"1950-1989" - 1773 Results

Click on a column heading to sort by that field.

11656Abbey Theatre ArchiveBoxH /F1964-1967Logbook recording plays received, 27 April 1964-25 S...
19176Adelaide HospitalTCD MS 11270/4c.1970-19874/ Plans and surveys Set of six slides illustrating ...Adelaide Hospital Archive
14251Alexandra College1970-1979Address Book, c.1970s.
14295Alexandra College1962File including prospectus, 1962.
14319Alexandra College1950Geraldine Temple Lang Presentation, 1950.
14328Alexandra College1874
13765Armagh County Museum1957/31950Water-colour, 'Harbour master's house, Aberdeen 1950...
13785Armagh County Museum1977/581960Photograph of the wedding of W. Martin and Miss Rose...
13799Armagh County Museum1983/1151971Oil painting 'The Mall Armagh', 1971, by Heather Ske...
13805Armagh County Museum1991/51973Oil painting 'The Black Bank in Armagh' by Diana Cow...
13808Armagh County Museum1975/11974Oil painting, 'The Palace - Armagh' by Mrs D...
13809Armagh County Museum1991/61975Oil painting 'The Borough - Derryscollop' by Diana C...
16249Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1951Letter of Very Reverend Monsignor G. Benelli, Aposto...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16250Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1952
Circular letter of the Sacred Congregation of Religi...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16251Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1952Circular letter of the Sacred Congregation of Religi...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16252Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1955Rescript Number 702/55 of the Sacred Congregation of...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16253Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1952Material relating to the Apostolic Nunciature, Archb...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16254Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1952Material relating to the Apostolic Nunciature, Archb...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16255Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1952Material relating to the Apostolic Nunciature, Archb...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16256Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1954Material relating to the Apostolic Nunciature, Archb...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16257Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1957Material relating to the Apostolic Nunciature, Archb...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16258Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1957-1958Material relating to the Apostolic Nunciature, Archb...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16261Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1960Correspondence - Secretaries of the Irish Hierarchy,...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16263Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1952-1953Material relating to Health Act (1953) and Bills of ...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16264Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1950Material relating to Health Act (1953) and Bills of ...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16265Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1951Material relating to Health Act (1953) and Bills of ...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16266Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1951Material relating to Health Act (1953) and Bills of ...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16267Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1951Material relating to Health Act (1953) and Bills of ...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16268Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1951Material relating to Health Act (1953) and Bills of ...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16269Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1951Material relating to Health Act (1953) and Bills of ...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16270Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1952Material relating to Health Act (1953) and Bills of ...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16271Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1952Material relating to Health Act (1953) and Bills of ...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16272Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1952Material relating to Health Act (1953) and Bills of ...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16273Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1952Material relating to Health Act (1953) and Bills of ...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16274Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1951Material relating to the Health Scheme, 1948-1952, i...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16275Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1951Material relating to the Health Scheme, 1948-1952, i...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16276Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1951Material relating to the Health Scheme, 1948-1952, i...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16277Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1950
Material relating to the Health Scheme, 1948-1952, i...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16278Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1951-1953Material relating to the Health Scheme, 1948-1952, i...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16279Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1953Material relating to the Health Scheme, 1948-1952, i...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16280Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1954Material on emigration, includes:Letter of Mr P. McG...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16281Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1955Material on emigration, includes:Letter of Most Reve...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16282Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1957Material on emigration, includes:Letter of Most Reve...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16283Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1957
Material on emigration, includes:Report on Missions ...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16284Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1959Material on emigration, includes:Report of the Episc...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16285Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1942
Material on emigration, includes:Summary of work sin...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16286Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1959-1960Material on emigration, includes:Letter of Right Rev...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16287Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1959Material relating to Telefís Éireann a...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16289Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1951Material relating the Department of Education, inclu...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16290Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1959Material relating the Department of Education, inclu...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16291Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1959Material relating the Department of Education, inclu...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16292Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1956Material relating the Department of Education, inclu...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16293Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1953-1954Material relating to Northern Ireland education, inc...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16294Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1961Material on the Advisory Council for Eduation relati...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16297Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1952Material relating to the Northern Ireland Council of...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16298Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1957Material relating to the Northern Ireland Council of...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16301Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1954Material relating to the Irish National Teachers Org...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16306Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1958Miscellaneous material, includes:Evie Hone Exhibitio...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16307Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1956Miscellaneous material, includes:Syllabus for examin...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16308Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1955Material relating to the Irish Centre, London, inclu...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16309Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1961Material relating to the Irish Centre, London, inclu...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
16311Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1957-1960Miscellaneous material, includes:Visit of Miss Hilde...Cardinal John D'Alton Archive
19159Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1950-19591958An extract from The Times of an obituary for Ka...Dean Rennison Papers
19160Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1960-19691965An extract from the Church of Ireland Gazette on a m...Dean Rennison Papers
19158Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1950-19591951An extract from the Ulster Gazette which states...Dean Rennison Papers
14672Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland1950-1960A box containing the following minute books and mate...Irish Baptist Home and Foreign Mission
14673Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland1979A box containing the following minute books and mate...Irish Baptist Home and Foreign Mission
14674Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland1951-1968A box containing the following minute books and mate...Irish Baptist Home and Foreign Mission
14675Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland1968-1989A box containing the following minute books and mate...Irish Baptist Home and Foreign Mission
14687Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland1953A bound volume used by Mrs Gribbon as a photograph a...Irish Baptist Home and Foreign Mission
14691Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland1950-1984A box containing the following minute books and mate...Irish Baptist Home and Foreign Mission
14692Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland1950-1958A box containing the following minute books and mate...Irish Baptist Home and Foreign Mission
14693Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland1958-1976A box containing the following minute books and mate...Irish Baptist Home and Foreign Mission
14695Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland1978A box containing the following minute books and mate...Irish Baptist Home and Foreign Mission
14696Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland1967-1968A box containing the following minute books and mate...Irish Baptist Home and Foreign Mission
6244Ballymena Central Library1970-1976Minute Books:1970 - June 1976   Newtownabbey Urban District Council Records
8749Ballymena Central LibraryU/A(BME)-340-41971-1972Ballymena Borough Council General List of Jurors, in...
8755Ballymena Central LibraryU/A(LIS)3521965-1973Lisburn Rural District Council Minutes:January-June ...Lisburn Rural District Council Records
8767Ballymena Central LibraryU/Lo/(MAG)3521973-1986Minute Books:October- December 1973 (with the except...Magherafelt District Council Records
19040Ballymena Central LibraryU/A(BMO)3521974-1977Minute Books:June-December 1974January-April 1975May...Ballymoney District Council Records
20004Ballymena Central Library1901-1914
Council Minute Books:1901-19141951-1973Antrim County Council Records
20005Ballymena Central Library1971Minute Books: March-December 1971  Antrim Rural District Council Records
20008Ballymena Central Library1970-1976
Newtownabbey District Council Minutes:1970 - June 19...
8760Ballymoney LibraryU/A-BMO-3121971Print out of the 1971 census of population for the B...
6951Belfast Central Library1950
This is a collection of records, books, periodicals,...James Eagleston Little Donation
6952Belfast Central Library1953-1955A large collection of BBC radio scripts, 282 scripts...BBC Scripts
16208Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1829
J/30: Includes a small quarto volume of watercolour ...The Rosse Papers
16211Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1980-1981K/40: Printed matter relating to the 3rd Earl of Ros...The Rosse Papers
16228Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1941-1978
N/32-40: Letters and papers of Adeline, Countess de ...The Rosse Papers
16230Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1953-1958N/42: Bundle of Adeline, Countess de la Feld's j...The Rosse Papers
16233Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1974N/46: Letter from Anne, Countess of Rosse, from John...The Rosse Papers
16238Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1910-1915
Q: Volumes of in-letters to agents including several...The Rosse Papers
16243Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1982-1988W/6: Letters and papers of 7th Earl of Rosse, includ...The Rosse Papers
4513Brother Allen ArchiveBox 2371962Letter from Margaret McNesty to Br Allen, 10 Februar...Brother Allen Archival Collection
23891Brother Allen ArchiveBox 1841963Folder 1: Patricia MacManus, daughter of Séam...Brother Allen Archival Collection
16732Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1895-1916
Donohill Church Account Books: 1895-1916 1950-1960.Bolton Library Archive
16733Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1951-1958Donohill Vestry Minute Book and Roll of registered v...Bolton Library Archive
16738Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1790-1831
Doon Vestry Minute Books: 1790-1831 1832-1870, with ...Bolton Library Archive
16739Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1870-1893
Church of Ireland Register of Vestry men, Doon, 1870...Bolton Library Archive
16744Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1957-1959Grean Vestry Minutes and Roll, 1957-1959, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16749Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1847-1952
Marriage Registers, Templeneiry: 1965-1972, 2 volume...Bolton Library Archive
16785Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1975Church of Ireland Register of Burials, Tipperary par...Bolton Library Archive
16788Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1877-1949
Cashel Clerical Union Minute Books:1877-18821882-190...Bolton Library Archive
16819Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1911-1956
Preachers' Books, Clonbeg, including list of rea...Bolton Library Archive
16833Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1958-1965
Church of Ireland Parochial Account Book, Magorban, ...Bolton Library Archive
16835Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1813-1869
Magorban Vestry Minute Books: 1813-1869, very bad co...Bolton Library Archive
16840Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1965Clonbeg parish, Marriage Register, 1965-[?], 2 volum...Bolton Library Archive
16853Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1870-1883
Register of Vestrymen: Ballysheehan, 1870-1883 With ...Bolton Library Archive
16856Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1861-1940
Register of Marriages, Clonoulty parish: 1957 1861-1...Bolton Library Archive
14994Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1936-1943
Minutes of Executive Committee of the Catholic Girl ...
15000Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1978-1980Envelope containing ring-bound Accountant's Repo...
15004Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1969-1974Folder containing correspondence with the Secretary ...
15006Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1976-1981Badge Requirements Book, November 1976-February 1981...
15009Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1950-1970Account Book, Rome Pilgrimage, 1950-1970.
15011Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1956Exercise Book containing Sale of Work Committee, 195...
15012Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1970Folder of Correspondence with Camping Centres throug...
15014Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1982Envelope containing mounted photographs regarding th...
15016Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1956-1957Annual General Report of the Catholic Social Service...
15020Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1960
Box file containing:Receipts and Lodgements, no date...
15021Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1965Catholic Girl Guides Camp Bookings, 1965 to present,...
15022Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1970Catholic Girl Guides Camp Bookings, July 1970, 1 fol...
15028Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1966-1970Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland, Log-Book:September ...
15031Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1956-1957Ring-Folder entitled Foreign Correspondence, Februar...
15033Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1962-1986Ring-Folder entitled Journal Vol I contains informat...
15036Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1950Bundle of miscellaneous financial material relating ...
15037Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1950-1970Bundle of Invoices of Equipment, c.1950-c.1970.
15038Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1981
Envelope containing ring-bound Accountant's Repo...
15039Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1968Envelope containing particulars of Insurance Policie...
15049Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1968-1970Envelope containing the bank statements of the Catho...
15050Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1952-1958Bundle containing correspondence with the Commission...
15053Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1952-1958Bundle containing correspondence with Girl Guides, A...
15062Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1970Envelope containing returned cheques from Bank of Ir...
15063Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1970Envelope containing correspondence regarding trainin...
15064Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1956Cash Book of Fernhill Company, Wicklow, August 1956.
15065Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1970Large folder containing history projects completed b...
15066Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1964-19791 bound folder, 'Finance, Editors, Bank, Bob-a-J...
15067Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1962-19831 bound folder, 'Camp Hall, House, Stationery...
15068Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1967-1973
1 bound folder, relating to Training, 1967-1973, wit...
15069Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1959-19861 bound folder, 'Competitions', 1959-1986.
15070Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1959-19731 bound folder, 'Functions A-Q', 1959-c.1973...
15071Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1960-19791 bound folder, 'Functions R-Z', c.1960s-197...
15072Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1970-19841 bound folder, circulars, 1970-1984.
15073Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1965-19711 bound folder, National Youth Council of Ireland, 1...
15074Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1956-19731 bound folder, 'Commissioning Devotions Diocesa...
15075Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1959-19741 bound folder, relating to requests for information...
15077Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1950-19571 bound folder, letters entitled 'camp' toge...
15079Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1958-19771 file of correspondence relating to companies (Muir...
15080Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1972-19741 paper folder, 'C.B.S.I. General', correspo...
15081Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1973-19751 paper folder, relating to the National Youth Counc...
15082Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland19821 paper bag of financial material, for example:37 Re...
15083Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1982-1983Receipts and Paid Bills,1982-1983.
15085Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1965-1979Equipment Department Sales Book, 1 October 1965-25 S...
15086Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1960-1978Equipment Department Purchases Book, 10 October 1960...
15087Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1978Equipment Department, Dublin Diocese, Purchases Book...
15089Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1978-1979Receipt Book for equipment, 1978-1979, with loose sh...
15093Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1965-19841 bound folder, 'Parents' Day', circular...
15094Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1971-19721 folder relating to the Catholic Girl Guides of the...
15097Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1952-19571 paper folder with ring binding relating to the Dub...
15101Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1959-1960Cash Book relating to the 1960 pilgrimage to Rome, 1...
15102Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1957Statement of Account relating to the Sale of Work, 1...
15103Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1955-1961Cash Book, 1955-1961.
15104Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1959Cash Book relating to Lourdes, 1959.
15109Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1959-1976Folder relating to Diocesan Council Meetings, report...
15112Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland19701 paper folder relating to the tour of Italy, 1970, ...
15113Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland19711 folder which includes correspondence relating to t...
15115Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1951-1976Parents' Day Account Book, 1951-1976.
15120Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1980-1981Loosely bound bundle of receipts and utility bills, ...
15121Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1981-1982Material relating to camps, for example, corresponde...
15122Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1973-1975Envelope of Bank Statements and Cashed Cheques, 1973...
15123Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1971-1972Envelope of Bank Statements, Number 1 Account, 1971-...
15124Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1973-1974Envelope of Cashed Cheques, Loan Account, with State...
15125Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1969-1970Envelope, Receipts, 1969-1970.
15126Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1974-1975Envelope of Cheque Stubs and Receipts, 1974-1975.
15127Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1972-1973Envelope of Bank Statements, Number 1 Account, 1972-...
15129Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1971-1972Envelope containing Bank Statements, Number 1 Accoun...
15130Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1967-1968Envelope containing Accounts with the National Bank,...
15138Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1952-19531 envelope, Receipts, 1952-1953.
15139Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland19501 folder, material relating to the pilgrimage to Rom...
15142Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland19551 envelope, Receipts and material relating to the Nu...
15143Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland19521 envelope, Receipts and material relating to the Nu...
15146Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1951-1952Receipts relating to Number 1 Account, 1951-1952.
15148Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1960-1973Executive Committee Meeting Minutes:January 1960-Dec...
15152Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1967-19681 envelope entitled 'organisation surveys', ...
15153Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1983-1987Details of Number 1 Account:30 September 1983-30 Sep...
15154Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1951-19531 folder, Receipts, 1951-1953.
15159Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland19851 folder entitled '50 years', material relat...
15163Catholic Girl Guides of Ireland1955-1958
Black leather holder: Account with the Hibernian, Ba...
14398Cavan County Archives1953-19561 volume, Cavan Clubs' Theatre programmes, 1953-...Cavan Drama Festival
14401Cavan County Archives1949
2 volumes, Printed, Fourth Annual Report of the Cava...
14404Cavan County Archives1958
6 volumes, Typescript, Annual reports of the County ...
14407Cavan County ArchivesCCCA/F/51969-1986c.31 March 1969-31 March 1986. Accounts book contain...Cavan Agricultural Committee
16456Central Catholic Library1958Central Catholic Library, Minute Book of the Books C...
16458Central Catholic Library1950-1963Central Catholic Library, Minute Book of the Council...
16462Central Catholic Library1951-1952Central Catholic Library, Minute Book of the Ways an...
16464Central Catholic Library1960-1962Central Catholic Library, Report 1960-1962.
6091Clare County Archives1950-1954Clare County Council Minute Book, 11 January 1950 - ...Clare County Council
6092Clare County Archives1959-1964Clare County Council Minute Book, 11 May 1959 - 8 Ju...Clare County Council
6093Clare County Archives1954-1959Clare County Council Minute Book, 12 July 1954 - 13 ...Clare County Council
6094Clare County Archives1975-1977Clare County Council Minute Book,15 December 1975 - ...Clare County Council
6098Clare County Archives1950-1951Agenda Book, 19 August 1950 - 5 December 1951.Clare County Council
6099Clare County Archives1970-1975Agenda Book, 9 February 1970 - 19 May 1975.Clare County Council
6100Clare County Archives1975-1980Agenda Book, 9 June 1975 - 10 November 1980.Clare County Council
6104Clare County Archives1966Council Attendance Register, 27 June 1966 - 1 Septem...Clare County Council
6105Clare County Archives1966Council Attendance Register, 27 June 1966 - 1 Septem...Clare County Council
6106Clare County Archives1974-1980Council Attendance Register, 27 September 1974 - 23 ...Clare County Council
6122Clare County Archives1950-1960Box of Legal Material c.1950s-1960s.
6125Clare County Archives1959-1960Workers' Attendance Cards, 1959-1960.Clare County Council
6123Clare County Archives102-1101964-1971Register of Electors Clare:102 1969-1970, 2 volumes1...Clare County Council
6127Clare County Archives1975Kilrush Urban District Council, Abstract of accounts...
6128Clare County Archives1974Kilkee Town Commissioners, Abstract of Accounts, 197...Kilkee Town Commissioners
6129Clare County Archives1976Abstract of Accounts, 1976.Ennis Urban District Council
6131Clare County Archives1971Grants to Vocational Educational Committee, 1971.Clare County Council
6132Clare County Archives1981-1983Staff Development and Training Record, 1981 - 1983.Clare County Council
6133Clare County Archives1957Inventory of stock in Hospital and Dispensaries, 195...
6137Clare County Archives1959-1961Financial Statement Receipt Book, 1959-1961, 2 volum...Clare County Council
6139Clare County Archives1959-1962Disability Allowance Registers, 1959- 1962, 3 volume...Clare County Council
6144Clare County Archivesc.1960Criminal Injury Claims, Sale of Cottages, c.1960.Clare County Council
6146Clare County Archivesc.1960Box containing Housing Loans c.1960.Clare County Council
6147Clare County Archives1961-1962Register of weekly wages and monthly pensions, 1961 ...Clare County Council
6148Clare County Archives1957-1958Public Assistance Account Book, 1957 - 1958.Clare County Council
6150Clare County Archives1951-1952Public Assistance Register, 1951 -1952.Clare County Council
6151Clare County Archives1951-1952Cash Allowance Register, 1951-1952.Clare County Council
6152Clare County Archives1955-1956Register of Salaries and Pensions, 1955-1956.Clare County Council
6154Clare County Archives175-1811968-1971Councils Meeting Files, including Minutes, Agendas a...Clare County Council
6155Clare County Archives1979Clerk Typist Panel, 1979.Clare County Council
6156Clare County Archives1973Clare County Council Minute Book, March - December 1...Clare County Council
6157Clare County Archives1981Library Assistance Panel, 1981.Clare County Council
6158Clare County Archives1965-1966Record of Voting of County Councillors, 1965 - 1966...Clare County Council
6159Clare County Archives1959, 1973Standing Orders, 1959 and 1973.Clare County Council
6160Clare County Archives1955-1956Health Services Expenditure Book, 1955-1956.Clare County Council
6162Clare County Archives1962-1963Financial Statement Book, 1962-1963.Clare County Council
6164Clare County Archives1955-1962County Hospital Requirement Book, 1955-1962.Clare County Council
6166Clare County Archives1957-1959Financial Statement Book, Receipts, 1957 - 1959.Clare County Council
6168Clare County Archives1951-1958Health Service Receipts, 1951 - 1958.Clare County Council
6169Clare County Archives1953-1954Summary of Expenditure and Suspense Account, 1953-19...Clare County Council
6170Clare County Archives1969Cottage Purchase Scheme, 1969.Clare County Council
6171Clare County Archives1970Clare County Council Meetings, Agenda and related do...Clare County Council
6172Clare County Archives238-2421957-1971Clare County Council Minute Books:238 - December 195...Clare County Council
6173Clare County Archives1955Clare County Council Minute Book, 1955.Clare County Council
16988Clare County Archives1967-1968Rate Abstract County Health District of Clare, 1967 ...County Clare Board of Health
20673Clare County Archives1953-1982Manager's orders register of, relating to Kilrush, 1...Kilrush Urban District Council
20674Clare County Archives1970-1981Minute Book:1970-1981Kilrush Urban District Council
20675Clare County Archives1953-1975Schedules of Uncollected rates, 1953-1975.Kilrush Urban District Council
20682Clare County Archives1971Urban District Council, Valuation lists, late 19th-1...Kilrush Urban District Council
20691Clare County Archives1958-1981General ledger, 1958-1981.Ennis Urban District Council
20692Clare County Archives1953-1959Rough minute book, 1953-1959.Ennis Urban District Council
20702Clare County Archives1950Minute Index Books, c1950s, 2 volumes.Kilkee Town Commissioners
20713Clare County Archives1961-1971Postage Account Book, 1961 - 1971.Kilkee Town Commissioners
20721Clare County Archives1958-1975Inventory Book, Furniture and Hardware, 1958 - 1975.Kilkee Town Commissioners
16707Clogher Diocesan Archives (RC)Box 511988Cutting from The Northern Standard, about the St Lou...Clogher Diocesan Records (RC)
16708Clogher Diocesan Archives (RC)Box 511970Bound typescript, 'Acts of the second session of...Clogher Diocesan Records (RC)
16709Clogher Diocesan Archives (RC)Box 511989Envelope which contains, 'Specification of work ...Clogher Diocesan Records (RC)
20724Clogher Diocesan Archives (RC)Box 511967Letter from Apostolic Nunico to Bishop O'Callaghan, ...Clogher Diocesan Records (RC)
20725Clogher Diocesan Archives (RC)Box 511967Letter from Sr Brigid Mary, Convent of the Sacred He...Clogher Diocesan Records (RC)
20726Clogher Diocesan Archives (RC)Box 511967Letter from Sr Brigid Mary, Convent of the Sacred He...Clogher Diocesan Records (RC)
20731Clogher Diocesan Archives (RC)Box 5119563 pages, manuscript and typescript, which appears to...Clogher Diocesan Records (RC)
20732Clogher Diocesan Archives (RC)Box 511957A number of pages about a Visitation to the St Louis...Clogher Diocesan Records (RC)
20733Clogher Diocesan Archives (RC)Box 511952Episcopal Visitation 14 March 1952, 3 pages annotate...Clogher Diocesan Records (RC)
20727Clogher Diocesan Archives (RC)Box 511967Letter from Sr Brigid Mary, Rome, 20 February 1967, ...Clogher Diocesan Records (RC)
20730Clogher Diocesan Archives (RC)Box 5119695 typescript pages about the life of James S. Colema...Clogher Diocesan Records (RC)
20736Clogher Diocesan Archives (RC)Box 511967Report about the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of...Clogher Diocesan Records (RC)
13779Cork City and County ArchivesU1511956Copy of a marriage certificate between Matthew Samue...
13792Cork City and County ArchivesAccession 88/81964-1977Printed registers of electors for the constituencies...Registers of Electors
13807Cork City and County ArchivesU161974Manuscript of 'Refutations, corrections and comm...
14445Cork City and County ArchivesPH/AB1960-1979Mainly streetscape photos of Cork City centre plus s...Anthony Barry Photographic Collection
12150Cork Folklore Project1970-1989Interview on the subject of work at the Sunbeam Text...
1178Cork Public MuseumAQNO1987:281965-1974Programmes from Cork Opera House Everyman Theatre. F...
13602Cork Public MuseumAQNOL1996:1221942, 1959Letter to Nora Wallace dated 22 June 1959 from Eamon...Nora Wallace Collection
13698Cork Public MuseumAQNOL1996:1241926
Letter to Thomas Johnson, TD, 8 April 1926 (carbon c...Nora Wallace Collection
13767Cork Public MuseumAQNOL1970:33-371950sA collection of letters sent from Maud Gonne McBride...
13788Cork Public MuseumAQNO1995:321961Letter dated 6 November 1961 from Mary Chambers, the...
13795Cork Public MuseumAQNOL1996:1331965-1966Letters to Nora Wallace from 'Cathal', 19 Ju...Nora Wallace Collection
20745Cork Public MuseumAQNOL1996:1431969Letter and receipts from the Bank of Ireland, Cork, ...Nora Wallace Collection
20750Cork Public MuseumAQNOL1996:1431965Letter from Florrie to Nora Wallace, 18 July 1965.Nora Wallace Collection
20755Cork Public MuseumAQNOL1996:1431954
Letters from Ina in Dublin to Nora Wallace, 7 April ...Nora Wallace Collection
20758Cork Public MuseumAQNOL1996:1431966Letter to Nora Wallace from Ina Connolly, 24 June 19...Nora Wallace Collection
20759Cork Public MuseumAQNOL1996:1431952Letter to Nora Wallace from Cathal O'Shannon, 31 Mar...Nora Wallace Collection
522County Museum, DundalkLot 2391968Letter from T. Butterly, sculptor, to Miss Wilson, M...
19067Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh1973-1986Minute Books:October 1973 to 1986Banbridge Urban District Council Records
12961Donegal County ArchivesCH/SR/D/81961This box includes the following material: A number ...Maureen Wall Collection
12959Donegal County ArchivesCH/SR/D/61760-1782
This box includes the following material:Large envel...Maureen Wall Collection
12964Donegal County ArchivesCH/SR/D/141959
This box includes the following material: A number ...Maureen Wall Collection
22946Down and Connor Diocesan Archive (RC)A-T1957MD. Information relating to the media, including, fo...
7561Down County MuseumDB1091953-1954Ministry of Food ration book belonging to Elizabeth ...
7576Down County MuseumDB6841912
Printed booklet produced to mark the 75th anniversar...
3250Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA5/1950-1973Manager's Orders relating to Staff:193 1 June 19...Dún Laoghaire Borough
3251Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA5/1952-1973Manager's Orders relating to Public Health:216 1...Dún Laoghaire Borough
3258Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA5/1959-1971Borough Rate Books, Dalkey and Killiney:487 1 April ...Dún Laoghaire Borough
3263Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA5/1958-1970Rental Registers:616 1 April 1958-31 March 1960617 1...Dún Laoghaire Borough
23139Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen CastleFCM-1983-053L1965A letter from H. McClean, Ancient Monuments Advisory...Lady Dorothy Lowry-Corry Papers
23165Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen CastleFCM-1996-0911959A photograph of Joan and Valerie Trimble, taken afte...Joan and Valerie Trimble Papers
23168Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen CastleFCM-1996-0951982A publicity photograph of Joan Trimble, c.1982.Joan and Valerie Trimble Papers
23169Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen CastleFCM-1996-0961983A photograph of Joan Trimble after receiving Honorar...Joan and Valerie Trimble Papers
23140Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen CastleFCM-1983-053E1962A letter from Lady Dorothy Lowry-Corry to Mr Falkine...Lady Dorothy Lowry-Corry Papers
23141Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen CastleFCM-1983-053D1963A letter from Mr Lewis-Crasby regarding the poor con...Lady Dorothy Lowry-Corry Papers
1452Fingal County ArchiveCM4/1- CM4/41956-1975Records of Dublin County Council Town Planning Commi...Dublin County Council
1458Fingal County Archive96/C/2-97/C/51981-1989
Small Collections, Bound Volumes, etc.96/C/2 Registe...Dublin County Council
1461Fingal County ArchiveBA/3 - BA/41945-1946
Rathdown Board of Assistance: BA/3 11 May 1945-12 Ap...Dublin County Council
1463Fingal County ArchiveNC/16/-NC/331925-1937
Records of Dublin County Council Town Planning Commi...Dublin County Council
1641Fingal County ArchiveRB/629-RB/6351977Rate Books: RB/629 1977 Balbriggan Rural, Skerries, ...Local Authority Records
1642Fingal County ArchiveRB/636- RB/6411977Rate books:RB/636 1977 Dundrum 1 and 2 RB/637 1977 ...Local Authority Records
1643Fingal County ArchiveRB/642- RB/6491977Rate Books:RB/642 1977 Dundrum 5 RB/643 1977 Blanch...Local Authority Records
1644Fingal County ArchiveRB/650-RB/6691952-1957Agricultural Grant Sheets:RB/650 1941-1942RB/651 194...Fingal Local Authority Records
1645Fingal County ArchiveRB/670-RB/6801953-1957Agricultural Grant Sheets:RB/670 1953-1954RB/671 195...Local Authority Records
8791Fingal County Archive93/CP/1/MIN/3-I1962-1975Material relating to committee meetings, Minute Book...Fingal Local Authority Records
8792Fingal County Archive93/CP/1/MIN/4-I1975-1988Material relating to committee meetings, Minute Book...Fingal Local Authority Records
8788Fingal County Archive[CM1/1/38-CM1/1/411968-1975Finance and General Purposes Committee, Finance Comm...Fingal Local Authority Records
8794Fingal County Archive1964-1972Members' Attendance Register of the County Dubli...Fingal Local Authority Records
20013Fingal County Archive97/LA/1/25-97/LA/1/261966-1977
Agenda and Order Book:97/LA/1/25 November 1966 - Sep...Records of Balbriggan Town Commissioners
20465Galway County Council Archives1915-1931
UDC Revised Valuation List:19781915-193118701954Ballinasloe Urban District Council & Town Commissioners
20466Galway County Council Archives1959-1979UDC Receipt and Expenditure Book:March 1959-December...Ballinasloe Urban District Council & Town Commissioners
20467Galway County Council Archives1957-1988UDC Periodic Payments Register:April 1957-December 1...Ballinasloe Urban District Council & Town Commissioners
18476Garda Museum and ArchivesFile 31960-1963Ban Ghardaí Particulars of arrests made. Summ...
18478Garda Museum and ArchivesFile 51959Pay and allowances - Ban Ghardaí, contains in...
20786Garda Museum and ArchivesFile 21972-1973A number of memos relating to age entry for Ban Gard...
20788Garda Museum and ArchivesFile 21964Newscutting about the Ban Ghardaí, 1964.
20777Garda Museum and ArchivesFile 11958
Garda Síochána, women members of the f...
20778Garda Museum and ArchivesFile 11976Magazine, New South Wales Police News, volume 56, no...
20780Garda Museum and ArchivesFile 11960Photocopy of photograph from Iris an Gharda, (The Ga...
20781Garda Museum and ArchivesFile 11905-1960
Booklet, C.R. Stanley, 'The Purpose of a Lifetim...
20783Garda Museum and ArchivesFile 21952-1974History of policy on the first female members of an ...
20785Garda Museum and ArchivesFile 21945-1972
Memo from the Deputy Commissioner, 23 August 1974, a...
20789Garda Museum and ArchivesFile 21959Memo about the first passing out parade of twelve Ba...
20790Garda Museum and ArchivesFile 21959Memo, 17 September 1959 'on the 23rd August 1958 the...
20792Garda Museum and ArchivesFile 21959Memo about 'attestation of women police' from W. Hal...
23199Good Shepherd Sisters1959
Associated Bodies:i) Conference of Major Religious S...
23200Good Shepherd Sisters1976Annals:i) Annals, 1976 - ii) histories, memoirs iii)...
23184Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland1963-1982Management Minutes, 1963-1982Masonic Female Orphan School
23185Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland1968-1975Committee Minutes, 1968 to the closure of the school...Masonic Female Orphan School
23189Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland1966-1972Headmistress' Report Book, 1966-1972Masonic Female Orphan School
5114Irish Architectural Archive97/84/Box 821960-1970Transcripts of letters Lennox sisters, Louisa Lennox...Castletown Papers
5165Irish Architectural ArchiveBox 761968-1969Professional Conduct Committee: V. Gallagher verus U...Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland
32Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesA581953'The Standard', 19 June 1953, on Hanoria Mag...Dominican Archives, Cabra
39Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesA681979A summary of the history of Cabra, 8 pages, for the ...Dominican Archives, Cabra
5558Irish Federation of University Teachers1965
Administrative Records. Minute Books: Council, 1965-...
176Irish Film ArchiveA Light from the West1979'A Light from the West': A film made by Radh...
177Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann, Croke Park1960'Amharc Éireann, Croke Park': An Iri...Gael Linn Collection
188Irish Film ArchiveMeitheal1970'Meitheal': No information as given as to t...
196Irish Film ArchiveThe Long Walk1953'The Long Walk': Amateur film in three sections. I...
203Irish Film ArchiveNew Nuns1968'New Nuns': A Radharc film which looks at the lifes...
204Irish Film ArchiveThe Paper Dragon1967'The Paper Dragon': Production Company: Rad...
181Irish Film ArchiveLittle Sisters of the Ass1965'Little Sisters of the Assumption': A non-f...
182Irish Film ArchiveIreland: The Tear and The1961'Ireland: The Tear and The Smile': A non-fi...
183Irish Film ArchiveLook up and live: Ireland1965'Look up and live: Ireland in Transition: Part 1 - F...
184Irish Film ArchiveLook up and live: Ireland1965'Look up and live: Ireland in Transition: Part 2 - T...
185Irish Film ArchiveRocky Road to Dublin1960-1969'Rocky Road to Dublin': In this polemical f...
210Irish Film ArchiveHoly Ghost Fathers/1950s/1950-1959Holy Ghost Fathers/1950s/Missionary Work: A promoti...
217Irish Film ArchiveEmtigon1970'Emtigon': Production Company: Irish Cinema [?] D...
186Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Bantracht 1956'Amharc Éireann/Bantracht na hÉire...Gael Linn Collection
187Irish Film ArchiveICA1960-1969'Irish Country Women's Association: Sixty Ye...
189Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann: Dublin1960'Amharc Éireann: Dublin stars attend char...Gael Linn Collection
190Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 75 1960'Amharc Éireann/Eagran' [75, number u...Gael Linn Collection
191Irish Film ArchiveAdoption Day1968'Adoption Day': A short film about the adop...
205Irish Film ArchiveA Parish In Peru1976'A Parish In Peru': A Radharc film which looks at t...
221Irish Film ArchiveMy Vocation - Single Voic1978'My Vocation - Single Voice': Production Company: R...
230Irish Film ArchiveWater Wisdom1962'Water Wisdom': Producer/Director: Colm O&#...
241Irish Film ArchiveAnadin Commercial/headach1959'Anadin' Commercial/headache relief: A commercial f...
207Irish Film ArchiveTurkana1966'Turkana': Production Company: Radharc A R...
213Irish Film ArchiveHallowed Fire - Evie Hone1952'Hallowed Fire the Work of Evie Hone': Docu...
214Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Eireann/Cursai Ost1957'Amharc Éireann/Cursaí Ostá...
215Irish Film ArchiveDaingean1967'Daingean': Production Company: Amateur Di...
216Irish Film ArchiveThe Drip1985'The Drip': Production Company: An Unlimite...
243Irish Film ArchiveAppointment1969'Appointment': Production Company: Director: John ...
245Irish Film ArchiveThe Return1970'The Return': Director: John Manning 'The Return' ...
246Irish Film ArchiveAll in the April Evening1963'All in the April Evening': Director/Producer: Fat...
257Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Cursaí Óstan1957'Amharc Éireann/CursaÍ Ósta...
219Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann:Feiriní Cuimhn1958'Amharc Éireann: Feirini Cuimhne (Souveni...Gael Linn Collection
231Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 291959'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 29': Producer...Gael Linn Collection
232Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 411960'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 41': Producti...Gael Linn Collection
233Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 511960'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 51': Producti...Gael Linn Collection
234Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 711960'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 71': Producti...Gael Linn Collection
266Irish Film ArchiveWaterbag1984'Waterbag': Producer/Director: Joe Comerford An e...
267Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann: Fleadh Ceoil1957'Amharc Éireann: Fleadh Ceoil': Prod...Gael Linn Collection
235Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Col. McCarthy1960Amharc Éireann/Removal of Remains of Colonel ...Gael Linn Collection
236Irish Film ArchiveAttracta1983'Attracta': Production Company: BAC Films Directo...
237Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/General McKeown1962Amharc Éireann/General McKeown is home, etc.:...Gael Linn Collection
244Irish Film ArchiveConsignment1960'Consignment': Director: John Manning Film...
247Irish Film ArchiveFrom Time to Time1953'From Time to Time': Production Company: Edwards a...
302Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 2201963'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 220': Product...Gael Linn Collection
307Irish Film Archive1968'Physical Education in Ireland': Production...
308Irish Film ArchiveIrish and Elegant1957'Irish and Elegant': Production Company: Te...
309Irish Film ArchiveMovietone News: US Govern1976Movietone News: US Governer's bicentennial visit...
250Irish Film ArchiveFrom Time to Time1953'From Time to Time': Production Company: Ed...
251Irish Film ArchiveDying for a Drink1983'Dying for a Drink': Production Company: Radharc D...
254Irish Film ArchiveAchill Island1972'Achill Island': Production Company RMB Fil...
255Irish Film ArchiveCá n-imíonn an t-airgead?1954'Cá n-imíonn an t-airgead? (Where ...
259Irish Film ArchiveMaeve1981'Maeve': Production Company: BFI in associa...
311Irish Film ArchiveSaints Went Marching Out1967'Saints Went Marching Out': Film that uses ...
320Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 421960'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 42': Producti...Gael Linn Collection
321Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 861961'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 86': Producti...Gael Linn Collection
284Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann: Eagran 211959'Amharc Éireann: Eagran 21': Product...Gael Linn Collection
285Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann: Old Nordic1960'Amharc Éireann: Old Nordic Feast': ...Gael Linn Collection
286Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 801960'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 80': Producti...Gael Linn Collection
287Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Young Farmer1961'Amharc Éireann/Young Farmer of the Year ...Gael Linn Collection
288Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 1171961'Amharc Éireann/Emgran 117': Product...Gael Linn Collection
322Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/FG Ard Fheis1961'Amharc Éireann/Dublin Fine Gael Ard Fhei...Gael Linn Collection
323Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Dublin Students1961'Amharc Eireann/Dublin Students Ban the Bomb'...Gael Linn Collection
325Irish Film ArchiveTomkins John/1950s/Butlin1950'Tomkins John/1950s/Butlins Movienews - camp activit...
327Irish Film ArchiveTomkins/Butlins Movienews1952Tomkins, John/Butlins Movienews - lifesaving: Newsr...
289Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 1861962'Amharc Éireann/Emgran 186': Product...Gael Linn Collection
291Irish Film ArchiveThe Outcasts1982'The Outcasts': Production Company: Direct...
294Irish Film ArchiveIt's Handy When People1980'It's Handy When People Don't Die': ...
298Irish Film ArchiveReefer and the Model1988'Reefer and the Model': Production Company:...
299Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Basketball1961'Basket Ball': Production Company: Gael Lin...Gael Linn Collection
328Irish Film ArchiveMiss Cinema 19641964'Miss Cinema 1964' - unidentified: Film from the Ma...
338Irish Film ArchiveOver Here1981'Over Here': Production Company: Associates Film P...
344Irish Film ArchiveIt's in the Bank1954'It's in the Bank': Producer: George Fl...
300Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Mansion House1962Amharc Éireann/Mansion House: All Ireland Dan...Gael Linn Collection
301Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Basketball1962Amharc Éireann/Basketball Minor Finals - Kerr...Gael Linn Collection
303Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 161959'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 16': Producti...Gael Linn Collection
304Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Gael Linn 1959Amharc Éireann/Gael Linn Camogie Cup, etc.: ...Gael Linn Collection
305Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 781960Amharc Éireann/Eagran 78 Production Company:...Gael Linn Collection
306Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran1963'Amharc Éireann/Eagran': Production ...Gael Linn Collection
349Irish Film ArchivePlaces for People1977'Teachers', 'Places for People': Pr...
360Irish Film ArchiveAlison1988'Alison': A short atmospheric, film noir thriller s...
361Irish Film ArchiveIreland's coast of a thousand1970'Ireland's coast of a thousand welcomes'...
310Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Oiliúint Manach1957'Amharc Éireann/Oiliúint Manachan ...Gael Linn Collection
312Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/National Senior1960'Amharc Éireann/National Senior Boxing...Gael Linn Collection
313Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 241959'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 24': Producti...Gael Linn Collection
314Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Senior Cross Co1961'Amharc Éireann/Senior Cross Country Cham...Gael Linn Collection
315Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Shannon Air Dis1961'Amharc Éireann/Shannon Air Disaster: 83 ...Gael Linn Collection
316Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 1471962'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 147': Product...Gael Linn Collection
362Irish Film ArchiveHoneymoon Island1959'Honeymoon Island': Production Company: Bord Failte...
365Irish Film ArchiveVoyage to Recovery1954'Voyage to Recovery': Production Company: National ...
366Irish Film Archive1962'Water Wisdom': Producer: Colm O'Laogha...Gael Linn Collection
317Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/FG Ard Fheis1962'Amharc Éireann/Dublin Fine Gael Ard Fhei...Gael Linn Collection
318Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Fashion Aids1962'Amharc Éireann/Fashion Aids Cheshire Hom...Gael Linn Collection
324Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Rose of Tralee1962'Amharc Éireann/Rose of Tralee Selected&#...Gael Linn Collection
329Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 2231963'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 223': Product...Gael Linn Collection
330Irish Film ArchiveFaithful Departed1968'Faithful Departed': Production Company: BA...
331Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Oiliúnt Manacha1957'Amharc Éireann/Oiliúnt Manachan (...Gael Linn Collection
368Irish Film ArchiveBímis ag Rince1973'Bímis ag Rince': Production Company...
371Irish Film ArchiveIreland in Spring1958'Ireland in Spring': Film showing Ireland c...
373Irish Film ArchiveSlógadh 731973'Slógadh 73': Production Company: Ga...Gael Linn Collection
332Irish Film ArchiveBallroom of Romance1982'Ballroom of Romance': Production Company: ...
333Irish Film ArchiveFlight from the snipe grass1984'Flight from the snipe grass': Production C...
337Irish Film ArchiveOn a Paving Stone Mounted1978'On a Paving Stone Mounted': Production Company: B...
339Irish Film ArchivePint of Plain1974'Pint of Plain': Director: T. O'Sulliva...
340Irish Film ArchiveAn t'Oileánacht a dfhill1970'An t'Oileánacht a dfhill (Return of ...
374Irish Film ArchiveSlógadh 771977'Slógadh 77': Production Company: Ga...Gael Linn Collection
375Irish Film ArchiveThat Pleasant Country1972'That Pleasant Country': Film written and narrated ...
377Irish Film ArchiveTo See Old Shannon's Face1966'To See old Shannon's Face Again': Film...
347Irish Film ArchiveAmharch Éireann: Tearnamh1956-59'Amharch Éireann: Tearnamh as Polio':...Gael Linn Collection
348Irish Film ArchiveSaint Columba1963'Saint Columba': Director: Tom Huston This...
350Irish Film ArchiveRural Vocational School1950s'Rural Vocational School': Film about about...
351Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 261959'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 26': Producti...Gael Linn Collection
352Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 531960'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 53': Producti...Gael Linn Collection
355Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Bantracht 1956'Domestic': Amharc Éireann/Bantracht...Gael Linn Collection
379Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Bloomsday 1962'Amharc Éireann/Bloomsday 62: James Joyce...Gael Linn Collection
382Irish Film ArchiveMusic in the Wood1978'Music in the Wood': Production Company: Ma...
383Irish Film ArchiveThe Celtic Dream1978'The Celtic Dream': Production Company: Tel...
385Irish Film ArchiveCannon Hayes Community1962-1965'Canon Hayes Community Youth Centre': Produ...
356Irish Film ArchiveCriminal Conversation1980'Criminal Conversation': Production Company...
358Irish Film ArchiveLarry1959'Larry': Production Company: Television Theatre (Ir...
386Irish Film ArchivePortrait of Dublin1952'Portrait of Dublin': Production Company: I...
387Irish Film ArchiveFlaxen Heritage1953'Flaxen Heritage': Production Company: Majo...
388Irish Film ArchiveGreen for Ireland1967'Green for Ireland': Production Company: An...
390Irish Film ArchiveIreland: the news confere1966'Ireland: the news conference country': Pro...
391Irish Film ArchiveIreland1968'Ireland': Production Company: Dudley Produ...
392Irish Film ArchiveIrish Junior Red Cross1952'Irish Junior Red Cross Rally': An amateur ...
393Irish Film ArchiveLeading the Way1964'Leading the Way - A Story of Irish Farming'...
394Irish Film ArchiveMore Power to the Farmer1957'More Power to the Farmer': Production Cred...
397Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann1957'Amharc Éireann: Saoire na Sionainn':...Gael Linn Collection
398Irish Film ArchiveSlógadh1979'Slógadh': Production Company: Gael ...Gael Linn Collection
418Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann: Fleadh Ceoil1960-1969'Amharc Éireann: Fleadh Ceoil': Prod...Gael Linn Collection
419Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann: Eagran 731960'Amharc Éireann: Eagran 73': Product...Gael Linn Collection
431Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Bloomsday 1962'Amharc Éireann/Bloomsday 1962: James Joy...Gael Linn Collection
433Irish Film ArchiveSuperjet to Ireland1962'Superjet to Ireland': Production Company: ...
436Irish Film ArchiveThe Celtic Dream.1978'The Celtic Dream': Production Company: Tel...
420Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 791960'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 79': Producti...Gael Linn Collection
421Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 801960'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 80': Producti...Gael Linn Collection
422Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 801961'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 80': Producti...Gael Linn Collection
423Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 931961'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 93': Producti...Gael Linn Collection
424Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Co. Mayo Fleadh1961'Amharc Éireann/County Mayo Fleadh Ceoil ...Gael Linn Collection
425Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Shannon Air Dis1961'Amharc Éireann/Shannon Air Disaster; 83 ...Gael Linn Collection
437Irish Film ArchiveThe One Nighters1963'The One Nighters': Production Company: Col...
438Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 1911963'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 191': Product...Gael Linn Collection
426Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Tribute1961'Amharc Éireann/Tribute Paid to Congo Dea...Gael Linn Collection
427Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Bord Iascaigh1961'Amharc Éireann/Bord Iascaigh Mhara: Pres...Gael Linn Collection
428Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 1451962'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 145': Product...Gael Linn Collection
429Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Dublin: Rose of1962'Amharc Éireann/Dublin: Rose of Tralee Se...Gael Linn Collection
430Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Antrim: Pony Ex1962'Amharc Éireann/Antrim: Pony Express Ride...Gael Linn Collection
432Irish Film ArchiveAmharc Éireann/Eagran 1721962'Amharc Éireann/Eagran 172': Product...Gael Linn Collection
4623Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ16/196819 Letters to Fr Provincial Cecil McGarry from Siste...Papers of Fr Leonard Sheils (1897 to 1968)
4626Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ23/19784 Card from Mary C. Ketler, 16 Roger Casement Avenue...Papers of Brother John Conway, SJ (1920 to 1977)
5574Irish Labour History Museum1951-1958Files, 1951-1958 including: Annual conferences, orga...Post Office Clerical Association
20020Irish Medical Organisation1963-1965Medical Union:Minute BooksCouncil, 1963-1965Medical Union
20019Irish Medical Organisation1936-1956
Irish Free State Medical Union/Irish Medical Associa...
1148Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/131/3/501971Article listing, biographies of some of the players ...Jimmy O'Dea Collection
1361Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/131/3/471970Printed photograph, captioned, Maureen Potter pictur...Jimmy O'Dea Collection
1150Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/131/9/22-291965-1971Correspondence regarding Ursula O'Dea, c.1965-19...Jimmy O'Dea Collection
1362Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/131/3/491970Review of Molly Malone lunch and cabaret at Jury'...Jimmy O'Dea Collection
1363Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/131/3/511971Review of the 'Golden Years' a musical by Do...Jimmy O'Dea Collection
1364Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/131/3/54B-D1973Article about Ursula Doyle's career, 4 sheets, i...Jimmy O'Dea Collection
1366Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/131/4/142-1531959-1964Jimmy and Ursula O'Dea, 12 photographs c1959-196...Jimmy O'Dea Collection
1367Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/131/9/01A1958Letter from Jimmy O'Dean in California during fi...Jimmy O'Dea Collection
1368Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/131/9/08A1958-1961Letter from Helen Gunnis to Lee Trainer, Walt Disney...Jimmy O'Dea Collection
2226Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/1521984-1985Catalogue of exhibition of Miss Wendy Shea's cos...Wendy Shea
2229Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/81950sMemorabilia of Miss Eve Watkins' acting career, ...Eve Watkins
2236Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/631970-1973'Ardain', Irish language theatre magazine, 1...Ardain magazine
2237Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/64-651978Terez Nelson Dance Company, annotated photographs of...Terez Nelson Dance Company
2239Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/721972-1980Photographs of productions at the Project Arts Centr...
2240Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/731980-1981Dublin City Ballet, programmes, photographs, 1980-19...Dublin City Ballet
2243Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/151970sCollection of programmes and posters relating to the...Irish Ballet Company
2245Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/791960s-1970sDublin Theatre Festival: press cuttings, 1960s-1970s...Dublin Theatre Festival
2247Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/851960s-1970sPhotographs of Olympia and Gate Theatres, 1960s and ...Olympia and Gate Theatres
2250Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/981976-1977Material from the exhibition on John O'Keeffe, 1...
2227Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/1461970-1986Papers and photos relating to the Brendan Smith Thea...Brendan Smith Theatre Academy
2238Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/701975-1976Notes towards a history of the Olympia Theatre, gath...Olympia Theatre
2251Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/1141951-1958Costume designs by Micheál MacLiammoir, one f...
2254Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/1381960-1962Correspondence, 1960-1962, between Matthew Murtagh, ...
2258Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/1551975-1983Archive of the Irish Theatre Company, 1975-1983, inc...Archive of Irish Theatre Company
2263Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/1651980-1987Archives of the Cork Theatre Company, 1980-1987.Ther...Cork Theatre Company
2259Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/1601950-1969Matthew Murtagh's collection of mainly Victorian...
13806Irish Traditional Music Archive/ Taisce Ceoil Dúchais Éireann1973-1978This is a special collection of sound recordings of ...Neilí Ní Dhomhnaill Collection
5868Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)KM/28 1984Pastoral 'Pro-Life, One Year Later', 1984.Bishop Kevin McNamara, 1976-1984
21795Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)O'B/86 1950Regarding Mother and Child Scheme, 1950.Michael O'Brien, 1927-1952
21815Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)KM/411985Nano Nagle, 1985.Bishop Kevin McNamara, 1976-1984
21804Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)DOS/351986Health care and related topics, 1986. Church State r...Bishop Diarmuid O'Suilleabhain, 1985-1994
21814Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)KM/197934 Talk to Doctors on Natural Family Planning and Co...Bishop Kevin McNamara, 1976-1984
21855Kerry Local Studies and Archives Department1934-1940
Cash Journals:1934-19361936-19371937-19391939-194019...Kerry County Council
21858Kerry Local Studies and Archives Department1943
General Expenditure Book: 1943 1950Kerry County Council
21863Kerry Local Studies and Archives Department1952TB Expenditure Book, April 1952-[?].Kerry County Council
21865Kerry Local Studies and Archives Department1965Labourers' Cottage Rent Book, Glencar, 1965.Kerry County Council
20846Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1952-1954County Home & Hospital, Athy - Admissions and Di...Kildare Board of Health Records
20849Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1960-1966County Home, Athy:Telephone Call (Personal) Account ...Kildare Board of Health Records
20852Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1965-1967County Home, Athy:Invoice & Delivery Day Book:03...Kildare Board of Health Records
20853Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1951-1952County Home, Athy:Repairs Account Book:19 April 1951...Kildare Board of Health Records
20861Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1953-1956 County Home, Athy:Case Register and Dietary Re...Kildare Board of Health Records
20877Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1934-1952
Revised Valuation List, Athy Town:1934-19351934-Octo...Kildare County Council
20885Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1968-1971Wages Account Book, April 1968-January 1971.Kildare County Council
20890Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1951-1978Artisans Dwellings Rent Collection Books:April 1951-...Kildare County Council
20891Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1960-1964Patient Summary Books, May 1960 - June 1963 & July 1...Kildare County Council
20893Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1951-1952Diet Class Book, February 1951 - January 1952Kildare County Council
20894Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1952-1953Diet Class Book, August 1952 - March 1953Kildare County Council
20896Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1952-1956Coal Issue Book, July 1952 - June 1956Kildare County Council
20897Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1959-1961Coal Issue Book, May 1959 - April 1961Kildare County Council
20899Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1960-1962Day Book, May 1960 - April 1962Kildare County Council
20900Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1970-1972Day Book, August 1970 - July 1972Kildare County Council
20904Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1961-1963Incoming/Outgoing calls Record Book, November 1961 -...Kildare County Council
20906Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1952-1956Ambulance Duties, Costs & Mileage, July 1952 - March...Kildare County Council
20907Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1956-1959Ambulance Duties, Costs & Mileage. March 1956 - Apri...Kildare County Council
20908Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1972-1976Stock Records, 1972 - 1976Kildare County Council
11821Kilkenny Local Studies DepartmentCR/H/141963-1980Visitor's Book, August 1963-September 1980.
6942Kilmainham Gaol Museum1922-1923
Uncatalogued material. Cassette tape memories of Jo...Civil War
13367Kilmainham Gaol Museum17Ms-1B33-71916
A hand-written list of women prisoners held in Kilma...Easter Week
13757Kilmainham Gaol Museum21MT-1C45-221939, 1946, 1952In memoriam cards for John Heuston (1939), Maria Heu...
13777Kilmainham Gaol Museum21PC-1A53-111954Sean T. O'Kelly and wife at presidential inaugur...History General
13782Kilmainham Gaol Museum17MS-1B43-91957, 1972Memory cards for Elizabeth O'Farrell, 1957 and J...Easter Week
13786Kilmainham Gaol Museum21LR-1E12-71960sChristmas card, 'Kilmainham Madonna', published by K...History General
13793Kilmainham Gaol Museum21BK-1J31-191965'The mind and heart of Mary Childers', by Helen Land...History General
13800Kilmainham Gaol Museum20NW-1B53-201971'Irish Press', 1971, Sheila Hartnett's a...
13801Kilmainham Gaol Museum21NW-1B54-291923
'Irish Press', January 1971, 'Ladies jai...
13802Kilmainham Gaol Museum20MS-1B33-191972Reminiscences of Eithne O'Donnell, nee Coyle, 12...Civil War
20794Kilmore Diocesan Archives (RC)1787-1864
Convent of Poor Clares Cavan and Ballyjamesduff:5: V...Kilmore Diocesan Archives
20795Kilmore Diocesan Archives (RC)1951-1956Sisters of St Joseph, Ricehill:21: Letters to Bishop...Kilmore Diocesan Archives
20799Kilmore Diocesan Archives (RC)1912-1938
Schools and Education I General:1: Numbers of pupils...Kilmore Diocesan Archives
20806Kilmore Diocesan Archives (RC)Bishops, 1625-19101950-1972
Bishop Austin Quinn, 1950-1972: General Corresponden...Kilmore Diocesan Archives
1791King's Hospital School5/196615 Mercers's school. Memorandums regarding merge...Mercer's School
20934King's Hospital School17-321958-196719 Board Minute Book, 1958 - 1967.King's Hospital Records
20942King's Hospital School17-321950-196027 Visiting Governor's Report Book, 1950 - 1960.King's Hospital Records
21056King's Hospital School131-1441965-1971139A Cash Book, 1965 - 1971.King's Hospital Records
21057King's Hospital School131-1441954-1965139 Cash Book, April 1954 - October 1965.King's Hospital Records
21061King's Hospital School131-1441959-1970135A Cash received Book, 1959 - 1970.King's Hospital Records
21062King's Hospital School131-1441951-1958135 Cash received Book, 1951 - 1958.King's Hospital Records
21065King's Hospital School131-1441968-1971132A Petty Cash Book, 1968 - 1971.King's Hospital Records
21071King's Hospital School145-1601959-1966157A Wages Book, 1959 - 1966.King's Hospital Records
21079King's Hospital School145-1601956-1967150 Receipts expenditure, 1956 - 1967.King's Hospital Records
21084King's Hospital School145-1601954-1959145 Accounts for payment, 1954 - 1959.King's Hospital Records
21160King's Hospital School232-236A1950-1965232A Account Book, stationery, 1950 - 1965.King's Hospital Records
21164King's Hospital School232-236A1961-1968234A Fee Register, 1961- 1968.King's Hospital Records
21183King's Hospital School237-257A1955-1957252 Fees Book, 1955 - 1957.Morgan's School
21190King's Hospital School254-2811932
258 Valuation and Inventory, 1932, 1939, 1960.King's Hospital Records
21191King's Hospital School254-2811950-1969259 Chemist's Account Book, 1950 - 1969.King's Hospital Records
21192King's Hospital School254-2811965-1968260 Headmaster's Account,1965 - 1968.King's Hospital Records
21195King's Hospital School254-2811890-1940
263 Admission for 1890 - 1940. Numbered 1-909 and ap...King's Hospital Records
21199King's Hospital School254-2811952-1961268 Mark Book, Inter, Leaving, Entrance and Forms, 1...King's Hospital Records
21200King's Hospital School254-2811961-1968269 Mark Book, Form only, 1961 - 1968.King's Hospital Records
21201King's Hospital School254-2811946-1970
King's Hospital Hockey Club Minutes:275 1946 - 1...King's Hospital Records
4870King's Inns LibraryK/1/31952-1968Law students' Debating Society, Minutes, Attenda...Records of the Honorable Society of King's Inns
4871King's Inns LibraryK/1/5-31951-57Law Students' Debating Society, miscellaneous co...Records of the Honorable Society of King's Inns
5488Laois Local StudiesB5/dvi/383-4091951-1961Nurses Report Books, 6 November 1951-23 June 1961, 2...Laois Local Authority Records
5721Laois Local StudiesB5/dv/1952-1959These records are closed.St Brigid's Hospital:Me...Laois Local Authority Records
5722Laois Local Studies1967-1987Portlaoise Swimming Pool:General Correspondence File...Laois Local Authority Records
14480Laois Local Studies1950-1975Images documenting life in Laois and particularly Po...Redmond Photographic Collection
21613Laois Local StudiesB/1955-195671. Consolidated Account Itemised, 1955-1956.Laois County Council
21627Laois Local StudiesC/1951-195284. Financial Statement of Receipts, General Account...Laois County Council
21628Laois Local StudiesC/1961-196285. Rate Collection, Abstract, District No 2, 1961-1...Laois County Council
21629Laois Local StudiesC/1961-1962Abstract of Rate Collector:86. 1961-196287. [no date...Laois County Council
21636Laois Local StudiesB2/9/1945-1946
Rate Book: 110. 1945-1946 111. 1948-1949 113. 1954-1...Laois Local Authority Records
21657Laois Local Studies273-2811951-1953279. Home Assistance List, Half Yearly Consolidated ...Laois Local Authority Records
21658Laois Local Studies273-2811951-1953280. General Receipt Book, Public Assistance Section...Laois Local Authority Records
21659Laois Local Studies273-2811952-1953281. Public Assistance, Statement Book Expenditure,1...Laois Local Authority Records
21663Laois Local Studies1967-1976Cottage Annuity Collection Books:March 1967-March 19...Mountmellick Town Commissioners
21679Laois Local Studies1950-1952Home Assistance Officer Blind Welfare Scheme:308. 19...Laois Local Authority Records
21687Laois Local Studies323-3311959331. Receipts (consolidated) Rates Payment District,...Laois County Council
1837Leitrim Local Studies Department1785-1786
Miscellaneous items:File 642: Journal of Addia Jane ...
13825Leitrim Local Studies DepartmentFile 2001988File of newscuttings relating to Mairéad Farr...
22301Leitrim Local Studies Department1937-1948
Register of Paying Orders, 1937-1948Assistant County...Leitrim County Council
22358Leitrim Local Studies Department1951-1965Misc. 60. Day Book, November 1951-March 1965, Costel...Miscellaneous Records, Leitrim
22359Leitrim Local Studies Department1958-1962Misc. 61. Day Book - July 1958 - April 1962 - Costel...Miscellaneous Records, Leitrim
22334Leitrim Local Studies Department1944-1949
Misc. 34. Swanlinbar Session Books, October 1944 - S...Miscellaneous Records, Leitrim
22353Leitrim Local Studies Department1958-1965Misc. 55. County Committee of Agriculture, Livestock...Miscellaneous Records, Leitrim
22355Leitrim Local Studies Department1952-1961Misc. 57. Leitrim County Committee of Agriculture, A...Miscellaneous Records, Leitrim
22360Leitrim Local Studies Department1962-1971Misc. 62. Day Book, June 1962 - November 1971, Coste...Miscellaneous Records, Leitrim
12557Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.2992)1960-1969Photograph, negative. Eamon de Valera at Curragh Cha...
12691Limerick MuseumAQNO(1996.1461.26)1955Bank Statement, printed with type additions; Munster...
13764Limerick MuseumAQNO (1990.026)1950Photograph, black and white. Robert McBride and wife...
13766Limerick MuseumAQNO(1996.1398.06)1950Photograph, black and white print. Shannon Airport, ...
13768Limerick MuseumAQNO(1991.487)1951Billhead, printed of John Geary & Sons, 7 Thomas...
13770Limerick MuseumAQNO(1996.1307.13)1952Photograph, black and white, glossy. Titled 'Cas...
13771Limerick MuseumAQNO(1996.1307.07)1952Photograph, black and white, glossy. Titled, 'Cashel...
13772Limerick MuseumAQNO(1996.1306.66)1952Photograph, black and white, glossy, in album. Title...
13774Limerick MuseumAQNO(1991.485)1848
Billhead, printed; of J. & G. Boyd, Limited, Est. 18...
12992Limerick MuseumAQNO(1996.1463.1)1916
Photograph, black and white mounted. 1916 Memorial w...
13773Limerick MuseumAQNO(1991.486)1816
Billhead, printed; of C Cromer, Est. 1816, 18 O'...
13780Limerick MuseumAQNO(1996.1465.05)1956Bank statement, typescript on printed form. Munster ...
13781Limerick MuseumAQNO(1996.1465.04)1956Bank statement, typescript on printed form. Munster ...
13787Limerick MuseumAQNO(1997.0119)1960sPostcard, colour, matt. The Sea, Kilkee, County Clar...
13789Limerick MuseumAQNO(1996.1465.06)1916
Letter, manuscript, from Maighread Ní Dalaigh...
13796Limerick MuseumAQNO (1998.151)1967Letter, typewritten from Lucy Finnerty London, May 2...
13811Limerick MuseumAQNO (1996.0200)1976Theatre programme: Cecilian Musical Society, 'The Me...
13816Limerick MuseumAQNO(1996.0941)1980s, 1990sLeaflet, advertising 'Original Limerick Lace', Tait ...
13820Limerick MuseumAQNO(1996.0712)1983Card, invitation. Dr Billy Cahill, chairman of Board...
13821Limerick MuseumAQNO (1984.063)1984Postcard, colour, Cappamore, 1984. Four scenes: Brid...
13822Limerick MuseumAQNO (1984-064)1984Postcard, colour, Cappamore, 1984. Convent of Mercy.
13826Limerick MuseumAQNO(1996.1227)1988Poster, 'Island Theatre Company in association w...
6954Linen Hall Libraryc.1970-c.1989Archives box 2 Northern Ireland Women's Rights M...Ephemera
13815Linen Hall Library1980-1988Archival box 1 Northern Ireland Women's Rights M...Ephemera
20060Little Company of Mary SistersLCM11903-1951
1/1/7 Exercise book of circular letters, no date, Co...Mother Mary Potter, Foundress
20062Little Company of Mary SistersLCM11970John F. Devane, 'A History of St John's Hospital Lim...Mother Mary Potter, Foundress
20079Little Company of Mary SistersLCM119501/3/7.01 Circular in typescript from Sr M. Hilda giv...Mother Mary Potter, Foundress
20083Little Company of Mary SistersLCM119711/3/8.04 Typescript copy of conference 'Is Mother Ma...Mother Mary Potter, Foundress
1072Loreto ArchivesP1/B13/M/W1972-1987Mary Ward Documents includes:1. Mary Ward's Pray...Mary Ward Documents
1100Loreto ArchivesPress 3 Book 71968-1974Vatican documents, vocation brochures, videosSlides ...Loreto Abbey Rathfarnham, South Africa.
1103Loreto ArchivesP3/C6/ST21974Loreto History, tape 1, Mary Teresa Ball, part 1, pa...Cassettes and Slides
14495Mayo Local History Department1962-1966
Register of Licences granted under the Pharmacy and ...Mayo County Council
14502Mayo Local History Department1965-1980Roads Department, files on various road schemes, con...Mayo County Council
14527Mayo Local History Department1961-1976Expenditure Ledgers, 7 volumes, 1961-1976Castlebar Urban District Council
14528Mayo Local History Department1969-1971Rate Book, 1969-1971Castlebar Urban District Council
14529Mayo Local History Department1952-1973Register of Interment Charges, 1952-1973Castlebar Urban District Council
14530Mayo Local History Department1958-1975Financial Statement Books, Receipts, 6 volumes, 1958...Castlebar Urban District Council
14532Mayo Local History Department1984-1985Register of mortgages, 1984-1985.Castlebar Urban District Council
14543Mayo Local History Department1963-1972Analysis Books, Housing and Salaries, 3 volumes, 196...Ballina Urban District Council
14557Mayo Local History Department1950The collection covers several aspects of life in Cou...Lyons Photographic Collection
6000Meath Hospital, incorporating The National Children's HospitalMH/MR/041967-1987Meath Hospital: Accident and Emergency, Registers of...
6002Meath Hospital, incorporating The National Children's HospitalMH/MR/061963-1972Meath Hospital: Registers of emergency admission app...
20257Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentFJC1964-1968Orders Book, June 1964 - May 1968.F. and J. Clayton Company Records
20263Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentFJC1955-1957Account Book, May 1955 - April 1957.F. and J. Clayton Company Records
20266Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentFJC1968Weaver's wage summary dockets, September - October 1...F. and J. Clayton Company Records
20267Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentFJC1955Stockbook 1955.F. and J. Clayton Company Records
20270Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentFJC1960Sales Book c.1960.F. and J. Clayton Company Records
20272Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentFJC1960-1961Sales Book, January 1960 - January 1961.F. and J. Clayton Company Records
20283Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentFJC1953-1960Day Book, October 1953-August 1960.F. and J. Clayton Company Records
20326Meath Local Studies and Family History Department1951-1952Storekeepers Receipt and Issue Book April 1951 - Mar...Meath County Board of Health
20141Meath Local Studies and Family History Department1959-1965Wages Accounts:F21 September 1959 - March 1965F22 Ma...F. and J. Clayton Company Records
20255Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentFJC1927-1941
Cash Book: January 1965 - November 1965 September 19...F. and J. Clayton Company Records
20269Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentFJC1906-1918
Account Book: July 1906 - July 1918 July 1906 - Dece...F. and J. Clayton Company Records
20271Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentFJC1919-1925
Account Book:July 1963-February 1964February 1919-De...F. and J. Clayton Company Records
20275Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentFJC1938-1945
Goods Receipt Book:January 1951-November 1959July 19...F. and J. Clayton Company Records
20347Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/1949
8 April 1949 - January 1950.Navan Urban District Council
20359Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/1950-1952Gilsenan's Field, Flower Hill, Financial records: 19...Navan Urban District Council
20362Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/195023 January 1950, two architectural plans, Architect,...Navan Urban District Council
20363Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/195024 January 1950. Plan for proposed better class hous...Navan Urban District Council
20364Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/195025 May 1950. General conditions of contract, specifi...Navan Urban District Council
20365Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/195026 June 1950. Same for the erection of 20 working cl...Navan Urban District Council
20366Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/195027 June 1950 14 completed forms of tender from vario...Navan Urban District Council
20367Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/195028 November 1950. Bill of Quantities prepared by Fer...Navan Urban District Council
20368Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/195029 c1950. General conditions of contract for the sit...Navan Urban District Council
20369Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/195030 c1950. Architectural site plan for 84 houses. Pre...Navan Urban District Council
20372Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/195134 c.1951. General conditions of contract and specif...Navan Urban District Council
20373Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/195135 c.1951. Specifications as (34) completeNavan Urban District Council
20374Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/195336 January 1953. Bill of Quantities for housing sche...Navan Urban District Council
20380Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/ (Individual Houses)195342 February 1953. Architectural plan of proposed res...Navan Urban District Council
20381Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/ (Individual Houses)195043 c.1950s. General conditions of contract for erect...Navan Urban District Council
20418Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/ 1945
Repairs to Artisan Dwellings, Expenditure and Works ...Navan Urban District Council
20421Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/ 1954Repairs to Artisan Dwellings, Expenditure and Works ...Navan Urban District Council
20423Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/ 1954Repairs to Artisan Dwellings, Expenditure and Works ...Navan Urban District Council
20621Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox E/19729 Lease of land at Screeboge by Raeph Howard to Mich...Mountainstown Documents
20910Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/G/1950Repairs to Artizan Dwellings, Memoranda:95 March 195...Navan Urban District Council
21264Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/K/1954General Works and Services, General and Miscellaneou...Navan Urban District Council
21279Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/J/1955
Sewerage, Expansion of System: 39 February 1956. Cir...Navan Urban District Council
21280Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/J/1954Sewerage, Expansion of System: 38 1954. General cond...Navan Urban District Council
21281Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/J/1954Sewerage, Expansion of System: 37 16 December 1954. ...Navan Urban District Council
21282Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/J/1954
Sewerage, Expansion of System: 36 April 1954 - March...Navan Urban District Council
21283Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/J/1954Sewerage, Expansion of System: 35 April 1954, Specif...Navan Urban District Council
22900Methodist Historical Society of Ireland1836
Archival box 17, containing, for example:An etched p...
13813Military ArchivesCol. Stephen Timmons PCI1978Minutes and conference notes on the setting up of th...Private Collections
13814Monaghan County Library Genealogy and Local History Department1979-1983Typescript, Monaghan Vocational Education Committee ...
13818Monaghan County Library Genealogy and Local History Department1982Printed volume, Joseph A Gartland, 'The Gartlands of...
2107Monaghan County Museum1984:137B1952-1959Cottages Annuities Collection Book, 1952-1959.
2108Monaghan County Museum1984:137C1957-1959Labourer's Cottages General Rental Clones Rural ...
2125Monaghan County Museum1984Various Labourer's Act Documents (Large Collecti...
21505Monaghan County Museum1900-1905
County Committee of Agriculture Minutes1991:I0B - 19...County Monaghan Local Authority Records
21508Monaghan County Museum19811981:25 County Infirmary Accounts Ledger.County Monaghan Local Authority Records
21577Monaghan County Museum1960Marron Collection: manuscript and typescript eyewitn...
21591Monaghan County Museum1987-1988There is also some correspondence between Susan Butl...Moorehead Letters
694National Archives of IrelandBG/40/BDA11952-1955Balrothery Board of Assistance Record of Executive, ...Balrothery Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
733National Archives of IrelandBG/79/1951-1953Provision Check Books:FG1 January 1951 - July 1951FG...South Dublin Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
738National Archives of IrelandBG/79/1953-1962Pension Books:FL1 April 1953 - May 1954FL2 March 195...South Dublin Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
739National Archives of IrelandBG/79/FN11966-1970Porter's Books: October 1966 - January 1970South Dublin Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
3750National Archives of Ireland2/23/2161963Export of Poultry, 1963, records of individual expor...Department of Agriculture
3751National Archives of Ireland5/18/18/Poultry1953-1963Association of Instructors in Poultry Keeping and Bu...Department of Agriculture
3752National Archives of Ireland2/22/1/vol2/poultry1964-1970Statistics 1964-1970, export of eggs, individual exp...Department of Agriculture
3753National Archives of Ireland2/21/225/poultry1962File relating to the Irish Countrywomen's Associatio...Department of Agriculture
3833National Archives of IrelandE1/17/11953Department of Industry and Commerce. E1 File Series:...Department of Industry and Commerce
3834National Archives of IrelandE22/3/71/1956Department of Industry and Commerce.E22 File Series:...Department of Industry and Commerce
3835National Archives of IrelandE150/50/1950Department of Industry and Commerce.E150 File Series...Department of Industry and Commerce
3836National Archives of IrelandE225/50/1950-1956Department of Industry and Commerce.E225 File Series...Department of Industry and Commerce
3837National Archives of IrelandTIA42601956Department of Industry and Commerce. Insurance Secti...Department of Industry and Commerce
3838National Archives of IrelandTIA200/1341956-1957Department of Industry and Commerce. Commerce Sectio...Department of Industry and Commerce
3840National Archives of Ireland315/231956Department of Industry and Commerce. 315 File Series...Department of Industry and Commerce
3855National Archives of IrelandA7/84/501950-1956Department of the Marine. A7 Series: A7/84/50 Irish ...Department of the Marine
3902National Archives of IrelandTW1990 (Vol 1)1957Files regarding Radio and Broadcasting: Cooke, Sarah...Department of Tourism, Transport and Communications
3903National Archives of IrelandTW53001959Files regarding Radio and Broadcasting. Eileen McGui...Department of Tourism, Transport and Communications
3904National Archives of IrelandH15154/521952Files regarding Telecommunications Service. Miss Coo...Department of Tourism, Transport and Communications
3905National Archives of IrelandTS11/381962-1963Female Clerks Provident Fund (Amendment) Scheme, 196...Department of Tourism, Transport and Communications
3906National Archives of IrelandRP1/441965Application for a Passenger Licence, Mrs Mary McQuai...Department of Tourism, Transport and Communications
3907National Archives of IrelandCP63/421963Personnel Unit. Memo asking the Minister for Transp...Department of Tourism, Transport and Communications
3908National Archives of Ireland96/9/1791965Dail Questions. To ask the Minister for Transport a...Department of Tourism, Transport and Communications
3925National Archives of Ireland98/1/421950Madame Madeline Jarry, Paris, concerning accommodati...Secretary to the President's Office
3926National Archives of Ireland98/1/861967Mrs John F. Kennedy, 22 June-2 August 1967.Secretary to the President's Office
3927National Archives of Ireland98/1/961967Sisters of the Holy Faith, 13 September-17 October 1...Secretary to the President's Office
4004National Archives of Ireland1093/121964, 1974Papers of Robert Childers Barton, TD, 1915, 1974: Co...Barton Papers
4057National Archives of Ireland1970-1972Mrs Lynch's personal correspondence, 1970-1973 M...Jack Lynch Papers
4058National Archives of Ireland1979Miscellaneous files, including files on Sile de Vale...Jack Lynch Papers
4084National Archives of IrelandDUB/55/D1959-1967Wants Book, 8 July 1959 - 26 April 1967.  Records of the Coombe Hospital
4654National Archives of Ireland301/7/491953Mrs E. de Depret, née Margaret Agnes Flanagan...Department of Foreign Affairs
4655National Archives of Ireland304/11/171955Miss Margaret Kempfer, an American school teacher an...Department of Foreign Affairs
4656National Archives of Ireland305/14/263/181959-1960Court decisions of Mrs C. Shawcross, Recorder of Not...Department of Foreign Affairs
4657National Archives of Ireland305/14/156/11951Mrs Geraldine Hurley, Bradford, suggestions about an...Department of Foreign Affairs
4658National Archives of Ireland305/14/2551954Mrs Strout Austin: Attendence at Ulster Unionist Mee...Department of Foreign Affairs
4659National Archives of Ireland305/57/112/10/61950-1953Technical assistance project, number 44/7. Poultry d...Department of Foreign Affairs
4660National Archives of Ireland307/6/591952The Cuala Press. Debt due by George Korgo, New York,...Department of Foreign Affairs
4662National Archives of Ireland307/44/71950-1957Mary Wallace, late of Buenos Aires, regarding proper...Department of Foreign Affairs
4667National Archives of Ireland350/13/791959Visas for Carmelite sisters travelling to Egypt, 195...Department of Foreign Affairs
4668National Archives of Ireland316/27/12601962Miss Victoria O'Shea, regarding information on Irela...Department of Foreign Affairs
4669National Archives of Ireland316/3841962-1963Madame Gilbert, request for copy of W.B. Yeats's...Department of Foreign Affairs
4672National Archives of Ireland410/15/219/1/21961Dr Metz, Cologne: proposed recruitment of girls from...Department of Foreign Affairs
4688National Archives of IrelandA/1/51955The Hague. Departure of Mrs MacNeill, March-June 195...Department of Foreign Affairs
4692National Archives of IrelandB101/841962Employment of Women in Ireland, statistics, 1962.Department of Foreign Affairs
4693National Archives of IrelandF107/8/71960-1962Mrs L E Mackenzie, return of shares and bonds held i...Department of Foreign Affairs
4696National Archives of Ireland410/1/7281963Miss Elaine Noonan, London. Proposed marriage to an ...Department of Foreign Affairs
4697National Archives of Ireland410/15/1751953Miss Eileen Wixted, regarding employment in England,...Department of Foreign Affairs
4699National Archives of Ireland414/3/21953Mrs M.D. Tighe, Southsea, England. Correspondence re...Department of Foreign Affairs
4700National Archives of Ireland415/5041957Freiburg Housewives Association Exhibition. The Hous...Department of Foreign Affairs
4701National Archives of Ireland484 C/211957-1963Human Rights. Commission on the Status of Women, 195...Department of Foreign Affairs
4722National Archives of Ireland1952-1966National School Registers: Roll No. 17144 County Lon...Department of Education
4727National Archives of Ireland97/19/71955-1962National School Records, Cormeen, County Monaghan, R...Department of Education
4731National Archives of IrelandBD116/91957Maternity Cash Grants, returns for half year 30 Sept...Department of Health
4732National Archives of IrelandBM113/11955-1959Milk for mothers and children, 1955-1959.Department of Health
4733National Archives of IrelandD11/1241951-1952County Galway, Woodlands Santorium Galway. Appeal of...Department of Health
4736National Archives of IrelandA25/1551959-1961Provision of Maternity Unit at Boyle District Hospit...Department of Health
4737National Archives of IrelandAB135/261959-1962Venereal Disease, review of arrangements, 1959-1962.Department of Health
4738National Archives of IrelandAD33/301954-1961Establishment of Rehabilitation Centre for female ex...Department of Health
4739National Archives of IrelandB129/9611959-1961Food Hygiene Regulations Appeal. Mrs Maureen O'S...Department of Health
4740National Archives of IrelandB100/3041960-1963Cruelty to Animals Act, 1876. Dr Joan Mullaney, Scho...Department of Health
4741National Archives of IrelandS16/11961Request from Miss Maura Solan, Cloone, Carrick-on-Sh...Department of Health
4742National Archives of IrelandS105/31962-1963Removal from Office: Miss Margaret Fitzpatrick, Psyc...Department of Health
4743National Archives of IrelandS116/51961-1963Doctors and Midwives providing services under the Ma...Department of Health
4745National Archives of IrelandSM12/391960-1961County Kerry [?] Limerick Maternity and Infant Medic...Department of Health
4771National Archives of IrelandAA 611/611961To ask Minister for Social Welfare if he is aware of...Department of Social Welfare
4775National Archives of Ireland53/531952-1954Social Welfare, Disability Benefit, Marriage Benefit...Department of Social Welfare
4777National Archives of Ireland34/541952-1955Social Welfare Act 1952, Unemployment 1954/1955, Ben...Department of Social Welfare
4778National Archives of Ireland46/591952-1959Social Welfare Acts,1952-1959. Additional condition ...Department of Social Welfare
4779National Archives of Ireland4110/551955-1956Rate of contributions payable in respect of female d...Department of Social Welfare
4780National Archives of IrelandOECD/N141959Employment problems of women workers, July-August 19...Department of Social Welfare
4781National Archives of IrelandPlan 2/541954Dáil Éireann, Brief on Women's Com...Department of Social Welfare
4882National Archives of IrelandS200/0024/241985Enquires by Women's National Health Association ...Department of Finance
4883National Archives of IrelandS002/0109/251985Quit Rent Office File relating to state lands and th...Department of Finance
4886National Archives of IrelandSO20/0007/321952A Department of Education file on a proposed new rul...Department of Finance
4897National Archives of IrelandE389/501951Notice of a motion in Dáil Éireann by ...Department of Industry and Commerce
4900National Archives of IrelandTIA4240/171956-1957Hiring Hire Purchase & Credit Sale Order, 1956: ...Department of Industry and Commerce
4901National Archives of IrelandTIA/4240/311956Alleged contravention of Hiring Hire Purchase and Cr...Department of Industry and Commerce
4920National Archives of IrelandPQ6/631963Parliamentary query by James J O'Keeffe, to ask the ...Department of Justice
4921National Archives of IrelandPQ266/631963Parliamentary questions, withdrawn, by Frank Sherwin...Department of Justice
4930National Archives of IrelandTIL2211953-1957International Labour Organisation, meeting of expert...Department of Labour and Labour Court
4932National Archives of IrelandH10981/52/Volume11951-1961Postal Service Files: conversion of of female POCB t...Department of Tourism, Transport and Communications
4933National Archives of IrelandH38238/611960-1962Application by the sub Post-Mistress, Baldoyle, Coun...Department of Tourism, Transport and Communications
4934National Archives of Ireland1650/55/Part21959-1961Wages and overtime rates for postal staff, 1959-1961...Department of Tourism, Transport and Communications
4935National Archives of IrelandTIM17631963-1964Complaint to the exploration and mining division of ...Department of Transport, Energy and Communications
4936National Archives of IrelandTIM18001964-1965Application by Della McCauley and Charles Barry Lon...Department of Transport, Energy and Communications
4937National Archives of IrelandB9555/53/Part21961-1975Postal Service File relating to office cleaning arra...Department of Transport, Energy and Communications
4938National Archives of IrelandC&A4664/53/Volume21964-1966C&A Departmental Council, question of recruitment to...Department of Transport, Energy and Communications
4939National Archives of IrelandCA53935/641964Circular 42/64 relating to revised pay scales of gen...Department of Transport, Energy and Communications
4940National Archives of IrelandE4/7/491966-1968File on EEC pay discrimination between males and fem...Department of Transport, Energy and Communications
4943National Archives of Ireland1088/838-1088/838/11962-1964File on Sliabhfoy Co-operative Hatcheries Limited, R...Irish Agricultural Organisation Society
4944National Archives of Ireland1088/839, 1088/839/1, 1081966-1972, 1968File on the Sliabhbawn Co-operative Handcraft Market...Irish Agricultural Organisation Society
5174National Archives of IrelandGIS2/1131973-1978Statements 15 August -18 October 1978: Contains Curr...Government Information Service
5176National Archives of IrelandGIS1/1011973-1975Speeches of Brendan Corish, Tánaiste and Mini...Government Information Service
5177National Archives of IrelandGIS1/1781979Speeches made by Mr Charles J. Haughey, Minister for...Government Information Service
5561National Archives of Ireland999/451953-1959Radio Symphony branch, 1953-1956, including minutes,...Union of Professional and Technical Civil Servants
5588National Archives of Ireland999/3111955-1959Western Region Department of Lands Branch: Minute Bo...
5611National Archives of Irelands3655C/21953National Gallery, Appointment of Governors and Guard...Department of An Taoiseach
11290National Archives of Ireland362/37/31955File on television interview between Mrs de Valera a...Department of Foreign Affairs
11293National Archives of Ireland366/65/91951-1953Visit to Ireland of Mrs L. Lyons, journalist, 1951-5...Department of Foreign Affairs
11294National Archives of Ireland366/65/811955Proposed invitation to the Canadian Women's Press Cl...Department of Foreign Affairs
11298National Archives of Ireland386/351951-1952File on the 'Mother and Child' scheme of Dr ...Department of Foreign Affairs
11300National Archives of Ireland397/141950Consular Section Files: Recruitment of Irish nurses ...Department of Foreign Affairs
11324National Archives of Ireland320/1101950-1951Mrs McCloskey, Dublin, importation of rug, 1950-1951...Department of Foreign Affairs
11325National Archives of Ireland324/2501955Agnes Christina Doherty, grants to enable her to fin...Department of Foreign Affairs
11326National Archives of Ireland324/3711960-1961Sister Maryanna Req, assistance to travel for a cour...Department of Foreign Affairs
11329National Archives of Ireland335/6381960Reception, International Alliance of Women, 1960.Department of Foreign Affairs
11332National Archives of Ireland338/5721955Proposal to award prize to the poetess, Marianne Moo...Department of Foreign Affairs
11333National Archives of Ireland338/5741955-1956Visit of Siobhan McKenna to New York, August 1955- S...Department of Foreign Affairs
11334National Archives of Ireland338/5951955-1956Harriet Cohen. International Music Award, December 1...Department of Foreign Affairs
11353National Archives of Ireland431/91956-1960Travelling and subsistence allowances for wives of o...Department of Foreign Affairs
11354National Archives of Ireland438/18/51951-1984Film on Evie Hone, 1951-1984.Department of Foreign Affairs
11357National Archives of Ireland438/731950Suggestion that presentation be made to Alice Millig...Department of Foreign Affairs
11358National Archives of Ireland438/1061950Correspondence with Mrs Patricia Rushton, 20 Berkley...Department of Foreign Affairs
11359National Archives of Ireland438/2171952Irish Housewives Association, application to the Cul...Department of Foreign Affairs
11360National Archives of Ireland438/2571953-1954Application by Miss Eithne M. O'Sharkey for fina...Department of Foreign Affairs
11361National Archives of IrelandPS42/41951Secretary's Office Files. Correspondence relating to...Department of Foreign Affairs
11363National Archives of IrelandFilms1-371954-1959Passport Office Reference Cards: 1954-1959, Biannni ...Department of Foreign Affairs
11364National Archives of IrelandFilms1-451960-1965Passport Office Reference Cards, 1960-1965, Aalders,...Department of Foreign Affairs
11402National Archives of IrelandA1/1491956Carlow: Fever Hospital, resignation of head nurse, 1...Department of Health
11405National Archives of IrelandA4/1231950Cork North: General. Returns of Children and unmarri...Department of Health
11406National Archives of IrelandA4/1671952-1953Kanturk District Hospital: treatment of tuberculosis...Department of Health
11407National Archives of IrelandA8/3021950-1951Dublin: St Kevin's Institution, complaint relating t...Department of Health
11411National Archives of IrelandA124/12 A1953Joint committee of Women's Societies and Social Work...Department of Health
11412National Archives of IrelandA124/231951-1957Homes for Unmarried Mothers, 1951-1957.Department of Health
11414National Archives of IrelandH10/14/1/volume 21957-1961St Joseph's Clonsilla, Home for Female Mental De...Department of Health
11416National Archives of IrelandH13/10/31962-1963Moore Abbey, Monasterevan, County Kildare, instituti...Department of Health
11419National Archives of IrelandL121/461961-1962Employment of Public Health nurses as psychiatric so...Department of Health
11420National Archives of IrelandM11/291956-1961Galway: Outdoor Nursing Services and Domiciliary Mid...Department of Health
11422National Archives of IrelandCD12/611961Question asked by L. Cosgrave relating to cost of li...Department of Social Welfare
11423National Archives of IrelandIA1/611960-1961Workers' Union of Ireland, resolution seeking dental...Department of Social Welfare
11424National Archives of IrelandIA13/611961Exchange of Women's Insurance Cards, July 1961: inst...Department of Social Welfare
11425National Archives of IrelandIF/10/611961Kildare County Council Health Services Section, St M...Department of Social Welfare
11426National Archives of IrelandIA31/621962Social Welfare (Disability, Unemployment and Marriag...Department of Social Welfare
11429National Archives of IrelandS6871953-1955Emigration of young Irish girls to Britain, 1953-195...Department of Environment
11430National Archives of IrelandS6701946
1946 Census: Fifth Interim Report, 1952.Department of Environment
11988National Archives of IrelandGIS/1/3121965-1966Speeches by Donogh O'Malley as Minister for Health, ...Government Information Service
11989National Archives of IrelandGIS/1/1791961-1962File of speeches by P.J. Hillery, Minister for Educa...Government Information Service
12215National Archives of Ireland98/17/1/11957-1976Irish Housewives Association Constitution: Amended 1...Irish Housewives Association (Hilda Tweedy Papers)
12225National Archives of Ireland98/17/2/3/31971-1980Irish Housewives Association, Committees Internation...Irish Housewives Association (Hilda Tweedy Papers)
12233National Archives of Ireland98/17/5/41972Irish Housewives Association, Correspondence Reports...Irish Housewives Association (Hilda Tweedy Papers)
12235National Archives of Ireland98/17/6/21959-1969Irish Housewives Association, Consumer Bodies Instit...Irish Housewives Association (Hilda Tweedy Papers)
12248National Archives of Ireland98/17/14/11960-1972Council for the Status of Women, 1 file Ad Hoc Commi...Irish Housewives Association (Hilda Tweedy Papers)
12252National Archives of Ireland98/17/5/1977-1985Council for the Status of Women Management Workshops...Irish Housewives Association (Hilda Tweedy Papers)
12188National Archives of IrelandRC10/11810-1830
Wills and Deeds of landowners in the 16th and 17th c...Record Commission
12224National Archives of Ireland98/17/2/3/21958-1989Irish Housewives Association, Committees Internation...Irish Housewives Association (Hilda Tweedy Papers)
12241National Archives of Ireland98/17/11/11970-1980International Alliance of Women, Workshops/Seminars ...Irish Housewives Association (Hilda Tweedy Papers)
12245National Archives of Ireland98/17/11/51954-1989International Alliance of Women, Workshops/Seminars ...Irish Housewives Association (Hilda Tweedy Papers)
12247National Archives of Ireland98/17/12/21958-1988Women's Representative Council Reports 1 Governm...Irish Housewives Association (Hilda Tweedy Papers)
12251National Archives of Ireland98/17/4/1982-1985Council for the Status of Women, National Women'...Irish Housewives Association (Hilda Tweedy Papers)
15182National Archives of Ireland11681952-1986Papers concerning St Joseph's Day Nursery Centre.Selection of Private Accessions, 1980-2002
15227National Archives of Ireland 99/331970-1985Monkstown Hospital, Co. Dublin. Minute Books for Mon...Selection of Private Accessions, 1980-2002
15245National Archives of Ireland 2001/661961-1972National School records for Tramore, Co. Waterford.National Schools, Private Accessions
15260National Archives of Ireland 2002/741950-1959Comhairle Sláinte: Health Hints in the Home.Selection of Private Accessions, 1980-2002
15264National Archives of Ireland 2002/781961-1965National School records for St Thomas, Dublin.National Schools, Private Accessions
15270National Archives of Ireland 2002/901951-1972National School records for Geashill, Co. Offaly.National Schools, Private Accessions
15271National Archives of Ireland 2002/901963-1968National School records for Killeigh, Co. Offaly.National Schools, Private Accessions
15465National Archives of Ireland 999/451953-1956Records of the Radio Éireann Symphony Orchest...Small Private Accessions
15484National Archives of Ireland 999/841965-1973Photocopies. 1 Rue de Franqueville, Paris xvi. Corre...Small Private Accessions
15543National Archives of Ireland 999/1521976Sundry references to the Dixon family (mainly in Dub...Small Private Accessions
15604National Archives of Ireland999/2121930-1954Scoil Chaitríona Liosta Iníon Léinn 1930–1931 g...Small Private Accessions
23982National Archives of IrelandCourt of Criminal Appeal 36/561956Mary Ann Cadden, 1956. Abortionist, accused and conv...Department of Justice
23983National Archives of IrelandCourt of Criminal Appeal 33/621962James Kelly, 1962. Kelly was convicted of the murder...Department of Justice
11170National Gallery of Ireland LibraryAB331956Paul Henry ArchivesIncludes correspondence relating ...
11171National Gallery of Ireland LibraryBox 341957-1960Includes: Folder which includes letters from and to ...
11173National Gallery of Ireland LibraryAB1381976
File on proposed Castlebar museum; proposed by Mrs H...
11178National Gallery of Ireland LibraryAB691899
Routine correspondence relating to Evie Hone's death...
11181National Gallery of Ireland LibraryAB121A1950-1965
Folder including Audit Account 1967-1969, with lette...Watercolour Society of Ireland
13817National Irish Visual Arts Library (NIVAL)1982News clippings from the 'Irish Times' about ...Ulster Women Artists Society
13900National Irish Visual Arts Library (NIVAL)c.1980sTypescript copies of reports of meetings held on 6 A...Northern Ireland Women Artists' Group
16484National Irish Visual Arts Library (NIVAL)1974Includes administrative records, compiled by Patrici...Irish Directions (Patricia Boylan Papers)
16486National Irish Visual Arts Library (NIVAL)NIVAL KDW1963-198823 series containing 2682 files. Approximately 2500 ...Kilkenny Design Workshop
136National Library of IrelandMs184501800-1899
'Family Patchwork' by Mrs Georgiana McGeogh Bond, a ...
140National Library of IrelandMs184691922
Photocopy of exit permit of 'Saorstát na ...
160National Library of IrelandMs185401968Photocopy of a typescript account of a tour in Irela...
1909National Library of IrelandMs39401950A thesis entitled 'The theory of self-sufficiency an...
1944National Library of IrelandMs47591822
'The Dublin theatre riots of 1822 and Catholic Emanc...
1960National Library of IrelandMs48441530-1600
A typescript on the life and times of Grace O'Malley...
1979National Library of IrelandMs 59241951-1952Autograph letters from Mrs William O'Brien to Mrs Br...
1988National Library of IrelandMs73261919-1920, 1955Miscellaneous papers about the submission of a case ...
2009National Library of IrelandMs77961956Family compilations by Margaret Dickson Falley. The...
2396National Library of IrelandMs277081970-1971Correspondence between Phyllis Bean Ui Ceallaigh and...Sean T. Ó Ceallaigh Papers
2650National Library of IrelandMs21150c1962Typescript of `My Ireland' by Kate O'Brien (publishe...
2651National Library of IrelandMs21578c1970Signed typescripts of essays by Kate O'Brien, mainly...
2321National Library of IrelandMs83261806-1808
Typescript copies of the letters of Sarah Curran, Mr...Sarah Curran papers
2728National Library of IrelandMs208271952-1953Statement of accounts of the Cork and Waterford bran...Adoption Society (Ireland) Papers
2733National Library of IrelandMs208331951-1952Drafts of the Adoption Bill promoted by the Adoption...Adoption Society (Ireland) Papers
2735National Library of IrelandMs208351966-1969Correspondence of John Whyte with Eileen C Penney, H...Adoption Society (Ireland) Papers
3473National Library of IrelandMs10536c1950Typescript and galley-proofs of `Our friend, James J...
3488National Library of IrelandMs108791956Miscellaneous letters and papers, including a brief ...Eoin Mac Neill Papers
3497National Library of IrelandMs109541954Letters and other typescript documents, early 20th c...Fay Papers
6913National Library of IrelandMs189711954Holograph poem by Lord Dunsany, written for his wife...
9198National Library of IrelandMs15340c1950-1954Letters and other documents from the papers of Dr Do...
9200National Library of IrelandMs15342c1955Letters to and by Liam Price, c1955, mostly concerni...
9229National Library of IrelandMs154691911
Photocopy of notes by James Cryan, 1966, on Miss Agn...
9235National Library of IrelandMs155411958-1959Eight letters to Mrs Starkey from Christies, London,...J.S. Starkey Papers
9276National Library of IrelandMs229731965Photocopy of a letter from Father (Patrick) Michael ...
9277National Library of IrelandMs229741968Photocopy of a postcard from Brother Bernard Hayes, ...
9279National Library of IrelandMs229891950Satirical verses [by Brigid O'Mullane?] relating to ...O'Mullane Papers
9300National Library of IrelandMs234261962Working typescript copy of `Cadenus - reassessment ...Le Brocquy Papers
9301National Library of IrelandMss23427-234291968Two proof copies, three typescript copies and one wo...Le Brocquy Papers
9304National Library of IrelandMs234321965-1970Minutes of meetings of Yeats' Association, 1965-...Le Brocquy Papers
9379National Library of IrelandMss24200-24204c1960-1968Holograph version, proof copies, corrected typescrip...Le Brocquy Papers
9380National Library of IrelandMss24205-242061964
Holograph version and typescript versions of`Swift's...Le Brocquy Papers
9386National Library of IrelandMs24227c1965Typescript of article on the burial place of Esther ...Le Brocquy Papers
9387National Library of IrelandMs24228c1950Biographical notes on Leonard McNally in the hand of...Le Brocquy Papers
9388National Library of IrelandMs24229c1950Holograph and typescript version of an article on St...Le Brocquy Papers
9389National Library of IrelandMs242301958Account of the Staunton family in the hand of Sybil ...Le Brocquy Papers
9390National Library of IrelandMs24230(a)c1960Copies of 4 poems, probably by Sybil Le Brocquy, c19...Le Brocquy Papers
9391National Library of IrelandMs24231c1960Typescript copy of `The Clue', a short story by Sybi...Le Brocquy Papers
9394National Library of IrelandMs24239c1950Typescript copy of 4 poems by Blanaid Salkeld, c1950...Le Brocquy Papers
9395National Library of IrelandMs242401957-1958Ten letters from Blanaid Salkeld to Sybil Le Brocquy...Le Brocquy Papers
9398National Library of IrelandMs242511965-1969Minutes of meetings of the Yeats' Association, 1965-...Le Brocquy Papers
9399National Library of IrelandMs242521965-1970Correspondence relating to the activities of the Yea...Le Brocquy Papers
9464National Library of IrelandMs249351981Cuttings from the Australian periodical `New Idea' r...
9486National Library of IrelandMs260391951Two letters to Joseph Brennan as Governor of the Cen...Joseph Brennan Papers
9491National Library of IrelandMs24208c1950Holograph and typescript copies of `Why Dean Swift d...Le Brocquy Papers
9492National Library of IrelandMs24209c1950Holograph and typscript versions of `The Enigma of S...Le Brocquy Papers
9493National Library of IrelandMs24210c1950Rough draft of a play about Dean Swift by Sybil Le B...Le Brocquy Papers
9494National Library of IrelandMs24213c1950Typescript and printed versions of `Some Places asso...Le Brocquy Papers
9495National Library of IrelandMs24215c1965Holograph, `Johnathan Swift, the man', by Sybil Le B...Le Brocquy Papers
9496National Library of IrelandMs24216c1965Typescript of `The Paternity of Thomas, Jane and Jon...Le Brocquy Papers
9497National Library of IrelandMs242171967Two typescript copies of `The Correspondence of Swif...Le Brocquy Papers
9502National Library of IrelandMs267501971-19753 autograph letter cards from Samuel Beckett to Luci...
9513National Library of IrelandMs26788c1957-1961Letters from Eileen McGowan, daughter of O'Donovan R...Sean Ó Luing Papers
9516National Library of IrelandMs267961968-1974Letters from Mrs Terence MacSwiney to John Butler, 1...
10086National Library of IrelandMs162301965`The memoirs of Peg Plunkett written by herself: a m...
10799National Library of IrelandMs20720c1975Typescript of articles by Beryl F E Moore and others...
10813National Library of IrelandMs193551951-1952Minute Book of the social committee of the Adoption ...Adoption Society (Ireland) Papers
10815National Library of IrelandMs193571951-1962Honorary Secretary's Postage Book, Dublin executive ...Adoption Society (Ireland) Papers
10840National Library of IrelandMss21194-211971975Includes manuscripts, printed matter, photographs an...
10847National Library of IrelandMs21231c.1954-1955Six letters to Frank Gallagher from Mary Hughes, Bro...Frank Gallagher Papers
10848National Library of IrelandMs212331954Letters to Gallagher from Mary C. Bromage with a com...Frank Gallagher Papers
10849National Library of IrelandMs212341954-1959Five letters to Frank Gallagher from Sinéad d...Frank Gallagher Papers
10850National Library of IrelandMs212411958Letter to Gallagher from Estella Solomons acknowledg...Frank Gallagher Papers
10851National Library of IrelandMs212421958Letters [to the editor of The Sunday Press?] from Ma...Frank Gallagher Papers
10895National Library of IrelandMs21711(b)1962Documents relating to the naval careers of members o...
10930National Library of IrelandMs22103c1960-1974Letters from Demott MacManus to Kathleen Raine, most...
10932National Library of IrelandMs221581950Includes a letter from Conor Maguire to Niamh O'Conn...J J O'Connell Papers
10965National Library of IrelandMs225881958-1966Miscellaneous correspondence which includes 2 letter...W.G. Fallon Papers
10967National Library of IrelandMs229691959-1973Five letters from Father Timothy Fitzpatrick, a miss...
10970National Library of IrelandMs229661919-1921
Cuttings from the `Irish Times', 24-27 December 1979...
10971National Library of IrelandMs229671965Letter from Father Patrick Michael Hipwell, Avila Mi...
10985National Library of IrelandMs228141979?Typescript of an outline by Kathleen MacKenna Napoli...Kathleen MacKenna Napoli Papers
11001National Library of IrelandMs185401968Photocopy of typescript account of a tour in Ireland...
11080National Library of IrelandMs194391957The nocturnes of John Field by Sister M Scholastica ...
11636National Library of IrelandMs124851963-1964Claremorris Poor Law Union Minute book, 12 September...
11981National Library of IrelandMs331081958-1959Literary Papers relating to `The Rebel's Wife', `Mat...Rosamund Jacob Papers
11982National Library of IrelandMs331091958-1959Literary Papers relating to `The Rebel's Wife', `Mat...Rosamund Jacob Papers
11983National Library of IrelandMs331101951Literary Papers relating to `The Rebel's Wife', `Mat...Rosamund Jacob Papers
12295National Library of IrelandMs311601954Typescript copy of the evidence given at the inquest...Florence O'Donoghue Papers
12772National Library of IrelandBox 31974-1984
Records of the Irish Countrywomen's Association date...Irish Countrywomen's Association
12770National Library of IrelandBox 11982-1985
Records of the Irish Countrywomen's Association date...Irish Countrywomen's Association
12771National Library of IrelandBox 21973-1985
Records of the Irish Countrywomen's Association ...Irish Countrywomen's Association
12789National Library of Ireland1900-1950
The Sheehy Skeffington Collection is a vast collecti...Sheehy-Skeffington Papers
85National Maternity HospitalH/111954-1966House Committee, Agenda Book, October 1954-July 1966...
99National Maternity HospitalNMH/51951-1977Linen Guild Executive Committee, Minute Book, Septem...
281National Maternity HospitalNMH/391955-1957Correspondence regarding the purchase of lease on no...
282National Maternity HospitalNMH/381955-1958Correspondence file regarding building work on numbe...
402National Maternity HospitalNMH/421950-1957Corrspondence relating to the establishment of the n...
404National Maternity HospitalNMH/231955-1958Medical Council Minute Book, Minutes of the first mo...
405National Maternity HospitalNMH/241958-1969Medical Council Minute Book, April 1958-December 196...
407National Maternity HospitalE/61954-1963Executive Committee Minute Book, January 1954-Decemb...
408National Maternity HospitalE/81964-1973Executive Committee Minute Book, January 1964-Decemb...
409National Maternity HospitalF/21951-1961Finance Committee Agenda Book, December 1951-Septemb...
412National Maternity HospitalF/61954-1963Finance Committee Minute Book, January 1954-December...
415National Maternity HospitalNMH/451951-1952Correspondence file regarding the estimated cost of ...
458National Maternity HospitalNMH/471953-1955File concerning the cost and specifics of updating t...
459National Maternity HospitalNMH/511950Correspondence file relating to the Mother and Child...
461National Maternity HospitalNMH/531950File concerning response of the Medical Association ...
463National Maternity HospitalNMH/551953-1962Correspondence file relating to the building and equ...
465National Maternity HospitalF/91961-1970Finance Committee Agenda Book, October 1961-July 197...
466National Maternity HospitalE/13/51960-1966Executive Committee Agenda Book, November 1960-May 1...
473National Maternity HospitalNR/131959File concerning appointment of nursing staff, Januar...
474National Maternity HospitalNMH/801958-1968Medical Staff Provident and Benevolent Fund Ledger, ...
487National Maternity HospitalNMH/811968-1969Correspondence and bank statements, etc., regarding ...
494National Maternity HospitalCR/61953-1955National Maternity Hospital Medical and Clinical Rep...
495National Maternity HospitalCR/71956-1959National Maternity Hospital Medical and Clinical Rep...
496National Maternity HospitalNMH/1041958Photograph album of first Charter Day celebrations, ...
1745National Maternity HospitalAR/61951-1960Annual Report of the National Lying-In Hospital, Jan...
1746National Maternity HospitalAR/71961-1970Annual Report of the National Lying-In Hospital, Jan...
1747National Maternity HospitalAR/81972-1980Annual Report of the National Lying-In Hospital, Jan...
1748National Maternity HospitalAR/91981-1985Annual Report of the National Lying-In Hospital, Jan...
1753National Maternity HospitalM/41958-1963Master's Report, June 1958-January 1963. Typscript m...
1754National Maternity HospitalM/61970-1977Master's Report, February 1970-January 1977. Typscri...
1755National Maternity HospitalM/71977-1983Master's Report. February 1977-December 1983. Typscr...
1758National Maternity HospitalMR/41953-1959Matron's Report, October 1953-December 1959. Han...
1760National Maternity HospitalMR/51960-1969Matron's Report, January 1960-December 1969. Han...
1761National Maternity HospitalH/31960-1969House Committee Minute Book, July 1915-May 1929. Min...
1765National Maternity HospitalH/71964-1983House Committee Minute Book, January 1964-December 1...
1766National Maternity HospitalE/101984-1985Minute Book of the Executive Committee. Includes min...
4462National Maternity HospitalNMH/56/11956-1972Joint Maternity Hospitals, Minute Book, 27 February ...
4466National Maternity HospitalNMH/56/21959-1989Joint Maternity Hospitals Agenda Book, 13 February 1...
4469National Maternity HospitalNMH/641970University College Dublin, Agreement, 21 September 1...
4470National Maternity HospitalNMH/651951Correspondence relating to Hospital Commission,1 Jan...
4471National Maternity HospitalNMH/691974Report on the National Maternity Hospital, by Aidan ...
21341National Photographic ArchiveNPA WIL a-o; WIL 1-77; WIL pk 1958-1971This collection comprises black-and-white photograph...Wiltshire Collection
14768National Women's Council of Ireland1977'National Plan of Action Adopted at the National Wom...
14769National Women's Council of Ireland1981'Irish Women Speak Out: A Plan of Action from the Na...
14770National Women's Council of Ireland1976'Progress Report on the Implementation of the Recomm...
14771National Women's Council of Ireland1978'Second Progress Report on the Implementation of the...
14772National Women's Council of Ireland1984'Parent v Parent: A Review of the Legal, Social and ...
14773National Women's Council of Ireland1986'Marriage, the Family and Divorce, A Statement by th...
14774National Women's Council of Ireland1984'The Situation of Women in Europe' (May 1984). The ...
14777National Women's Council of Ireland1979Recognising the 'Invisible' Woman in Development: Th...
14778National Women's Council of Ireland1989'Our Heads in Our Hands' CSW Dublin, 1989. A Report...
14779National Women's Council of Ireland1980-1985'Who Makes the Decisions? Women on the Boards of Sta...
14782National Women's Council of Ireland1983AIM Group for Family Law Reform, 'Modern Marriage, A...
14783National Women's Council of Ireland1981'The Law Reform Commission, Working Paper no 10-1981...
14784National Women's Council of Ireland1972'Commission on the Status of Women: Report to the Mi...
14785National Women's Council of Ireland1986'The Associated Country Women of the World, Constitu...
14786National Women's Council of Ireland1989Annual Report of the Council for the Status of Women...
14788National Women's Council of Ireland1986Council for the Status of Women, Annual Report 1986....
14789National Women's Council of Ireland1987Council for the Status of Women, Annual Report 1987.
14790National Women's Council of Ireland1988Council for the Status of Women, Annual Report 1988....
14791National Women's Council of Ireland1989Council for the Status of Women, Annual Report 1989....
14798National Women's Council of Ireland1989'Instraw News: Women and Development', no. 12 (Summe...
14843National Women's Council of Ireland1981'Status for Women', volume 1, no. 1, (March 1981). P...
14844National Women's Council of Ireland1981'Status for Women', volume 1, no. 3, (May 1981). Pro...
14845National Women's Council of Ireland1981'Status for Women', volume 1, no. 4, (June 1981). Pr...
14846National Women's Council of Ireland1981'Status for Women', volume 1, no. 5, (July 1981). Pr...
14847National Women's Council of Ireland1981'Status for Women', volume 1, no. 7, (September 1981...
14848National Women's Council of Ireland1981'Status for Women', volume 1, no. 8, (October 1981)....
14849National Women's Council of Ireland1981'Status for Women', volume 1, no. 2, (April 1981). P...
14855National Women's Council of Ireland1983Council for the Status of Women, EEC Seminar October...
14862National Women's Council of Ireland1980'Can You Stay Married, A Self-Help Guide for Women' ...
14864National Women's Council of Ireland1988'Women and Poverty: A Review of the Statistics on Lo...
14865National Women's Council of Ireland1982
Mary Ena Walsh, 'Women in Rural Ireland: A Report of...
14867National Women's Council of Ireland1987-1988'Network, Women in Business Directory, 1987-1988' (D...
14872National Women's Council of Ireland1986'Council News, no. 1' (Spring 1986). Four copies.
14873National Women's Council of Ireland1986'Council News, no. 2' (Summer 1986). Two copies.
14874National Women's Council of Ireland1986'Council News, no. 3' (Autumn 1986). Two copies.
14875National Women's Council of Ireland1987'Council News, no. 5' (Summer 1987). Two copies.
14876National Women's Council of Ireland1987'Council News, no. 6' (Autumn/Winter 1987).
14879National Women's Council of Ireland1987'Council News, no. 7' (Spring/Summer 1987).
14888National Women's Council of Ireland1982'The International Soroptimist', volume 10 (Septembe...
14889National Women's Council of Ireland1983'The International Soroptimist', volume 11 (March 19...
14890National Women's Council of Ireland1984Bernard Shaw, 'The Fabian Society: Its Early His...
14891National Women's Council of Ireland1983'Equal Opportunities International', volume 2. no. 1...
14892National Women's Council of Ireland1983'Equal Opportunities International', volume 2, no. 2...
14895National Women's Council of Ireland1988-1990
'Ministry of Culture: The Institute of Women: Eq...
14896National Women's Council of Ireland1986'Community Law and Women', Commission of the Europea...
14897National Women's Council of Ireland1979'Womens Aim', no. 3 (October-December 1979).Dublin p...
14898National Women's Council of Ireland1964Guardianship of Infants Act, 1964.
14946National Women's Council of Ireland1975'Women Against Oppression', no. 4, 13 May 1975.
14948National Women's Council of Ireland1983Pauline Jackson, 'The Deadly Solution to an Irish Pr...
14954National Women's Council of Ireland1984Women and Labour History in Ireland, programme for c...
14958National Women's Council of Ireland1982'Magill' (July, 1982), contains article by Pat Brenn...
14969National Women's Council of Ireland1984NUPE, Northern Ireland Division, 'Proposed Strategie...
14971National Women's Council of Ireland1981Photocopy of an article, Trevor Hitner, David Knight...
14972National Women's Council of Ireland1989Booklet, 'The Labour Party, Report to National Confe...
14973National Women's Council of Ireland1979'Magill' (April 1979), article by Pat Brennan, 'Wome...
14977National Women's Council of Ireland1983Commission of the European Community, 'Women and Men...
14978National Women's Council of Ireland1979Single page, 'Campaign for a Women's Centre' (1979).
14980National Women's Council of Ireland1981
Draft: 'Outline for a new community action programme...
14982National Women's Council of Ireland1976Eight page supplement from 'Hibernia' (January 16, 1...
14987National Women's Council of Ireland1970
Folder of newspaper cuttings relating to the women's...
19071Newry City Library1973-1981Minute Books:June-December 19731974 (with the except...Newry and Mourne District Council Records
4817Newtown School, WaterfordSchool Safe/211953-1963Executive Committee Minutes, 1953-1963.
4824Newtown School, WaterfordArchive Room Safe1953-1963Committee Minutes, 1953-1963.
4829Newtown School, WaterfordA1/31970Carers' assessments, 1970.
4831Newtown School, WaterfordA1/51952-1964Committee Minutes, 1952-1964, 14 volumes.
5402Newtown School, WaterfordA1/61956-1966Entry Policy, 1956-1966: Newtown School, Waterford
5408Newtown School, WaterfordA1/141972-1973Scholarships, 1972-1973: Newtown School, Waterford
5411Newtown School, WaterfordA1/171975School Staff Committee, 1975: Newtown School, Waterf...
5413Newtown School, WaterfordA1/191974-1975Staff Meetings, etc., 1974-1975: Newtown School, Wat...
5416Newtown School, WaterfordA1/221978Newtown Association, Representatives to School Commi...
5419Newtown School, WaterfordA1/261964-1974Salaries, 1964-1974: Newtown School, Waterford
5423Newtown School, WaterfordAB/11969Accounts, 1969: Newtown School, Waterford
5429Newtown School, WaterfordAB/71968-1969Information for Staff, 1968-1969.
5431Newtown School, WaterfordAB/91964Irish, 1964.
5436Newtown School, WaterfordAB/201978Funds connected with Newtown School, 1978.
5438Newtown School, WaterfordAB/231978Prospectuses, 1978.
5439Newtown School, WaterfordAB/251972-1973Papers, Notices, etc., regarding staff meetings, 197...
5440Newtown School, WaterfordAB/271967Facts about Newtown School, 1967.
5463Newtown School, WaterfordCA/6-71970-1984Old Scholars News, 1970-1984.
5467Newtown School, WaterfordCB/921981Irish Arctic Expedition, 1981.
5469Newtown School, WaterfordCB/941973Peter Lisowski regarding Chinese Medicine, 1973.
5476Newtown School, WaterfordD/91964-1965Photographic Album, 1964-1965.Photographs
5477Newtown School, WaterfordD/111976-1978Photographs of Burren Trip, 1976-1978.Photographs
5479Newtown School, WaterfordG/14-151987G/14 Memoirs of Audrey Garnett, 1987 G/15 16th ce...Personal letters, memoirs, etc.
5480Newtown School, WaterfordG/171964'Journey into History' by Caroline Jacob, 1964.Personal letters, memoirs, etc.
5481Newtown School, WaterfordG/201971'Memoir' by Paulette Suzette, 1971.Personal letters, memoirs, etc.
5507Newtown School, Waterford1956-1966Entry Policy, 1956-1966: Newtown School, Waterford
5513Newtown School, Waterford94/5111972-1973Scholarships, 1972-1973: Newtown School, Waterford
5516Newtown School, Waterford1975School Staff Committee, 1975: Newtown School, Waterf...
5518Newtown School, Waterford1974-1975Staff Meetings, etc., 1974-1975: Newtown School, Wat...
5521Newtown School, Waterford1978Newtown Association, Representatives to School Commi...
5524Newtown School, Waterford1964-1974Salaries, 1964-1974: Newtown School, Waterford
20037Newtown School, WaterfordF1-161954F/6 Explanation of Accounts, 1954.Quaker Papers
20042Newtown School, WaterfordF1-161964-1969F/12 Quarterly Meeting Accounts, 1964-1969.Quaker Papers
20043Newtown School, WaterfordF1-161969F/13 Quarterly Meeting Accounts, 1969.Quaker Papers
20045Newtown School, WaterfordF1-161986F/15 Quarterly Meeting Rules, 1986.Quaker Papers
19778North Down Museum1960-1969Self-portrait in oils of Helen Anderson, c.1960s.
19777North Down Museumc.1950-c.1989Includes photographs of, for example:Family groups, ...D.J. Neill Photographic Collection
18856Offaly ArchivesOCL BUDC30/2/81956-19651 Toll Book:13 October 1956 - 10 June 1965 (Birr Liv...Records of Birr Urban District Council
18864Offaly ArchivesOCL BUDC30/8/1-21968-19702 Valuation lists - BUDC30/8/1: February 1944 - F...Records of Birr Urban District Council
18875Offaly ArchivesOCL ETC351961-19701 Register of Water Rent Charges - ETC35/8: 31 Ma...Records of Edenderry Town Commission
18896Offaly ArchivesOCL OFCC10/3/2/1-51962-19825 Authorised and Approved Officer's Orders - OFCC...Records of Offaly County Council
18897Offaly ArchivesOCL OFCC10/3/1-71983-19887 Authorised and Approved Officer's Orders - OFCC...Records of Offaly County Council
18908Offaly ArchivesOCL OFCC10/7/21957-1980Cemetery Records - 1 Register of Interments - OFC...Records of Offaly County Council
18909Offaly ArchivesOCL OFCC10/7/31958-1977Cemetery Records - 1 Register of Interments - OFC...Records of Offaly County Council
18910Offaly ArchivesOCL OFCC10/7/41956-1978Cemetery Records - 1 Register of Interments - OFC...Records of Offaly County Council
18911Offaly ArchivesOCL OFCC10/7/51958-1975Cemetery Records - 1 Register of Interments - OFC...Records of Offaly County Council
18915Offaly ArchivesOCL OFCC10/8/31963-19641963 - 1964 Primary Schools SchemeRecords of Offaly County Council
18916Offaly ArchivesOCL OFCC10/919661966 Commemorations CommitteeRecords of Offaly County Council
18981Offaly ArchivesOCL TUDC11/3/1960-19642 Minutes of Meetings:1: 28 June 1956 - 2 December 1...Records of Tullamore Urban District Council
18986Offaly ArchivesOCL TUDC11/919501 Planning Scheme:1950, including a 'preliminary...Records of Tullamore Urban District Council
18837Offaly ArchivesOCL P471967-1981Two minute books, a lecture record book, and a posta...Records of Birr Business & Professional Women’s Association
4621OPW-Maynooth University Archive and Research Centre (OMARC)Box 671974Letter from Rodger and Alice Little, 3 September 197...Airfield Archive
21380OPW-Maynooth University Archive and Research Centre (OMARC)Box 46-691977Folder containing letter to Miss Overend from Lucie ...Airfield Archive
21383OPW-Maynooth University Archive and Research Centre (OMARC)Box 46-691958-1983Folder of twelve letters, postcards, etc., from Rosa...Airfield Archive
21384OPW-Maynooth University Archive and Research Centre (OMARC)Box 46-691969Folder containing two letters from Dorothy Rugby to ...Airfield Archive
21413Our Lady's Hospital, Cork1950Clothing, Bedding for Washing Book, c.1950s.
21347Our Lady's Hospital, Ennis1957-1975Minutes of Medical Officers Meetings, September 1957...
21360Our Lady's Hospital, Ennis1952-1954Daily Diet Distribution Book, April 1952-March 1954.
21367Our Lady's Hospital, Ennis1960-1977Temporary Patients Register:January 1977[?]December ...
21369Our Lady's Hospital, Ennis1951-1954Temporary Assistant Medical Officers Report Book: Oc...
21370Our Lady's Hospital, Ennis1951-1954Assistant Medical Officer Report Book: October 1951-...
21371Our Lady's Hospital, Ennis1952-1956Medical Journal: January 1952-August 1956.
21374Our Lady's Hospital, Ennis1959-1960Gate-Keepers Book, February 1959-January 1960.
21354Our Lady's Hospital, Ennis1970-1986Patients Discharge Books:December 1976-August 1980Se...
21414Police Museum (PSNI)19761 file, labelled 'The Role of Female Members in ...
21415Police Museum (PSNI)1976A 3 page typed letter regarding equality for women a...
21416Police Museum (PSNI)1976A 4 page memorandum on equality for policewomen, inc...
21417Police Museum (PSNI)1976-19775 memoranda and a 3 page typescript relating to the ...
21418Police Museum (PSNI)1977A 2 page typed memorandum on the use of women police...
21419Police Museum (PSNI)1979A 2 page typescript including a 2 month breakdown of...
21420Police Museum (PSNI)1979A typed note on the operation of scheme for a woman ...
21422Police Museum (PSNI)1976
Typed notes on the role of women in the Royal Ulster...
21423Police Museum (PSNI)1980A 3 page typed memorandum on the distribution and ro...
21424Police Museum (PSNI)1979
A 3 page typed proposal for a special unit of women ...
21430Police Museum (PSNI)1986Letters to Margaret Cameron regarding writing a hist...
21449Police Museum (PSNI)1974Typed memoranda and letters from the Woman Superinte...
21459Police Museum (PSNI)1980Photographs of the first two women dog handlers, 198...
21421Police Museum (PSNI)1976
A typed memorandum on a scheme to involve women poli...
16555Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/551956 Statutes for new central noviciate of the Institute...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16556Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/631976-1977Particulars of the charitable trusts administered by...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16560Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/691977'The Story of Doneraile Convent', pamphlet p...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
1112Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3875/1/8/1952-1963Minutes of the Ulster Girl Guides' County Court ...Girl Guides' Minute Books
1114Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3875/2/2/1959-19701: 1959 - 1979 Finaghy Girl Guides, Local Associatio...Girl Guides' Minute Books
1133Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3875/3/1974-19751: 1974 - 1975 Folder of correspondence and architec...Girl Guides' Minute Books
1134Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3875/4/1988-19891: The Girl Guides' Association Province of Ulst...Girl Guides' Minute Books
1823Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/20301967
Genealogical notes on the Averall family, c.1620 to ...
6318Public Record Office of Northern IrelandCURC/21989Northern Ireland Curriculum Council, printed publica...Northern Ireland Curriculum Council Records
6348Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/32541973-1977Papers, including constituency papers, of Mrs Bernad...
6351Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/32671974Election literature relating to the Westminster elec...
6352Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/32691975Election literature relating to the Northern Ireland...
6374Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1786/1c1970Pedigree of the Stuart family, Galloway, Scotland, D...
6585Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/16751954Genealogical notes on the Galland family, County Ant...
6622Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1753c1960Pedigree of Chesney, Kirkpatrick and Wilson families...
6361Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/33121982Abbreviated version of Doctor A P W Malcomson's book...
6720Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2040c.1965Pedigree of Duffin family, Donemana, County Tyrone, ...
6815Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/237219656 documents about the formation of Townswomen's Guil...
6842Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3479/21961-1970Records of the Northern Ireland Council of Social Se...
6481Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1167/13/131958-1967Cash book of the Lady Dunleath Pension Fund, 1958-19...Dunleath Papers
6562Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1613c.1963c.50 documents comprising of genealogical notes and ...
6586Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/16761957-1959Papers of Patrick Agnew, Armagh, trade unionist and ...Patrick Agnew Papers
6610Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1732c1960-1966D/1732/4/1-4 Volumes of duplicated minutes of Belf...
6623Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/17541921
This collection of c60 documents includes genealogic...
6797Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/230/1962-1987Printed election ephemera, 1962-1987 including, for ...
6799Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/23051957-1966Minute Book of the Belfast and District Branch of Na...National Union of Journalist Papers
6802Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2330c.1954Manuscript notebook of copies of births, marriages a...
6814Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/23701951-1961Records of Glenmore Bleach Works, Hilden, Lisburn, C...
6822Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2418/1-21960-1969Printed missionary newsletter from Doctor Catherine ...Young Papers
6827Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/24411956-196915 volumes and 292 documents relating to the Lyric T...
6993Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/24741951-1953This collection includes the minute book of the Fall...
6998Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2487/91955-1974Minute book of Banbridge Mixed Voice Choir, County D...
6837Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/34631974The collection comprises of c.4,000 questionnaires, ...
6857Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/35151971-1978Records of Blackstaff Press Limited, Belfast, inclu...
7060Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/26691962-1969Draft speeches of Mrs Margaret Laird, councillor for...
7117Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2819c1960sGenealogical notes on the Parnell family, Cheshire a...
7122Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2841c1951-1958Diaries of Mrs Edith McNutt, Bangor, County Down, de...
7002Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/24971953-1962This collection of 12 documents includes: Correspond...
7013Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/252719695 files of typescript notes that mainly containing g...
7144Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/29431950sPhotocopied family tree of the Marshall family of Co...
7185Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3039/31627-1891
Genealogical table of the Pike family, 1627-1891, co...
7201Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/30791966-1970Papers of the National Democratic Party, including m...
7023Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2560/5/19c.1969Copy of open letter from staff of Saint Patrick'...
7051Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2650c.1970Typed pedigree of Robert Booth Richardson and Helen ...
7061Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2672/5/3-5c.19503 bundles of genealogical notebooks complied by R.W....
7073Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/27061956-1967c.100 documents relating to North Antrim Women's...
7081Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/27241969-197023 documents which are the result of a project under...
7084Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/27361963-19653 folders of correspondence and accounts relating to...
7234Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3197/31977Genealogical table for the Patton family, Donegal, 1...
7248Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3352/41959-1973Business records of Badley Limited, ladies' outfitte...
7357Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/38141967-19835 folders and 1 volume of records relating to the No...
7094Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2764c1960sGenealogical notebooks and papers detailing informat...Robin Hall Papers
7099Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/27761959-1961This collection includes a registered book of names ...Pawnbroking Association Papers
7132Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/28901968-1972The papers of Richard Ferguson comprise of c400 docu...
7165Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/29931963-1970The papers of the Campaign for Social Justice includ...
7169Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3000/47c.1950Letters from Jane Lowry (née Stitt) to her da...
7186Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/30411945
List of parishioners of Saint Mark's Church, Dun...R.H. Whelan Papers
7407Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/39531950-1961File of East Down Women Unionist Association papers,...
7448Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/4069/17/61961Photograph of Mrs Waring's house, Waringstown, C...
7478Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/414/219591 volume confidential survey of unsatisfactory tenan...
7196Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/30721973-1982Papers of the Social and Democratic Party, 1973-1982...Social and Democratic Party Papers
7209Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3107/41974-1980Alphabetically arranged constituency correspondence ...
7222Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/31521956-1957Correspondence relating to a memorial to Miss Rosamu...
7226Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/31591969-1975c.2150 documents relating to the New Ulster Movement...
7235Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3209c.1970-1975Genealogical table for the Glendinning family, c.169...
7250Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3370/11970-1987Records, including minutes and correspondence, of th...
7780Public Record Office of Northern IrelandMIC/45/21953Microfilmed copies of letters from Brigid Kelly to S...
7268Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3543/2/11964-197713 documents relating the Northern Ireland Family P...
7287Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/35911959-1971These papers include 59 slim, folio volumes of diari...Faulkner Papers
7288Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3597/2c.1977-19811 envelope of genealogical notes on the Calwell, McD...
7306Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3643198066 black and white photographs of personalities, pol...
7307Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/36451963-19834 volumes and c.100 documents relating to the Ulster...
7324Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/36911960-1984c.150 documents comprising of minutes, correspondenc...
8139Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1891/11856-1941
Manuscript pedigree of the Crockett family, Castlede...
8189Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2022/1c1950History of the McKee family, Strangford, Newry and M...
8217Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2096/11772-1960
Pedigree of the Stewart family, Castlereagh, Belfast...
7332Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3732c.1950-1976Papers of the late Miss M.A. McNeill mainly relating...
7339Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/37461983-1986Pedigree and genealogy of the Brooks family of Bella...
7344Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/37611964-1984Records of Belfast Housing Aid Society, including: A...
7352Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/37841847
This collection includes, for example: 2 letters fro...
7365Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/38271965-19854 volumes and 3 folders of records of Malone Primary...
7366Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/38301953Records relating to the formal investigation onto th...
8236Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2147/11960-1962Genealogy of the Bunbury family, Johnstown, County C...
8240Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2155/1c.1962Genealogy of the Ker family, Newbliss, County Monagh...
8266Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2237/10c.1964Typescript genealogical notes on the Sheilds family,...
7385Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/38781970-1989Records of the Samaritan Hospital Ladies' Guild Comm...
7393Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/39071972-1975Working papers of J Christopher Napier, solicitor, r...
7395Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/39171969-19721 volume register of Wells Brothers, pawnbrokers, Gr...
7404Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/39481964-1980Records of Whitewell Tenants' Association, Newtownab...
7408Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/39571976-1989Records of the National Union of Public Employees (N...
8416Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2636/11602-1956
A short history of the Willis family of County Ferma...
8433Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2672/11717-1954
Typed pedigree on the McAleer family, County Tyrone ...
8452Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2724/2c.1960Typed genealogical table of the Foster family, Count...
7431Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/4025/41966
Correspondence about Sir Patrick Arthur Macrory'...
7439Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/4053c.1950This collection includes genealogical information on...
7447Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/40681953-19862 minute books for the 'Good Companion', a Woman's I...
7451Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/40751972-19813 folders, c.100 documents relating to the Standing ...
7493Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/4179c.1985This collection includes genealogical notes on the M...Dunleath Papers
7595Public Record Office of Northern IrelandEOC/1976Records of the Equal Opportunities Commission for No...Equal Opportunities Commission for Northern Ireland Records
8476Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2773/2/6c.1968Copies of genealogical notes on the Usher family, 16...
8745Public Record Office of Northern IrelandTP/291983Audio tape of British Broadcasting Corporation [BBC]...
7616Public Record Office of Northern IrelandHA/131953-1957Northern Ireland Ministry of Home Affairs files, HA/...Northern Ireland Ministry of Home Affairs Records
7623Public Record Office of Northern IrelandHO/21974-1976Evidence submitted to the Committee on the Future of...Home Office Records
7734Public Record Office of Northern IrelandLCO/11971-1978Royal Commission on Civil Liberty, 1971-1978. These ...
7735Public Record Office of Northern IrelandLGBC/1/4/1-71971Register of electors for Northern Ireland, 1971.Local Government Board
7766Public Record Office of Northern IrelandMIC/281951Microfilmed copies of c.300 letters of condolence to...
7772Public Record Office of Northern IrelandMIC/328c.1972Microfilmed copy of the autobiography of Professor C...
8085Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1706/31960Photostat copy of memorandum on pedigree of the Bere...
8113Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/18321700-1900
Pedigree of the Barton family, Boa Island, County Fe...
8223Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/21111819-1900
c.42 documents comprising of photographs and photost...
8226Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/21121612-1942
Family tree of the Saunderson family, Shean, County ...
8250Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2190/1-2c.1950Genealogical notes on the Saunderson family, Magherb...
8256Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2203/2-41766-1930
Genealogical notes on the Higgins family, Broomhedge...
8272Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2259/1c.1966Family tree of the Reids, Kells, County Antrim, c.18...
8274Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2263/1-3c.1973Pedigrees and genealogical notes on the related fami...
8277Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2270/1-21650-1863
Pedigree of the Lyle family, Kilcronaghan, County De...
8299Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/23481329-1900
Typescript notes on the history of the Moneypenny fa...
8341Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2468/1-81966-c.1968Typescript and manuscript genealogical material on t...
8352Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2498/11967Letter from Audrey Hacket Pain, Surrey, to A.T.Q Ste...
8385Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2579/1-101961-1968Copies of 10 printed missionary newsletters giving d...
8393Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2605c19659 documents containing genealogical notes and corres...
8417Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2637/2-5c1970-c1974T/2637/2 Bundle of pedigrees of various families c...
8437Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/26811968-1969This collection of 17 documents includes, for exampl...
8448Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2715/1-21950-c.1960Pedigree of the Crawford family, Crawfordsburn, Coun...
8451Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2723c.1969Pedigree of the Carson family, Lurgan area of County...
8473Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/277/4/2c.1966Typescript account of the murder of Betsy Gray in 17...
8509Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2907/11955-1958Copy of a geographical survey and history of Gortin ...
8572Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/36001980-1981Transcripts of interviews on radio and television wi...
8741Public Record Office of Northern IrelandTP/11966Audio tape-recording of Lady Stronge's speech delive...
8742Public Record Office of Northern IrelandTP/191978Audio tape-recording of a radio broadcast of a conve...
8743Public Record Office of Northern IrelandTP/201965Audio tape-recording of Judith Wilson's intervie...
8744Public Record Office of Northern IrelandTP/281980Audio tape of a recorded interview of Miss Alice G. ...
8746Public Record Office of Northern IrelandTP/331981Audio tape with transcription of talk by Mrs H. Tott...
8747Public Record Office of Northern IrelandTP/351975Audio taped interview with Miss Margaret Robinson ab...
13784Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and Archives1959Correspondence from Sheila Waters about the preparat...
16515Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and ArchivesMS331969Exhibits are arranged into bundles, each of which ha...Scarman Tribunal (1969)
21470Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and ArchivesMS741925-1926
Mss1/110-113 Northern Ireland, Ministry of Home Affa...QUB Miscellaneous Manuscripts
21479Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and ArchivesMS741961MS 1/247 Letter from C.S. Lewis to Anne Waller. Pres...QUB Miscellaneous Manuscripts
21480Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and ArchivesMS741960
MS 1/250 2 letters from Janet McNeill to Rosalie Eva...QUB Miscellaneous Manuscripts
534Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 20A19523 Some aspects of presentation of address to Queen ...Handlists/Portfolio
854Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP4081963-1979Friend Mission Folder 42D Four cards of mounted sna...Photographic Collections
879Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMss Box 15/Case III Lower1954Letter from Stella Webb, 27 September 1954. Essay o...Handlists: Mss Boxes, Pamphlets Boxes, etc.
883Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP9841952Filing Cabinet 8 Photographs of Ireland, Delegation...Photographic Collections
888Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP3701982Conferences and Youth Meetings: Visit of Monkstown F...Photographic Collection Card Catalogue
894Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1952Postal Curios: Elizabeth Fry on German Postage Stamp...Museum Collection
863Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMss Box 3-3a1966
Mss Box 3 Miscellaneous relating to Lydia Jane Fish...Handlists: Mss Boxes, Pamphlets Boxes, etc.
1202Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP801952Friends' World Conference Oxford, 1952.Photographic Collections
1203Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP7271961Dublin Badminton Club, 1961. League Shield winners.Photographic Collections
1210Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP924-9251987Margaret nee Murdoch, and Brian O'Sullivan married a...Photographic Collections
1223Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP4211969Young Friends: Work Camp at Derrynane, 1969.Photographic Collections
1234Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP9641961Conferences and Youth Meetings: Group Photograph of ...Photographic Collections
1235Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP9631964Conferences and Youth Meetings: Two group photograph...Photographic Collections
1236Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP4531965Conferences and Youth Meetings: World Committee for ...Photographic Collections
1237Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP4951987Conferences and Youth Meetings: Ireland Yearly Meeti...Photographic Collections
1238Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP9741988Conferences and Youth Meetings: Dublin Millennium Qu...Photographic Collections
1246Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP9331984John and Edith Wigzell warden, 1984, at Quaker House...Photographic Collections
1288Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1981Art: 'Aunt Josephine' charcoal drawing, presented in...Museum Collection
1297Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1953Friends' Relief Work: Cross of Merit of the Federal ...Museum Collection
3861Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 431964-1974Modern Papers: 5 Letter from Mrs Sheila Morgan, Pri...Handlists/Portfolio
3885Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMss Box 661978Modern Correspondence: 2c Two letters from Liam Gly...Handlists: Mss Boxes, Pamphlets Boxes, etc.
3894Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPamphlet Box 17B1983-19861 Letters from T D's and Senators, 1983-1984. 5 M...Handlists: Mss Boxes, Pamphlets Boxes, etc.
3884Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMss Box 651967Fourth World Conference of Friends, 1967: 4 Corresp...Handlists: Mss Boxes, Pamphlets Boxes, etc.
4165Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box XVII/Folder 4:221971Helen and Isabel Colley, Lumara, Kilkenny, County Du...Deeds
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Account of the life of Ellen Hutchins, to 1815, bota...
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St John's Parish, Register of Marriages:April 19...St Fin Barre's Cathedral Cork Archive
22067Representative Church Body LibraryB51950-1967St Nicholas' Parish, Financial Register, St Nich...St Fin Barre's Cathedral Cork Archive
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St Fin Barre's Parish, Register of Parishioners:...St Fin Barre's Cathedral Cork Archive
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Minute Books: 1919 1923-1952 1970-1984  The ear...Saint Ultan's Hospital
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Minutes of the Kathleen Lynn Memorial CommitteeRepor...Saint Ultan's Hospital
22408Royal College of Physicians of Ireland1959-1974General Purpose and Nursing Committee and House and ...Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital
22416Royal College of Physicians of Ireland1971-1985Death Certificate Books, 1971-1985.Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital
22422Royal College of Physicians of Ireland1951-1952Salaries Book (nursing and domestic staff), 1951-195...Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital
22424Royal College of Physicians of Ireland1962-1986Indexes to Patients, 1962-1986.Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital
22429Royal College of Physicians of Irelandc.1970-c.1980Correspondence files and departmental records, 1970s...Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital
4035Royal Irish Academy4/A/551974Six typescript pages of analytical data referred to ...McCormick, Joan E and others
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Dobbs, Margaret C. List of feminine names up to 1200...
4036Royal Irish AcademyLibrarian's Office1979-1987Bequest file regarding Nora F McMillan's bequest of ...McMillan, Nora F Bequest
4115Royal Irish AcademyOSR on mantel1950Bergin, Osborn Joseph, 1873-1950. Pencil sketch made...
22448Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1968-1971Group Medical Staff of the Royal Victoria Hospital M...
22452Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1969-1973Bound volume of Belfast [Royal] Hospital Management ...
22458Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1963-1974Minutes of the Ladies' Committee [probably of th...
22459Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1956-1964Royal Victoria Hospital Nursing Committee Minutes:19...
22460Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1972-1973Royal Victoria Hospital Nursing Advisory Committee (...
22461Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1971-1987Royal Victoria Hospital Divisional Committee for Obs...
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Board of Management Minutes of Belfast Ophthalmic an...
22465Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1960-1962Belfast Ophthalmic and Benn Hospital Management Comm...
22466Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1953-1973Medical Staff Committee Minutes of Claremont Street ...
22480Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1961-19661 volume of Ophthalmic/Benn Hospital Minutes:1961-19...
22482Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1972-19771 volume of Royal Victoria Hospital Medical Educatio...
22483Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1956-19641 volume of Royal Victoria Hospital Nursing Committe...
22484Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1972-19731 volume of Royal Victoria Hospital Group Nursing Ad...
22487Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1950-19879 volumes of Royal Victoria Hospital Finance Committ...
22489Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1953-19714 volumes of Royal Victoria Hospital Group Medical A...
22496Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1948-1959
4 bound and printed volumes of Annual Reports of Bel...
4306RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA4201978Orchestral concert concerning Play by Flesichmann an...Sound Archive
4329RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA39751958City Newsreel: Ivvy Beson's Girls Brass Band, 29 Sep...Sound Archive
4330RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA39771959City Newsreel: Nita Norrie, 8 June 1959.Sound Archive
4331RTÉ Archive (Sound)1960Tree in Coole: Feature on Lady Gregory, 3 April 1960...Sound Archive
4332RTÉ Archive (Sound)1971Here and Now: Maire Comerford interviewed by John A ...Sound Archive
4333RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA33381972News: Exploitation of Au Pairs 16 October 1972.Sound Archive
4334RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB37111975Late Late Show: Women in Politics, 18 January 1975.Sound Archive
4335RTÉ Archive (Sound)91/751975Battered Wives: Documentary on Family Violence, 2 Ma...Sound Archive
4336RTÉ Archive (Sound)229/751975Thomas Davis Lecture: Women and the New Irish State,...Sound Archive
4337RTÉ Archive (Sound)232/751975Thomas Davis Lecture: Women and the Family, 7 Decemb...Sound Archive
4338RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB34821975Thomas Davis Lecture: Women in Irish Society, 14 Dec...Sound Archive
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4344RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA2381978Talking Sport: The Feminine Angle, 24 February 1978.Sound Archive
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Church in Action: Cashel Workhouse in 1914, 12 Decem...Sound Archive
4346RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA8371979Church in Action: Dr Una Knoll's Fight, 16 January 1...Sound Archive
4347RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA18011979Poems Plain: Women and Poetry, 16 January 1979.Sound Archive
4348RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA8581979Abortion the Lonely Crisis: Documentary, 4 April 197...Sound Archive
4349RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA18461970Personal Approach: Women on the Beat, 24 July 1970.Sound Archive
4350RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA34711980Born Under a Kind Star: Life of K Tynan Hickson, 6 A...Sound Archive
4351RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB34131980Late Date: Dame Anna Neagle interview, 24 April 1980...Sound Archive
4352RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA14741980World of Women: Documentary on United Nations Women&...Sound Archive
4353RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA17721981Women and Unemployment; Documentary, 16 May 1981.Sound Archive
4354RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB3311981Women Today: Adult Education and Women, 15 September...Sound Archive
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4356RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB7761982Personally Speaking: Mary McKenna, 24 June 1982.Sound Archive
4357RTÉ Archive (Sound)B12441982Pat Kenny Show: Females in Mountjoy, 23 July 1982.Sound Archive
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4359RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB10001989Talking Sport: Women in GAA, 29 October 1989.Sound Archive
4361RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB25731982Women Today: Nuala Fennell, 17 December 1982.Sound Archive
4363RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA42311983Day by Day: Women in the Army, 8 March 1983.Sound Archive
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4365RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA42721983Day by Day: Writer Polly Devlin, 27 June 1983.Sound Archive
4366RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA42731983Day by Day: Test Tube Babies, 30 June 1983.Sound Archive
4367RTÉ Archive (Sound)D007421983Looking West: Experience of Missionary Nuns, 8 July ...Sound Archive
4368RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB14211983Talkback: Violence Against Women, 12 July 1983.Sound Archive
4369RTÉ Archive (Sound)A42761983Day by Day: Abortion Amendment, 5 September 1983.Sound Archive
4370RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB13551983On The Record: Maeve Binchy and Stuart Hood, 8 Septe...Sound Archive
4371RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA42761983Day by Day: Molly Keane Interview, 29 September 1983...Sound Archive
4372RTÉ Archive (Sound)A43181983Day by Day: Nell versus Council for the Status of Wo...Sound Archive
4373RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB15271983Women Today: Fairy Tales and Women, 24 November 1983...Sound Archive
4374RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB14841983Women Today: Unwanted Sexual Advances, 8 December 19...Sound Archive
4375RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB16861984Gay Byrne Show: Ann Lovett Report, 7 February 1984.Sound Archive
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4378RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB16701984Talking Sport: Female Irish Athletes in Olympics, 11...Sound Archive
4380RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA43701984Pat Kenny Show: Susan Hampshire, 12 July 1984.Sound Archive
4381RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA43721984Pat Kenny Show:Test Tube Babies, 13 July 1984.Sound Archive
4382RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA43921984Pat Kenny Show: Castaway Lucy Irvine, 22 August 1984...Sound Archive
4383RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA43821984Pat Kenny Show: Julia O'Faolain, 30 August 1984.Sound Archive
4384RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA41471984Saturdayview: Sex Education in Schools, 27 October 1...Sound Archive
4385RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA38521984Women Today: Andre Sheehy Skeffington, 19 November 1...Sound Archive
4386RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA38531984Women Today: Anglo-Irish Women Writers, 21 November ...Sound Archive
4387RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA38531984Women Today: Women in Politics, 26 November 1984.Sound Archive
4388RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA38541984Women Today: Women in the Third World, 4 December 19...Sound Archive
4389RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB40101985New Wave: Women in Adult Education, 26 January 1985.Sound Archive
4390RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA430731 January 1985Women Today: Woman Taxi Driver, 31 January 1985.Sound Archive
4391RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB40111985New Wave: Why women return to education, 2 February ...Sound Archive
4392RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA43151985Women Today: Memories of being in service, 5 Februar...Sound Archive
4393RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA43121985Women Today: Woman and access to her child, 7 Februa...Sound Archive
4394RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB23911985Women Today: Older Women, 12 February 1985.Sound Archive
4395RTÉ Archive (Sound)BB40131985New Wave: How education has changed women, 16 Februa...Sound Archive
4396RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA43081985Women Today: Rotunda Sexual Assault Unit, 2 April 19...Sound Archive
4397RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA43151985Women Today: Ruth Ellis, 18 April 1985.Sound Archive
4398RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA43151985Women Today: Feminist Fairytales, 18 April 1985.Sound Archive
4399RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA43131985Women Today: Home Births, 22 April 1985.Sound Archive
4400RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA43131985Women Today: Belly dancer, 7 May 1985.Sound Archive
4401RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA43081985Women Today: Tug of Love Children, 8 May 1985.Sound Archive
4402RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA43131985Women Today: Free Dental Care for Spouse, 9 May 1985...Sound Archive
4403RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA43151985Women Today: Kerry Babies Tribunal Ends, 21 May 1985...Sound Archive
4404RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA38831985Day by Day: Eavan Boland on Arlen House, 23 May 1985...Sound Archive
4405RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA43151985Day by Day: Annie Maguire, 28 May 1985.Sound Archive
4406RTÉ Archive (Sound)AA38891985Day by Day: Council for the Status of Women, 20 June...Sound Archive
22523RTÉ Archive (Sound)19846 December 1984, Women Today: North South Women .Sound Archive
22563RTÉ Archive (Sound)198520 June 1985, Women's Rights.Sound Archive
22564RTÉ Archive (Sound)198522 July 1985, Portrait of the Artist as a Young: Gir...Sound Archive
22565RTÉ Archive (Sound)198529 July 1985, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl...Sound Archive
22567RTÉ Archive (Sound)19852 September 1985, Portrait of the Artist as a Young ...Sound Archive
22574RTÉ Archive (Sound)198530 December 1985, Refugees and Displaced Women.Sound Archive
22575RTÉ Archive (Sound)198513 February 1985, Liveline: Death of Mother and Baby...Sound Archive
22576RTÉ Archive (Sound)19854 March 1985, Liveline: Middle Class Woman in Dire S...Sound Archive
22577RTÉ Archive (Sound)198510 March 1985, Liveline: Dr. Wendy Savage Case.Sound Archive
22578RTÉ Archive (Sound)198626 March 1986, Liveline: Incest Victim.Sound Archive
22579RTÉ Archive (Sound)198614 April 1986, Liveline: Porn Videos.Sound Archive
22580RTÉ Archive (Sound)19862 June 1986, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl:...Sound Archive
22581RTÉ Archive (Sound)19869 June 1986, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl:...Sound Archive
22582RTÉ Archive (Sound)198615 July 1986, Faces of Unemployment: Women unemploye...Sound Archive
22583RTÉ Archive (Sound)198613 October 1986, Liveline: Islamic Community in Irel...Sound Archive
22584RTÉ Archive (Sound)198614 October 1986, Liveline: Emigration wives left beh...Sound Archive
22585RTÉ Archive (Sound)198628 October 1986, Liveline: Baby Boom.Sound Archive
22586RTÉ Archive (Sound)198630 October 1986, Liveline: Women Soliders for a Day.Sound Archive
22587RTÉ Archive (Sound)19865 November 1986 Looking West: Marie Ni Shiochain of ...Sound Archive
22588RTÉ Archive (Sound)198629 December 1986, Day by Day On: Wendy Savage.Sound Archive
22589RTÉ Archive (Sound)1916
7 January 1987, Looking West: 1916 Memories.Sound Archive
22590RTÉ Archive (Sound)198724 March 1987, Moments in Time: Rosaleen Mills Irish...Sound Archive
22591RTÉ Archive (Sound)198728 March 1987, Moments in Time: Hilda Tweedy, Irish ...Sound Archive
22592RTÉ Archive (Sound)198711 April 1987, Moments in Time: Sheila Conroy.Sound Archive
22593RTÉ Archive (Sound)198724 April 1987, Young at Heart: Mamo McDonald.Sound Archive
22594RTÉ Archive (Sound)198720 May 1987, Looking West: Mrs Agatha Madden.Sound Archive
22595RTÉ Archive (Sound)198724 August 1987, On the Edge: Women Alcoholics.Sound Archive
22596RTÉ Archive (Sound)19878 June 1987, Pat Kenny Show: Edna O'Brien.Sound Archive
22597RTÉ Archive (Sound)198710 June 1987, Pat Kenny Show: Jilly Cooper.Sound Archive
22598RTÉ Archive (Sound)198715 June 1987, Pat Kenny Show: Nora Barnacle Book.Sound Archive
22599RTÉ Archive (Sound)198818 July 1988, Pat Kenny Show: Fay Weldon, Author.Sound Archive
22600RTÉ Archive (Sound)198822 July 1988, Pat Kenny Show: Maureen Dean.Sound Archive
22601RTÉ Archive (Sound)198817 August 1988, Andy O'Mahony Show: Bronwyn Conroy.Sound Archive
22602RTÉ Archive (Sound)19885 September 1988, Andy O'Mahony Show: Catherine Byrn...Sound Archive
22603RTÉ Archive (Sound)19886 November 1988, Dialogue: Lynn Segal.Sound Archive
22604RTÉ Archive (Sound)198829 November 1988, Not Proper for a Woman: Ethna Tinn...Sound Archive
22605RTÉ Archive (Sound)198829 May 1988, Moments in Time: Maire Brugha.Sound Archive
22606RTÉ Archive (Sound)198916 October 1989, Brides: Women on Love and Marriage.Sound Archive
6199RTÉ Archive (Television)D97008681982Women Talking: 20 July 1982, Marriage.Television Programme Archive
6200RTÉ Archive (Television)D97008681982Women Talking: 3 August 1982, Mothering.Television Programme Archive
6201RTÉ Archive (Television)D97008681983Women Talking: 12 August 1983, Alternatives to Marri...Television Programme Archive
6202RTÉ Archive (Television)D97008711983Women Talking: 19 September 1983, Women on Women.Television Programme Archive
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5201RTÉ Stills Library0259/0271960Traditionally dressed women and children in Algeria ...Illustration Library
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5212RTÉ Stills Library0016/0351985Nuala Fennell, Minsiter for State for Women's Affair...Illustration Library
5214RTÉ Stills Library0021/0381964Three women check fruit at Scott's Jam Factory in Ar...Illustration Library
5215RTÉ Stills Library0021/0391954A picture of woman checking strawberries at a jam fa...Illustration Library
5220RTÉ Stills Library0149/0071981Erin Pizzey, Women's Rights Campaigner, 1981.Illustration Library
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5224RTÉ Stills Library0256/0301971A 'Women Libber's' demonstration at Connolly Station...Illustration Library
5225RTÉ Stills Library0256/0471975A 'Women Libber's' demonstration protesting in favo...Illustration Library
5226RTÉ Stills Library0492/0561975Women demonstrating about inequality in pay, Dublin ...Illustration Library
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5244RTÉ Stills Library0040/0301987Mary Flatherty,TD, Fine Gael, Dublin 1987.Illustration Library
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5252RTÉ Stills Library0258/0421978Minna Criblen and Desmond Broderick protesting outsi...Illustration Library
9909Scoil Mhuire Cork1952-1954Roll Books of Scoil Ite which give name and attendan...
22663Services Industrial Professional Technical Union (SIPTU)1955-1960Dublin District Council Files, 1955-1960.Irish Transport and General Workers Union
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22665Services Industrial Professional Technical Union (SIPTU)1950-1959Cavan Branch:Collectors Book, 1958-1959Branch regist...Irish Transport and General Workers Union
22666Services Industrial Professional Technical Union (SIPTU)1950Cobh Branch:Register, 1950Irish Transport and General Workers Union
22667Services Industrial Professional Technical Union (SIPTU)1956-1958Cootehill Branch:Registers, 1956-1958Irish Transport and General Workers Union
22670Services Industrial Professional Technical Union (SIPTU)1952Sligo Branch:Register, 1952Irish Transport and General Workers Union
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11887Sligo Archives ServiceShelf O1972-1979Sligo Borough Rates Books:1972-1973 all wards1973-19...
11885Sligo Archives ServiceShelf M1952-1963Sligo Borough Rate Books:1952-1953 east and north wa...
11886Sligo Archives ServiceShelf N1963-1972Sligo Borough Rate Books:1963-1964 all wards1964-196...
13776Sligo Archives ServiceS./R1953-1965Attendance Register of the Sligo branch of the Briti...
22682South Eastern Education and Library Board Local History Collection1980Volumes of newscuttings alphabetically arranged by p...Local Studies Collection
22710South Eastern Education and Library Board Local History Collection19541 folder containing a typescript copy of 'The Bastar...Local Studies Collection
22727South Eastern Education and Library Board Local History Collection1972-1978
Belfast City Council Minutes: 1972-1978 and 1982- (b...Local Studies Collection
22730South Eastern Education and Library Board Local History Collection1967-1971
Lisburn Rural District Council Minutes: 1967-1971 an...Local Studies Collection
22012St Brigid's Hospital, Ballinasloe1967Night Report Book:January 1967-November 1967Ballinasloe District Lunatic Asylum
22015St Brigid's Hospital, Ballinasloe1964Record of Drugs, March 1964-[?].Ballinasloe District Lunatic Asylum
22022St Brigid's Hospital, Ballinasloe1966-1967Ballinasloe District Lunatic Asylum, Mental Treatmen...Ballinasloe District Lunatic Asylum
22023St Brigid's Hospital, Ballinasloe1963-1966
Expenses Book, [Castlerea Mental Hospital?]:1963-196...Ballinasloe District Lunatic Asylum
21992St Canice's Hospital, Kilkenny1960Shoemakers' Account Books, 5 volumes, c.1960.St Canice's District Lunatic Asylum
22031St Davnet's Hospital, Monaghan1952-1962
Cavan Monaghan Mental Health Board Minutes, Minute B...Monaghan District Lunatic Asylum
22035St Dympna's Hospital, CarlowIE DA SDH1921-1934
Carlow District Mental Hospital, Record of Attendanc...St Dympna's Psychiatric Hospital, Carlow
22043St Dympna's Hospital, CarlowIE DA SDH1965-1981Fuel and Light Book:July 1968-August 1981July 1965-J...St Dympna's Psychiatric Hospital, Carlow
22044St Dympna's Hospital, CarlowIE DA SDH1970-1974Requirement Book: January 1970-October 1974St Dympna's Psychiatric Hospital, Carlow
22045St Dympna's Hospital, CarlowIE DA SDH1950-1972Extra Diet Check Book:May 1957-September 1969Septemb...St Dympna's Psychiatric Hospital, Carlow
22046St Dympna's Hospital, CarlowIE DA SDH1978-1979Day Book: February 1978-December 1979St Dympna's Psychiatric Hospital, Carlow
22047St Dympna's Hospital, CarlowIE DA SDH1965-1971Daily Diet Distribution Book:October 1969-November 1...St Dympna's Psychiatric Hospital, Carlow
22048St Dympna's Hospital, CarlowIE DA SDH1967-1970Female Staff Ration Book:March 1967-October 1970St Dympna's Psychiatric Hospital, Carlow
22049St Dympna's Hospital, CarlowIE DA SDH1952-1961Washing Materials Issued:March 1952-July 1961St Dympna's Psychiatric Hospital, Carlow
22050St Dympna's Hospital, CarlowIE DA SDH1967-1970Female Staff Ration Book:March 1967-October 1970St Dympna's Psychiatric Hospital, Carlow
22051St Dympna's Hospital, CarlowIE DA SDH1952-1961Washing Materials Issued:March 1952-July 1961St Dympna's Psychiatric Hospital, Carlow
12082St Louis' Heritage Centre1990/32/BLM/GB/021972Letter of the Minutes of Carrickmacross Lace Meeting...
12083St Louis' Heritage Centre1990/33/BLM/GB-021971Letter, 1971, relating to Carrickmacross lace from S...
12085St Louis' Heritage Centre1990/43/HC/GB/021976Black covered hardback book entitled 'Carrickmac...
12086St Louis' Heritage Centre1990/44/HC/GB/021987Report of the Carrickmacross Lace Working Party (Dra...
12111St Louis' Heritage CentreMCG12/GB30-MCG13/GB301940
Photographs relating to Mother Columbanus Greene, Mo...
12112St Louis' Heritage CentreMCG15/GB30-MCG20/GB301950
Photographs relating Mother Columbanus Greene, Monag...
13769Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1996.1221951-1961One notebook containing the Minutes of the South Tip...
13775Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1991/1952-1985Tipperary South Riding County Council Minute Books:2...
13778Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.6341954Document, particulars of employees and valuation, Sh...
13790Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1996.1231961-1972One notebook containing the Minutes of the South Tip...
13791Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1996.1201962-1972A notebook, the Minutes of the South Tipperary Feder...
13804Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1996.1241972-1985One notebook containing the Minutes of the South Tip...
1689Tipperary Studies1760-1800
Minutes of Library Committee Meetings: 1927-1932 193...
19847Tipperary Studies1970-1979Michael Murphy Clonmel images 1970sIncludes images o...Michael Murphy Clonmel Images, 1970s
19849Tipperary Studies1967-1968Comhairle Ceili Newsletter No. 1, December 1967Comha...Comhairle Céilí Newsletter, 1967-1969
22735Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry1955-1969Irish Transport and General Workers' Union: Memb...
22742Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry1955-1967Photographs, including those of women members, of th...
22769Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry1953An invitation for Mrs S. Orr from the Ulster Special...
22770Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry1969Black and white photograph from the 'Irish News' of ...
22771Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry1970Black and white photograph of women protesting with ...
22784Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry19559 enlarged black and white photographs which include...
22786Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry1965Book of signatories petitioning the Northern Ireland...
22785Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry1958Printed flyer advertising a public meeting of London...
6418Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs10458/15/1-21970Xerox of a Cuala Press card designed by Beatrice Cam...Dorothy Kay Papers
6419Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs105481957Newscuttings, includes: Article on Norah Mac Guinnes...Dorothy Kay Papers
6425Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs107151954-1956Letters from the poet, Sheila Wingfield [nee Bedding...
6455Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs62151961-1962Typescript copy of `The Sons of Usnach' found in the...Synge Papers
6457Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs74411951-1969Correspondence of Margaret Young (`Meg', died Februa...
10240Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs105781975
Typescript with manuscript amendments of 'Man on...
10243Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs10169/4c.1980s'Artists on education: the educational autobiogr...Artists on Education
10248Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs9932/331920-1929
A letter of reminiscences and family history by Mary...
10256Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs10930/51971Letter from Robert Cecil Booth to Catherine (sister ...
10265Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs37411722
Typescript made by George Mayhew, California Institu...
10321Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMss4509-45311923-1925
23 Sketchbooks of Estella Frances Solomons, mostly u...O'Sullivan/Solomons Collection
10327Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMss4630-4649/2993a1956P L P[ielou], `James S Cousins and Mrs Margaret Cous...O'Sullivan/Solomons Collection
10328Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCD/Miscellanous/Photocopc1950Transcribed (and reconstituted) Diary of an American...
10343Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs109871973Sketch in pencil and white chalk of Mary Lavin by Be...
10348Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs47951969List of a collections of books, manuscripts etc., of...
10398Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs10066/2971941-1942
Photograph Album of Denis Johnston, 1941-1942; 1959-...Denis Johnston Papers
10399Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs10066/2981959-1965Photograph Album of Denis Johnston, mostly family ph...Denis Johnston Papers
10403Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs10066/5191976-1981Letters from Denis Johnston, to Dr Christine St Pete...Denis Johnston Papers
10523Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs71041975Manuscript working notes of The Little Girls by...Elizabeth Bowen Papers
11148Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs50501951-1954Correspondence of Florence [Flora] M. Vere O'Bri...O'Brien Family
11247Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentP55/61954Rent Receipt Book, 1954.Courtown Papers
11906Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs108131953-1962Papers of the Pike Theatre, 18 a Herbert Lane, Dubli...
11910Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs10941/2/21820-1970
Manuscript and typescript draft text of 'Imagina...
18613Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCD MISC photocopy 1821950-1959Typescript transcription of part of MC Lehman's jour...Memoir of Mahrea Lehman
18627Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCD MS 114191968-1970
Weekly grocery expenditure with rare records of othe...Domestic account books of Rosalie Morris O'Meara
18628Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCD MS 114191968-1970
Weekly grocery expenditure with rare records of othe...Domestic account books of Rosalie Morris O'Meara
18763Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCD MS 11588/1/31956Part of a typed chronology, produced by the Bureau o...Michael McDunphy Papers
3711UCC College ArchivesUC/PO/14181959-1962Relationship between University College Cork and the...President's Office Collection
9953UCC College ArchivesSecO/file86no2/Box 1/31963-1970File relating to Tipperary County Council Scholarshi...Secretary's Office
9956UCC College ArchivesSecO/file802/Box 5/21964-1971File relating to Limerick County Council Scholarship...Secretary's Office
9974UCC College ArchivesSecOfile/3598/Box 25/81950-1953File relating to Meath County Council scholarships, ...Secretary's Office
1141UCC Special Collections & ArchivesBox 41960Books, many autographed by author, including 44 Iris...Nancy McCarthy Collection
3640UCC Special Collections & ArchivesUC/DC 391953-1955Four letters from Mairin Chevasse to Corkery in Engl...The Papers of Daniel Corkery
3649UCC Special Collections & ArchivesUC/DC781951Letter from Mrs K.R. Buckley, Laurel Mount, Highfiel...The Papers of Daniel Corkery
3653UCC Special Collections & ArchivesUC/DC6921950Letter from Eileen Collins of Devin Adair relating t...The Papers of Daniel Corkery
3664UCC Special Collections & ArchivesUC/DC7531950Letter from Sister Duncan Corkery of New York inquir...The Papers of Daniel Corkery
3665UCC Special Collections & ArchivesUC/DC7671950Letter from Mrs Barbara Hopson (nee Fagan), Honda, N...The Papers of Daniel Corkery
3668UCC Special Collections & ArchivesU2271965Includes some letters from women relating to literar...Patrick Galvin Papers
3675UCC Special Collections & ArchivesU2681848
Death certificate of Hannah Green, aged 15, daughter...
3661UCC Special Collections & ArchivesUC/DC7451960Letter in Irish from Maire Ní Cheochain apolo...The Papers of Daniel Corkery
3662UCC Special Collections & ArchivesUC/DC7461958Note in Irish from Bríd Ní Chonmaigh r...The Papers of Daniel Corkery
3663UCC Spe