CollectionRecords Relating to the Holy Ghost Hospital

New Hospital at Hennessy's Road:
7: Work in Progress, [May 1882]
Letter from Matthew Hunt, contractor, 11 May 1882, to Trustees requesting payment for work completed with supporting Architects certification and schedule of interest due, 3 items.

8: [February 1882] Schedules and estimate of cost relating to building of boundary wall at new Holy Ghost Hospital. Submitted to M. Hunt and J.J. O'Callaghan Architect, 6 items.

9: Insurance policy for Holy Ghost Hospital, held from Phoenix Office London, relates to buildings under construction, 2 item.

10: [April -June 1885] Bills submitted to Trustees for materials and services used in the building of the Hospital. Suppliers include Richard Fennessy and Son, Nurserymen, William Power, Nurseryman, Jacob Bros, Waterford Garden Equipment, 10 items.

11: [April 1885-Augustt 1887] Schedule of works completed by Matthew Hunt, certified by J.J. O'Callaghan Architect, 5 items.

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Repository NameWaterford City Archives
AddressHigh Street Waterford
EircodeX91 K260
Telephone(058) 21144
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CommentThe information listed from this repository has been extracted from lists available in the archive. These lists were compiled by Donal Moore, City Archivist, and library staff, and we are grateful for their assistance. Where partial or no lists were available, staff of the Women's History Project constructed an outline list. Due to time constraints, not all items in this repository were examined individually.