CollectionRecords Relating to the Holy Ghost Hospital

Case at Law Trustess versus Slaney:
13: [1882, 1883, 1885]. Copy of the Accountant General's account regarding money paid to Hunt, O'Callaghan and Howard, 3 items.

14: [1879 - 1886] Draft Costs of J.W. Howard, 5 items.

15: Schedule of expenditure and liabilities on foot of the new hospital of 2 pages, 1 item.

16: 1878. Draft scheme for the governing of the Hospital of the Holy Ghost, with Amendments and separate page of comments, 2 items.

17: 1878. 'Scheme for the Establishing, Carrying On, and maintaining of the Charity of the Master, Brethren, and Poor of the Hospital of the Holy Ghost of Waterford'. Prepared in the Chancery Division of the High Court for the Attorney General v Slaney, 8 items.

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Repository NameWaterford City Archives
AddressHigh Street Waterford
EircodeX91 K260
Telephone(058) 21144
Repository Web Address
CommentThe information listed from this repository has been extracted from lists available in the archive. These lists were compiled by Donal Moore, City Archivist, and library staff, and we are grateful for their assistance. Where partial or no lists were available, staff of the Women's History Project constructed an outline list. Due to time constraints, not all items in this repository were examined individually.