
One folder containing 2 handwritten diaries by C.G. Coslett, an Irish landlord travelling through England, 1794 [reference E1A] and travelling through Ireland and describing a journey on horseback from Derry, c1794-1796, [reference E2B]. The diaries include some notations on women, for example:

E1A C.G. Coslett writes, 'the two Ladies...our Companions from York - they had come from Glasgow in the Mail - Coach without sleeping one night on the road by which they were so completely fatigued and their legs so very much swelled that it was with very great difficulty that they got into the Carriage by my assistance and that of a Gentleman fellow-traveller - what added greatly to their inconvenience was their being very fat & corpulent - they were extremely civil and good-natured which being the case likewise of the Gentleman who travell'd with us, rendered this long journey of near two hundred miles much less tedious than we shd. otherwise have found it', 26 July 1794

C.G. Coslett notes, 'In the Inn yard I saw a Lady resembling very much indeed one of those who we came in Company with us from York & who had behaved with such civility towards us - When she departed which was in about three minutes after I had seen her, I enquired of the Landlord of the Inn, who she was & he told me it was Mrs. Brady on her way to Portsmouth where she had some relations - I thus too late found out that she was the very person whom I thought she resembled so much - I was very sorry that I was not certain of it before she went, as I wish'd to pay her my compliments', late July 1794.

E2B C.G. Coslett at Ballintoy, County Antrim, stated, 'we passed our time very pleasantly at a Cabin which serv'd the village for an Inn - After dining chiefly upon fish at the kitchen fire with the female part of the Family around us industriously employed in spinning, we departed for Ballycastle', July, no date.

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CommentStaff of the Women's History Project constructed an outline list of material held in this repository. Due to time constraints not all items in this repository were examined individually.