CollectionJames, Earl of Charlemont Correspondence
Reference12/R/21 (Vol. 13)
Description128: Lord Charlemont to Lady Charlemont regarding testamentary directions on education of his sons, has appointed Sir Lucius O'Brien, Henry Flood and Henry Grattan as Counsellors to advise his wife. Obliterates the names of Flood and Grattan 'as they have ceased to merit so dear a confidence', no date
82: Lord Charlemont to Mrs Evans, fears the assets of her deceased brother may prove deficient to meet her demands, no date.
AccessBy prior appointment.

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Repository NameRoyal Irish Academy
Address19 Dawson Street Dublin 2
EircodeD02 HH58
Telephone(01) 609-0600
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CommentSome of the information listed from this repository has been extracted from lists available in the archive. These lists were compiled by library staff and we are grateful for their assistance. Where partial or no lists were available, staff of the Women's History Project constructed an outline list. Due to time constraints, not all items in this repository were examined individually.