
O. Information relating to the Orphan Society, including for example:

O.1 History of Saint Patrick's Orphan Society.

O.2 Foundling Home, reports, from 1914.

O.3 Episcopal correspondence relating to the Orphan Society.

O.3/ Orphan Society Sub-Committee Reports.

O.3/2 Extern children, from Derry, Armagh etc.

O.3/3 Saint Patrick's Guild, Dublin, Central Council of Catholic Adoption.

O.3/4 Reports on the home.

O.4/1/1 Minutes of the Orphan Society.

O.4/1/2 Membership of committee.

O.4/2/1 Finance.

O.4/2/2 Church and card collections.

O.4/3 Legal cases.

O.5 Annual reports of Society.

O.6 Nazareth Lodge Welfare Committee receipts, 1966-1969.

O.7 White Babies', Saint Joseph's Rescue Diocesan Children's Fund.

O.8 Saint Joseph's Babies Home.

O.9 Down and Connor Catholic Welfare and Care Society.

O.10 Government Statutes and acts, etc.

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Date1966-1969; 1914

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Repository NameDown and Connor Diocesan Archive (RC)
Address73A Somerton Road Belfast County Antrim
UK Postal CodeBT15 4DJ
Telephone+44 28-9077-6185
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CommentSome of the information listed from this repository has been extracted from lists available in the repository. The lists were compiled by the archivist and we are grateful for his assistance. Due to time constraints not all items in this repository were examined individually.