CollectionPapers of Judge John O'Hagan (1822-1890)
Description34 Letter to Mrs O'Hagan from Aubrey de Vere, written around the time of the fourth anniversary of the husband's death. 'Just a few lines to thank you very much for sending me those letters of mine to your dear Husband, the thought of whom always comes to me brightened by the memory of those early days. No one can remember him without becoming a better Catholic and a better Christian. How often I thought that we should often look out together over that beautiful bay of Dublin! But you have turned that lovely ho[m]e to a ho[m]e holier yet.' 20 November 1894.

AccessAccess is by appointment only. While generally access to the material is open to researchers, there may be restrictions on some collections.

Death of O'Hagan, 1890-1894.

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Repository NameIrish Jesuit Archives
Address36 Leeson Street Lower Saint Kevin's Dublin 2
EircodeD02 CD93
Telephone(01) 775-8569
Repository Web Address
CommentThe information listed from this repository has been extracted from lists available in the archive. These lists were compiled by archivists and we are grateful for their assistance.