"1796-1847" - 1714 Results

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14273Alexandra College1830-18351 bound volume, Graves-Hemans letters:Manuscript ext...
14274Alexandra College1830-18351 volume, photocopies of Hemans-Graves manuscript co...
6965Armagh County Museum1986/691832-1842Minute Book of the Armagh Benevolent Society for 183...
6966Armagh County Museum1948/31833-1834Manuscript, 'A valuation of houses, etc., of the cit...
6971Armagh County Museum1953/51834Sepia drawing 'View of Armagh Cathedral in 1834', by...
6984Armagh County Museum1976/1191840Notebook, Charlotte Campbell, 1840, 248 pages, conta...
6985Armagh County Museum1976/1331840Circular, 'Death fo James Stuart Esq., L.L.D....
13054Armagh County Museum1936/831805Assize calendar, County Down, Lent Assizes 1805, div...
13057Armagh County Museum1973/91808Pencil drawing 'Woman spinning in a doorway'...
13069Armagh County Museum1935/3991815
'Annual report of the association for the occasional...
13078Armagh County Museum1820, 18371988/225 Print, elevation of the Lunatic Asylum for...
13092Armagh County Museum1935/4021827
'The annual report of the association for the relief...
13102Armagh County Museum1976/1181832Notebook, Charlotte Campbell, 1832, 120 pages, conta...
13106Armagh County Museum1962/1701841-1842Rent Book, Dartry estate, County Armagh for November...
13112Armagh County Museum1978/291843Monthly returns of warrants and arrests, Constabular...
13113Armagh County Museum1978/301843Monthly returns of warrants and arrests, Constabular...
13120Armagh County Museum1985/31846Oil portrait of Martha Wentworth by Samuel Hawksett,...
13144Armagh County Museum1956/611838
Memoranda books, medical, formerly belonged to Surge...
13844Armagh County Museum1960/49c.1830Water-colour portrait of the Misses Catherine and Fa...
13848Armagh County Museum1956/58c1844-1845Album of drawings entitled 'Ireland. Sketches fr...
14988Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1828-1835Full lists of these papers are available in the arch...
14990Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1835-1846Full lists of these papers are available in the arch...
14993Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1819-1832Full lists of these papers are available in the arch...Most Reverend Patrick Curtis Archive
16391Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1801Letters of Most Reverend Dr Reilly, Archbishop of Ar...Most Reverend Richard Reilly Archive
16392Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1809Letters of Most Reverend Dr Reilly, Archbishop of Ar...Most Reverend Richard Reilly Archive
16393Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1815Letters of Most Reverend Dr Reilly, Archbishop of Ar...Most Reverend Richard Reilly Archive
16414Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1840Material relating to the Diocese of Raphoe, includes...Primate McGettigan Archive
7640Armagh Robinson LibraryKE/IV/211819-c.18381 volume of assize records of case histories for pro...
19113Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 21825A letter referring to the proposal of Mrs Balfour to...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19120Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 71841A letter from Mrs Foster suggesting that her husband...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19121Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 71841A letter from Revd. W.H. Foster apologising for his ...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19124Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 71843A letter from H.L. Prentiss to Primate Beresford reg...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19125Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 81826A list of annuities of £416 paid to 16 widows ...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19105Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 11824A letter from Doctor Edward Stopford complaining tha...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19116Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 31812
Returns concerning glebes and schools, listing schoo...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19117Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 31832Returns of families attending parish churches in Arm...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19118Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 41829A census of Protestants living in Woodchapel parish ...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19122Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 71844A letter from H.L. Baker seeking advice from Primate...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19123Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 71835A letter from Mrs Sybilla Baker, wife of the Revd. o...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19126Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 81826-1827A list of all those christened, married or buried at...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19127Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 81841A letter stating that Lady Elizabeth McClintock was ...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19131Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 81827A list of names of all persons christened, married a...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19129Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 81844A list of families no longer attending Drumglass Chu...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19130Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 81829Notes that a woman in Grange parish had been forbidd...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19132Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 81841-1843A petition of Mrs Susan James, Wexford, the wife of ...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19133Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 91841-1843Details on the parish of Loughgilly, 1841-1843, whic...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19136Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 91827A register book of marriages in Termonfekin Church f...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19137Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 101840A list of annual contributions in support of scriptu...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19140Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 111842A letter from Revd J.C. Crosthwaite to Mr Jones info...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19141Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1800-18491845An extract from the Armagh Guardian which state...Dean Rennison Papers
19165Armagh Robinson LibraryKE/IV/ 71798-1802Diaries, Volume 2: 1798-1802Diary entry noting that ...Alexander Hamilton Papers
19166Armagh Robinson LibraryKE/IV/ 71799Diaries, Volume 2: 1798-1802Diary entry noting that ...Alexander Hamilton Papers
19167Armagh Robinson LibraryKE/IV/ 71800Diaries, Volume 2: 1798-1802Diary entry noting, '...Alexander Hamilton Papers
19168Armagh Robinson LibraryKE/IV/ 71800Diaries, Volume 2: 1798-1802Diary entry noting, '...Alexander Hamilton Papers
19169Armagh Robinson LibraryKE/IV/ 71802-1807Diaries, Volume 3: 1802-1807Diary entry noting, '...Alexander Hamilton Papers
8756Ballymoney LibraryU/A-333.32c.1812Extracts from a report on the estates of the heirs o...
8758Ballymoney LibraryU/A-BMO 9141832-1835Typed, bound transcript of the Ordnance Survey Memoi...
8762Ballymoney LibraryU/A-BMO-3731823-1824Typed volume entitled, 'Account of Schools in pa...
14593Belfast Central LibraryY521798A poem by Anna Johnston, in manuscript and in print,...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
16161Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1804C/10: Letter to Sir William Parsons from Edmund Malo...The Rosse Papers
16162Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1804D/2/1-18: Letters to Sir William Parsons from Peter ...The Rosse Papers
16163Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1823-1824
D/6/1-14: Letters to the 2nd Earl of Rosse from Mr a...The Rosse Papers
16164Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1806-1842D/7/1-170: Letters to Sir William Parsons from his u...The Rosse Papers
16165Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1802-1826D/8/1-22 Correspondence between William Parsons and ...The Rosse Papers
16166Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1805-1806D/10/1-14: Letters between William Parsons and Lady ...The Rosse Papers
16167Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1823-1830D/21/1-16: Letters to the 2nd Earl of Rosse from Mar...The Rosse Papers
16168Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1829-1831D/23/1-13 Letters to the 2nd Earl of Rosse from Cath...The Rosse Papers
16169Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1818E/13A: Small quarto recipe book of Alicia, wife of t...The Rosse Papers
16170Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1801-1810E/33/1-47: Correspondence of the 2nd Earl of Rosse, ...The Rosse Papers
16171Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1800-1840F/11: Notes by Sir Laurence Parsons on the history a...The Rosse Papers
16173Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1788
H/37: Letters to Cassandra, wife of 2nd Lord Hawke f...The Rosse Papers
16186Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1798-1801H/51: Includes a draft letter from Lady Hawke to her...The Rosse Papers
16187Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1799
H/52: Bundle of letters between Lady Hawke and her d...The Rosse Papers
16190Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1797-1801
H/55: Letters to Lady Hawke from Mrs Anne Wolley, Yo...The Rosse Papers
16193Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1796-1799H/58: Letters to Lady Hawke from Mrs Bridget Scott, ...The Rosse Papers
16194Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1796-1808
H/59-63: Letters to Lady Hawke from Miss Eliza Mosle...The Rosse Papers
16195Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1770
H/64: Miscellaneous correspondence which includes re...The Rosse Papers
16196Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1805H/65: Includes a letter from Frances Harvey Hawke to...The Rosse Papers
16197Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1802-1804H/92: Letters and papers of Lord Hawke regarding the...The Rosse Papers
16203Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1829
J/1: Letters to 3rd Earl and Countess of Rosse from ...The Rosse Papers
16210Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1843K/17: Includes a letter to 3rd Earl of Rosse from Ma...The Rosse Papers
16219Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1825N/3: 4 letters of Lister Lister Kaye and his wife, C...The Rosse Papers
16234Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1840-1845O/30: 9 designs by Mary, Countess of Rosse, (? and o...The Rosse Papers
16208Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1829
J/30: Includes a small quarto volume of watercolour ...The Rosse Papers
16212Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1846-1850
K/36B: Includes typescript copies of letters from th...The Rosse Papers
20648Carlow County Archive1817Receipt for the sum of £32:9:10 signed by Sarah Cli...Vigors Papers
20650Carlow County Archive1799Marriage license of Thomas Wilson, County Kilkenny a...Vigors Papers
20651Carlow County Archive1810Marriage license of Thomas Hill of County Carlow and...Vigors Papers
20653Carlow County Archive1828'List of leases handed over to the Revd T.M. Vigors,...Vigors Papers
20654Carlow County Archive1808Letter to Mrs Cliffe from E.B. containing 'a few dog...Vigors Papers
20657Carlow County Archive1813'Return of the population of the Barony of Idrone We...Vigors Papers
20670Carlow County Archive1817-1842Borough of Carlow Minute Book:  24 June 1817 - ...Carlow Local Authority Records
14584Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)17961796: 23 - Dr Moylan to Bray. Dr Egan and Dr Hussey ...Papers of Dr T. Bray, Archbishop of Cashel and Emly, 1792-1820
14585Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)18021802: 14 - Dr Moylan to Bray. A most unfriendly and ...Papers of Dr T. Bray, Archbishop of Cashel and Emly, 1792-1820
14586Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)18041804: 4 - Dr Power to Bray. Bray has been appointed ...Papers of Dr T. Bray, Archbishop of Cashel and Emly, 1792-1820
16717Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1808-1837Union of Duntryleague (Galbally, diocese of Emly), n...Bolton Library Archive
16759Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1821-1836Wages Book, 1821-1836, place not clear, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16760Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1825-1832Lismore Estate:Rent Day Book, 1825-1832, Clogheen, 1...Bolton Library Archive
16761Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1837-1844Lismore Estate:Ledger, 1837-1844, [Clogheen accounts...Bolton Library Archive
16767Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1830-1833Lismore Estate:Timber Account, 1830-1833, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16804Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1811-1813Lismore Estate?Ledger accounts, 1811-1813, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16811Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1814-1834Lismore Estate?Subscriptions to Clogheen Dispensary,...Bolton Library Archive
16813Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1826-1837Lismore Estate:Account Book, 1826-1837, Clogheen, re...Bolton Library Archive
16814Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1818-1823Lismore Estate?County Cork Estate Rent Book, 1818-18...Bolton Library Archive
16815Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1811-1815
Lismore Estate?Banteer Rent Book, 1824-1834 with loo...Bolton Library Archive
16832Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1804-18161 envelope, 9 sheets containing information on: Mago...Bolton Library Archive
16833Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1958-1965
Church of Ireland Parochial Account Book, Magorban, ...Bolton Library Archive
16846Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1805-1844Ballintemple Register of Marriages, Baptisms and Bur...Bolton Library Archive
16863Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1811-1818Lismore Estate:Lord Lismore's Letter Book, 1811-...Bolton Library Archive
16865Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1818Lismore Estate:Rental of lands of which Lord Lismore...Bolton Library Archive
16868Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1832Applotment Book, parish of Relickmurry, diocese of C...Bolton Library Archive
16879Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1813-1842Register of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials of St Jo...Bolton Library Archive
16906Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1836Rental to May 1836, places include, for example, Bal...Bolton Library Archive
16907Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1846-1847Clogheen Relief and Employment for the Poor, Minute ...Bolton Library Archive
16911Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1831Large envelope marked 'Lismore Estate':Tithe...Bolton Library Archive
16912Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1830Large envelope marked 'Lismore Estate':Tithe...Bolton Library Archive
16913Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1829Large envelope marked 'Lismore Estate':Tithe...Bolton Library Archive
16915Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1822-18322nd envelope marked Lord Lismore's Account with ...Bolton Library Archive
16916Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1791-1794
A second envelope marked 'Lord Lismore's Acc...Bolton Library Archive
16919Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1828Among material located in the filing cabinet:(2) Pri...Bolton Library Archive
16920Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1825-1831Among material located in the filing cabinet:(3) Cas...Bolton Library Archive
16921Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1735
Among material located in the filing cabinet:(5) (a)...Bolton Library Archive
16925Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1833Among material located in the filing cabinet:(10) Ar...Bolton Library Archive
16926Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1815
Among material located in the filing cabinet:(11) Ad...Bolton Library Archive
16932Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)184319th and 20th century correspondence, not catalogued...Looney Collection
14464Cavan County Archives1816Digitised copy of Charlotte Brooke's Reliqu...Charlotte Brooke Reliques of Irish Poetry
16937Cavan County ArchivesGJ/7 1810-1817c. spring 1810- summer 1817. Presentment book for ba...Cavan Grand Jury Records
16938Cavan County ArchivesGJ/6 1810-1817c. spring 1810-summer 1817. Presentment book for bar...Cavan Grand Jury Records
16939Cavan County ArchivesGJ/5 1809-1817c. summer 1809- summer 1817 Presentment book for bar...Cavan Grand Jury Records
16940Cavan County ArchivesGJ/4 1809-1817c. summer 1809- summer 1817 Presentment book for bar...Cavan Grand Jury Records
16941Cavan County ArchivesGJ/31810-1817c. spring 1810-summer 1817 Presentment book for baro...Cavan Grand Jury Records
16942Cavan County ArchivesGJ/2 1809-1817c. summer 1809- summer 1817 County at large presentm...Cavan Grand Jury Records
4134Church of Ireland CentreMs688a1838Fragile soft-bound book with inscription 'The Fo...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4221Church of Ireland CentreMs1001811-1815Committee Minutes and Resolutions, 2 December 1811-1...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4222Church of Ireland CentreMs1011815-1819Committee Minutes and Resolutions, 25 November 1815-...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4223Church of Ireland CentreMs1021819-1822Committee Minutes and Resolutions, 10 July 1819-7 De...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4224Church of Ireland CentreMs1031822-1826Committee Minutes and Resolutions, 14 December 1822-...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4225Church of Ireland CentreMs1041826-1829Committee Minutes and Resolutions, 22 April 1826-11 ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4226Church of Ireland CentreMs1051829-1833Committee Minutes and Resolutions, 18 April 1829-10 ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4227Church of Ireland CentreMs1061833-1841Committee Minutes and Resolutions, 17 August 1833-10...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4230Church of Ireland CentreMs1091832-1834General Committee Minutes, 16 May 1832-21 August 183...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4234Church of Ireland CentreMs1191814-1816Minutes of the Cheap Book Committee, 1 July 1814-9 N...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4235Church of Ireland CentreMs1201814-1815Transcript of Letters Concerning the Sale of Cheap B...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4236Church of Ireland CentreMs1211837-1840Minutes of the Book Committees, 18 March 1837-3 Dece...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4241Church of Ireland CentreMs1311812-1818Letterbook containing copies of letters regarding th...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4242Church of Ireland CentreMs1321832Volume containing a list of individuals, with addres...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4243Church of Ireland CentreMs1331832Volume containing a list of individuals, with addres...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4244Church of Ireland CentreMs1471826-1829Signature Book, 2 October 1826-28 February 1829.Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4245Church of Ireland CentreMs1911832Collector's Book of the Ladies Auxiliary to the ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4247Church of Ireland CentreMs3181820Abstract of gratuities paid to teachers, December 18...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4248Church of Ireland CentreMs319-3231826-1827Payments made to teachers under the Cork Committee o...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4249Church of Ireland CentreMs324-3381830-1831Particulars of gratuities paid to teachers, 10 July ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4250Church of Ireland CentreMs4331825Lease between Elizabeth and Sarah Clarke, Marlfield ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4251Church of Ireland CentreMs4851825Lease between Elizabeth, Isabella and Louisa Richard...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4252Church of Ireland CentreMs4871825Unsigned lease between Magistrate McHugh, Westport, ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4253Church of Ireland CentreMs4931825Lease between Lady Harriet Savage, Hollymount, Count...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4254Church of Ireland CentreMs5331825Letter from Shapland Carew confirming that the house...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4255Church of Ireland CentreMs5641827Lease between Mrs H. Richardson, Moy, County Tyrone,...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4256Church of Ireland CentreMs6021827Lease between R. Martin, Ross, County Wexford, and W...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4257Church of Ireland CentreMs6881836Descriptions and observations written in the Model S...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4260Church of Ireland CentreMs6921840-1843Inspector's Reports of the Model School, 1840-18...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4263Church of Ireland CentreMs6961829Folio containing examples of needlework executed by ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4264Church of Ireland CentreMs6971830Folio containing examples of needlework executed in ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4267Church of Ireland CentreSerial No961815General Correspondence, I:Box 1 Letter from Lieutena...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4268Church of Ireland CentreSerial No111820General Correspondence, II:Lady Louisa Connolly to J...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4270Church of Ireland CentreSerial No371821General Correspondence, II:R. Forster to S. Bewley r...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4271Church of Ireland CentreSerial No461821General Correspondence, II:Miss Hawkshaw to D. Litto...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4273Church of Ireland CentreSerial No741824General Correspondence, II:J.L. Foster to Secretary ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4274Church of Ireland CentreSerial No761824General Correspondence, II:J.L. Foster to J. Topham ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4269Church of Ireland CentreSerial No171820General Correspondence, II:Box 2 W. Parnell to Socie...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4272Church of Ireland CentreSerial No711824General Correspondence, II:J.L. Foster to J. Foster ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4275Church of Ireland CentreSerial No771824General Correspondence, II:J.L. Foster to J. Topham,...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4276Church of Ireland CentreSerial No801824General Correspondence, II:Miss J. Edkins to J.D. Ja...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4277Church of Ireland CentreSerial No931824General Correspondence, II:Bishop Kelly to Lady Osbo...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4278Church of Ireland CentreSerial No941824General Correspondence, II:Lady Osborne to Secretary...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4279Church of Ireland CentreSerial No71827General Correspondence, III:Bishop of Ferns to J.D. ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4280Church of Ireland CentreSerial No591834General Correspondence, III:Miss J. Edkins to J. Top...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4281Church of Ireland CentreSerial No601834General Correspondence, III:Miss J. Edkins to J. Top...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4282Church of Ireland CentreSerial No621834General Correspondence, III:Miss J. Edkins to J. Top...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4283Church of Ireland CentreSerial No631834General Correspondence, III: Miss J. Edkins to the C...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4284Church of Ireland CentreSerial No651834General Correspondence, III:Lady Charlemont to J. To...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4285Church of Ireland CentreBox 41834
General Correspondence, III:Serial No 68 Miss J. Edk...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4286Church of Ireland CentreSerial No831836General Correspondence, III:J.S. Scott to J. Topham ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4287Church of Ireland CentreSerial No1581840General Correspondence, III:Lady F. Cole to Committe...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4288Church of Ireland CentreSerial No1601840General Correspondence, III:Mary Jackson and Son to ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4289Church of Ireland CentreSerial No1641840General Correspondence, III: Lady Dunraven to J. Top...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4290Church of Ireland CentreSerial No1721843General Correspondence, III:Miss J. Edkins to Commit...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4291Church of Ireland CentreSerial No1731845General Correspondence, III:Mrs M. Mills to T. Stewa...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4294Church of Ireland CentreBox 161825Inspectors' Correspondence I:Serial No 119 W. Fi...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4293Church of Ireland CentreBox 101818-1840Lithographed and Printed Papers, 1818-1840:Serial No...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4295Church of Ireland CentreBox 181829Inspectors' Correspondence III:Serial No 11 W.V....Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4296Church of Ireland CentreBox No201835-1836Inspectors' Correspondence V:Serial No 5 Mrs Fit...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4297Church of Ireland CentreBox No231825Papers regarding Publication of Cheap Books I:Serial...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4298Church of Ireland CentreBox No241826-1834Papers regarding Publication of Cheap Books II:Seria...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4299Church of Ireland CentreBox 241834Papers regarding Publication of Cheap Books II:Seria...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4301Church of Ireland CentreBox 271827-1847Reports of Various Societies: Serial No 22 First Rep...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
18995Church of Ireland CentreBox 361814-1816Model School:Mod. 5 - Bundle containing corresponden...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
18997Church of Ireland CentreBox 361819Model School:Mod. 12 - Bundle containing Expenditure...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
18998Church of Ireland CentreBox 361819Model School:Mod.13 - Letter from Mrs Mary Anne McLo...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
18999Church of Ireland CentreBox 361820Model School:Mod. 14 - List of Ladies and Mistresses...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19001Church of Ireland CentreBox 361830Model School:Mod. 16 - Acceptance by Mrs J.D. Jackso...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19002Church of Ireland CentreBox 361820Model School:Mod. 17 - Letter from Ely Le Foru to Mo...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19004Church of Ireland CentreBox 361821Model School:Mod. 20 - Miss Steele, to Model School ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19005Church of Ireland CentreBox 361820Model School:Mod. 21 - Miss C. Mayne no longer in co...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19006Church of Ireland CentreBox 361820Model School:Mod. 32 - Extract from Minutes regardin...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19007Church of Ireland CentreBox 361820Model School:Mod. 33 - Summary of visiting Ladies by...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19008Church of Ireland CentreBox 361821Model School:Mod. 34 - Extract of Minutes regarding ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19009Church of Ireland CentreBox 361821Model School:Mod. 35 - Extract from Proceedings of M...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19010Church of Ireland CentreBox 361821Model School:Mod. 36 - Letter from M.A. McLoughlin r...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19011Church of Ireland CentreBox 361821Model School:Mod. 37 - Report on the state of the Fe...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19012Church of Ireland CentreBox 361821Model School:Mod. 38 - Letter to Committee from Sara...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19013Church of Ireland CentreBox 361822Model School:Mod. 41 - Forwarding decision of Commit...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19014Church of Ireland CentreBox 361830Model School:Mod. 48 - Letter from Julia Campbell to...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19015Church of Ireland CentreBox 361833Model School:Mod. 50 - Letter from Julia Campbell to...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19016Church of Ireland CentreBox 361833Model School:Mod. 51 - Letter from Julia Campbell to...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19017Church of Ireland CentreBox 361819Model School:Mod. 7 - Expenditure of accounts of the...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19018Church of Ireland CentreBox 361833Model School:Mod. 53 - Report on the model school Su...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19019Church of Ireland CentreBox 361839Model School:Mod. 70 - Letter from Elizabeth Duncan ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19020Church of Ireland CentreBox 361840Model School:Mod. 75 - Letter to Mrs Duncan from Ano...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19021Church of Ireland CentreBox 361847Model School:Mod. 81 - Synopsis of numbers in school...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19028Church of Ireland CentreBox 361821Model School:Mod. 98 - List of twenty-six names bein...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19029Church of Ireland CentreBox 361840Model School:Mod. 100 - 'School Assisted by the ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
18996Church of Ireland CentreBox 361817Model School:Mod. 11 - 'Expenditure of Accounts ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
554Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box A1818-18361796.08/1/1818 Caroline Countess of Kingston to Wil...Bishop W. Keane Papers
5293Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18321792.06/11/1832 Letter from Bishop M Collins, Skibe...Bishop M. Collins
12157Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F1829
1792.05/5/1829 [Copy?] of a letter from [Sir Walter...Bishop M. Collins
16997Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18391796.08/1/1839 Search for judgement obtained by Elle...Bishop W. Keane Papers
16998Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18391796.08/2/1839 Search for judgement obtained by Elle...Bishop W. Keane Papers
16999Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18391796.08/3/1839 Costs for satisfaction payable by El...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17000Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18401796.20/2/1840 They are prepared for reception of M...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17001Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18411796.20/3/1841 Instruction for reception of Miss Ho...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17002Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18431796.07/1/1843 Receipt for £1 from Mrs Duggan,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17003Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18431796.20/1/1843 Sermon prepared for reception of Miss...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17004Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18441796.07/1/1844 Receipt for 9s due from late Mrs Wil...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17005Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box C18451796.07/6/1845 Note from J Walsh for 'some cash on ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17006Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box C18451796.00/3/1845 Photocopy. Newspaper cutting from 'C...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17007Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box C18461796.07/4/1846 Midleton Lime account, Chapel and Con...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17017Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)1840 1793.05 2/1840 letter Bishop B Crotty, Cove, to Rev...Bartholomew Crotty Papers
17025Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box A18351795.05/1/1835 letter from Rev. M Sheehan, Killeagh ...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
17040Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18301791.00/1/1830 Draft letter of Bishop Collins, Skib...Bishop W. Coppinger
17113Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J1818
1796.06/62/1858 List of Sisters in Doneraile Conven...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17153Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18311792.02/2/1831 Letter from Bishop W. Coppinger, Cobh...Bishop M. Collins
17158Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18321792.06/3/1832 Letter from Revd W. O'Brien, Cobh...Bishop M. Collins
17159Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18341792.08/2/1834 Letter of Jane Purdon Atkins to Revd...Revd. Denis Collins
17161Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18401792.08/1/1840 Letter from J. Mullane, Liverpool, to...Revd. Denis Collins
17162Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18401792.08/2/1840 Statement of intent relating to educ...Revd. Denis Collins
17164Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18451792.08/3/1845 Letter from Mother E. Moore, Limerick...Revd. Denis Collins
17165Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18451792.08/4/1845 Letter from Mother E Moore, Limerick...Revd. Denis Collins
17166Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18461792.08/1/1846 Letter from Ellen Creagh, Mountrath, ...Revd. Denis Collins
17209Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S1803
1796.05/100/1861 Letter from Revd. J Fitzpatrick, M...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17014Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D1796
1796.05/6/1850 Letter, Revd T. Lee, Macroom, to Revd...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17018Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)18421793.05/6/1842 extract from letter Rev. P Cullen to ...Bartholomew Crotty Papers
17019Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)18431793.06/1/1843 photocopy of a letter M O'Sulliva...Bartholomew Crotty Papers
17024Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box A1831This box includes, for example, 1795. 6 January 1831...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
17026Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box A18461795.05/1/1846 postcard of a letter D O'Leary PP...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
17041Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18031791.00/3/1803 Letter from Count Bearhaven, Madrid t...Bishop W. Coppinger
17152Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18311792.06/1/1831 Letter from Bishop M. Collins, Skibbe...Bishop M. Collins
17154Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18311792.05/1/1831 Letter from J. Collins, London, to Bi...Bishop M. Collins
17155Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18311792.06/5/1831 Letter from Revd M. O'Brien, Youg...Bishop M. Collins
17156Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18311792.06/5/1831 Letter from Revd M. O'Brien, Youg...Bishop M. Collins
17157Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18321792.06/2/1832 Letter from Revd P. Kenney, St Louis,...Bishop M. Collins
17160Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18341792.08/8/1834 Letter from George Spenser, Staffords...Revd. Denis Collins
17163Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18431792.08/1/1843 Letter of Miss E. MacSweeny, Calcutta...Revd. Denis Collins
19440Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18151792.02/5/1815 Letter from Bishop Copinger, Cove, t...Bishop Collins
19441Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18161792.06/2/1816 Letter from J Moloney, Rosscarbery, ...Bishop Collins
19443Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18181792.02/5/1818 Letter from Bishop Copinger, Cove, to...Bishop Collins
19453Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box C17981791.00/13 Hand-written statement in French. Words ...Bishop Copinger
19454Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box C18091791.00/8/1809 Photocopy of Countess of Kingston re...Bishop Copinger
19455Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box C18091791.07/1/1809 Photocopy of letter. Bishop Copinger...Bishop Copinger
19457Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18181791.00/2/1818 Hardback notebook, 'Visitation of...Bishop Copinger
19458Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18201791.00/6/1820 Rules of Doneraile General Free-Schoo...Bishop Copinger
19459Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18211791.00/3/1821 Account of case between Mrs Baldwin ...Bishop Copinger
19460Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D1755
1791.00/8/1821 Printed booklet Statutes of United D...Bishop Copinger
19461Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18221791.00/1/1822 Last will and testament of Dora O'...Bishop Copinger
19463Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18241792.05/3/1824 Bishop Collins writing of Resolution...Bishop Collins
19465Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18241792.05/22/1824 Draft of returns for Commissioners ...Bishop Collins
19467Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18251792.03/1/1825 Letter from Bishop John Murphy, Cork,...Bishop Collins
19479Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18161795.06/8/1852 Copy of memorandum enclosed in 1795....Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19488Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18221792.05/6/1822 List of paupers in the parish of Tul...Bishop Collins
19493Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18221792.05/13/1822 Report of the Committee for the rel...Bishop Collins
19494Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18261792.05/8/1826 Draft of sworn statement regarding D...Bishop Collins
19442Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18171792.05/3/1817 Letter from Carbery, Baltimore, to M....Bishop Collins
19495Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18261792.05/9/1826 Sworn 'information' regarding...Bishop Collins
19559Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Y1796
1796.06/5/1863 Letter from Sister M.A. Peyton, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19444Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18211792.06/3/1821 Letter. T R England, North Chapel, Co...Bishop Collins
19456Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box C18101791.00/1/1810 Photocopy of letter to Lord Midleton ...Bishop Copinger
19462Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18221791.00/10/1822 Letter from J. Spiller to Alexander ...Bishop Copinger
19464Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18241792.02/5/1824 Note from Bishop Copinger, Cove, to M...Bishop Collins
19466Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18241792.05/27/1824 Letter from R. Paunceforte, Dublin, ...Bishop Collins
19468Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18251792.05/7/1825 Summons of Ellen O'Driscoll before B...Bishop Collins
19686Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T1796
1796.06/56/1861 Visitation to the Loreto Convent, Fe...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19706Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U1796
1796.06/30/1862 Letter from M. Anna Dease, Loretto, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19711Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U1796
1796.07/26/1862 Decorative address to Bishop Keane o...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19487Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18221792.05/3/1822 Letter from H. Gregory, Dublin Castle...Bishop Collins
19489Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18221792.05/4/1822 Letter from Bishop Copinger, Cove, to...Bishop Collins
19490Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18221792.05/7/1822 Letter from M. Collins to the Secreta...Bishop Collins
19491Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18221792.05/3/1822 Letter from Bishop Copinger, Cove, to...Bishop Collins
19492Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18221792.05/11/1822 Letter from M Collins, Secretary Sk...Bishop Collins
19496Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E1810-1811
1792.07/1/1828 Letter from Miss E Courtenay, London...Bishop Collins
3701Cork City and County ArchivesU211841-c1843Notebook of Robert Bennett, Recorder of Cork on case...
3705Cork City and County ArchivesU1551816Legal documents relating to the Longfield Beatty fam...Longfield Beatty Papers
3692Cork City and County ArchivesU336/21821'A Calendar of Prisoners in the custody of Henry...
12620Cork City and County ArchivesBox 17: Papers of John Jenkins1800-1824Papers of John Jenkins, Attorney at Law and Under-Di...Youghal Town Records
13045Cork City and County ArchivesBox 15: spirit licences1796-1811Notices of intention to apply for or renew spirit li...Youghal Town Records
13047Cork City and County ArchivesU571798Marriage articles, parties involved, Edward Howell, ...
13059Cork City and County ArchivesU1161809-1824Correspondence, 22 letters from Philip Ryder to his ...Tivy Papers
13065Cork City and County ArchivesU841812A collection of manuscripts compiled by various auth...Pim Manuscripts
14433Cork City and County ArchivesPR271832Correspondence and other papers of Lady Eliza Deane ...Lady Eliza Deane Papers
14447Cork City and County Archives1831Lists of tenants and occupiers of properties in Holy...Valuation List, Holy Trinity Parish, Cork City
22976Cork City and County ArchivesU6/1797(iii) 1 letter from Thomas Baldwin, Borris Glebe to ...
22978Cork City and County ArchivesU6/1819-1822(v) 6 letters from Charles Bianconi, Clonmel, to Mar...
22979Cork City and County ArchivesU6/1822(viii) 2 letters from John Baldwin to his sister Mar...
22980Cork City and County ArchivesU6/1823(x) 1 letter from John Ryan, Steeven's Hospital ...
23223Cork City and County ArchivesU15B/1842P/C 89 Charlotte Hewitt (aunt) to 'My dear Tom&#...Thomas Hewitt Papers
1397Cork Public MuseumAQNO1957:441843Sketch of a woman and child, crayon sketch at Carrig...
1400Cork Public MuseumAQNO1963:11846The original of a letter of appeal written N.M. Cumm...
1401Cork Public MuseumAQNO1963:7-81805-18072 farm account books, 1805-1807.
6261Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh289.64151811
Bound printed volume, Advises and rules agreed to by...
6264Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh338.4767711641809-182512 volumes of bound, printed yearly reports of the L...
16489Delany Archive Box Bp/01 File JKL.1817/181702: 3 June 1817 Doyle to Rev. M. Doyle Clonygal mutu...Papers of Dr James Doyle, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
16492Delany Archive Box Bp/01 File JKL.1822/182253: 20 November 1822 M. Mary Aikenhead Dublin to Doy...Papers of Dr James Doyle, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
16493Delany Archive Box Bp/02 File JKL.1823/182369: Sunday Hannah Gurly Carlow Convent, to Doyle, Du...Papers of Dr James Doyle, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
16495Delany Archive Box Bp.03 File JKL.1826/182619: 12 April 1826 Doyle to Sr Clare, Convent, Carlow...Papers of Dr James Doyle, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
16496Delany Archive Box Bp.04 File JKL.1828/182803: 14 January 1828 Honoria Byrne, Bayswell to Doyle...Papers of Dr James Doyle, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
16498Delany Archive Box Bp/06 File JKL.1834/183428: 30 November - Sr H.X. (Gurly, Maryboro) to Doyle...Papers of Dr James Doyle, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
16499Delany Archive Box 04 File JKL.ODC1823-1834Typed copies of 97 letters of Bishop Doyle to nuns o...Papers of Dr James Doyle, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
16500Delany Archive Box 10 File EN.1837/1836-183705: February 1836 M. Sweetman, Clane to Bishop Edwar...Papers of Dr Edward Nolan, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
16501Delany Archive Box Bp.10 File H.1838/183808: 4 April 1838 draft Bishop Francis Haly, Kilcock ...Papers of Dr Francis Haly, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
22908Delany Archive Box Bp/01 File JKL.1819/181901: 1 March 1819 J. Townsend Dublin to Doyle Carlow ...Papers of Dr James Doyle, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
22910Delany Archive Box Bp/01 File JKL.1821/182101: 9 January 1821 Doyle to Mrs Joseph, convent, Mou...Papers of Dr James Doyle, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
22911Delany Archive Box Bp/01 File JKL.1822/182202: 3 January 1822 Doyle, Carlow to Rev. Peter Doyle...Papers of Dr James Doyle, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
22923Delany Archive Box Bp/09 File JKL.BV/182804: Diocesan book, heavy duty bound ledger inscribed...Papers of Dr James Doyle, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
22924Delany Archive Box Bp/07 File JKL.SER/1827Sermon Materials:c.67 items. Includes 07 and 08, A p...Papers of Dr James Doyle, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
22927Delany Archive Box Bp/10 File FH/1839/183916: 13 March 1839 Mrs M.G. Sweetman, Longtown to Bis...Papers of Dr Francis Haly, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
22928Delany Archive Box Bp/10 File FH/1841/184127. 31 July 1841 SC Propaganda Fide Rome, to Bishop ...Papers of Dr Francis Haly, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
22929Delany Archive Box Bp/10 File FH/1840/184014: 16 June 1840 Mrs Mary Price, Westfield Farm, to ...Papers of Dr Francis Haly, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
22930Delany Archive Box Bp/10 File FH/1844/184408: 25 August 1842 Rev. J. Murphy, Fermoy to Bishop ...Papers of Dr Francis Haly, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
22937Delany Archive Box Bp/06 File JKL. 1834/183412: 19 June 1833 James Crowe, Westminster to Doyle. ...Papers of Dr James Doyle, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
11782Donegal County ArchivesCH/BV/8/3/6241807-1808Grand Jury Presentments, County Donegal, Lent Assize...
22940Down and Connor Diocesan Archive (RC)A-T1825-1835C. Correspondence of Bishop/Archbishop William Croll...
7566Down County MuseumDB221839-1841
2 bound account books of Alexander Lacy, County Down...
3142Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/2491846Legal Records: Copy death certificate of Elizabeth M...Blackrock
3147Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/2581843Legal Records: Copy lease: Revd R.F. Vavassour, 1st ...Blackrock
3148Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/2591845Legal Records: Copy assignment of 13 acre house and ...Blackrock
3154Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/3001839Housing of the Working Classes: Copy manuscript and ...Blackrock
7602Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen CastleFCM-1982-0711835A print of Lower Lough Erne, engraved by R. Wallis a...
1431Fingal County ArchiveGJ/1/1- GJ/3/121818-1842GJ/1/1 1818-1841 Minutes and Orders, c.245 pages.GJ/...County of Dublin Grand Jury
21908Galway Diocesan Archives (RC)1805-1812Box 8 Warden Valentine Bodkin papers 1805-1812.
21911Galway Diocesan Archives (RC)1827Box 11 Register of births and marriages for Moyculle...
21916Galway Diocesan Archives (RC)1805-1822Box 16 Nicholas Archdeacon, Bishop of Kilmacduagh pa...
5095Irish Architectural Archive97/84/Box 611815Rent Book relating to Castletown, 1815, 1 item.Castletown Papers
5096Irish Architectural Archive97/84/Box 621821-1840Account Book of Edward Conolly, 1821-1840, 1 item.Castletown Papers
1Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesA101797-1826Channel Row: Account Book, number 8, 1797 - 1826, in...Dominican Archives, Cabra
2Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesA111808-1827Channel Row, Clontarf, Cabra: Account Book, number 8...Dominican Archives, Cabra
3Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesA121827-1842Channel Row, Cabra: Account Book, number 9, 1827 - 1...Dominican Archives, Cabra
14Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesA251818Typed extract from Whitelaw and Walsh's 'His...Dominican Archives, Cabra
40Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesA721808-1819
Letter from Convent House, Vernon Avenue, Clontarf, ...Dominican Archives, Cabra
42Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesF11831Letter from Paul Cullen to 'My dear cousin',...Dominican Archives, Cabra
44Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesF31832Letter from Archbishop D. Murray, Dublin 25 January ...Dominican Archives, Cabra
45Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesF41832Letter from Archbishop D. Murray, Dublin, 16 April 1...Dominican Archives, Cabra
46Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesF51832Letter from Archbishop D. Murray, Mountjoy Square, 3...Dominican Archives, Cabra
47Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesF61831Decree (handwritten) of Prop., 18 November 1831, to ...Dominican Archives, Cabra
51Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesG21837Petition in Latin, and reply, 22 January 1837 about ...Dominican Archives, Cabra
4639Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ 36/183212 Letter from Fr Robert St Leger, SJ, Tullamore, to...Papers of Fr Robert St Leger, SJ (1788 to 1856)
4640Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ 36/183213 Two letters from Fr Robert St Leger, SJ Tullamore...Papers of Fr Robert St Leger, SJ (1788 to 1856)
4641Irish Jesuit ArchivesFM/TULL/181819 Typed copy of a letter from Maria O'Brien, Ra...Papers of the Tullabeg Community Rahan, Tullamore, County Offaly
22177Irish Jesuit ArchivesN8/1824-18438 21 November [1824] - 25 May 1843. A file relating ...Papers of Revd Dr Charles William Russell (1812-1880)
22178Irish Jesuit ArchivesN8/18269 Letter from Dr Charles Russell, Maynooth College, ...Papers of Revd Dr Charles William Russell (1812-1880)
22179Irish Jesuit ArchivesN8/182810 28 November 1828. Letter from Dr Charles Russell,...Papers of Revd Dr Charles William Russell (1812-1880)
22180Irish Jesuit ArchivesN8/1831-183411 25 February 1831 -24 September 1834. A file of le...Papers of Revd Dr Charles William Russell (1812-1880)
22209Irish Jesuit ArchivesMACE/MCAU/183641 'Itinerary of CMcA 1836', 1 sectionJohn MacErlean SJ research on Mother Catherine McAuley (1778-1841).
22212Irish Jesuit ArchivesMACE/MCAU/1831-184144 'CMcA's Foundations 1831-1841', 1 sectionJohn MacErlean SJ research on Mother Catherine McAuley (1778-1841).
22213Irish Jesuit ArchivesMACE/MCAU/183445 Notes on 'Kingstown founded early in year 1834', ...John MacErlean SJ research on Mother Catherine McAuley (1778-1841).
22219Irish Jesuit ArchivesMACE/MCAU/1837-184151 Copies of extracts concerning Catherine McAuley i...John MacErlean SJ research on Mother Catherine McAuley (1778-1841).
22225Irish Jesuit ArchivesMACE/MCAU/1831-184157 Lists of Sisters who 'Entered Baggot Street 1831-...John MacErlean SJ research on Mother Catherine McAuley (1778-1841).
22226Irish Jesuit ArchivesMACE/MCAU/1837-184158 Lists of 'Sisters who entered from July 1837 to N...John MacErlean SJ research on Mother Catherine McAuley (1778-1841).
22229Irish Jesuit ArchivesMACE/MCAU/1827-184161 Notebook with note on cover 'Sisters of Mercy 182...John MacErlean SJ research on Mother Catherine McAuley (1778-1841).
21716Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)S71 1820Propaganda, regarding Bible Society, English Bible i...Bishop Charles Sugrue, 1797-1825
21722Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)E31 1832Regarding consanguinity, 1832.Bishop Cornelius Egan, 1825 - 1856
21729Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)E87 1838-1840
Memoranda regarding hospital, 1827, 1832, 1838-1840.Bishop Cornelius Egan, 1825 - 1856
21730Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)E92 1837-1839
County of Kerry Saving Book, Tralee, 1823, regarding...Bishop Cornelius Egan, 1825 - 1856
21732Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)MR20 1813-1819
Volume regarding use of extraordinary faculties, 179...Bishop David Moriarty, 1856-1877
21801Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)DOS/23 1825-1827Extract from Education Reports, 1825 -1827, regardin...Bishop Diarmuid O'Suilleabhain, 1985-1994
21731Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)MR11794-1796
Volume regarding use of extraordinary faculties, 179...Bishop David Moriarty, 1856-1877
12057Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentSl/O'C/51817Margaret Mahony, Ardfert and Aghadoe, certified copy...O'Connell Solicitors
21896Kerry Local Studies and Archives Department1793
Deeds, County Cork estate: No 192 12 August 1851. Co...Listowel Papers
12694Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1839-1845Two bound volumes entitled 'The Famine in County...
11700Kilkenny Local Studies DepartmentCR/D/91826-1843Kilkenny Corporation, Minute Book, 16 May 1826-23 Oc...Kilkenny Corporation
11816Kilkenny Local Studies DepartmentCR/H/41796-1811Notebook containing summaries of Deeds, 9 July 1796-...
11814Kilkenny Local Studies DepartmentCR/G/1-41826-1833Tithe Applotment Books:1. Parish of St Mary's, N...
12986Kilmainham Gaol Museum03MS-1B55-201821File on Mother Mary Aikenhead, regarding Butterly an...
13046Kilmainham Gaol MuseumILR-1B11-21798Last letter written by John Sheares, Kilmainham 10 a...1798 Rebellion
13051Kilmainham Gaol Museum2PC-1A41-81803Section of a page of a Kilmainham register for 1803 ...1803 Rebellion
13052Kilmainham Gaol Museum3BK-1J53-11805Papers presented to the House of Commons respecting ...Catholic Emancipation
13053Kilmainham Gaol Museum3BK-1J53-21805Papers presented to the House of Commons respecting ...Catholic Emancipation
13058Kilmainham Gaol Museum3BK-1J53-41809Report from the committee appointed to enquire into ...Catholic Emancipation
20804Kilmore Diocesan Archives (RC)Bishops,1625-19101806-1829Farrell O'Reilly, 1806-1829.15: Converts to the ...Kilmore Diocesan Archives
20922King's Hospital School1-16a1798-18238 Committee Book, 1798 - 1823.King's Hospital Records
20923King's Hospital School1-16a1829-18449 Committee Book, 1829-1844.King's Hospital Records
20924King's Hospital School1-16a1842-184410 Noddstown Committee, 1842-1844.King's Hospital Records
20925King's Hospital School1-16a1802-182911 Board Minute Book, 1802 - 1829.King's Hospital Records
20990King's Hospital School65-821823-182974 Rent Ledger, 1823-1829.King's Hospital Records
20991King's Hospital School65-821829-183775 Rent Ledger, 1829-1837.King's Hospital Records
21005King's Hospital School83-991838-183989 Agents Accounts, Mr A. Home, 1838 - 1839.King's Hospital Records
21006King's Hospital School83-991840-184490 Agents Accounts, King's Hospital, 1840 - 1844.King's Hospital Records
21007King's Hospital School83-991827-182891 Agents Accounts, 1827 - 1828.King's Hospital Records
21008King's Hospital School83-991819-182092 Agents Accounts, 1819 - 1820.King's Hospital Records
21009King's Hospital School83-991827-182893 Draft Account, 1827 - 1828.King's Hospital Records
21010King's Hospital School83-991830-183794 Agents Accounts, 1830 -1837.King's Hospital Records
21011King's Hospital School83-991838-183995 Receipts Expenditure, 1838 - 1839.King's Hospital Records
21012King's Hospital School83-991838-183995A Receipts Expenditure, 1838 - 1839.King's Hospital Records
21013King's Hospital School83-99183896 Rental, 1-28 September 1838.King's Hospital Records
21014King's Hospital School83-99183897 Income and Expenditure, 1 January - 28 September ...King's Hospital Records
21017King's Hospital School100-1151814-1827115 Monthly Accounts, 1814 - 1827.King's Hospital Records
21035King's Hospital School116-1301796-1807118 Trade etc Accounts, 1796 - 1807.King's Hospital Records
21036King's Hospital School116-1301807-1813119 Milk Book, 1807 - 1813.King's Hospital Records
21037King's Hospital School116-1301817-1829120 Butter, Beer, Potatoes and Meat, 1817 - 1829.King's Hospital Records
21038King's Hospital School116-1301823-1827120A Bread Accounts, 1823-1827.King's Hospital Records
21041King's Hospital School116-1301801-1810123 Cash Book, 1801 - 1810.King's Hospital Records
21042King's Hospital School116-1301810-1811124 Account of receipts and payments, 1810 - 1811.King's Hospital Records
21043King's Hospital School116-1301815-1817125 Cash Book, 1815 - 1817.King's Hospital Records
21044King's Hospital School116-1301817-1823126 Account of receipts payment, 1817 - 1823.King's Hospital Records
21045King's Hospital School116-1301823-1829127 Account of receipts payment, 1823 - 1829.King's Hospital Records
21086King's Hospital School161-1791805162 Subscriptions half-yearly by relatives, August 1...King's Hospital Records
21111King's Hospital School180-1951799-1829186 Pupils, administration lists, 1799 - 1829.King's Hospital Records
21114King's Hospital School180-1951838-1845189 Report Book weekly, 1838 - 1845.King's Hospital Records
21136King's Hospital School196-2151802-1817206 Letter Book, 1802 - 1817.King's Hospital Records
21193King's Hospital School254-2811840261 Governors, List of, 1840.King's Hospital Records
21203King's Hospital School5/1829-18338 Mercer's Visitors Report Book, 1829-1833.Mercer's School
21204King's Hospital School5/18329 Mercer's School Board Minutes, 1832-[?]. Details o...Mercer's School
3761King's Inns LibraryG/2/1-71837Letters of Administration, Mary Morgan (otherwise Wi...Records of the Honorable Society of King's Inns
3765King's Inns LibraryG/2/3-11815Lease - Constitution Hill, Thomas Fulham and wife to...Records of the Honorable Society of King's Inns
3766King's Inns LibraryG/2/3-427 May 1831Assignment - Julia Fulham to Redmond Barrett, 27 May...Records of the Honorable Society of King's Inns
3767King's Inns LibraryG/3/3-51817Attested will, Julia Fulham, 20 December 1817.Records of the Honorable Society of King's Inns
3768King's Inns LibraryG2/3-7-3-91822-1831Memorial of Deed of Assignment - Julia Fulham to Fel...Records of the Honorable Society of King's Inns
3769King's Inns LibraryG/2/5-31822Lease - Julia Fulham to Patrick Boyle, Constitution ...Records of the Honorable Society of King's Inns
3770King's Inns LibraryG/2/7-151824Lease - Bartholomew Kelly to Esther Harvey, 20 May 1...Records of the Honorable Society of King's Inns
21664Laois Local Studies1829-1846Lease of Lands by the Earl of Milltown in County Lao...
21666Laois Local Studies1834-1847Lease of Lands by the Earl of Milltown in County Kil...
21711Laois Local Studies1816-1842Stradbally Assizes Summer 1816-Lent 1842.Laois Local Authority Records
21714Laois Local Studies1836-1846Kilkenny Tenants Account Book, 1836-1846.Laois Local Authority Records
1668Leitrim Local Studies DepartmentBG122/AA/1843-1844
Rough Minute Books:1 - July 1843 - August 18442 - De...Mohill Poor Law Union
13050Leitrim Local Studies DepartmentBox, miscellaneous, 11802Marriage agreement between Thomas Brady of Killahurk...
18812Limerick ArchivesBG 1101842
VIII. General Ledgers:BG/110/C/1. March 1842 - Septe...Limerick Poor Law Union
19037Limerick ArchivesP211803-1843Notebooks containing personal expenditure, housekeep...Coote Papers
6975Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.1891)1837-1838Poster. Account of the Governors and Governesses of ...
6982Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.1892)1838-1839Poster. Account of the Governors and Governesses of ...
6983Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.1893)1839-1840Poster. Account of the Governors and Governesses of ...
6986Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.1894)1840-1841Poster. Account of the Governors and Governesses of ...
12516Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.2056)1804Book. Limerick printed by John and Thomas McAuliff. ...
12665Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.1809)1844Currency. Pay order, Limerick Corporation, city coun...
13055Limerick MuseumAQNO (1997.0190.28)1806Letter, wife of Lord Granard, (Lady Selina Frances R...
13056Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.1936)1807Manuscript. Copy settlement on the marriage of Poole...
13061Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.1683)1801Letter, T. and E. Mason to Shepard Frinch? Carrick a...
13064Limerick MuseumAQNO (1997.0077)1812Document, legal. Manuscript counterpart settlement o...
13081Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.3526)1822-1838 ARTHUR FAMILY PAPERS. Manuscript. Will if Mrs Rose ...
13107Limerick MuseumAQNO (000.1895)1841-1842Poster. Account of the Governors and Governesses of ...
13111Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.1896)1842-1843Poster. Account of the Governors and Governesses of ...
13114Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.1897)1843-1844Poster. Account of the Governors and Governesses of ...
13773Limerick MuseumAQNO(1991.486)1816
Billhead, printed; of C Cromer, Est. 1816, 18 O'...
13846Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.4451)c.1840Photograph. Glass slide. Object. Print, Wellesley Br...
1078Loreto ArchivesP2/2 B41833-1841Correspondence relating to Navan includes:10 July 18...Correspondence relating to Navan
14112Louth County Archives1804-1829John Henry, Letterbook, possibly rent collector or a...
14113Louth County Archives1812-1822Ardee and Drogheda Daily Coach Account Book, 1812-18...
14128Louth County Archives1841Estate of the Right Honourable Sir A Foster. Particu...
14148Louth County Archives1810County Louth General Assize and General Gaol Deliver...
14151Louth County Archives1831-1841Borough of Dundalk, Minutes, May 1831 - July 1841.
4999Maynooth University and St Patrick's College, MaynoothMs Murphy 441818-1820Translations into Irish from various religious tract...
5001Maynooth University and St Patrick's College, MaynoothMs Murphy 731827Keating's Eochair-sciath an Aifrinn, Parliament na m...
5002Maynooth University and St Patrick's College, MaynoothMs Murphy 1011814Parliament na mBan, lives of saints and other religi...
5753Maynooth University and St Patrick's College, Maynooth1798-1803Letters of Eugene Conwell: Large bound volume with l...Conwell Letters
18587Maynooth University and St Patrick's College, MaynoothPP/331809-1841155 items, 113 of which are letters from Howe Peter ...The Marquess of Sligo Archive
20085Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DI/180115 Deed between Thomas Bligh, Brittas and Anthony Ca...Mountainstown Documents
20086Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DI/179916 Lease of land at Linnenstown by William Corbally,...Mountainstown Documents
20087Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DI/180117a Lease of land at Boynagh to John Clifford by Tho...Mountainstown Documents
20092Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DI/184420 Lease of land in Killagriff (Corcreagh) to Samuel...Mountainstown Documents
20095Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DI/183123 Lease of land at Kilberry by Thomas Bligh to Thom...Mountainstown Documents
20106Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DII/184438 Lease of land at Killagriff, by William Bligh and...Mountainstown Documents
20107Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DII/184439 Lease of land at Killagriff by William Bligh and ...Mountainstown Documents
20112Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DII/184426 Lease of land by William Bligh and Sir Raeph Howa...Mountainstown Documents
20116Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DII/180630 Lease of land at Painstown (Castletown) by Thomas...Mountainstown Documents
20118Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DII/184432 Lease of land at Rahood to Patrick Clarke, Rahood...Mountainstown Documents
20128Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox F/183810 Letter to Arthur Pollock acknowledging rent, 1838...Mountainstown Documents
20130Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox F/182412 Letter to A.H. Pollock from George Grove, 1824.Mountainstown Documents
20138Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox F/182019 Letter to Blossett thanking him for his donation ...Mountainstown Documents
20144Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/18132 Lease 1813 between Robert Blossett, Julia Countess...Mountainstown Documents
20147Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/18075 Deed of sale 1807 Sheriff of Meath to John Pollock...Mountainstown Documents
20148Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/18016 Lease between William Corbally (Drakestown) and Jo...Mountainstown Documents
20154Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/181812 Letter acknowledging rent paid 1818 by J. Pollock...Mountainstown Documents
20155Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/182613 Lease of land at Drakestown, Hugh Reilly by Arthu...Mountainstown Documents
20159Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/180616 Deed of sale Sheriff of Meath, and John Pollock 1...Mountainstown Documents
20163Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/182618 Lease of land in Drakestown, 1826.Mountainstown Documents
20165Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/182122a Letter detailing expenses of lease, 1821Mountainstown Documents
20180Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox G/18011 Deed between Thomas Bligh Brittas and Philip McNal...Mountainstown Documents
20183Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox G/18204 Deed between John Chambre Earl of Meath and Judith...Mountainstown Documents
20185Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox G/18096 Deed between Thomas Bligh Brittas Jane Johnson, an...Mountainstown Documents
20191Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox I/18382 Fire assurance policy taken out by Edward Bligh, B...Mountainstown Documents
20192Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox I/18463 Act of Parliament to rent the lands of Bindon Scot...Mountainstown Documents
20204Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox I/183115 Lease of land in Kilriffin Drumcondrath by Thomas...Mountainstown Documents
20207Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox I/180818 Map of part of Kilgriffin Moybologue estate of Th...Mountainstown Documents
20208Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox I/180419 Map of Butlerstown Estate of Thomas Bligh by Hugh...Mountainstown Documents
20209Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox I/182820 Survey of Carnville Moynalty Estate of Thomas Bli...Mountainstown Documents
20226Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox I/182135 Letter to Pollock, Mountainstown, 1821.Mountainstown Documents
20228Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox I/184437 Survey of land at Killagriff, 1844.Mountainstown Documents
20243Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox H/18463 Lease of building at No 2 Smith's Place, Dublin, b...Mountainstown Documents
20245Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox H/18425 Memorial of deed between John Elvin and Charles Bl...Mountainstown Documents
20286Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/182219 Letter to Arthur Pollock regarding rent abatement...Mountainstown Documents
20287Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/182020 Letter to Arthur Pollock regarding land, 1820.Mountainstown Documents
20288Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/182721 Letter to Arthur Pollock regarding land received,...Mountainstown Documents
20289Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/182922 Letter to Arthur Pollock regarding rent received,...Mountainstown Documents
20290Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/182023 Letter to Arthur Pollock regarding Christmas dona...Mountainstown Documents
20291Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/183024 Letter to Arthur Pollock regarding rent received,...Mountainstown Documents
20292Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/184325 Essex and De Ros Estates, 1843.Mountainstown Documents
20293Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/1817-182426 Lord Essex Accounts, 1817-1824, 15 documents.Mountainstown Documents
20302Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/18417 Letter, 1841.Mountainstown Documents
20307Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/183212 Letter to Arthur Pollock, 1832.Mountainstown Documents
20309Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/183014 Letter to Arthur Pollock regarding rent, 1830.Mountainstown Documents
20310Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/184215 Letter to Arthur Pollock regarding rent, 1842.Mountainstown Documents
20574Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DI/1795
1 Deed between William Corbally, Drakestown, and Pat...Mountainstown Documents
20575Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DI/18442 Lease of land to Catherine Russell by William Blig...Mountainstown Documents
20576Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DI/17993 Lease of land to John Hopkins, Newcastle by Thomas...Mountainstown Documents
20577Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DI/18444 Lease of land to Alexander Cruise by William Bligh...Mountainstown Documents
20578Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DI/1795
5 Lease of land to Mehans by William Corbally 1795. ...Mountainstown Documents
20579Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DI/17996 Lease between Thomas Cherburgh Bligh and Richard T...Mountainstown Documents
20580Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DI/18147 Deed between Thomas Bligh, Brittas and Revd. Franc...Mountainstown Documents
20587Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox E/184424 Lease of land to Thomas Nulty at Rathlaggan by Wi...Mountainstown Documents
20595Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox E/184632 Rental of Ranelagh Estate, 1846.Mountainstown Documents
20608Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox E/1820
19 Lease to Thomas Russell by Frederick C. Bligh of ...Mountainstown Documents
20613Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox E/18311 Letter to Arthur Pollock, Mountainstown, acknowled...Mountainstown Documents
20615Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox E/18453 Rent receipt to A. Pollock 1845.Mountainstown Documents
20617Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox E/18125 Statement of condition of Drakestown House, when t...Mountainstown Documents
21295Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DII/183145 Lease of land at Cagneville by Thomas Bligh, Brit...Mountainstown Documents
21296Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DII/180146 Lease of land at Cornicarrow by Thomas Bligh, Bri...Mountainstown Documents
21302Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox DII/184752 Lease of property at Smiths Buildings, Dublin, by...Mountainstown Documents
22900Methodist Historical Society of Ireland1836
Archival box 17, containing, for example:An etched p...
13082Monaghan County Library Genealogy and Local History Department1823Photocopy of manuscript, Members of the Established ...
13148Monaghan County Library Genealogy and Local History Department1852-1853, 1840-1843Photocopy of the manuscript Rent Book of the Newblis...
1858Monaghan County Museum1982:781843Grand Jury Accounts and Presentments 1843.
21526Monaghan County Museum1831T1-3 Photocopied letter and envelope. Foster to Mart...Moorehead Letters
21588Monaghan County Museum18471988: 99 a - h b1-2 undated letter re Nat's impe...Moorehead Letters
751National Archives of Ireland999/6501829Memorial of settlement of marriage between John Mona...
759National Archives of Ireland999/66918416 June 1841, Census return for Florence McCarthy and...
3942National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/4117981 Bolton, Jane, Petition of, that Lyndon Bolton, he...Rebellion Papers
3943National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/41179896 Crosbie, Lady Catherine, Castiliana, Bath, to Lo...Rebellion Papers
3945National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/49180063 Memorial of [?] Dobbyn, St Mary's, New Ross, hus...Rebellion Papers
3946National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/60180140 Petition of Teresa Magrath, widow of the late Li...Rebellion Papers
3947National Archives of Ireland620/661803260 Russell, Margaret to the Right Honorable Willia...Rebellion Papers
3949National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/311797207 Examination of Frederick Drury, Justice of the ...Rebellion Papers
3948National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/311797105 Sally Shaw of Belfast to Mr Phelham, 'that her ...Rebellion Papers
3950National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/391798137 O'Neill, Eliza, Dublin to [?], asking return...Rebellion Papers
3951National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/381798196 Hall, Eliz, Post Office, Bandon, to John Lee, Ge...Rebellion Papers
3952National Archives of IrelandSoc1025/311803Series 1: Ballinqarane, County Limerick, information...State of the Country Papers
3953National Archives of IrelandSoc1026/291804Series 1: Ball, Charles, Dublin, enclosing Honora Bo...State of the Country Papers
3954National Archives of IrelandSoc1277/41-421810Series1: Jacob [?] G. Mortalstown Castle. Mr Mannin&...State of the Country Papers
3955National Archives of IrelandSoc1558 1-101814Series 1: Galway, state of Edward Malony and Henry K...State of the Country Papers
3956National Archives of IrelandSoc17741813-1816Series 1: Wexford, State of: Hobson, Revd. R.J., Ins...State of the Country Papers
3990National Archives of IrelandRLFC1/051846Administrative Series: Summary list of local subscri...Relief Commission Records
3992National Archives of IrelandRLFC2/Z56501846Z Series: Thomas French, agent to Mrs George Colley ...Relief Commission Records
3993National Archives of IrelandRLFC3/2/6/1791790
Incoming Letters, Baronial Sub-Series: Jemima Deane ...Relief Commission Records
3994National Archives of IrelandRLFC3/2/11/601847Incoming Letters, Baronial Sub-series: Elizabeth Fol...Relief Commission Records
3995National Archives of IrelandRLFC3/1/47691847Incoming Letters, Numericial Sub-series: List of sub...Relief Commission Records
3996National Archives of IrelandRLFC3/1/25621846Incoming Letters, Numericial Sub-Series: Abstract re...Relief Commission Records
4003National Archives of Ireland1075/35/1c1836Correspondence to the Earl of Dunraven and Mount Ear...
4007National Archives of Ireland1/1461802Clare, Lady A., to Lord Westmoreland, 'Before yo...Westmoreland Correspondence
4008National Archives of Ireland1/1451804Villiers, Lady Sarah Sophia, to Lord Westmoreland. H...Westmoreland Correspondence
4067National Archives of Ireland1801Anne, Lady Ormonde, to Thomas Kemmis asking for advi...Frazer Manuscripts
4068National Archives of Ireland1816Lady Catherine Barrington to J.C. Lyons. It is impos...Frazer Manuscripts
4069National Archives of Ireland1817Lady Barrington to J.C. Lyons directing him to serve...Frazer Manuscripts
4090National Archives of Ireland1826-1828Private Index, 1826-1828, includes: Duane, Mary, con...Chief Secretary's Office/Registered Papers
4094National Archives of IrelandOPII/650/Series 11831Foundling Hospital, Cork, material relating to G. Be...Official Papers
4093National Archives of IrelandOP926/3/Series 11826Volume II page 608: Dalton, Jane, widow, memorial a...Official Papers
4095National Archives of IrelandOP/654/19/Series 11824-1825Lock Hospital and St John's Fever Hospital, Lime...Official Papers
4096National Archives of IrelandOP/928/15/Series 11828Rice, Mrs Harriet, on concordatum list, 1828. Letter...Official Papers
4097National Archives of IrelandOP1834/224/Series 21834Gordon, Mrs Mary, Pension. Letter forwarding a memor...Official Papers
4108National Archives of IrelandM736-M7381829-1830Correspondence Entry books of letters of Lord Franci...Leveson Gower Letter Books
4773National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/2/9/291798Court Martial of Robert Boyd, William Marshall senio...Rebellion Papers
4774National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/17/35-361799-1800Examination of Bridget Dolan of Carnew, 3 October 17...Rebellion Papers
4787National Archives of Ireland1819Administration Papers: Memorial of Sarah Magennis to...Customs and Excise
4865National Archives of Ireland999/836/31818Lease for 31 years by his Grace Eusby Lord Archbisho...Mercer School Records
4958National Archives of Ireland2B/43/251819-1827Account on pages 351-389 of the lands of the nunnery...Quit Rent Office
4959National Archives of Ireland1798
1798 Rebellion Papers in the Quit Rent Office Collec...Quit Rent Office
4960National Archives of Ireland1798
1798 Rebellion Papers in the Quit Rent Office Collec...Quit Rent Office
4788National Archives of Ireland1819Administration Papers: Petition of Bridget Lawless,...Customs and Excise
4961National Archives of Ireland1798
1798 Rebellion Papers in the Quit Rent Office Collec...Quit Rent Office
4962National Archives of Ireland39/a-e1798
1798 Rebellion Papers in the Quit Rent Office Collec...Quit Rent Office
4963National Archives of Ireland43/a-b1791
1798 Rebellion Papers in the Quit Rent Office Collec...Quit Rent Office
4964National Archives of Ireland1798
1798 Rebellion Papers in the Quit Rent Office Collec...Quit Rent Office
4965National Archives of Ireland45/a-e1798
1798 Rebellion Papers in the Quit Rent Office Collec...Quit Rent Office
4966National Archives of Ireland1798
1798 Rebellion Papers in the Quit Rent Office Collec...Quit Rent Office
4967National Archives of Ireland1798
1798 Rebellion Papers in the Quit Rent Office Collec...Quit Rent Office
4968National Archives of Ireland1790
1798 Rebellion Papers in the Quit Rent Office Collec...Quit Rent Office
5485National Archives of Ireland97/46/2/317-3181835-1836317 Lease for 74 years to Maria Clarke for grounds ...
6970National Archives of IrelandFS 1834/11834Correspondence relating to the Horan family (mother ...Free Settlers Papers, 1828-1857
6973National Archives of IrelandCRF1836 M251836Petition of Marcella Mite, under sentence of transpo...Convict Reference Files, 1836-1922
6976National Archives of IrelandGPOTR2, folio211838Honora McCarthy, aged 60, County Cork, sentenced to ...Transportation Registers, 1836-1857
6977National Archives of IrelandGPOTR2, folio331838Bridget Ganly, aged 18, County Down, sentenced to 7 ...Transportation Registers, 1836-1857
6978National Archives of IrelandKing's Co.1838 143341838Catherine Ward, Geashill, complaing about a maliciou...Outrage Papers, 1832-1852
8801National Archives of Ireland1833Cholera Papers: Health Board Report on the number of...State Papers
8802National Archives of Ireland1833Cholera Papers: Health Board Report on the Dublin fe...State Papers
8803National Archives of Ireland1833Cholera Papers: General Board of Health, Report for ...State Papers
8804National Archives of Ireland1833Cholera Papers: General Board of Health, Report for ...State Papers
8805National Archives of Ireland1833Cholera Papers: General Board of Health, Report for ...State Papers
8806National Archives of Ireland1832Cholera Papers: General Board of Health, numbers of ...Chief Secretary's correspondence
8807National Archives of Ireland2/440/7-101832-1834Cholera papers: Antrim -Donegal, Down-Kerry, Kildare...State Papers
8808National Archives of Ireland2/440/361822-1834Poor Law Commissioners' Papers: Day Book, Ennis, giv...State Papers
8813National Archives of Ireland2/440/481844-1847Poor Law Commissioners' Papers: Poor Law Commissione...State Papers
8814National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/1/2/21797Letters from Sarah McDonnell, Lurgan Street, to [?],...Rebellion Papers
8815National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/3/32/181798Examination of Rebecca Doran, Baltinglass, in the Fo...Rebellion papers
8816National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/4/29/161798Letter from Mrs O'Connor to Lord Viscount Castlereag...Rebellion Papers
8817National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/3/51/121798Letter from Lady Louisa Conolly, Castletown, to Lord...Rebellion Papers
8818National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/4/29/321798Letter from Mrs C.C. O'Connor to Lord [?], 28 Au...Rebellion Papers
8819National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/4/29/531798Letter from Mrs Ann Duigean to Lord Viscount Castler...Rebellion Papers
8820National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/7/74/321799Private Information: Information of Jane Allen, Dona...Rebellion Papers
8821National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/9/98/71800Private Information: Annoymous letter to Lord Castle...Rebellion Papers
8822National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/10/120/111802Eliza Dowling, sister of Matt Dowling, late prisoner...Rebellion Papers
8823National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/24/1081796Jas Jones to Edward Cooke stating that he is taking ...Rebellion Papers
8824National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/24/131a1796Private letter from Bridget Brennan, Strabane, to Pa...Rebellion Papers
8825National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/25/821796Memoranudm of a letter, Mrs McTier to Dr Drennan, re...Rebellion Papers
8826National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/15/3/111796-1797Arthur O'Connor Papers: Letter from Pamela Fitzgearl...Rebellion Papers
8827National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/15/3/181797Arthur O'Connor Papers: Letter from Pamela to Lord E...Rebellion Papers
8829National Archives of IrelandCarton 620/15/10/121807O.W.B. Sterne Papers: Mrs Sterne's examination, ...Rebellion Papers
8831National Archives of IrelandSOC/2344/311822State of County Cork: Clutterbuck Crone: attack on t...State of the Country Papers
8833National Archives of IrelandSOC/2345/321822State of County Cork: Report of Major S. Carter, Don...State of the Country Papers
8835National Archives of IrelandSOC/2345/371822State of County Cork: Report of Lord Doneraile enclo...State of the Country Papers
8836National Archives of IrelandSOC/2367/171822State of County Meath: Magistrates of Head Office of...State of the Country Papers
8837National Archives of IrelandSOC/2835/11827State of County Clare: Chief Constable, John Read Bi...State of the Country Papers
8838National Archives of IrelandSOC/3729/1-31806Edward Villiers Fitzgearld, Rockfield, near Limerick...State of the Country Papers
8839National Archives of IrelandSOC/3913/1806Copy of a letter from Jean Wilson, Kildrum, to her h...State of the Country Papers
8840National Archives of IrelandSOC/39991807Letter [? sent through Dr Tervor] recounting, among ...State of the Country Papers
8842National Archives of IrelandSOC/40631807Brigade Major Robert Crawford, Cashel, to Sir E.B. L...State of the Country Papers
8853National Archives of IrelandD234801845Assignment of Annuities, Clarinda Lenigan to John Ev...Lenigan-Evans Papers
8857National Archives of IrelandM6936/56/4091846Letter from Lucy A. Martyn, Black Rock, to Blake tha...Ballyglunin Papers
8894National Archives of IrelandM6931/1/111-1121797Hyacinth Bodkin, Thomastown, County Galway to Allen ...Ballyglunin Papers
8896National Archives of IrelandM6933/51812A fragmentary Rent Book/Ledger, 1812.Ballyglunin Papers
8897National Archives of IrelandM6933/101821
Bundle of rentals of various portions of the Blake e...Ballyglunin Papers
8898National Archives of IrelandM6933/28-291828-1841Account Book, Brooklodge, relating to wages, house a...Ballyglunin Papers
8899National Archives of IrelandM6936/56/4261846Letter from Judy Tarrington Park Village, to Martin ...Ballyglunin Papers
8900National Archives of IrelandM6934/11803-1813Mary Blake, (nee Archdeacon, widow of Walter Blake o...Ballyglunin Papers
8901National Archives of IrelandM6934/141818Miscellaneous papers relating to the winding up of t...Ballyglunin Papers
8902National Archives of IrelandM6934/16c1820Minutes of evidence in a case apparently concerning ...Ballyglunin Papers
8905National Archives of IrelandM6936/55/51846Jane O'Donnell to Martin J. Blake, recommending ...Ballyglunin Papers
8906National Archives of IrelandM6936/55/181846Eleanor French to Martin J. Blake, relating to a loa...Ballyglunin Papers
8907National Archives of IrelandM6936/56/3701846Letter from Judy Tarrington Park Village, to Martin ...Ballyglunin Papers
8908National Archives of IrelandM6936/56/4041846Letter from Lucy A. Martyn, Black Rock, to Blake, as...Ballyglunin Papers
8909National Archives of IrelandM6936/57/12-131847Letter from Mary F. Joyce, a Presentation Convent nu...Ballyglunin Papers
8910National Archives of IrelandM6936/57/311847Ellen Comyns, [no address?], to Blake, begging money...Ballyglunin Papers
8911National Archives of IrelandM6936/57/781847Eleanor O'Connor, College Road, [Galway?], a widow a...Ballyglunin Papers
8912National Archives of IrelandM6936/58/531847Honor Farrell (Galway?) to Martin Blake requesting h...Ballyglunin Papers
8913National Archives of IrelandM6936/58/821847Mrs F.M. French, 3 New Brighton, Blackrock, County D...Ballyglunin Papers
8916National Archives of IrelandM32471845Valuation of furniture, etc., in Gowran Castle, sold...Clifden Papers
8917National Archives of IrelandM32541820Draft or copy Chancery Bill. Hercules Langford Rowle...Clifden Papers
8928National Archives of IrelandD234491807Copy Marriage Settlement, Thomas Studdert, junior, e...Lenigan-Evans Papers
8929National Archives of IrelandD234641827Deed of settlement by James Lenigan and Eleanor Fran...Lenigan-Evans Papers
8930National Archives of IrelandD234661827Copy Lease for lives of Ballycurry, Lady Caroline Da...Lenigan-Evans Papers
8931National Archives of IrelandD234781837Draft Assignment of Annuities, John Evans to Clarind...Lenigan-Evans Papers
8932National Archives of IrelandD234821846Assignment of a judgement against James Lenigan, Cas...Lenigan-Evans Papers
8933National Archives of IrelandM5318/a-j1836Miscellaneous papers relating to the settlement of t...Lenigan-Evans Papers
8934National Archives of IrelandM5327c1847Correspondence relating to the affairs of Henrietta ...Lenigan-Evans Papers
8938National Archives of IrelandM6178/31829Papers relating to the Corranerary Estate of William...Greville Estate Papers
8939National Archives of IrelandM61784/91808Papers relating to the Corranerary Estate of William...Greville Estate Papers
8940National Archives of IrelandM6178/11-131814-1829Papers relating to the Corranerary Estate of William...Greville Estate Papers
8941National Archives of IrelandM6178/17-191832-1834Papers relating to the Corranerary Estate of William...Greville Estate Papers
8943National Archives of IrelandM6178/791840Papers relating to the Corranerary Estate of William...Greville Estate Papers
8944National Archives of IrelandM6178/881842Papers relating to the Corranerary Estate of William...Greville Estate Papers
8946National Archives of IrelandD59571839Lease of lands, County Waterford, Catherine Isabella...Osborne Papers
8949National Archives of IrelandCO1095-10961833Law Exchequer - draft consent - John Crotty leasee o...Osborne Papers
8952National Archives of IrelandD60041816Copy Articles of Marriage Settlement, Sir Thomas Osb...Osborne Papers
8954National Archives of IrelandM4341836Copy of a letter from Mr Hinde to Lady Osborne relat...Osborne Papers
11439National Archives of Ireland1814Petition by Custom House Officials that the widow of...Customs and Excise
11440National Archives of Ireland1814Document relating to a pension for Mary Daly, widow ...Customs and Excise
11441National Archives of Ireland1814Relating to the petition of Ann Gilligan, widow of t...Customs and Excise
11444National Archives of Ireland1803
Letter from Custom Officials relating to the petitio...Customs and Excise
11505National Archives of Ireland1809In the matter of Elizabeth and Edmond Byrne Minors, ...Byrne Papers
11506National Archives of Ireland1812Notebook containing daily expenditure on household g...Byrne Papers
11507National Archives of Ireland1831-1840Notebook containing accounts for living in Italy, al...Byrne Papers
11508National Archives of Ireland1805Includes, among other items, draft will of E[linor] ...Byrne Papers
11510National Archives of Ireland1836-1837Account Books, [Mrs Byrne?]: 1836-1837 1837.Byrne Papers
11511National Archives of Ireland1839Notes, 1839 [Mrs Byrne?].Byrne Papers
11515National Archives of Ireland1813-1816Richard Rossiter in account with the Misses Rossiter...Byrne Papers
11517National Archives of Ireland1819Letter in French to Catherine Rossiter, September 18...Byrne Papers
11518National Archives of Ireland1827-1843Letters to Isabella Rossiter, September 1827 - Augus...Byrne Papers
11520National Archives of Ireland1843Letter from Miss MacCarthy to the Misses Rossiter re...Byrne Papers
11521National Archives of Ireland1806Case of James Edmond Byrne Esquire, only brother of ...Byrne Papers
11522National Archives of Ireland1837In the Court of the Exchequer: The answer of Cecilia...Byrne Papers
11523National Archives of Ireland1841Letter from J. Horan to Mrs Cecilia Rossiter Byrne, ...Byrne Papers
11529National Archives of Ireland1812-1813'Miss Rossiters Pass Book': Rosemount Market...Byrne Papers
11532National Archives of Ireland1805Lease for 29 years by Mrs Margaret Rossiter, Rosemou...Byrne Papers
11533National Archives of Ireland1805Lease for 29 years by Mrs Margaret Rossiter, Rosemou...Byrne Papers
11534National Archives of Ireland1810Lease for 21 years by Maria, Catherine, Isabella and...Byrne Papers
11535National Archives of Ireland1808Chancery Brief, James and Catherine Ryan versus Jame...Byrne Papers
11536National Archives of Ireland1812Release by Jane Lawless to the executors of Michael ...Byrne Papers
11537National Archives of Ireland1812Receipts for legacies from the executors of the will...Byrne Papers
11538National Archives of Ireland1813Includes among other documents, Draft Settlement on ...Byrne Papers
12188National Archives of IrelandRC10/11810-1830
Wills and Deeds of landowners in the 16th and 17th c...Record Commission
12213National Archives of Ireland97/46/1/3/1817-1828Letters from Mrs B. Verschoyle to [John, Viscount Fi...Pembroke Estate Papers
13079National Archives of IrelandPPC17181822Petition of Mary Kinsly, Harriet Gordon and Catherin...Prisoners' Petitions and Cases, 1778-1836
13088National Archives of IrelandPPC27961826Petition of Elizabeth Harris, widow of a Church of I...Prisoners' Petitions and Cases, 1778-1836
13099National Archives of IrelandPPC35261830Petition of Mary Rooney, sentenced to 7 years transp...Prisoners' Petitions and Cases, 1778-1836
13101National Archives of IrelandFS 1831/11831List of transported convicts by county, with names a...Free Settlers Papers, 1828-1857
13116National Archives of IrelandDublin 1845 9/23611845Account of the burning of Flora Villa, Donnybrook, b...Outrage Papers, 1832-1852
13117National Archives of IrelandFermanagh 1845 10/66091845Arrest of Alexander Smith, charged with the murder o...Outrage Papers, 1832-1852
13118National Archives of IrelandFermanagh 1845 10/128151845Memorial of John Lane, complaining of being falsely ...Outrage Papers, 1832-1852
13122National Archives of IrelandGPOTR7, folio2171847Anne Mannion, aged 11, County Galway, sentenced to 1...Transportation Registers, 1836-1857
13123National Archives of IrelandGPOTR7, folio2881847Ellen Murphy, aged 16, Co. Wexford, sentenced to 7 y...Transportation Registers, 1836-1857
13124National Archives of IrelandFS 1847/21844
Petition of Margaret Murphy, requesting that she and...Free Settlers Papers, 1828-1857
15208National Archives of Ireland 97/361803-1818St Paul's Parish, St Nicholas's Parish, Carrigaline ...Selection of Private Accessions, 1980-2002
15327National Archives of Ireland 99/56/5/51820Carhampton Papers. Appointment re. the estate of the...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15329National Archives of Ireland 99/56/6/11831Various estate records. Lease for 31 years by Charle...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15337National Archives of Ireland 99/56/9/1/121807Papers relating to Co. Donegal. Mortgage by Lt. Col....Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15338National Archives of Ireland 99/56/9/1/141815Papers relating to Co. Donegal. Mortgage by Lt. Col....Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15339National Archives of Ireland 99/56/9/1/161820Papers relating to Co. Donegal. Assignment of mortga...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15345National Archives of Ireland 99/56/4/51820Papers relating to Co. Donegal. Assignment of mortga...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15355National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/4/4/ii1833Papers relating to King's County. Memorial of in...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15364National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/6/131823Papers relating to King's County. Deed of annuity fo...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15369National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/14/61844Papers relating to King's County. Deed apportioning ...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15377National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/18/61846Papers relating to King's County. Lease for 83 years...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15378National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/19/21827Papers relating to King's County. Settlement on ...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15383National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/25/51836Papers relating to King's County. Deed of appointmen...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15384National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/26/21835Papers relating to King's County. Copy settlement on...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15388National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/28/11835Papers relating to King's County. Settlement on the ...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15390National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/29/11836Papers relating to King's County. Settlement on the ...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15394National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/30/11839Papers relating to King's County. Settlement on the ...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15397National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/311841Papers relating to King's County. Castellammare ...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15398National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/32/11841Papers relating to King's County. Release for lives ...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15450National Archives of Ireland 999/201810-1830
Parish Register. Plain copy parish register of Killa...Small Private Accessions
15452National Archives of Ireland 999/22/21841Marriage Settlement between Patrick Kain, Multifarna...Small Private Accessions
15455National Archives of Ireland 999/24/41830Covenant by Margaret Carew, Clonmel, widow and John ...Small Private Accessions
15468National Archives of Ireland 999/49/1-211798-1832McDonnell letters, including letters from female fam...Small Private Accessions
15486National Archives of Ireland 999/89/11842Probate of Will of Sarah Browne, Baroginstown, Co. K...Small Private Accessions
15498National Archives of Ireland 999/113/31818Bargain and sale for remainder of 900 years by Willi...Small Private Accessions
15506National Archives of Ireland 999/124/11810Bargain and sale by Clarinda Hansby, Dublin City and...Small Private Accessions
15507National Archives of Ireland 999/124/91829Release and assignment of assurance policy by Anne D...Small Private Accessions
15511National Archives of Ireland 999/128/161834Memorandum of an agreement between Catherine R. Grah...Small Private Accessions
15512National Archives of Ireland 999/128/191840Lease for 21 years by the Right Honourable Lord John...Small Private Accessions
15513National Archives of Ireland 999/129/41832Lease for 99 years by John Quin, Fairy Hill, Bray to...Small Private Accessions
15514National Archives of Ireland 999/129/51835Lease for 999 years by John Quin, Fairy Hill, Bray, ...Small Private Accessions
15516National Archives of Ireland 999/1301839Bargain and sale by Frederick F. and Janette M. Lode...Small Private Accessions
15517National Archives of Ireland 999/132/11813Copy settlement on the marriage of Thomas Fox, Dubli...Small Private Accessions
15527National Archives of Ireland 999/138/71817Settlement on the marriage of the Frances McDowell, ...Small Private Accessions
15528National Archives of Ireland 999/138/81818Settlement on the marriage of Joshua Smith, Streamst...Small Private Accessions
15533National Archives of Ireland 999/141/81843Marriage licence for William Horan, Lismore and Cath...Small Private Accessions
15537National Archives of Ireland 999/149/181825Bargain and sale forever by Mary Perry, Newcastle, C...Small Private Accessions
15538National Archives of Ireland 999/149/191826Settlement on the marriage of John Carroll, Cahir, C...Small Private Accessions
15539National Archives of Ireland 999/149/201837Bargain and sale forever by Mary Carroll to Francis ...Small Private Accessions
15540National Archives of Ireland 999/149/211838Bargain and sale forever by Mary Carroll, Ardfinnan,...Small Private Accessions
15544National Archives of Ireland 999/1531829Lease for lives by Dame Hannah Caldwell, Brownstown,...Small Private Accessions
15556National Archives of Ireland 999/169/11823Photocopy of letters of administration with will ann...Small Private Accessions
15560National Archives of Ireland 999/175/1-21823Reports to the Rural Dean on the state of parishes i...Small Private Accessions
15570National Archives of Ireland999/178 (p)1813 Petition for appointment of Mary Starrat, widow, as...Small Private Accessions
15594National Archives of Ireland999/210/31847Probate of the will of Annabella Reardon, Drogheda, ...Small Private Accessions
15595National Archives of Ireland999/210/61847Probate of the will of Frances Taylor, Tipperary Tow...Small Private Accessions
15615National Archives of Ireland999/2271833Fine conveying premises in Baggot St., Pembroke St.,...Small Private Accessions
15618National Archives of Ireland999/237/31830Assignment of judgement by Cecelia Rossetor Byrne (e...Small Private Accessions
23987National Archives of IrelandCRF 1837/G1111837Case of Catherine Gillepsie who was found guilty of ...Convict Reference Files, 1836-1922
23989National Archives of IrelandCRF 1845/B28 1845The case of Margaret Buckley who was charged as a va...Convict Reference Files, 1836-1922
23990National Archives of IrelandCRF 1838/H129 1838Contains a memorial from Mary Jane Hamilton informin...Convict Reference Files, 1836-1922
11186National Gallery of Ireland LibraryAB113 /A-R1923-1928
Includes: AB113/B Four letters from Elizabeth Yeat...
130National Library of IrelandMs184171798Xerox copy of an account of the number of inhabitant...
133National Library of IrelandMs184301810-1820Typescript of a diary of Anne Jocelyn, Countess of R...
143National Library of IrelandMs184781838Two autograph letters of Maria Edgeworth to William ...
164National Library of IrelandMs185831828Copy of a brief prepared for Daniel O'Connell, couns...
165National Library of IrelandMs185971839-1840Two letters of Maria Edgeworth, one to Miss Crampton...
166National Library of IrelandMs186071806-1826
Nine autograph letters, several incomplete, from Jul...Farnham Papers
167National Library of IrelandMs186151838Autograph letter of Robert Maxwell, serving with the...Farnham Papers
169National Library of IrelandMs18625c1842Miscellaneous estate and household accounts [Farnham...Farnham Papers
170National Library of IrelandMs186261845Miscellaneous estate and household accounts [Farnham...Farnham papers
173National Library of IrelandMs187521803Diary of Maria Edgeworth, with references to politic...
174National Library of IrelandMs187531826-1838Current expenses account books of Maria Edgeworth, 1...
908National Library of IrelandMs56151805-1813An album of poems and sketches for Mrs Harriet Parry...
909National Library of IrelandMs56341805, 1821-1847Minutes of the management committee of the Collon, C...
919National Library of IrelandMs57591802-1846Autographed letters from Daniel O'Connell mainly to ...
921National Library of IrelandMs58391835-1841Cash book of Martha Roberts, landholder, Old Conna, ...
923National Library of IrelandMs58831830Includes a letter from Samuel Carter Hall to Miss La...
949National Library of IrelandMs101381847Major Denis Mahon's emigration account, 1847. For ex...Pakenham-Mahon Papers
962National Library of IrelandMs113491807Miscellaneous documents. These include 16 documents ...Domvile Papers
963National Library of IrelandMs113501800-1840Letters of General Sir F Trench to his parents, earl...Domvile Papers
989National Library of IrelandMs117021818-1819An incomplete Rent Ledger of the King family, Ballyl...
1005National Library of IrelandMs129821827Ledger of accounts of tenants and workers on the Pau...
1007National Library of IrelandMss12990-129911827-1842Journal recording monies received for William Gun Pa...
1010National Library of IrelandMs130091837-1843Photostats of two letters, one incomplete, of Major ...
1403National Library of IrelandMs8023c.1810-1815Includes correspondence of Frances, wife of the 8th ...Fingall Papers
1481National Library of IrelandMs15531839-1846Letter-book of the Rev. C Wolsley, chaplain of Pleas...
1484National Library of IrelandMs15561832-1833Applications for admission of children to Pleasants'...
1485National Library of IrelandMs15571834-1840Description: School Attendance book of the Children ...
1493National Library of IrelandMs1694c1800A volume of verse by Marie Ann Dawson, c1800.
1497National Library of IrelandMs20691804-1806Includes two letters from Mary Ann Bulkley to her br...
1501National Library of IrelandMs20421799A 'copy of an Act to amend certain defects . . . In ...
1514National Library of IrelandMs21761796, 1764-1766Includes commonplaces by Harriet King, 1796 and note...
1516National Library of IrelandMs21941827A journal of a tour from Kilkenny into Wexford and W...
1537National Library of IrelandMs27291834-1847Photocopy of a Catholic parish register, Ballyboy, S...
1542National Library of IrelandMs29761833-1846Autograph album of Sarah Jane Haughton of Carlow, 18...
1558National Library of IrelandMs32121798Wolfe Tone miscellanea which includes his farewell l...
1561National Library of IrelandMs3275c1818Depositions on behalf of the Countess Dowager of Kin...
1562National Library of IrelandMs32981824Copies of documents relating to a cause of defamatio...
1566National Library of IrelandMs3503c1831An engagement diary containing a few notes on religi...
1578National Library of IrelandMs59851817-1825Letters from Mary Leadbeater to her daughter, Elizab...
1580National Library of IrelandMs35491830-1836An anonymous rentbook of the owner (Susan Swift?) of...
1581National Library of IrelandMs3653c1847Notes on the family of John Gilbert and his wife Mar...
1582National Library of IrelandMs36721820Poems of A M Colton of Norton Green presented to his...
1583National Library of IrelandMs36761846A list of the Protestants of the parish of Ballymoda...
1586National Library of IrelandMss3763-37641828-1844Two small diaries or travel journals relating to tou...
1927National Library of IrelandMss4472-44731798
An original and a photostat copy of a narrative of t...
1933National Library of IrelandMs4578c1810Holograph poem of Mrs Mary Tighe beginning 'On recei...
1939National Library of IrelandMs41081805, 1814Abstracts of male and female wills printed in the 'R...
1940National Library of IrelandMs46391818An untitled poem signed Elize O'Neill, 18 August 181...
1943National Library of IrelandMs47381825'The King's visit to Ireland' a poem copied and pres...
1944National Library of IrelandMs47591822
'The Dublin theatre riots of 1822 and Catholic Emanc...
1948National Library of IrelandMs84621841A poem on the Blessed Virgin by Felicia Heman with a...
1902National Library of IrelandMs37881838-1843Diary of Bessy Lombard of Rahan, County Cork, Septem...
1906National Library of IrelandMs3913c1825A small book of verse compiled by Isa Tottenham, c18...
1910National Library of IrelandMs40001847Valuation of the joint estates of Miss Bushe and Hen...
1914National Library of IrelandMs41451835Genealogies of sovereigns of England and of Royal Ho...
1925National Library of IrelandMs41811830-1838Miscellaneous papers relating to the General Baptist...
1951National Library of IrelandMss4742-4746c1809An unpublished novel, 'Selena' by Mary Tighe, in 5 v...
1953National Library of IrelandMs47901823-1824Journal of a Miss Beresford who apparently lived in ...
1955National Library of IrelandMss4799-4803c1798-1830Five albums compiled by Mrs Caroline Hamilton contai...Wicklow Papers
1956National Library of IrelandMs48041806-1809A volume of critical book reviews by Mary Tighe, Apr...Wicklow Papers
1957National Library of IrelandMs48471746
Copies of Mrs Caroline Hamilton's family reminiscenc...Wicklow Papers
1962National Library of IrelandMs47131770-1771
A notebook containing material on the Quaker school ...
1969National Library of IrelandMs49571826-1831Daily report book of Carnew School on the estate of ...
1989National Library of IrelandMss7358-73591831-1834School Registers of the Keadue Education Society, 18...
2002National Library of IrelandMs78861831-1839Letters and other documents relating to Lady Morgan....
2003National Library of IrelandMs79111845-1847Copies of letters of Lady Georgiana Charlotte Fuller...
2016National Library of IrelandMs81231804-1827Miscellaneous letters includes letters of Rev. P J P...Plunkett Papers
2028National Library of IrelandMs83291810Poem written by Eliza Gun after hearing Thomas Moore...
2029National Library of IrelandMs83341818-1827Miscellaneous papers which include copies of a marri...Wade Papers
2313National Library of IrelandMss5465- 54661842, 1845Two rentals of the Irish estates of A Murray, Esq., ...Irish Estates of A Murray
2139National Library of IrelandMs48141778
History of Sarah Ponsonby, 'put to school in Kilkenn...Wicklow papers
2366National Library of IrelandMs58551835Volume of songs with music, in Italian, French, Port...Banks Gift
2408National Library of IrelandMs31635c1810Copybook containing poems by Mrs Smith, C Louisa Tis...Trant Papers
2418National Library of IrelandMs9926c1821Commonplace Book of Lady Caroline Clements, c1821.Leitrim Papers
2423National Library of IrelandP2598/N29771809-1843Microfilm: Includes Notebook of Lucy Currie, 1809, a...Le Fanu Papers
2424National Library of IrelandMs2391815Commonplace Book with index, inscribed 'Medley, Knoc...
2215National Library of IrelandMs101711826
Papers and letters of the Ussher family of Cappagh, ...Ussher Papers
2219National Library of IrelandMs319471662
Large collection includes letters to and from Mary B...Bellew Papers
2304National Library of IrelandMs 48111746
Reminiscences of her family by Mrs Caroline Hamilton...
2425National Library of IrelandMs3241c1822-1824Commonplace Book (?of G Llanduff), containing verse ...
2427National Library of IrelandMs35621825Commonplace Book containing poems inscribed 'Alicia ...
2428National Library of IrelandMs1602c1827Commonplace Book of Caroline Otway, c1827.
2429National Library of IrelandMs12113c1830Album of verse, music, sketches, etc, compiled by (?...
2430National Library of IrelandMs35751834-1835Commonplace Book of Sarah Hamilton of Hamwood, 1834-...Wicklow Papers
2308National Library of IrelandMs4810c1825Biographical notes compiled by Mrs Caroline Hamilton...Wicklow papers
2309National Library of IrelandMs48051827-1846Notebook of Caroline Hamilton of Hamwood, County Mea...
2310National Library of IrelandMs48091805-1806Commonplace book of Caroline Hamilton of Hamwood, Co...Wicklow Papers
2319National Library of IrelandMs7111718
'This collection forms part of the O'Casaidh collect...Cotter family papers
2431National Library of IrelandMs1574c1839Commonplace Book of Lady Gertrude Fitzpatrick, inclu...
2432National Library of IrelandMss3526-35271839-1846Commonplace Book of Harriet King of Ballylin, County...
2446National Library of IrelandMss9553-95541803-1817Two brief Diaries [?of Mrs Balfour], covering the pe...Townley Hall Papers
2321National Library of IrelandMs83261806-1808
Typescript copies of the letters of Sarah Curran, Mr...Sarah Curran papers
2362National Library of IrelandMs10362 (1,4,5)1798Letter from Mrs A Cooper senior to Mrs Cooper junior...Townley Hall
2402National Library of IrelandMs315731819Letter from Maria [nee Trant] to her husband, 2nd Ba...Trant Papers
2447National Library of IrelandMs129271827-1828Diary of Marianna Paul, in Bath and London, 1827-182...
2449National Library of IrelandMss3579-35801838-1840Two Journals of Mrs Francis Howard of Swords, June 1...Wicklow Papers
2469National Library of IrelandMs47141798-1820Account Book of Joshua Carleton, with later entries ...
2475National Library of IrelandP1102/10201847Three letters of Maria Edgeworth on Quaker benevolen...Ballitore Papers
2487National Library of IrelandJoly/Ms181829Some dressmaking accounts of Adelle Vignoli, includi...Joly Collection
2473National Library of IrelandMs10187c1799Petition by Elizabeth Ussher, widow, to the Lord Cha...Ussher Papers
2474National Library of IrelandMs101811815-1842Letters of Elizabeth Ussher and other Quaker documen...Ussher Papers
2497National Library of IrelandP8423/Ms82211830
Petition, 1840, to the Secretary of State for the Co...
2502National Library of IrelandMs47891819Journal of (?Lady Eleanor Butler, one of the Ladies ...Wicklow Papers
2517National Library of IrelandMs48131798Copies of letters from Mrs Sarah Tighe of Rossana to...Wicklow Papers
2518National Library of IrelandMs48061805-1806Commonplace Book of [? Lady Eleanor Butler of Llango...Wicklow Papers
2531National Library of IrelandMs9561c1800Lady Florence Balfour's book of recipes and pres...Townley Hall Papers
2534National Library of IrelandMs25851814Manuscript Music Book with autograph of Mary Lindsay...Lindsay Papers
2535National Library of IrelandMs41251837-1839Music Book of Mrs R R Fitzherbert of Black Castle, C...
2540National Library of IrelandP1098/N1016c1840Includes many letters to Elizabeth Cole, c1840. Micr...Ballitore Papers
2543National Library of IrelandMs99251815-1816Journal of a visit to Paris by Lady Caroline Clement...Leitrim Papers
2544National Library of IrelandMs82271833Two passports, one of which is for Mrs Eliza Whittle...
2554National Library of IrelandMs92451798-1800
Typescript of 'The sixth Parliament of George III, 1...
2555National Library of IrelandMs111381834-1836A collection of 130 letters of Richard Lalor Sheil t...
2578National Library of IrelandMs95621824Diary of family affairs, Townley Hall, 1824, with ma...Townley Hall Papers
2579National Library of IrelandMs41751829A collection of medical recipes and cures, inscribed...
2590National Library of IrelandMs49281804-1814Servants' Wages Book of the French family of Monivea...
2595National Library of IrelandMs101361844Account of clothes given to servants, 1844.Pakenham-Mahon Papers
2597National Library of IrelandMs49621830-1838Book recording transactions carried out with the poo...
2623National Library of IrelandMs107311817-1839A miscellaneous collection of c60 letters and docume...F.S. Bourke Collection
2704National Library of IrelandMs105941832-1840Correspondence of Mrs Ann Carolan of Dublin, concern...
2710National Library of IrelandMs14913c1835Commonplace Book of verse, drawings and paintings co...
2712National Library of IrelandMs141211820A 'Christian Remembrancer', 1820, a pocket-book for ...
2713National Library of IrelandMss14338-143411803-1819Four Ledgers of miscellaneous accounts of Lady Louis...
2715National Library of IrelandMs216651816-1825Bills and receipts pertaining to Lady Caroline Damer...
2719National Library of IrelandMs217681822-1824Letters to and from Mrs E.J. Bourke of Thornfield, C...Bourke Papers
2725National Library of IrelandMs208081823Letter from Colonel Francis Dunne in Dundalk to Mrs ...
2738National Library of IrelandMs20878c1811Five letters to Revd. William Bruce relating to the ...Bruce Papers
2740National Library of IrelandMs20911c1827Engraved portrait and two Alpine sketches by Charlot...Bruce Papers
2743National Library of IrelandMs209441813Letter from John D'Alton to his mother, describing h...D'Alton Papers
2746National Library of IrelandMs209491806-1813Three letters to John D'Alton from his mother Eliza,...D'Alton Papers
2747National Library of IrelandMs209501832-1836Twenty one letters to John D'Alton and his wife from...D'Alton Papers
2748National Library of IrelandMs209511841Letter to John D'Alton from his son William, enclosi...D'Alton Papers
2755National Library of IrelandMs209651838Two letters to Kate D'Alton from her daughter Eliza,...D'Alton Papers
2756National Library of IrelandMs20,9661841Two letters to Kate D'Alton of Dublin from her daugh...D'Alton Papers
2758National Library of IrelandMs20969c1838-1841Miscellaneous papers concerning John D'Alton, mainly...D'Alton Papers
2761National Library of IrelandMs21008c1815-1837Letters to Charity Whyte Baker of Ballytobin, County...Baker Papers
2769National Library of IrelandMs210371813Baptismal certificate of Frances Maria Baker, born 2...Baker Papers
2770National Library of IrelandMs210391818Inventory of kitchen furniture by Mrs Byrne [? at Ba...Baker Papers
2868National Library of IrelandMs2181821Copy of a play entitled 'Fitz-Gerald ou Le Comte de ...
2874National Library of IrelandMs4081810'The Hortus Siccus of grasses of Irish growth' by Jo...
2879National Library of IrelandMs4991845Manuscript copy of 'Gerald Fitzgerald, a tale of the...
2881National Library of IrelandMs15031843An account of the life of Daniel O'Connell by his da...
2884National Library of IrelandMs15521800Printed copy of an Act of Parliament (40 George III,...
2886National Library of IrelandMs1396c1821Typescript copy of a fragmentary census of Kilmore P...
2887National Library of IrelandMs9831832-1835Letterbook of James R Barry relating to the administ...
2889National Library of IrelandMs84811836-1842
Rentals and other papers relating to the Neville fam...Neville Papers
2893National Library of IrelandMs85191800
Copies of documents relating to the Esmonde family, ...Esmonde Papers
2897National Library of IrelandMs 85491829-1830Rental of part of the estates of the Tandy family, m...
2910National Library of IrelandMs86221800-1811Letters by Stephen W Howse to his father, mother, an...
2920National Library of IrelandMs86351820Legal documents concerning the trial of John Scanlon...
2924National Library of IrelandMs86521824-1830Rent Rolls and Cash Accounts of the estates of Lord ...
2934National Library of IrelandMs86761800-c1839Documents relating to the case in Chancery of Mary W...Whaley Papers
2945National Library of IrelandMs87821835-1845Correspondence of Harriet Beaufort, dealing with, am...Beaufort Papers
2947National Library of IrelandMs878418192 letters to Mrs Waller of Merrion Street, Dublin fr...Beaufort Papers
2948National Library of IrelandMs87891823-1836Miscellaneous letters, 1823-1836, which include an a...
2949National Library of IrelandMs87951842-1843Correspondence of James O'Donovan, County Cork and E...
2956National Library of IrelandMs88411837-1842Miscellaneous documents, 1837-1842, which include re...Robert White Papers
2957National Library of IrelandMs88431813-1843Miscellaneous documents, 1813-1843, which include a ...Robert White Papers
2958National Library of IrelandMs88441842Documents relating to mortgages, including copies of...Robert White Papers
2959National Library of IrelandMss8846-88471829-1842Documents relating to a case in Chancery of James Co...Robert White Papers
2960National Library of IrelandMs88761809-1810Letters to Charles Brodrick, Archbishop of Cashel, f...Brodrick Papers
2961National Library of IrelandMs88781816-1821Letters to Charles Brodrick, Archbishop of Cashel, f...Brodrick Papers
2967National Library of IrelandMs89051803-1816Miscellaneous letters and documents, 1803-1816. Thes...
2972National Library of IrelandMs8920c1832-1845Diary of Mrs John Hutchinson (nee Eliza H Waller) re...Hutchinson Papers
2976National Library of IrelandMs9056c1796Rent roll of Michael Aylmer's estate in County Kilda...
2980National Library of IrelandMs91361829Photocopy of the will of Alice Bury, widow, Downings...
2982National Library of IrelandMs91391801Photocopy of a recovery relating to lands at Barry's...
2983National Library of IrelandMs91431841Includes a photocopy of a grant to Mary Thorp, widow...
2984National Library of IrelandMs91451841Photocopy of a lease by Samuel Thorp to Mary Thorp, ...
2986National Library of IrelandMs91471847Photocopy of letters of administration of the goods ...
2990National Library of IrelandMs92161803-1823An incomplete Account Book of the Sick Poor Institut...
2991National Library of IrelandMs9217c1847Relief list of the Relief Committee, Roscrea Union, ...
2992National Library of IrelandMs92651835
A 1935 typescript copy of an 1835 memoir addressed b...
3002National Library of IrelandMss9429-94481826-1846Rentals and accounts of the Gascoigne estate, County...Gascoigne Papers
3007National Library of IrelandMs9473c1817Details of tenants of Maurice Mahon in the baronies ...Pakenham-Mahon Papers
3009National Library of IrelandMss9480-94811826-1833Rentals of Cormackstown and Clonmore, County Tippera...Brown of Clonboy Papers
3016National Library of IrelandMs95921801List of subscribers, rules, lists of students and li...Townley Hall Papers
3030National Library of IrelandMs97461825-1826Accounts of Lady Henry Moore as an administrator of ...Drogheda Papers
3031National Library of IrelandMs97601816-1825Miscellaneous papers which include entries for the C...Luke Cullen Papers
3036National Library of IrelandMs98671818-1819A volume of poems by Lady Sophie Fitzgearld, 1818-18...F.S. Bourke Collection
3038National Library of IrelandMs98781804Charges in scale for attendance and medicine agreed ...F.S. Bourke Collection
3043National Library of IrelandMs99411803-1827Rent Ledger of the estate of Stewart Weldon in the A...Weldon Papers
3046National Library of IrelandMs99711818-1821Expenditure Accounts of Michael and Helena Bellew, B...
3048National Library of IrelandMs99781812-1825Rent Book, Bellew Estate, Mountbellew, County Galway...
3049National Library of IrelandMs99821835-1847Rent Book of William Barlow Smythe of Barbavilla, Co...Smythe of Barbavilla Papers
3050National Library of IrelandMs99851802-1809Rent Ledger of the estate of William Smythe, 1802-18...Smythe of Barbavilla Papers
3056National Library of IrelandMs100721798Rental of the estate (of Francis Sergeant?) of Black...
3057National Library of IrelandMs100731819Rent Roll of Thomas Bennet, Thomastown, (County Kilk...
3058National Library of IrelandMs100751821Costs of a marriage settlement, etc., Wade to Fox, 1...
3064National Library of IrelandMss10146-101471834Miscellaneous estate documents which include notices...Pakenham-Mahon Papers
3067National Library of IrelandMs101621803Rental of the estate of Ponsonby Tottenham, County L...Pakenham-Mahon Papers
3068National Library of IrelandMs10169c1820Photocopy of a list of tenants on the Alcock estate,...
3448National Library of IrelandMs102651808-1819Miscellaneous papers including rentals and proposals...Townley Hall Papers
3451National Library of IrelandMs10351c1835Documents in the case of Elizabeth Reynell, a minor,...Townley Hall Papers
3452National Library of IrelandMs103171797Documents relating to lands in County Westmeath assi...Townley Hall Papers
3457National Library of IrelandMs103641808-1820Includes, among other letters, letters to Mrs Sarah ...Townley Hall Papers
3459National Library of IrelandMs103711804-182619 letters to Letitia Balfour, 1825-1826 and 8 lette...Townley Hall Papers
3472National Library of IrelandMs105281808Petition to Lord Cornwallis on behalf of the widow o...
3475National Library of IrelandMs106041847Rentals and other documents. These include a photost...
3478National Library of IrelandMs106581842Family letters and other documents of the Smyths of ...Smyth Papers
3482National Library of IrelandMs108221812-1822Letters of Frances Blake to her son, Maurice, 1812-1...Blake Papers
3483National Library of IrelandMs108241809-1835Fifty eight miscellaneous letters in 5 folders inclu...Blake Papers
3484National Library of IrelandMs108311816-1818Seven letters to Isidore Blake from Mrs Peter Blake,...Blake Papers
3509National Library of IrelandMs101701812-1843Correspondence of members of the Hayman family, Youg...
3511National Library of IrelandMs110541797-1827Letters and other documents including letters of J H...Ormonde Papers
3512National Library of IrelandMs110551803-1819Miscellaneous letters, including letters to, or con...Ormonde Papers
3515National Library of IrelandMss11078-110791800-1813Ten letters from Mary E Masterson to Phillis Masters...Grogan Papers
3516National Library of IrelandMss11081-110821804-1814Miscellaneous letters, 1804-1814. These include lett...Grogan Papers
3525National Library of IrelandMs118431832-1838Rent Roll of the Heywood estate, Queen's County, 183...Domvile Papers
3529National Library of IrelandMs118891824Journal of Letitia Frances Balfour describing a tour...Townley Hall Papers
3532National Library of IrelandMss11996-11997c1817Miscellaneous estate documents including a survey of...Harch Papers
3533National Library of IrelandMs11998c.1824Account Book [of Mary Trench?], c.1824.Domvile Papers
3582National Library of IrelandMs120371817-1822Rent Ledger of the estate of A W Baker, County Kilke...
3589National Library of IrelandMs12113c1830An album of verse, sketches, etc., compiled by [Miss...
3596National Library of IrelandMs121661816A selection of sacred poetry compiled by Lydia Cecil...
3598National Library of IrelandMs121711796-1800Labourers' and Tenants' Ledger, estate of Thomas Plu...Louth Papers
3600National Library of IrelandMss12180-12185c1819-1820Six music volumes from the collection of the Stewart...
3601National Library of IrelandMs121871805A copy of Mary Tighe's poem, `Psyche or the Legend o...
3604National Library of IrelandMs121901797-1810Day book of cash received, kept by the steward of th...Gormanston Papers
3608National Library of IrelandMs131121840-1845Thirty letters from Aubrey de Vere to Harriet Thomp...De Vere Papers
3621National Library of IrelandMss12768-127881814-1827Eleven rentals of the estates of George Putland, Cou...
3622National Library of IrelandMs127871837-1842Rental and Accounts of the County Leitrim estate of ...Leitrim Papers
3623National Library of IrelandMs127891801Rent Roll of the Earl of Leitrim's estate in the Bar...Leitrim Papers
3624National Library of IrelandMss12790-128041800-1829Accounts for rent of the Earl of Leitrim's estate in...Leitrim Papers
3625National Library of IrelandMss12805-128071812-1821Accounts for rent of the Bohey, County Leitrim, esta...Leitrim Papers
3626National Library of IrelandMs128081811-1813Cash book detailing domestic expenditures of H T Cle...Clements Papers
3627National Library of IrelandMs128091842-1843Rental of the Country Leitrim estate of the 2nd Earl...Leitrim Papers
3716National Library of IrelandMs129391818-1847Account Book of household expenses at Ballyglan, Cou...
3720National Library of IrelandMs131551831Recollections, incomplete, of Revd. William Hales, m...
3724National Library of IrelandMs129931803-1826Records of expenditures by William Gun Paul as execu...
3729National Library of IrelandMs 132901817Copy of pleas and judgement in the case of the widow...
3732National Library of IrelandMs129791806-1811Journal of payments by and to Sir Joshua Paul relati...
3734National Library of IrelandMs133711831Letters, mainly to Thomas Spring-Rice, afterwards Lo...Monteagle Papers
5010National Library of IrelandMs 32603183044 Standing Rules and Regulations, [1830?].Mendicity Institute
5021National Library of IrelandMs32613183065 Index to the Journals to Volumes, 1-5, 1830.Mendicity Institute
6898National Library of IrelandMs18890[1815]Letter to John Macnamara, Moher, County Clare from S...Stacpoole Kenny Papers
6899National Library of IrelandMs188921812Three letters to John Macnamara, Moher, County Clare...Stacpoole Kenny Papers
6906National Library of IrelandMs189051840Letter of Michael Stacpoole, Milford [County Limeri...Stacpoole Kenny Papers
6911National Library of IrelandMs189421842List of tenants on the lands of Herbertstown, barony...Smyth Papers
6915National Library of IrelandMs189951827-1847Five letters from Maria Edgeworth to Mrs Harriet D C...
6920National Library of IrelandMs190771810-1815Timber and Garden Account Book of the estate of Caro...
6921National Library of IrelandMs190881800-1805Personal marriage and baptismal register of the Revd...
8977National Library of IrelandMs135271833-1836Forty two letters of J Mackenzie, a soldier serving ...
8978National Library of IrelandMs13,5301797Four letters to and by members of the Shirley family...
8979National Library of IrelandMs135331844Three letters to Mrs Mannock from Alexander T Thellu...
8981National Library of IrelandMs135491847Letter of George Crosby, [Boston?] Navy Yard, USA, t...
8988National Library of IrelandMs136151798Four letters of Mrs Sarah Tighe to Miss Sara Ponsonb...Wicklow Papers
8991National Library of IrelandMs13630(1)1800-1834Report on the state of the glove-making industry in ...O'Connell Papers
8992National Library of IrelandMs13630(10)1800-c1845Report of the workers in the tailoring trade in Dubl...O'Connell Papers
8994National Library of IrelandMs136311844Table of rent arrears owed to Daniel O'Connell up to...O'Connell Papers
8995National Library of IrelandMs13644(4)1831Three letters from Kate O'Connell to Daniel O'Connel...O'Connell Papers
8996National Library of IrelandMs13644(9-11)c1830Letters to Daniel O'Connell, junior, from his mother...O'Connell Papers
8998National Library of IrelandMs13645(1)1816-1846Fifteen letters to Daniel and Mary O'Connell from th...O'Connell Papers
8999National Library of IrelandMs13645(2-4)1798-1846Letters to Daniel O'Connell from various members of ...O'Connell Papers
9000National Library of IrelandMs13645(6)1832-1846Documents relating FitzSimon property, GlenCullen, C...O'Connell Papers
9001National Library of IrelandMs13645(7)1824-1831Four letters to Mary O'Connell, wife of Daniel O'Con...O'Connell Papers
9005National Library of IrelandMs13645(28)1823Letter from General O'Connell to Ellen O'Connell, Ap...O'Connell Papers
9006National Library of IrelandMs136501801-1814Letters to Daniel O'Connel from Mary O'Connell, Janu...O'Connell Papers
9007National Library of IrelandMs136511815-1830Letters to Daniel O'Connell from Mary O'Connell, Mar...O'Connell Papers
9008National Library of IrelandMs136601844-1845Seven letters of Daniel O'Connell to Margaret O'Mara...O'Connell Papers
9015National Library of IrelandMs137071833Letter of sympathy from Florence Balfour to Lady Goo...
9021National Library of IrelandMs137441807-1809Two documents including a bill for hearth money due...
9024National Library of IrelandMs13748(8)c1817-1840Ten letters from Lady Gertrude Fitzpatrick to Richar...Fitzpatrick Papers
9025National Library of IrelandMs13748(9)c1818-1834Letters from Lady Anne Fitzpatrick to John Price of ...Fitzpatrick Papers
9026National Library of IrelandMs13748(10)c1820-1830Letters from Lady Anne Fitzpatrick to Richard Wilson...Fitzpatrick Papers
9027National Library of IrelandMs13751(9)1840Nineteen letters to Richard Wilson Fitzpatrick from ...Fitzpatrick Papers
9030National Library of IrelandMs137731817Deed of annuity, ThomasTully to Elizabeth Tully, sub...
9045National Library of IrelandMs138371798Letter addressed to Mrs Helen Clarke, London, signed...
9051National Library of IrelandMs138801822-1845Letter from William Hogan, Dublin, to his father, re...
9064National Library of IrelandMs13992July 1807An incomplete and unsigned letter, July 1807, by a s...
9070National Library of IrelandMs14128c1830Tithe Applotment Book of the barony of Portnahinch, ...Chetwood Papers
9071National Library of IrelandMs141681821-1824Account Book of expenses on domestic goods and servi...Grattan Papers
9074National Library of IrelandMs141821833-1840Names, addresses and benefactions of persons in rece...Prior-Wandesforde Papers
9081National Library of IrelandMs142501816-1822Rent Ledger, estate in Inch St Lawrence and Ahawilk,...Chetwood Papers
9105National Library of IrelandMs144951815Accounts, mostly tenants and workmen of the Dromolan...Inchiquin Papers
9107National Library of IrelandMs144981806-1810Journal of the journey to the court of the Emperor o...Inchiquin Papers
9109National Library of IrelandMs14613c1834Rent Roll of the estates of Sir Edward O'Brien, Coun...Inchiquin Papers
9110National Library of IrelandMs14614c1836A return on the leases of tenancies on the estates o...Inchiquin Papers
9120National Library of IrelandMs147381837A book of riddles, enigmas, charades and conundrums ...Inchiquin Papers
9123National Library of IrelandMs147431833-1834Diary of a tour in Belgium, 1833, and notes on relig...Inchiquin Papers
9131National Library of IrelandMs147681797-1808Cash Book mostly relating to transactions with tenan...Inchiquin Papers
9132National Library of IrelandMs14770-147711815-1830Cash Book, mainly relating to transactions with tena...Inchiquin Papers
9146National Library of IrelandMs148591830-1845Memorandum of Charlotte O'Brien for travelling and d...Inchiquin Papers
9150National Library of IrelandMs148661826-1827Personal Account Book of Mrs Lewis Johnston and her ...Inchiquin Papers
9151National Library of IrelandMss14868-148691836Copy made by Lady Charlotte O'Brien of documents and...Inchiquin Papers
9157National Library of IrelandMs149051821-1833Includes letters to Francis Moore from Catherine Bar...
9160National Library of IrelandMs150251832-1839Letters to Thomas Wyse, MP, 1832-1839, correspondent...Wyse Papers
9164National Library of IrelandMs150551682-1699
Letters on family and domestic matters from or to me...Otway Papers
9173National Library of IrelandMs151451803-1835Eight letters to William Kemmis, Crown Solicitor, 18...Kemmis Papers
9184National Library of IrelandMs149021823-1824Minutes of the Westport Petty sessions, 1823-1824, r...
9191National Library of IrelandMs152881828-1836Eight William Rowan Hamilton documents, 1828-1836, i...
9192National Library of IrelandMs142381817-1820Day book of the 12th Viscount Gormanston, 1817-1820,...Gormanston Papers
9216National Library of IrelandMs154091818-1819Journal of a tour by Katherine Howard in France, Swi...Wicklow Papers
9232National Library of IrelandMs155141826Two autographed letters of Maria Edgeworth in French...
9234National Library of IrelandMs155401825-1834Three letters of Daniel O'Connell to his wife Mary, ...
9250National Library of IrelandMs156091835-1836Eight letters including 7 letters from the 16th Visc...
9251National Library of IrelandMs15619c1830-1839A Commonplace Book of a member of the Gamble family,...Crosse and Blackwell Papers
9256National Library of IrelandMs157191823
Four autographed letters of Mrs Felicia Hemans to: R...
9259National Library of IrelandMs157271831Eight autographed letters of Thomas Moore, correspon...
9262National Library of IrelandMs157361778-1787
Three bankers' drafts, 1778-1787 Two autographed le...
9266National Library of IrelandMs157571829-1833Autograph letter to Mrs Wellesley from [Sir?] C W Do...
9267National Library of IrelandMs157631837-1843
Correspondence of Viscount and Lady Hardinge, 1837-1...
9283National Library of IrelandMs230001830-1831Household account book of Mary Geraldine, Lady Mahon...Mahon Papers
9288National Library of IrelandMs232561797-1824Rent Ledger and Account Book of Lieutenant Edward Ho...FitzMaurice Papers
9293National Library of IrelandMs233111841-1846Household Account Book of Maria Edgeworth with some ...Edgeworth Papers
9308National Library of IrelandMs234631800-1801Domestic and Personal Account Book [of Charlotte Vis...Doneraile Papers
9330National Library of IrelandMs235151822Journal of Mary Wolfe describing a tour in the south...Wolfe Papers
9345National Library of IrelandMs238101841Rate Book of the electoral division of Kilcash, Carr...Ormonde Papers
9346National Library of IrelandMs238111808An index to, and a brief alphabetical of rental of t...Ormonde Papers
9370National Library of IrelandMss23525-23526c.1823-1830Two Letter Books of John FitzMaurice, Rahindoran, Co...FitzMaurice Papers
9442National Library of IrelandMs246131813-1829Letters and Papers of Sir William Homan, includes: L...Villiers-Stuart Papers
9450National Library of IrelandMs247081802Non-contemporary copies of the marriage settlement o...Villiers-Stuart Papers
9462National Library of IrelandMs249471842Autograph letter of Robert Holt Truell, Paris, to hi...
9468National Library of IrelandMs249611835Autograph letter from Elizabeth Fry to John Henry Cr...
9477National Library of IrelandMs250541837-1839Records of medical cases, with patients' names [at S...
9500National Library of IrelandMs267441826Correspondence of Maria Edgeworth and Thomas Henry L...
9549National Library of IrelandMs29770(42)1805Marriage settlement of Robert Doyne (Wells) and Mrs ...Doyne Papers
9550National Library of IrelandMs29770(47)1811Marriage settlement of Revd. Arthur Vesey and Miss S...Doyne Papers
9551National Library of IrelandMs29770(55)1820Articles of agreement between Mary Doyne, Wingfield ...Doyne Papers
9552National Library of IrelandMs29770(57-58)1822Settlement of annuity from Robert Doyne to Joseph Cl...Doyne Papers
9553National Library of IrelandMs29770(77-79)1834Appointment of 2 sums of money and assignment of sam...Doyne Papers
9554National Library of IrelandMs29770(85)1836Release affecting the Doyne estate between Robert an...Doyne Papers
9555National Library of IrelandMs29770(94)1846Consent and declaration of trust from Charles Doyne ...Doyne Papers
9585National Library of IrelandMs29791(1-17)1826-1842Rentals, Kilkenny, Tipperary, Waterford and Carlow e...Bessborough Papers
9586National Library of IrelandMs29792(1-13)1828-1840Rentals, Leitrim estate, 1828-1840. There are 13 fol...Bessborough Papers
9587National Library of IrelandMs298041838-1841Statement of receipts and arrears, 1838-1841.Bessborough Papers
9588National Library of IrelandMs29805(1)1828Spinning and weaving accounts, 1828.Bessborough Papers
9589National Library of IrelandMs29805(2)1828List of arrears, 1828.Bessborough Papers
9590National Library of IrelandMs29805 (9)1838Bill for mourning clothes for servants for Lady Dunc...Bessborough Papers
9591National Library of IrelandMs29805(12)1843Bog book, Garryhill estate, Carlow, 1843.Bessborough Papers
9592National Library of IrelandMs29805(15)1828-1840Bills for assisted emigration to Newfoundland, USA a...Bessborough Papers
9607National Library of IrelandMs29745(7)[1797]List of tenants allowed to draw turf from the bog on...Colclough Papers
9610National Library of IrelandMs29748(1)1784
Evidence of Mary Lambert, wife of William Lambert, B...Colclough Papers
9611National Library of IrelandMs29752(2)1808Draft of case of Casear Colclough versus Mary Bolger...Colclough Papers
9612National Library of IrelandMs29753 (2)1808Will of Margaret Roe, spinster, 1808.Colclough Papers
9613National Library of IrelandMs29756(4)1819Bond by Casar Colclough for £3,000 to the executors...Colclough Papers
9614National Library of IrelandMs29757 (5)1822Bog book, Colclough estate, Tintern, 1822.Colclough Papers
9615National Library of IrelandMs29758(1)1824Proposals for Curraduff by tenants, 1824.Colclough Papers
9616National Library of IrelandMs29758(3)1825Applotment of Tintern parish for cess, 26 November 1...Colclough Papers
9617National Library of IrelandMs29760(2)1838Case on behalf of Mrs Mary G W Cloclough to advise h...Colclough Papers
9624National Library of IrelandMs273481843Ejectment orders on Byrne lands, Annefield estate, C...O'Bryne Papers
9626National Library of IrelandMs273581818-1841Miscellaneous letters, 1818-1841, including letters ...O'Bryne Papers
9627National Library of IrelandMs273591847Letters from Ellen and Thomas Coleman mostly relatin...O'Bryne Papers
9628National Library of IrelandMs273601817Letters to Isaac Cahill from John Dominick Byrne rel...O'Bryne Papers
9629National Library of IrelandMs273641818Letters to Isaac Cahill from William Delany relating...O'Bryne Papers
9630National Library of IrelandMs273731802-1809Letters to James Bryne, mainly on minor financial ma...O'Bryne Papers
9631National Library of IrelandMs273821820-1823Letters from Mrs Rose Delahoyde requesting prompt pa...O'Bryne Papers
9632National Library of IrelandMs273381820-1823Letters of Michael Carroll, Urlingford, relaitng to ...O'Bryne Papers
9633National Library of IrelandMs273921826Letters from Mrs C Cassin to Thomas Kelly relating t...O'Bryne Papers
9634National Library of IrelandMs273941826-1827Letters relating to business and social matters from...O'Bryne Papers
9635National Library of IrelandMs29767(16)1841Lease by John H Ryan to Anne Doyle, widow, and James...Hibernian Mining Company Papers
9668National Library of IrelandMs29806(131)1838Lease of the Debsborough estate by Elizabeth Foley, ...Dunalley Papers
9676National Library of IrelandMs29806(188-189)1803Ms29,806(188) Marriage settlement of Elizabeth, eld...Dunalley Papers
9677National Library of IrelandMs29806(203)1834Printed appeal on behalf of the Ladies' Hibernian Fe...Dunalley Papers
9680National Library of IrelandMs29808(2-3)1826-1827Rent Rolls of the estate of F A Prittie, May-Novemb...Dunalley Papers
9683National Library of IrelandMs271041796-1832Letters of Olivia Bellew and letters to her from her...Bellew Papers
9684National Library of IrelandMs31995(a)1797-1798Letters to Christopher Dillon Bellew concerning the ...Bellew Papers
9685National Library of IrelandMs271951812-1825Letters from Hely Dutton, landscape designer and sur...Bellew Papers
9686National Library of IrelandMs272101816-1827Letters from Olivia Bellew to her son Michael Dillon...Bellew Papers
9687National Library of IrelandMs272331823-1826Nine letters from Helena Bellew to her husband Micha...Bellew Papers
9688National Library of IrelandMs27237c1826-1827Eight letters from Olivia Bellew to her son, Michael...Bellew Papers
9689National Library of IrelandMs272361826-1831Letters to her husband Michael Dillon Bellew from Ol...Bellew Papers
9700National Library of IrelandMs178501835List of persons who sold turf off the Kilworth estat...Sir William Teeling Papers
9702National Library of IrelandMs178821816-1823Three miscellaneous letters of the O'Connell family ...
9729National Library of IrelandMs182441847A notebook recording the area of holdings of various...Dimond Papers
9735National Library of IrelandMs183001833-1839Accounts of the executors of the estate of Maria Eli...
9742National Library of IrelandMs18331c1830Two letters to Mathilda McLean in Belfast from S J M...
9762National Library of IrelandMs18429c1842-44Four notebooks of landlord's agents recording prospe...
9763National Library of IrelandMs184301810-1820Typescript of the diary of Anne Jocelyn, Countess of...
9774National Library of IrelandMs184781838Two letters of Maria Edgeworth to William Edgeworth ...
9776National Library of IrelandMs184811834Tithe Applotment Book of the parish of Cullen, dioce...
9783National Library of IrelandMs185221837-1838Four proposals to Earl Fitzwilliam from tenants on C...
9784National Library of IrelandMs185231839Letters to Earl Fitzwilliam relating to the appointm...
10077National Library of IrelandMs161361840-1847Journal of Thomas Edwards, Carlow, sometime emigrati...
10081National Library of IrelandMs161841835
Journal by Elizabeth H Batt, [afterwards Mrs Otway?]...
10091National Library of IrelandMs16354(25-26)[1796]Letters acknowledging patronage, including letters a...Bolton Manuscripts
10093National Library of IrelandMs16354(81)1803Mrs Anna Worsley to Lord Bolton, soliciting a promot...Bolton Manuscripts
10099National Library of IrelandMss16397-163981810-1827Two Rent Ledgers of the estates of Sir Robert Hodson...Hodson Papers
10100National Library of IrelandMs16399c1847Book containing list of tenants on the estates of Si...Hodson Papers
10101National Library of IrelandMss16400-164061830-1846Forty Six Rent Ledgers of the estates of Sir Robert ...Hodson Papers
10102National Library of IrelandMs164091840-1843Rent Ledger of the Mullingar area, County Westmeath,...Hodson Papers
10105National Library of IrelandMs164121846Minute Book of the Bray Local Relief Committee, Coun...Hodson Papers
10113National Library of IrelandMs165321830-1831Daily and weekly reports of the Mendicity Asylum, Ol...
10118National Library of IrelandMs195011801-1806Tenant's Ledger of the estate in Counties Galway, Li...Clonbrock Papers
10119National Library of IrelandMs 195041809-1816Servants' Wage Book of Luke Dillon, 2nd Baron Clonbr...Clonbrock Papers
10660National Library of IrelandMs16724c1808Medical Recipe Book of Charlotte O'Hara, Annaghmore,...O'Hara Papers
10661National Library of IrelandMs167261819-1821Account and Wages Book of Charles King O'Hara, Annag...O'Hara Papers
10662National Library of IrelandMs167321845Rate book for Ballisodare electoral division, Union ...O'Hara Papers
10663National Library of IrelandMs167341808Gardening Memorandum Book of Charlotte Elizabeth O'H...O'Hara Papers
10664National Library of IrelandMs167351838Book recording tithe rent charge payable by the tena...O'Hara Papers
10668National Library of IrelandMs168581819-1846Namebook of members of the Wesleyan Methodist Societ...
10669National Library of IrelandMs168981831-1836Daybook of John Hickie, steward or sub-agent to Sir ...
10671National Library of IrelandMs169181813-1840Minute Book of Commissioners of Education in Ireland...Dr Michael Quane Papers
10675National Library of IrelandMs169271806-1818Pages from the minute book of Commissioners of Educa...Dr Michael Quane Papers
10676National Library of IrelandMs16928c1810-1812Drafts of the 9th, 11th and 14th reports of the Comm...Dr Michael Quane Papers
10692National Library of IrelandMs170701802-1846Twenty two autograph letters and three facsimilies o...
10710National Library of IrelandMs173071798Contemporary copy of a letter of Lady Louisa Conolly...
10720National Library of IrelandMss19585-196081827-1840Rentals and accounts of the estates of Robert Dillon...Clonbrock Papers
10732National Library of IrelandMs197521844-1847Journal of tours in Ireland, July - August 1846 and ...
10734National Library of IrelandMs197611825-1839Nineteen Account Books including rents, kept by Dani...Bourke Papers
10737National Library of IrelandMs197891814-1830Tenants' Account Book, estate of Major General Sir R...Bourke Papers
10738National Library of IrelandMss19790-197981831-1838Nine rentals and accounts of the estate of Major Gen...Bourke Papers
10742National Library of IrelandMs198151811Manuscript collection of Catholic prayers with colou...
10748National Library of IrelandMs198741830-1840Rent Book, estate of Thomas Studdert, Bunratty, Coun...Studdert Papers
10749National Library of IrelandMs198771837-1847Ledger accounts of domestic expenses, etc., of Thoma...Studdert Papers
10764National Library of IrelandMs20296c1801Twelve letters to Charles O'Hara, the younger and to...O'Hara Papers
10766National Library of IrelandMs20310c1805-1844Letters to Charles King O'Hara in his capacity of ma...O'Hara Papers
10767National Library of IrelandMs203331831Letter to Charles King O'Hara from Ann O'Connor, Coo...O'Hara Papers
10768National Library of IrelandMs203431825Letter to Charles King O'Hara from Thomas Turner, Go...O'Hara Papers
10771National Library of IrelandMs20366c1799-1805Thirty letters to Margaret O'Hara from Anne Venables...O'Hara Papers
10773National Library of IrelandMs203751843Letter to Charlotte Streatfield, mostly relating to ...O'Hara Papers
10792National Library of IrelandMs206601832Letter to Susan Prosser, Tipperary town, from her si...
10801National Library of IrelandMs207391804Two letters of Daniel O'Connell to his wife containi...
10808National Library of IrelandMs190821809-1829Letters to Mary Leadbeater, mostly from publishers w...
10828National Library of IrelandMs207971819-1822Miscellaneous receipts relating to the Crofton and C...Crofton Papers
10856National Library of IrelandMs212851846Letter from Annie Stanley, Rathmines, Dublin to E J ...
10879National Library of IrelandMs215591821Letter to Eliza Crosbie, Liverpool, from her mother,...
10888National Library of IrelandMs216041840Draft of a petition of Henrietta Arnauld, Lismore, t...Hodson Papers
10892National Library of IrelandMs217031841Three letters of the O'Connell family, includes a no...
10902National Library of IrelandMs217581825Photocopy of a letter from Letitia More O'Ferrall, B...
10920National Library of IrelandMs219231826Papers in the case of Jane McBride versus Dawson Chu...
10921National Library of IrelandMs219341847Photocopy of the Minute Book of Culmullen Relief Com...
11006National Library of IrelandMs185831828Copy of a brief prepared for Daniel O'Connell, couns...
11008National Library of IrelandMs186071806-1826Nine autograph letters, some incomplete, from Julian...Farnham Papers
11009National Library of IrelandMs186151838Autograph letter of Robert Maxwell, serving with the...
11039National Library of IrelandMs184181834Six xerox copies of letters and petitions from tenan...
11040National Library of IrelandMs186241842-1843Arrears due on the Farnham estate giving list of ten...Farnham Papers
11043National Library of IrelandMs187521803Diary of Maria Edgeworth with references to politica...
11044National Library of IrelandMs187531826-1838Current Expenses Account Books of Maria Edgeworth, 1...
11045National Library of IrelandMs187541846Letter Diary of Maria Edgeworth listing addressees o...
11047National Library of IrelandMs187561797-1800Diary of Elizabeth Edgeworth, sister of Maria, Decem...
11050National Library of IrelandMs187781815-1846Xeroes of nine letters of Maria Edgeworth, various c...
11054National Library of IrelandMs188341846Photocopy of an autograph letter to Miss Cowley from...
11060National Library of IrelandMs188861812-1828Letters, mainly to John Macnamara, Moher, County Cla...Stacpoole Kenny Papers
11061National Library of IrelandMs191501808-1819Rent Book of Nicholas Martin, Doon, MoyCullen, Count...
11063National Library of IrelandMs191521827-1836Wages Book of James Martin, Ross, County Galway, 182...
11068National Library of IrelandMs19189-191901803-1813Rentals and accounts of the estate of Viscount Power...Powerscourt Papers
11069National Library of IrelandMs191911809Rent Roll of the estate of Viscount Powerscourt in t...Powerscourt Papers
11070National Library of IrelandMss19192-191961835-1839Rental and accounts of the estate of Viscount Powers...Powerscourt Papers
11551National Library of IrelandMsG389/60[1843]Letter to John (O) Daly from Harriet Madden, 26 July...
11576National Library of IrelandMs122001845
Ballina Poor Law Union Minute Book, 29 March 1845-14...
11577National Library of IrelandMs122011846-1847Ballina Union Poor Law Minute Book, 21 March 1846-16...
11578National Library of IrelandMs122021847Ballina Poor Law Union Minute Book, 23 January 1847-...
11585National Library of IrelandMs127051840-1847Westport Poor Law Union Account Ledger, October 1840...
11587National Library of IrelandMs123701840-1843Castlebar Poor Law Union Rough Minute Book, 23 Janua...
11588National Library of IrelandMs123711840-1843Castlebar Poor Law Union Minute Book, 23 January 184...
11589National Library of IrelandMs123721843-1845Castlebar Poor Law Union Minute book, 1 July 1843- 7...
11642National Library of IrelandMs126071846-1847Westport Poor Law Union Minute Book, 27 June 1846-12...
11643National Library of IrelandMs126081847Westport Poor Law Union Minute Book, 15 May 1847 - 1...
12328National Library of IrelandMs6401834Account of Catholic orphanages in Dublin, giving num...Account of Catholic Orphanages
19041Newry City Library1900-1907
Manuscript abstract of the title of Mrs Mary Bredon,...The Crossle Papers
19094Newry City LibraryQ41.65.8182914 volumes of bound, typescript and handwritten pape...The Crossle Papers
19099Newry City LibraryQ41.65.81801-1821
14 volumes of bound, typescript and handwritten pape...The Crossle Papers
4819Newtown School, WaterfordArchive Room Safe1814-1847Committee Minutes, 1814-1847.
4827Newtown School, WaterfordA1/11847Admission Forms, 1847.
5443Newtown School, WaterfordBA/11810Penmanship, 1810.
5445Newtown School, WaterfordBA/31845Penmanship, poem by Bardon, 1845.
5471Newtown School, WaterfordCB/961846
'Quaker Relief Work in Ireland in Great Ireland, 184...
18886Offaly ArchivesOCL GJ1/31836-1840
Coroner's Report BooksRecords of King's County Grand Jury
18824Offaly ArchivesOCL P741798-1799Survey and valuation of the Digby estate completed b...Digby Estate Valuation and Survey
18989Offaly ArchivesOCL P221834-1840Manuscript rent roll for the Banagher Estate, King's...Rental of Banagher Estate
6258Omagh Library285.21815Bound, printed 2nd annual report of the Auxiliary Mi...Local Studies Collection
21391Our Lady's Hospital, Cork1847Copy of South Elevation of the entire Hospital, 1847...
21397Our Lady's Hospital, Cork1843Copy of An Account of Salaries, 1843.
16530Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/51816Letter from Garret Gould, Lisbon, to his sister [Han...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16531Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/61819Letter from Garrett Gould, Lisbon, to his sister, [H...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16532Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/71825Exact copy of the last will of Miss Hannah Gould, da...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16533Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/91826Letter from George Gould, Lisbon, to Mother M. Josep...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16534Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/81826 Letter from Miss Angelina Gould, Messrs Gould Broth...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16535Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/191828Letter from Most Rev William Coppinger, Bishop of Cl...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16536Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/101826Letter from Angelina Gould, Lisbon, to Mother Mary J...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16537Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/111829Declaration of trust between Rev William O'Brien...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16538Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/121829Declaration of trust between Mary Ann Flynn, Eliza T...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16539Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/131829Last will and testament of Miss Angelina Gould, Done...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16540Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/ 141833Codicil to the last will and testament of Angelina G...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16541Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/151847Letter from J Murphy, Fermoy, to Mrs Louis, stating ...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16542Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/161833Copy will and codicil of Angelina Gould, 22 July 183...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16558Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/251844Letter sheet from Sr M. de Sales Madden, Presentatio...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16678Presentation Sisters Congregational Archives1800Book of house accounts from 1800 onwards to the late...Presentation Convent, Kilkenny
16679Presentation Sisters Congregational Archives1800Correspondence between Kilkenny and other Presentati...Presentation Convent, Kilkenny
16682Presentation Sisters Congregational Archives1822Account of Sr M Augustine Hayes, 1822.Presentation Convent, Kilkenny
16686Presentation Sisters Congregational Archives1815
Foundation in Galway in 1815 from which was made a f...Presentation Convent, Kilkenny
16701Presentation Sisters Congregational Archives1769-1783
Correspondence, 4 items, 1769-c1800, includes photoc...Presentation Sisters South West Province - South Presentation Community
1807Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/19951809-1827Diary of Mary A. Folliot, Boyle, County Roscommon, w...
1816Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/20131817-1821This collection of the papers of W.S. Ferguson inclu...
6373Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1782/1-21824Copies of 2 letters from James Edwards, Richmond Bar...
6485Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1216/2A-B1844
2 recipe books of Ellen Duffin, Strandtown, Belfast,...
6339Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/11/11841Deed of trust by Anne Hall, Dublin: subscription of ...
6344Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3235c1835-1839Diary of Lady Harriet Kavanagh, Borris, County Carlo...
6379Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1792/11805Copy of a letter containing family news from Mary Ir...
6380Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/17941797-1798Copies of 15 letters between the Marquis of Downshir...
6505Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1320/1/31809Circular about provision for widows of officers at E...Boyle Papers
6631Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/17711845Emigrant letter from Miss Nancy Wightman, a teacher ...
6383Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1798/1-21844-1845Genealogical notes on the Hume family, Berwickshire,...
6385Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1801/61840Copy of a letter from Eliza Browne, Belfast to Maria...
6773Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2193/21820Judgement search relating to Helen Montgomery of Lar...
6497Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1270/1-3c.18443 letters from Sarah Jackson, Clones, County Fermana...Jackson and Whitelaw Papers
6517Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1375/1798-1834This collection contains correspondence and papers o...McGildowney Papers
6537Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1495/2/15-231816-1824Correspondence, legal papers, etc., about the will M...
6539Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1500/17c.1845Description of a holiday spent by a lady in Carrickf...McKinney Papers
6556Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1558/1/7/111847Emigrant letter from Mary Blair, Georgia, United Sta...
6647Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1815/21842-1845D/1815/2/3 Notes on money collected for the benefit...Atkinson Papers
6676Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1888/21827Printed 11 page report on the murder trial of Anne a...
6682Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1901/51826Miscellaneous correspondence relating to Midleton es...Midleton Estate Papers
6789Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/22571819This collection of 3 documents includes a letter fro...
6790Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2259c.1835-1840c.600 documents comprising of the papers of the 2nd ...
7007Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/25161835-184410 documents relating to Henderson Watson Linen Manu...
7012Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/25241831-183512 documents relating to the Irish Distress Committe...
7078Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/27161809-18276 letters of Colonel James Kearney, Dublin, his wife...
7104Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/27861836Letters describing the visit of Queen Victoria to Qu...
7125Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2854/21817Letter from Thomas Rodgers, Ceylon, to his mother, M...
7155Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2966/40/11843Letter about wages in cotton mills in Glasgow and Be...
7166Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/29951820-18213 arithmetic and exercise books of Elizabeth Stewart...
7202Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/308/1825-1842D/308/18; D/308/29 Marriage settlement and deed of s...Fearon Papers
7219Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/31391803-1841Household account book kept by Mrs William Tennent, ...
7223Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3152/6A-B18452 letters from W.P. Oulton, Lurgan, County Armagh to...
7266Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3539/1-21826-1840Household Account Book, 1826-1830 and Recipe Book of...Thomson of Jennymount Papers
7282Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3575/2/11796Manuscript notebook, 'Prayers for different occasion...
7398Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/39251814Tithe description book of Inishmacsaint parish, Coun...
7414Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3975/11818Typed copy of a discursive letter regarding the gene...
7491Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/41731814Genealogical notes on the Fleming family contained i...
7294Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/36131828This collection includes an emigrant letter to Marga...
7299Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3622/41825Apprenticeship indenture of Martha Magrath, Clarkehi...
7340Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/37511847
Letter from Martha Gamble, Philadelphia, United Stat...Rapheal Papers
7352Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/37841847
This collection includes, for example: 2 letters fro...
7428Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/40101825-183218 documents relating to the McClean family of Rockf...
7507Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/577/741816Deed of separation of Henry Bell of Lambeg House, Co...
7550Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/957c.1800Commonplace book of Marion Leigh, Hilltown area, Cou...
7446Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/4065/11847Letter from Corporal Jack Cochrane to his cousin, Sa...
7501Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/456/37c.1843Draft appeal by some ladies in Belfast to Lady Doneg...Drennan Papers
7508Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/607/I-L1801-1836Correspondence of the Dowager Marchioness of Downshi...Downshire Papers
7523Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/682/1837
D/682/119 A letter from Mary Doak, Kinalton to her c...Doake Papers
7544Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/904/2-41828-18336 letters from John and Catherine McLees in New York...McLees Papers
7871Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1102/11815Map of Ballinahinch, County Down, with a list of ten...
7878Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1119/11821-1841Copy of a list of Stewarts in certain townlands in C...
7882Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1123c183023 copies of maps giving tenants names for various t...
7582Public Record Office of Northern IrelandDIO(RC)3/11833-1834Volume of draft and copy letters from Michael Blake,...Diocese of Dromore (Roman Catholic) Records
7739Public Record Office of Northern IrelandMIC/112/11837-1847Microfilmed out-letter book of John Cooke, shipping ...J. and J. Cooke Papers
7742Public Record Office of Northern IrelandMIC/1381830sMicrofilmed letters between Elizabeth Lough, Ballygi...Lough (Cairncastle) Papers
7763Public Record Office of Northern IrelandMIC/2571803Microfilmed copy of a letter from Lord Castlereagh t...
7767Public Record Office of Northern IrelandMIC/2921815-1833Microfilmed copies of letters to Louisa Catherine Do...
7768Public Record Office of Northern IrelandMIC/3161707-1738
Microfilmed copies of the family correspondence of t...
7889Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1131/11809Diary giving a detailed account of a drive in Irelan...
7903Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1182/11801-1826Copy of the Vestry Book, Derrykeighan parish, County...
7974Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1378/11834A copy of a list of the population of the parish of ...
7769Public Record Office of Northern IrelandMIC/321840-c.1843Draft letter from Mary Cunningham, Glenwood, [reject...Cunningham (Belfast) Papers
7781Public Record Office of Northern IrelandMIC/45/31829, 1892Microfilmed letter from David Trimble to his wife Na...
7830Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1009/2531829Copy of an exchequer bill containing a copy letter f...Wallace Papers
7831Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1011/11802-1814Copy of a list of emigrants into America from variou...
7850Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1069/1766
T/1069/7 A copy of a religious census from each pari...
8021Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1516/11805Copy of a map, including a survey of the manor of Gl...
8025Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1543/31845Copy of an emigrant letter from James and Mary Toal,...
8037Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1572/11806-1837Typescript extracts from Church of Ireland registers...
8039Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1579/1-41844-18464 volumes of copies of minutes and accounts of the C...
7858Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1082/1-31832-1842752 pages of copy typed letters of Charlotte Grierso...
7883Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1126/11821
Copies of census extracts for Tamlaght-Finlagan, Ban...
7895Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1156/11821Copy of a letter from Robert Peel, Whitehall, London...
7898Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/11691836
T/1169/40 Copy of a list giving the names of tenan...
7900Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1176/1-218242 copies of detailed reference maps giving the names...
7902Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1181/1-21764
A copy of the scheme for the improvement of the esta...
8099Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/17391840Copy of a subscription list for the erection of a sc...
8177Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1992/11822-1830Sunday School Class Attendance Book, Broomhedge, Cou...
8181Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2006/11841Certified copy of extracts from the 1841 census rela...
7919Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/12101797-1798
Copies of 46 letters, mainly to and from Henry Joy ...
7941Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1280/1/21845Copy of letter from Mrs Foote, Table Cap, New South ...
7958Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1333/1-21747
Copies of a map of the land in the Barony of Toome, ...
8260Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2213/11835Typed copy of a journal of the Honourable Mrs Caulfi...
8289Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2310/41838-1839Copy of the annual report of Dervock Dispensary, Cou...
8317Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2400/11805Copy of 170 page booklet of medicinal recipes compil...
7972Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1373/5-6c.1798-1805Copy of a letter from Andrew Bryson, New York, to Ne...
7981Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1401/11836Copy of the mortgage of the Presbyterian Meeting Hou...
7982Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1405/4c.1845Copy of a letter from Lady Emily Packenham, Longford...
7986Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1424/1-21845Copy of a letter from Captain F.R.H. Crozier to his ...
7993Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1441/1847
T/1441/10 Copy of a circular letter thanking the ten...
8429Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2662/11819-1820Copy of the journal of Miss Christiana Gordon made w...
8461Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2746/1A-B18402 copies of a list of passengers on board the ship '...
8468Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2757/2/2c.1810-1823Copy of the journal of Rachel Craig, Lisburn, County...
8028Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1555/1847T/1555/1A Copy of an emigrant letter from Mary Muirh...
8029Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1560/1c.1804Fragment of a draft letter written by Revd. James Fo...
8031Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1565/11802-1807Copy of a typescript edition of the diary kept by An...
8036Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1571/1c.1840-1844Copy of a subscription list relating to a new church...
8046Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1592/2-181801-1810This collection of c.14 documents includes emigrant ...
8525Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2964/2/11815-1816A copy of a list of passengers arriving in American ...
8539Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/3036/61841Copy of a passenger list of emigrants on board the s...
8546Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/308/11829Copy of the Protestant census of the parish of Chape...
8061Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1632/3/1A-B1839Copies of 2 love letters from Sam Payne, Philipstown...
8067Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1650/11842-1846Copy of a diary giving a day to day account of the r...
8077Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1682c.1807A copy of Thomas Drennan's first letter to his m...
8087Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1711c.1800Photostat typescript copies in book form, including ...
8092Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1725/1837-1838T/1725/2 and T/1725/8 Copies of the correspondence o...
8093Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1727/2-51817-1822Copies of 2 emigrant letters of James Wray, United S...
8599Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/4471828Copy of a list of tenants on the Waringsford estate,...
8600Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/4501821Draft copy of Kilmore census returns, 1821.
8096Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1732/1796-1847T/1732/3 Copy of a letter from Joe Boyd, Cootehill, ...
8105Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1759/11847Copy of a letter from William Wilson, sailor, thanki...
8114Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1834/1-2/1810-1811T/1834/1 Copy of a journal relating the English mili...
8127Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1869/21833-1834Copy of a journal of a continental tour made by a wo...
8137Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/18831811-1847This collection of 80 documents is comprised of copi...
8639Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/611/11821-1841Copies of extracts from the census returns for Count...
8664Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/710/2-101814-1822Copies of 9 letters from Adam Duffin to his wife Ell...
8184Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2011/11846Letter from John Cochran, 89th Regiment, Hull, to hi...
8211Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2076/11843Copy of a letter from Amy Douglas, Newtownstewart, C...
8232Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2139/11838Genealogical notes on the Abercorn branch of the Ham...
8235Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2146/11841Copy of a newspaper cutting from the Belfast News-Le...
8247Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/21731816-181770 documents comprising of the copy correspondence o...
8257Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2204/21845Copy of the survey of the Grocers Proportion, London...
8687Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/787/11821Copy of an extract from a census for County Antrim, ...
8707Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/881/11841Copy of a portion of census return, including Mary M...
8720Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/935/31814Copies of a list of tenants and proprietors in Bally...
8267Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2239/11847Copy of a letter from James Whitla, Carrickfergus, C...
8269Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2245/11814-18291 volume copy of a register of the ages and diseases...
8275Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2264/1811-1829Papers of Magherahamley Meeting House, County Down. ...
8286Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2299/1-21796Copy of a letter from John and Jane Chambers, New Ea...
8312Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2383/1832-1840Print-outs from microfilm copies of the Ordnance Sur...
8325Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2434/2-51837Photographs of 2 sketches [with copies] of a fete an...
8328Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2443/2c.1830Copy of a sketch of Mrs Martin's property betwee...
8334Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2455/21819Typescript copy of a letter from William and Margare...
8337Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2460/11821Letter, with a copy, from Elizabeth Boardman, Port H...
8345Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2476/11829Copy of a letter from Thomas Grey, New York, to Mrs ...
8353Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2501/11816-1846Copy of a register of births by John Walker, Surgeon...
8357Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2511/21844Copy of a passenger's contract ticket made out to An...
8370Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2542/11803Copy of a letter from Admiral Lord Nelson aboard the...
8390Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2593/18-1918122 letters from Lady Augusta Amelard to Spencer Perce...
8396Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2609/1-121830-1838Copies of 6 letters from Mrs Anne Scott, Clifton, Br...
8405Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2626/1-31798Copies of 3 letters from Lady Anne Mahon in Dublin a...
8407Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2627/1/6/9c1802A copy of a letter from Anne, Countess Dowager of Cl...Hobart Papers
8408Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2627/3/2/291c1808A copy of a letter from Lady Caher to Sir Arthur Wes...Wellington Papers
8428Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/26601798-1806T/2660/2 Copy of a letter from Andrew Ferguson, Wat...
8459Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2738/1801-1830T/2738/1 Copy of a farm account book kept by Mary Do...
8467Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/27571805-1815Copies of correspondence between members of the Crai...
8482Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2798/1/1-71809-1815This collection includes copies of 6 letters from Jo...
8487Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/28231822-1823Copies of 2 medical case books belonging to Doctor B...
8490Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/28301821-1825Copy of a volume of correspondence from Doctor John ...
8499Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/28741817Copy of the journal of Hugh Quin of his voyage from ...
8503Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/28901845-1847Copies of the correspondence of the Relief Commissio...
8505Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2898/1809T/2898/2 Copy of an extract from an autobiographical...
8514Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/29281811-1824Copies of 6 letters of the Wightman family, Florence...
8515Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2929/1816-1845The Rossmore papers include, for example: T/2929/21/...Rossmore Papers
8518Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/29381821Copy of a letter from Mrs Watt to Catherine Hutton c...
8533Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/301/11833Copy of an indenture made between George Williams, B...
8538Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/3034/1-21840-1841Copies of two letters from Elizabeth McCleland, Dunr...
8551Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/316/51803Copy of a bond from William Bristow, Vicar General o...
8552Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/3190/51832-1838Copy of a memorandum, 'Some aspects of life and educ...
8554Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/32381832-1834Typescript copies of two letters from Robert Chesney...
8560Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/333/11838Copy of an indenture between the Earl of Enniskillen...
8566Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/3459/1806-1825T/3459/D and T/3459/F Letters from and about the mis...
8576Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/36471811Copy of a letter from Mrs Holmes, Tullygoney, County...
8577Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/36501826-1847Copies of letters from emancipated convicts, New Sou...
8579Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/36911799Extracts from the House of Lords' Journals relat...
8590Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/402/621806Copy letters relating to patents in trust for Sarah ...
8595Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/425/1821T/425/1 and T425/4 2 copies of population returns fo...
8596Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/4261810-1811This collection includes, for example: Copy of a let...Myles Papers
8607Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/4901802Copies of administration to intestates in the Prerog...
8612Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/521/11804-1806Copy of a list of passengers travelling from Ireland...
8638Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/6071821-1841Copy of an extract from the census returns in Record...
8655Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/670/11814-1818Copy of a letter from Hugh Montgomery, Blessingbourn...
8656Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/671/1-21833-1835This collection of papers have been copied from the ...
8666Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/7151758-1850
This collection includes the following: A copy of a ...
8668Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/7181812A copy of a Quaker declaration of marriage between W...
8670Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/7201798Copy extracts from the life of Mrs Alicia Pounden of...
8683Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/768/11833-1834Copy of a list of emigrants from Coleraine parish, C...
8705Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/8641685
This collection includes, for example: A copy of a p...
8710Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/8891816
This collection includes the following: Copies of no...John Elliott and Johns Solicitors Papers
8729Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/956/118c.1835-1840Map of Mrs May's property, York Road, Belfast, c...L'Estrange and Brett Solicitors Papers
21464Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and ArchivesMS741800
MS 1/4 Holograph letter 4to. 7 pages. From John Wils...QUB Miscellaneous Manuscripts
21471Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and ArchivesMS741798MS 1/206 Harriet Skeffington, 4th countess of Masser...QUB Miscellaneous Manuscripts
21475Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and ArchivesMS741830MS 1/222 Elisabeth Beatty: Scrapbook commenced 1830 ...QUB Miscellaneous Manuscripts
2271RCSI Heritage CollectionsLOAn/3/5c1841-1842Extensive Case Notes of Admissions to Dr Steevens Ho...Dr Steevens Hospital Case Notes
2273RCSI Heritage CollectionsLOAn/3/171812-1833Samuel Labatt, Master of the Rotunda 1814-1821. Fee ...Labatt's Fee Books
22268RCSI Heritage CollectionsArch/7/A-B1797-1799Arch7/A/6 Proceedings of the Acting Governors of the...House of Industry & House of Industry Hospitals
22271RCSI Heritage CollectionsArch/7/A-B1812-1838Arch/7/B/13 Minutes of the proceedings of the manage...House of Industry & House of Industry Hospitals
452Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 1E1844-1845Certificates of Removals, 1844-48. Letters of Appro...Handlists/Portfolio
507Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 13180511 Sarah Grubb, Anne Mills to Mary Pim, 1805. 12 ...Handlists/Portfolio
539Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 241831-1832Listed acknowledgements and certificates of removal ...Handlists/Portfolio
511Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 15C/Room41802-182810 Certificate of release of property to John Sparr...Handlists/Portfolio
538Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 231830-1831Listed acknowledgements and certificates of removal ...Handlists/Portfolio
540Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 251832-1833Included are: 2 Carlow Monthly Meeting concerning d...Handlists/Portfolio
768Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryQMII/P11842Poor Committees and Charities: Rules for management ...Munster Quarterly Meeting
774Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryQMIII/B3/Reel41825-1839Women's Meeting: Minutes of Ulster Quarterly Women's...Ulster Quarterly Meetings
875Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMss Box 111800
Notebook of Louisa Elizabeth Pim, 1876, containing s...Handlists: Mss Boxes, Pamphlets Boxes, etc.
542Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 271834-1835Mainly Certificates of Removal, Acknowledgements of ...Handlists/Portfolio
543Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 281835-18363 Notification, Ann Bewley, from Grange Monthly Mee...Handlists/Portfolio
544Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 291833-1837Mainly contains Acknowledgements of Certificates, Ce...Handlists/Portfolio
893Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1847Friends' Relief Work: Print of Cork Soup Kitchen, 18...Museum Collection
895Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1823Scrap Books: Recipe Book with remedies and inventory...Museum Collection
545Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 3018386 Dublin Monthly Meeting report of the Library Comm...Handlists/Portfolio
546Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 311838-18391 Acknowledgement of Certificate of Sarah McQuillan...Handlists/Portfolio
547Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 321837-18406 Certificate of Removal, Amelia Wright from Mountm...Handlists/Portfolio
548Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 331840-18411 Certificate of Removal, Anne Grubb from Edenderry...Handlists/Portfolio
549Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 341841-18423 Resignation of membership, Mary L Williamson and ...Handlists/Portfolio
579Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryYM/B81800-1825Women's Meeting: Epistles, 1800-1825. Volume conta...Yearly Meetings
1057Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMss Box 211812Folder 3 Listing of marriage settlement of Robert C...Handlists: Mss Boxes, Pamphlets Boxes, etc.
580Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryYM/B91825-1843Women's Meeting: Epistles and answers to queries, 18...Yearly Meetings
656Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryQMI/B11824-1835Women's Meeting: Quarterly Meeting of Women Friends ...Leinster Quarterly Meetings
661Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryQMI/B61798-1819Women's Meeting Minutes of the Leinster Quarterly Me...Leinster Quarterly Meetings
1120Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMss Box 351800-1817Leadbeater/Shackleton Papers: Elizabeth Leadbeater's...Handlists: Mss Boxes, Pamphlets Boxes, etc.
1249Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1825Art: Card with dried seaweeds 14 x 11 cm, collected ...Museum Collection
1251Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMMIII/Z6-7
1809-1845Miscellaneous: MMIII/Z6 Copies of Women's Yearly Me...Edenderry Monthly Meeting
1260Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1816Art: 386 'Elizabeth Fry reading to the Prisoners in...Museum Collection
1261Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1816Art: 'Elizabeth Fry reading to the Prisoners in Newg...Museum Collection
669Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryQMI/B71809-1828Women's Meeting Minutes of the Leinster Quarterly Me...Leinster Quarterly Meetings
670Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryQMI/B81829-1846Women's Meeting Minutes and epistles, 1829-1846. Vol...Leinster Quarterly Meetings
676Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryQMII/B51819-1842Women's Meeting: Minutes of the Women's Meeting, Mun...Munster Quarterly Meeting
844Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryQMI/H65-691804-1840Schools and Education: QMI/H65 Proceedings of the C...Leinster Quarterly Meetings
1274Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMMI/Z11804-1824Miscellaneous: Quarterly Meeting of Women Friends he...Carlow Monthly Meeting
1292Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1841Dress and accessories: Wedding dress of Elizabeth Ha...Museum Collection
1295Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1813Embroidery: Anne Rhodes, Map of England and Wales, e...Museum Collection
1299Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1802Personnel Belongings: Plaited knot of hair enclosed ...Museum Collection
1309Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1832Scrap Books: 'Recollection of our beloved sister', 1...Museum Collection
1310Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1846Scrap Books: Ruth Allen's Album, 1846.Museum Collection
1332Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMMV/K1-31682-1693
Removals: MMV/K1 Removal Certificates, 1755-1795; W...Mountmellick Monthly Monthly Meetings
1338Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1840Temperance: Pledge, Father Matthew, signed by Cather...Museum Collection
1425Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 36A1830-1832Miscellaneous Letters: 1 A Testimony of denial rega...Handlists/Portfolio
1439Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPortfolio 36G1826-1841Bateman-Hughes Correspondence, 1826-1841: 9 Agreeme...Handlists/Portfolio
3547Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMM/XIIM5/Reel 191817-1847Marriage Register, Lisburn Monthly Meeting, 1817-184...
3556Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryLBM/5/28/Reel 231801-1841Testimonies Acknowledging Misconduct, Lisburn Monthl...
3559Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryLBM/5/34/Reel 231801-1809Letters of Resignation from the Society of Friends, ...
3562Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMM/XIIIB2/Reel 29A1796-1803Women's Minutes, Lurgan Monthly Meeting, 1796-1803. ...
3563Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryLGM/3/2B/Reel 29A1827-1838Women's Minutes, Lurgan Monthly Meeting, 1827-1838. ...
3581Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMM/XIVB1/Reel 361822-1837Women's Minutes, Grange, near Charlemont, Monthly Me...
3871Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMss Box 451818-1842Grubb Collection: Letters, 1818-1842, concerning fam...Handlists: Mss Boxes, Pamphlets Boxes, etc.
3899Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPamphlet Box 27182693 Letter regarding Henrietta Williams Fund and Ext...Handlists: Mss Boxes, Pamphlets Boxes, etc.
4137Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box XIII1827Jane Wood, Townsend Street, Dublin, will, 1827.Deeds
4139Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box XII/Folder 3:71799Mary Read, original will with codicil, 3 April 1799.Deeds
4140Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box IX/Folder 12:21808-1812Elizabeth Dawson, widow of John Dawson Coates. Extra...Deeds
4141Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box XIII/Folder 5:11808Elizabeth Dawson, certified copy of will, 1808.Deeds
4146Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box XVII1814Folder 6:2,10:9 Mary Shaw, extract from her will 18...Deeds
4149Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box XVI/Folder 6:31816Sarah Anderson, nee Fuller, wife of George Anderson,...Deeds
4152Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box XIII/Folder 6:61821Elizabeth Beale: Married to William Beale, merchant ...Deeds
4161Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box VII/Folder 8:1-21822Ann Clibborn, Moate, County Westmeath: Party to ren...Deeds
4162Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box XI/1822Ann Clibborn, Moate, County Westmeath: Folder 9:6 S...Deeds
4163Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box XI/Folder 7:91797Sarah Clibborn, Moate, County Westmeath: Party to de...Deeds
4166Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box XII1803-1804Elizabeth Cope, wife of William Cope: Folder 9:3 Pa...Deeds
4167Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box VII/Folder 11:31817Cecilia Cowan, nee D'Olier, daughter of Jeremiah D'O...Deeds
4179Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box IX/Folder 7:11839Anne Eves, daughter of Rebecca Eves, Dublin: Apprent...Deeds
4182Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box VII/Folder 11:31817Foot, Sophia nee D'Olier, daughter of Jeremiah D'Oli...Deeds
4192Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box VII/Folder 8:31827Elizabeth Harris, daughter of Henry Harris, County D...Deeds
4194Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box XII/Folder 4:101818Abigail Hautenvill, nee Jaffrey, daughter of Robert ...Deeds
4977Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMM/XIVC1/Reel 371829-1842Ministers' and Elders' Minutes, Grange, near Charlem...
4978Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMM/XIVC2/Reel 371842-1847Ministers' and Elders' Minutes, Grange, near Charlem...
5322Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMMVI/K11804-1816Removals: Copies of Certificates of Removal, 1804-18...County Wexford Monthly Meetings
5331Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMMIX/J11805Accounts: Building of Meeting House, Subscription li...Limerick Monthly Meeting
5335Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMMIX/R11826-1842History and Library: Library Committee Minutes, 1826...Limerick Monthly Meeting
9991Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPM/DubII/Z31831-1835Monkstown Preparative Meeting, early papers, 1831-18...
11097Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPM/TipI/J11804Clonmel Preparative Meeting, Women's Meeting Cash Bo...
14093Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMss Box 79/Folder 21846
Typescript of letters, 9 June 1846- 26 October 1946.Handlists: Mss Boxes, Pamphlet Boxes, etc.
22387Religious Society of Friends, Cork1832
Committee for the Poor, Cork Monthly Meeting, 25 Nov...
21484Religious Society of Friends, Ulster Quarterly Meeting Archive 1807-1823Proceedings of Yearly Meetings, 1807-1823.
21487Religious Society of Friends, Ulster Quarterly Meeting Archive 1823-1835London epistles, 1823-1835.
21489Religious Society of Friends, Ulster Quarterly Meeting Archive 1808Yearly meeting marriage advice, 1808.
21499Religious Society of Friends, Ulster Quarterly Meeting Archive 1830Removal and disownment certificates from Lisburn mee...
21503Religious Society of Friends, Ulster Quarterly Meeting Archive 1813Lists of members for Lisburn meeting, c.1813 and lat...
2145Representative Church Body LibraryMs471815
Account of the life of Ellen Hutchins, to 1815, bota...
2194Representative Church Body LibraryMs1611920-1968
The Island and Coast Society was founded in 1833 for...Island and Coast Society papers
2209Representative Church Body LibraryMs208c1820sCollection contains notes and transcripts in the han...Letters to John Jebb, Bishop of Limerick
5167Representative Church Body LibraryD1/11824Aghabog 1 May 1824. Return of Bishop's queries. Inc...Diocese of Clogher, 1690-1944
5377Representative Church Body LibraryD1/161837-1843Cleenish: 17 23 February 1837. Marriage license for...Diocese of Clogher, 1690-1944
22393Royal College of Physicians of Ireland1825-1826Letters and Reports and Other Documents relating to ...Kings and Queens College of Physicians
22401Royal College of Physicians of Ireland1804-1843Cow Pock Institution Subscription Book,, 1804-1843.Kings and Queens College of Physicians
22409Royal College of Physicians of Ireland1823-1845Registrar's Report Book, 1823-1845.Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital
2378Royal Irish Academy1827Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, volume xvi:...L.C. Beaufort
4048Royal Irish Academy23/H/541830-1832Dublin Festival Choral Society, Minute Book, 26 Nove...
4049Royal Irish Academy3/A/2-31833-18353/A/2 Dublin Festival Choral Society, Minute Book, ...
4053Royal Irish Academy3/D/8/401834Hamilton, William, R Autograph letter to his uncle, ...
4054Royal Irish Academy24/F/231838Two autographed letters to Maria Edgeworth, 3 Januar...Hamilton, William Rowan
4119Royal Irish Academy12/W/11843Oil painting on panel of Lady Morgan, painted in Lon...
4124Royal Irish Academy12/G/11-121816Tighe (Mrs Henry): Psyche or the Legend of Love and ...
4113Royal Irish Academy12/M/81803Rising of 1803, Depositions: Volume of depositions r...Halliday Collection
22510Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland1821-1835Corporation of Weavers, Admission, 1821-1835.Records of the Corporation of Weavers
22515Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland1821-1837Book of Brothers, 1821-1837.Records of the Corporation of Weavers
6979Sligo Archives ServiceF.C./D.2/431838Names of convicts in Sligo gaol awaiting transportat...
13080Sligo Archives ServiceF.C./D/4/201822Indenture between William Barrett of Culleenamore an...Barrett Estate
13083Sligo Archives ServiceF.C./D.3/21823Brief on behalf of plaintiffs, Sarah, Alicia, Cather...
13841Sligo Archives ServiceM.F./R.311810Rental of the Mayo and Sligo estates of the Lord Bis...Killala Estate
21504Sligo Archives ServiceF.C./D.2/161811Deed betweeen Elizabeth Cuffe and James Walker relat...
22685South Eastern Education and Library Board Local History Collection1844
Printed notices advertising an auction in Portaferry...Local Studies Collection
22058St Dympna's Hospital, CarlowIE DA SDH1832-900Rough Proceedings of the Board of Governors:13 Febru...St Dympna's Psychiatric Hospital, Carlow
12119St Louis' Heritage CentreMTS26/CS031829Notebook containing the retreat resolutions of Mere ...
6974Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1985.2151837Bill, Mary McGrath's Hotel, Dungarvan, 1837.
6980Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1985.2221838Letter, Edwin Taylor, distribution of alms in Dungar...
6981Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1985.2251838Letter, Dr Fogarty to Edwin Taylor, alms in Dungarva...
13048Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.4181798Lease, Viscount Lismore to Catherine Dooley, 1798.
13066Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.4661812Lease, Viscount Lismore to Mary and Michael Walsh, C...
13067Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.3811812Lease, Viscount Lismore to John and Catherine Walsh,...
13068Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.4411813Lease, Viscount Lismore to Sarah, Edmond and William...
13070Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.1611818Lease, Viscount Lismore to Mary John and James Norri...
13071Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.1621818Lease, Viscount Lismore to Mary John and James Norri...
13073Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.4261819Lease, Viscount Lismore to Cornelius Sheehan, Honora...
13074Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.4821819Articles of marriage, Richard Lowe and Margaret Sarg...
13075Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.2451819Lease, Viscount Lismore to John and Bridget Bourke, ...
13076Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.2551819Lease, Viscount Lismore to James Houlahan and Michae...
13084Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.4321823Lease, Viscount Lismore to Edmond, Bridget and Thoma...
13086Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.1811824Lease, Viscount Lismore to Judith Miles and William ...
13087Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.2531824Lease, Viscount Lismore to Mary and James Dwyer, Bal...
13089Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.4271826Summons, rent arrears, Matthew and Catherine Acheson...
13090Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.4281826Eviction notice, Matthew and Catherine Acheson, Clog...
13093Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.4591827Summons, rent arrears, Catherine Lonergan, Clonmel, ...
13094Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.460