CollectionLismore Local Authority Records

Copy Advertisements:
1: Bye-laws of the Lismore Union (Rural) Sanitary Authority, 1892

2: Lismore Union Board of Guardians Notice relating to Typhus Fever, 1896

3: Lismore Union Notice relating House Drains, 1898

4: Lismore Union Board of Guardians Notice relating to Infectious Diseases, 1901

5: Children Act 1905 Notice to Persons receiving Children under 7 for Reward, 1905

6: Lismore Rural District Council relating to Prevention and Notification, 1914

7: Lismore Rural District Council Notice relating to the creation of Public Urinals in Lismore, 1915

8: 'Vaccination Gratis', no date

9: Electoral Divisions of Lismore Unions (7 copies), no date

10: Lismore Rural District Council Notice relating to Tenders to be considered at the Quarterly Meeting 1901

11: Proposal which the County Surveyor considers should be made by the Rural District Council at the Quarterly Meeting in respect of Public Works, 1924.

AccessBy prior appointment.
Century19th, 20th

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Repository NameNational Archives of Ireland
Address8 Bishop Street Dublin 8
EircodeD08 DF85
Telephone(01) 407-2300
Telephone 21890-25-24-24
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