Description | All board of guardian records are closed for 100 years from their terminal date.
Limavady Board of Guardians Minute Books: BG/18/A/1 1839-1845 BG/18/A/2 1845-1849 BG/18/A/3 1849-1850 BG/18/A/4 1850-1855 BG/18/A/5 1855-1859 BG/18/A/6 1859-1962 BG/18/A/7 1862-1865 BG/18/A/8 1865-1867 BG/18/A/9 1867-1869 BG/18/A/10 1869-1870 BG/18/A/11 1871-1872 BG/18/A/12 1872-1874 BG/18/A/13 1874-1876 BG/18/A/14 1876-1877 BG/18/A/15 1877-1878 BG/18/A/16 1878-1879 BG/18/A/17 1879-1881 BG/18/A/18 1881-1883 BG/18/A/19 1883-1885 BG/18/A/20 1885-1887 BG/18/A/21 1887-1889 BG/18/A/22 1889-1891 BG/18/A/23 1891-1893 BG/18/A/24 1893-1895 BG/18/A/25 1895-1896 BG/18/A/26 1896-1898 BG/18/A/27 1898-1899 BG/18/A/28 1899-1901 BG/18/A/29 1901-1903 BG/18/A/30 1903-1904 BG/18/A/31 1904-1905 BG/18/A/32 1905-1906 BG/18/A/33 1906-1907 BG/18/A/34 1907-1908 BG/18/A/35 1908-1909 BG/18/A/36 1909-1910 BG/18/A/37 1910-1911 BG/18/A/38 1912-1913 BG/18/A/39 1913-1914 BG/18/A/40 1914-1915 BG/18/A/41 1915-1916 BG/18/A/41 1916-1917 BG/18/A/43 1917-1918 BG/18/A/44 1918-1919 BG/18/A/45 1919-1920 BG/18/A/46 1920-1921 BG/18/A/47 1922-1923 BG/18/A/48 1923-1924 BG/18/A/49 1924-1925 BG/18/A/51 1925-1927 BG/18/A/51 1927-1928 BG/18/A/52 1928 BG/18/A/53 1929-1930 BG/18/A/54 1930-1931 BG/18/A/55 1931-1932 BG/18/A/56 1932-1933 BG/18/A/57 1933-1936 BG/18/A/58 1936-1938 BG/18/A/59 1939-1941 BG/18/A/60 1942-1945 BG/18/A/61 1945-1948.
Board of Guardian attendance books: BG/18/AB/1 1908-1924.
22 statistical minute books: BG/18/AD/1-22 1905-1948.
5 financial minute books; BG/18/AE/1-5 1905-1948.
Minute book of the Committee of Ballykelly District Dispensary: BG/18/AJ/1 1852-1899.
Minute book of the Committee of Bellerena District Dispensary: BG/18/AJ/2 1852-1899.
Minute book of the Committee of Dungiven District Dispensary: BG/18/AJ/3 1853-1899.
Minute book of the Committee of Newtown Limavady District Dispensary: BG/18/AJ/4 1852-1899.
2 minute books of the guardians acting as the rural sanitary authority: BG/18/AL/1-2 1886-1898.
Minute book of the Burial Board: BG/18/AP/1 1872-1873.
3 out letter books: BG/18/B/1-3 1839-1899 (with exceptions).
28 folios of inward and outward letters: BG/18/BB/1-28 1912-1946.
4 volumes of letters from the Poor Law Commissioners: BG/18/BC/1-4 1866-1886.
Box of in letters: BG/18/BG/1 1897.
4 volumes of miscellaneous letters: BG/18/BH/1-4 1872-1894 (with exceptions) and 1941.
Bundle of letters regarding sanitations from the Local Government Board: BG/18/BK/1 1895-1897.
20 volumes of general ledgers: BG/18/CA/1-20 1905-1948.
3 personal ledgers: BG/18/CB/1-3 1853-1920 (with exceptions).
4 volumes of financial statements of receipts: BG/18/CD/1-4 1899-1948.
8 volumes of financial statements of expenditure: BG/18/CE/1-8 1904-1944.
5 day books: BG/18/CH/1-5 1905-1948.
180 abstracts of accounts and clerk's half yearly statesmen: BG/18/CJ/1-180 1857-1948 (with a few exceptions).
12 volumes of miscellaneous accounts: BG/18/CQ/1-12 1847-1948 (with exceptions).
11 volumes of classified indoor and outdoor weekly returns: BG/18/D/1-11 1914-1948 (with a few exceptions).
3 volumes of weekly returns for inmates maintained in the workhouse: BG/18/DC/1-3 1925-1940.
Out relief register: BG/18/EA/1 1900-1948.
8 application and report books: BG/18/EB/1-8 1923-1948.
9 out relief admission and discharge books: BG/18/EC/1-9 1916-1948.
7 volumes of outdoor relief lists: BG/18/ED/1-7 1899-1948.
2 Relieving Officer's weekly receipts and expenditure books: BG/18/EF/1-2 1900-1948.
5 volumes of Master's journals: BG/18/F/1-5 1844-1923.
2 volumes of Master's order book: BG/18/FB/1-2 1846-1920 (with some exceptions).
Requirement book: BG/18/FC/1 1933-1949.
4 inventory books: BG/18/FD/1-4 1898-1930 (with some exceptions).
6 clothing materials receipt and conversion books: BG/18/FE/1-6 1908-1930.
34 provisions check account books: BG/18/FG/1-34 1911-1949.
52 diet class books: BG/18/FJ/1-52 1913-1948.
Visitor's book: BG/18/FM/1 1842.
Report of the Visiting Committee: BG/18/FM/2-3 1876-1936.
7 Porter's books: BG/18/FN/1-7 1870-1932 (with exceptions).
4 Chaplain's books: BG/18/FO/1-4 1885-1926 (with exceptions).
Records of resignations and deaths of workhouse staff: BG/18/FQ/1 1923-1933.
2 volumes of workhouse farm accounts: BG/18/FT/1-2 1900-1949 (with exceptions).
Laundry book: BG/18/FV/1 1849.
9 labour books for Newtown Limavady and Limavady Union Workhouse: BG/18/FW/1-9 1852-1930 (with exceptions).
11 volumes of indoor registers: BG/18/G/1A-11 1899-1940 (these records are also available on microfilm, MIC/15F/Reel 27).
19 volumes of indoor admission and discharge book: BG/18/GA/1-19 1911-1948.
13 volumes of indoor relief lists: BG/18/GC/1-13 1910-1950.
4 separate registers for members of the Royal Irish Constabulary and paupers from other unions: BG/18/GE/1-4 1901-1948.
Punishment book: BG/18/GJ/1 1844-1924.
22 weekly medical return books: BG/18/HA/1-22 1912-1948.
21 weekly medical return and extras books: BG/18/HB/1-21 1912-1933.
14 sick diet books: BG/18/HC/1-14 1910-1933.
2 Medical Officer's report books: BG/18/HD/1-2 1930-1949.
Record of sickness and mortality: BG/18/HE/1 1908.
3 special diet and stimulant books: BG/18/HF/1-3 1933-1949.
2 volumes of records of drugs submitted for analysis: BG/18/HH/1-2 1913-1948.
15 volumes of nurses' ward reports: BG/18/HJ/1 1923-1927 BG/18/HJ/2 1925-1926 BG/18/HJ/3 1926 BG/18/HJ/4 1926-1927 BG/18/HJ/5 1927- BG/18/HJ/6 1928 BG/18/HJ/7 1928 BG/18/HJ/8 1928 BG/18/HJ/9 1928 BG/18/HJ/10 1928-1929 BG/18/HJ/11 1929 BG/18/HJ/12 1929 BG/18/HJ/13 1929-1930 BG/18/HJ/14 1930 (2 volumes) BG/18/HJ/15 1936-1947.
Application book for apprentices or servants: BG/18/IB/1 1905-1918.
20 volumes of contracts between the Board of Guardians and individuals for the boarding out of pauper children: BG/18/IC/1 1911 BG/18/IC/2 1912 BG/18/IC/3 1914 BG/18/IC/4 1918 BG/18/IC/5 1919 BG/18/IC/6 1920 BG/18/IC/7 1922 BG/18/IC/8 1923 BG/18/IC/9 1924 BG/18/IC/10 1926 BG/18/IC/11 1927 BG/18/IC/12 1928 BG/18/IC/13 1929 BG/18/IC/14 1932 BG/18/IC/15 1933 BG/18/IC/16 1934 BG/18/IC/17 1935 BG/18/IC/18 1938 BG/18/IC/19 1940 BG/18/IC/20 1945.
5 medical relief registers: BG/18/JA/1-5 1923-1948 (with exceptions).
Record of births: BG/18/K/1 1899-1935.
4 volumes of records of deaths: BG/18/KA/1 1856-1874 BG/18/KA/2 1874-1899 BG/18/KA/3 1899-1905 BG/18/KA/4 1906-1950.
2 volumes of register of cases for successful vaccination: BG/18/L/1-2 1864-1927 (with exceptions). These records are also available on microfilm, MIC/15F/Reel 27.
Miscellaneous records: BG/18/O/1-9B including printed notices from Glenties Union, County Donegal and Strabane, County Tyrone regarding the payment of rates, 1886 and printed dietary scales for workhouse inmates and those maintained in the workhouse hospital, 1877-1900.
A useful publication is Michael H. Gould, 'The Workhouses of Ulster' (Belfast, Ulster Architectural Society, 1983). |