical testimony of their great confidence and respect by earnestly & unanimously - though unsuccessfully - soliciting his acceptance of the Presidentship. And now that he is gone, they have no other means of proving their unaffected love for his memory than by striving to profit by the noble example he has given them of what a true Christian ought to be, and by zealously endeavouring to secure for his happy repose the universal prayers of the various branches of the Society throughout the world and of the poor.... arrangements have been made for the celebration of a Requiem Mass at the Cathedral on Friday next'.

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Repository NameIrish Jesuit Archives
Address36 Leeson Street Lower Saint Kevin's Dublin 2
EircodeD02 CD93
Telephone(01) 775-8569
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CommentThe information listed from this repository has been extracted from lists available in the archive. These lists were compiled by archivists and we are grateful for their assistance.