CollectionRecords Relating to the Holy Ghost Hospital

New Hospital at Hennessy's Road:
12: [March 1884] Summons taken out by J.W. Howard to Patrick Maxwell Solicitor for the Commissioners for Charitable Requests to hear an application on behalf of the High Court of Justice to build a clock tower and make an avenue in the grounds of the hospital, 1 item.

13: Management of Hospital [1878].
Printed scheme divided in the High Court chancery division relating to the Management of the Holy Ghost Hospital.
Informant Attorney General for Ireland at the relation of Patrick Francis Power.
Defendents Matthew Slaney and the Mayor, Alderman and Burgess of Waterford.
Scheme sets out procedure for appointment of Master, Consititution of the Board of Management. Scheme also confers authority on the board to, 'purchase a suitable site in any other part of Waterford or the vicintity thereof and to erect thereon on proper building suited for the objects of its clarity at an expense in its whole not to exceed £8,450', with amended draft, 11 items.

AccessBy prior appointment, some restrictions may apply.

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Repository NameWaterford City Archives
AddressHigh Street Waterford
EircodeX91 K260
Telephone(058) 21144
Repository Web Address
CommentThe information listed from this repository has been extracted from lists available in the archive. These lists were compiled by Donal Moore, City Archivist, and library staff, and we are grateful for their assistance. Where partial or no lists were available, staff of the Women's History Project constructed an outline list. Due to time constraints, not all items in this repository were examined individually.