"1885-1912" - 1696 Results

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6923Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A31905Includes programme for the production of 'Kincor...
6924Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A41905Includes programme for, among other plays, 'Spre...
6925Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A131906Includes, among other plays, the programme for the f...
6926Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A81905Includes the programme for 'Spreading the News&#...
6927Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A91905Includes the programme for 'Spreading the News&#...
6928Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A101905Includes the programme for 'Spreading the News&#...
6929Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A 111905Includes the programme for the first production of &...
6930Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A151906Includes:Programme for the first production of Lady ...
6931Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A171906Abbey Theatre Company at the Midland Hall, Mancheste...
6932Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A181906Abbey Theatre Company at St George's Hall, Small...
6933Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A191906Abbey Theatre Company at the Town Hall, Dundalk: inc...
6934Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A 211906Abbey Theatre Company at the Tyne Theatre Newcastle:...
6935Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A 221906Abbey Theatre Company at the Theatre Royal, Hull, in...
6936Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/B21905Abbey Letting: 28 and 29 March 1905, Mr and Mrs McHa...
6937Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A231906Includes:Programme for first production of 'The ...
6938Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A 241906Includes:Programme for 'The Doctor in Spite of H...
6939Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A26 (A)1906Includes programme for the first production of '...
6940Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A271906Includes the Programme for 'The Canavans' by...
11647Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A291907Includes the programme for 'Hyancinth Halvey'...
11648Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1A311907Includes the programme for 'The Doctor in Spite ...
11649Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A321907Includes programmes for 'The White Cockade' ...
11650Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A331907Includes programmes for 'The Gaol Gate', ...
11657Abbey Theatre ArchiveBoxN/ATC/Fin/11905-1911Bound volume, Cash Book for the Abbey Theatre, 10 No...
11665Abbey Theatre ArchiveBoxP/ATC/Fin 8-131912Bound volume. Ledger recording entries such as a ban...
14238Alexandra College1892-1893Students' Union Minute Book, with inserts relati...
14254Alexandra College1912Material on the Universities of the Empire Conferenc...
14275Alexandra College1869
R.P. Graves Writings:Afternoon lectures of Literatur...
14278Alexandra College1866-1870
1 file, containing:1st Prospectuses, 1866-1868.1st R...
14280Alexandra College1890File relating to Architects Plans, etc., 1890.
14281Alexandra College1899-1900File relating to Building and Extension, 1899-1900:R...
14282Alexandra College18851 file containing:5 printed copies, Educational Endo...
14283Alexandra College1907
Educational Endowments Inspection, Dublin Castle, Re...
14306Alexandra College1906
Material relating to the:40th anniversary of the fou...
14317Alexandra College1890-1899
1 book, Margaret Stokes Memorial Accounts, 1904, wit...
14318Alexandra College1889A.P. Trench Memorial, 1889.
14323Alexandra College1907
Book of Theatre Programmes, Gaiety and Abbey, Dublin...
14325Alexandra College1899-1909Missionary Association Minute Book, 1899-1909.
2317Archbishop Marsh's LibraryZ2/1/15c.1886-1908Letters from: Horace Plunkett (her second cousin and...Emily Lawless Collection
13243Armagh County Museum1949/141893Album, presented to 'Mrs Beresford Diocesan Presiden...
13248Armagh County Museum1960/501895Crayon drawing, portrait of Miss Dorothy Gervais, da...
13255Armagh County Museum1985/21897Oil portrait of Judith Paul by H.R. Douglas, 1897.
13266Armagh County Museum1985/41899Oil portrait of Harriette McCrum by H.R. Douglas, 18...
13273Armagh County Museum1953/21900Water-colour, monochrome, 'Ballinahone, Armagh, 1900...
13274Armagh County Museum1975/351900Copy will of Miss Ann Bakewell, Eddowes and Sons, De...
13280Armagh County Museum1955/1181902Album of manuscript poems by Æ [George Russell...
13281Armagh County Museum1955/1161902, 19262 letters from Æ [George Russell] to Miss Eliz...
13317Armagh County Museum1953/11910Water-colour 'Armagh from the Keady Road', b...
13861Armagh County Museum1960/14c.1886Water-colour portrait of Georgina Frances Dalrymple ...
12776Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1898
There is a detailed calendar of Letters of Most Rev....Cardinal Logue Archive
16357Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1894Letters of Cardinal Logue addressed to Most Reverend...Cardinal Logue Archive
16360Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1898Letters of Cardinal Logue addressed to Most Reverend...Cardinal Logue Archive
16361Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1893Letters of Cardinal Logue addressed to Most Reverend...Cardinal Logue Archive
16362Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1909Material relating to the Sacred Congregation of Reli...Cardinal Logue Archive
16363Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1912Material relating to the Sacred Congregation of Reli...Cardinal Logue Archive
16368Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1905Letters from the Most Reverend Foley, Bishop of Kild...Cardinal Logue Archive
16372Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1894Material relating to various organisations, includes...Cardinal Logue Archive
16374Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1905Appeals, include:Reverend Mother, Convent of Our Lad...Cardinal Logue Archive
16375Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1896Material relating to the Religious, includes:Sisters...Cardinal Logue Archive
16378Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1904Material relating to the Religious, includes:Sisters...Cardinal Logue Archive
16379Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1897Material relating to the Religious, includes:Sisters...Cardinal Logue Archive
16382Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1894Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16383Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1894Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16384Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1894Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16385Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1894Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16386Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1895Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16387Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1897Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16388Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1897Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16389Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1897Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16390Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1907Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16401Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1909
Political material, includes:Folder number 1:Letter ...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16402Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1909
Material relating to Universities, includes:Copy of ...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16409Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1889
Material relating to the Religious, includes:Folder ...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16442Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1898There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...Cardinal Logue Archive
16443Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1898There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...Cardinal Logue Archive
16444Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1900There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...Cardinal Logue Archive
16445Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1901There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...Cardinal Logue Archive
16446Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1901There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...Cardinal Logue Archive
16447Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1904There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...
16448Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1906There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...Cardinal Logue Archive
16449Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1908There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...Cardinal Logue Archive
19150Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1880-18891886An extract from the Ulster Gazette on the annual mee...Dean Rennison Papers
19152Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1900-19091900An extract from the Church of Ireland Gazette on the...Dean Rennison Papers
19162Armagh Robinson Library1888An extract from the Ulster Gazette noted that &...Dean Rennison Papers
19151Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1890-18991893An extract from the Ulster Gazette on 'A sp...Dean Rennison Papers
19153Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1900-19091906An extract from the Ulster Gazette on a court c...Dean Rennison Papers
6231Ballymena Central Library1900-1905Bound typescript volume of the diary of Alice Allen ...
8764Ballymoney LibraryU/A-BMO-9141795
Notebook of J.B. Hamilton, including a transcription...
14595Belfast Central LibraryOM3 (4)1910Manuscript letter from R.L. O'Mealy to J.F. Bigg...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14598Belfast Central LibraryST241856
Manuscript letter from Walter Strickland to J.F. Big...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14605Belfast Central Library1896Correspondence about Lady Morgan and her connection ...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14606Belfast Central Library1909Correspondence with Mary Garrett, about her grandfat...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14607Belfast Central Library1906Correspondence relating to Dolly Monroe, the 'Be...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14608Belfast Central Library1908Correspondence with F.J. Bigger about the stained gl...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14612Belfast Central Library1906-1908Correspondence with Mary Ann Hutton, about the appoi...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14615Belfast Central Library1903-1906Correspondence of Alice Stopford Green with J.F. Big...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14625Belfast Central Library1903
Archive box 'J.S. Crone, Miscellaneous Pamphlets...
16215Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1900M/30: Letters and papers regarding the marriage sett...The Rosse Papers
16216Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1910-1912M/34: Papers regarding the trust set up under the wi...The Rosse Papers
16201Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1908-1916
H/115-116: Letters to and from estate agents, includ...The Rosse Papers
16220Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1917-1924
N/7: Correspondence of Natica, wife of Sir John Pepy...The Rosse Papers
16226Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1906-1908
N/12; N/15; N/17; and N/21:Personal letters to Cecil...The Rosse Papers
4477Brother Allen ArchiveBox 1241894-18956: To hold as 'twere by Mrs Josph Plunkett,...Brother Allen Archival Collection
6180Carlow County Archive81-991885-1895Minute Books:81. 2 April 1885 - 6 October 188682. 8 ...Carlow Poor Law Union
20639Carlow County Archive1886-1891
Labourers Acts and Rural Sanitary Authority Minute ...Carlow Local Authority Records
20640Carlow County Archive1897-1899 Rural Sanitary Authority Minute Book: June 1897 - M...Carlow Local Authority Records
20641Carlow County Archive1892-1899 Carlow Town Commission Minute Book: 22 November 189...Carlow Local Authority Records
20642Carlow County Archive1908-1911
Carlow Union Minute Book of Boarded and Hired Out C...Carlow Local Authority Records
14568Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18861886: 1 - Letter from Croke to his sister 'Abess...Papers of Dr Croke
14569Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18871887 : 17 - Deed of transfer of the Glebe House and ...Papers of Dr Croke
14570Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18881888: 30 - Letter from Mother Ignatius Croke to her ...Papers of Dr Croke
14571Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18901890:28 - Letter from Dr Firby to Croke. The pope ha...Papers of Dr Croke
14572Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18911891: 74 - Letter from Mrs D. Gray to Croke. She hop...Papers of Dr Croke
14573Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18921892: 68 - Letter from Michael Davitt to Croke. The ...Papers of Dr Croke
14574Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18971897: 1 - A printed letter from John Kenny to the fr...Papers of Dr Croke
16738Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1790-1831
Doon Vestry Minute Books: 1790-1831 1832-1870, with ...Bolton Library Archive
16750Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1878-1880
Vestry Books, parish of Templeneiry: 1878-1880, this...Bolton Library Archive
16768Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1898-1902Lismore Estate:Viscountess Lismore's Cash Book, ...Bolton Library Archive
16801Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1890-1905Cashel and Emly Diocesan Council Minute Book, 1890-1...Bolton Library Archive
16805Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1901-1902Lismore Estate:Estate of Lady Lismore, Cash Book, 19...Bolton Library Archive
16807Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1891-1902Lismore Estate:Viscount Lismore's Estate, Tenant...Bolton Library Archive
16808Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1891-1902Lismore Estate:Viscount Lismore's Estate Tenants...Bolton Library Archive
16820Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1878-1882
Preachers' Books, Ballintemple:1895-19011885-189...Bolton Library Archive
16823Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1887-1891Preachers' Book, Ardmayle Church, 1887-1891, 1 volum...Bolton Library Archive
16917Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1898A third envelope for Lismore Estate marked 'Acco...Bolton Library Archive
16933Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1908Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act 1851, 14 and 15 Vict Ch...Looney Collection
14395Cavan County Archives1911-19121 volume, Cavan Rural District: Register of Dairymen...Cavan Rural District Register of Cowkeepers, etc.
14400Cavan County Archives1889Printed volume, County of Cavan Summer Assizes, 1889...Cavan Grand Jury Records
14465Cavan County Archives1911Register of Cowkeepers, Dairymen & Purveyors of ...Cavan Rural District Register of Cowkeepers, etc.
4436Clare County ArchivesBox 51c1890Includes a photograph of the Revd. Phillip O'Dwy...
6079Clare County Archives1899-1900Clare County Council, Minute Book, 22 April 1899 - 1...Clare County Council
6080Clare County Archives1900-1905Clare County Council Minute Book, 19 November 1900 -...Clare County Council
6107Clare County Archives1901-1908Council Attendance Register, 12 January 1901 - 6 Dec...Clare County Council
6108Clare County Archives1901-1908Finance Committee Minute Book, 14 January 1901 - 6 D...Clare County Council
6109Clare County Archives1906-1911Finance Committee Minute Book, 18 January 1906 - 14 ...Clare County Council
14385Clare County Archives1890-1910MacNamara Collection:The MacNamara Collection includ...Clare County Library Photographic Archive
16959Clare County Archives1896-1897General Ledger:October 1896 - September 1897Ennis Poor Law Union
16960Clare County Archives1900-1908Finance Book Expenditure:December 1900 - February 19...Ennis Poor Law Union
16983Clare County Archives1895-1905Infirmary Committee, County Clare Minute Book, 1895-...County Clare Board of Health
20695Clare County Archives1890-1897Ennis Town Commissioners, Minute Books,1890-1897.Ennis Urban District Council
20700Clare County Archives1901Kilkee Town Commissioners, Board Minute Books, Augus...Kilkee Town Commissioners
16956Clare County Archives1850-1865
Rough Minute Books:August 1850 - March 1851March 185...Corofin Poor Law Union
16969Clare County Archives1899-1908
Minutes:October 1899 - April 1900 April 1900 - ...Ennistymon Rural District Council
20697Clare County Archives1857
One Reel of Microfilm:Rent Ledger by tenant for Burt...
3695Cork City and County ArchivesU2221908Public House/ Shop Account Book. Photocopy of a Day ...
3698Cork City and County Archives1904-c.1908Photograph album with pictures of the Croker family ...
12599Cork City and County ArchivesU2831890-1900Two Victorian photograph albums.One contains Cork MP...
13220Cork City and County ArchivesU3331885-1891Christchurch Lane School, Attendance Book, 1885-1891...Reidy Deposit
13224Cork City and County ArchivesU881886Diploma of a Dame certifying that Mrs M.A. Johnson, ...The Primrose League
13234Cork City and County ArchivesAccession 92/161890Photograph of Fanny Lundy and of Mary Mahony at a ba...
13235Cork City and County ArchivesU2211890-1910St Vincent's School Cork, Roll Books, 1890-1910,...
13241Cork City and County ArchivesU181892-1901(iv) List of licensed premises in Cork city, 1892-19...Beamish and Crawford Collection
13289Cork City and County ArchivesU3151904Letter from Padraic Mac Piarais, An Claidheamh Solai...
13310Cork City and County ArchivesU1621909Includes a letter to 'Nuala' from Maud Gonne...Frank Healy Papers
13859Cork City and County ArchivesU80c.1885Manuscript written by Mrs Katherine Donovan, nee Mur...Murphy Memoirs
14415Cork City and County ArchivesCCCA/CP/CO/M1710-1732
Records the major decisions and resolutions made by ...Cork City Council Minutes
14446Cork City and County ArchivesU3991890-1910Mainly streetscapes of Cork City, particularly of Pa...Wilkie Photographic Collection
22962Cork City and County ArchivesU201/19119: Scrapbook of postcard photographs of British acto...J.T. Horne Collection
22963Cork City and County ArchivesU201/19118: Scrapbook, Opera House programmes, 1911, 1 volume...J.T. Horne Collection
22965Cork City and County ArchivesU201/1908-19096: Scrapbook containing reviews and cuttings from ne...J.T. Horne Collection
22966Cork City and County ArchivesU201/19105: Cuttings, with annotations by J.T. Horne, 1910, i...J.T. Horne Collection
22968Cork City and County ArchivesU201/1905-19103: Scrapbook mainly clippings on Shakespearean produ...J.T. Horne Collection
22967Cork City and County ArchivesU201/1909-1911
4: Newscuttings taken from the Examiner and the...J.T. Horne Collection
22969Cork City and County ArchivesU201/1907-19092: Scrapbook, mainly on Opera and classical music. E...J.T. Horne Collection
22970Cork City and County ArchivesU201/1889-19081: Scrapbook on actors collected by Frank Thompson. ...J.T. Horne Collection
1155Cork Public MuseumAQNO1969:21894Letter dated 'Christmas 1894' Sophie O'B...
1390Cork Public MuseumAQNO1948:1051902Photograph of Lady Aberdeen at the Cork Exhibition o...
13237Cork Public MuseumAQNO1666:28741891Black and white photograph of young boys and women i...
13304Cork Public MuseumAQNO1989:71/31908Certificate: Galway Great Exhibition, 1908. Home Ind...
20764Cork Public MuseumAQNOL1970:44/1899
2 Routine matters, containing correspondence, notice...
20765Cork Public MuseumAQNOL1970:44/1907
7 Regarding RIAM under the Educational Endowments Ac...
20766Cork Public MuseumAQNOL1970:44/1910-19119 Colonel Jervis Whites' legacy, membership of commi...
525County Museum, DundalkLot 5071903-1912Minute Book of Louth Archaeological Society, 1903-19...
527County Museum, DundalkLot 2321909Dundalk Union, report on state of workhouse for year...
528County Museum, DundalkLot 2081900Woman standing outside a hotel, Clanbrassil Street, ...Photographs
5366County Museum, DundalkPhotographic 251 FF41912Large photograph, mounted on wood, of employees of U...
6259Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh285.24161887-18893 bound, printed volumes of Records of the General P...
19042Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh1896-1899Microfilm copies of Shan Van Vocht, 1896-1899. This ...
19048Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh1901Copy of the census returns for County Armagh: 1901 (...
19049Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh1871-1971Bound extracts of the census of Ireland relating to ...
19053Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh1912Postcard of the platform party at a meeting of the U...
19061Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh1906Postcard of Saint Louis Convent, Middletown, County ...
19062Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh1907Postcard of the Convent of Mercy, Scared Heart House...
19073Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh333.531900-1906Bound rental book of the Armagh estate of Mrs T.C. H...
19074Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh333.531897-19042 bound rental books of the estate of Mrs Janetta C....
19079Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh333.531899-1903Bound rental books of the Armagh estate of Robert an...
19080Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh333.531889-1896
4 bound rental books relating to Armagh, the landown...
19081Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh333.531887-1892
Bound rental books of the estate of John Douglas, Ar...
19082Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh333.531904-1910Rental of the estate of the trustees of J. and Mrs D...
19083Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh333.531904-1907Receiving cash book for the estate of Mrs K.M. Simps...
19084Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh333.531896-1911Land register from Henderson and Maxwell Solicitors,...
22904Cultural Heritage Services Library, Armagh1902-1905Rental book of the estate of Thomas A. Sinclair (Bog...
16506Delany Archive Box Bp/15 File PF/1898/189804: 11 February 1898 SC Propaganda to Bishop Patrick...Papers of Dr Patrick Foley, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
22912Delany Archive Box Bp/16 File PF/1909/190911: 10 July 1909 SC religious to Bishop Patrick Fole...Papers of Dr Patrick Foley, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
22935Delany Archive Box Bp/13 File JL.1896/189609: 3 May 1896 Sr M. Aegidia, Graigue to Bishop Jame...Papers of Dr James Lynch, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
3425Donegal County ArchivesCH/BG/4/6/1901-1908 313 Minute Book, Londonderry Rural District Number ...Donegal Rural District Council Records
3442Donegal County ArchivesCH/SR/D/201899-1904Miscellaneous:Audited Accounts, September 1899-Septe...
11758Donegal County ArchivesCH/BV/8/1/5891891Rental and statement of accounts of the Donegal esta...
19855Donegal County ArchivesCH/BV/8/41888-1889Strabane Poor Law Union Fair Minute Book:646. 18 Feb...Strabane Poor Law Union
7643Down and Connor Diocesan Archive (RC)KEP.1/21894-18951 bound volume of newspaper cuttings, 1894-1895, wit...
7564Down County MuseumDB1811890sBill from John Forrester, Stationer, Londonderry to ...
7566Down County MuseumDB221839-1841
2 bound account books of Alexander Lacy, County Down...
7569Down County MuseumDB3701888-18973 receipts of Mrs Buchanan, County Down from Tea and...
7570Down County MuseumDB3761909Printed booklet for fundraising bazaar in Downpatric...
7572Down County MuseumDB4671888Handwritten birth certificate of Eliza Anne Gracey o...
7574Down County MuseumDB4961900Printed programme of a Union Jack Concert held in ai...
7576Down County MuseumDB6841912
Printed booklet produced to mark the 75th anniversar...
7587Down County MuseumDN2521901-19041 bundle of documents relating to the Cromie family ...
2301Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/31892The applications made to the Committee give informat...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
2302Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/41894The Collection includes letters from subscribers rel...Achill Island Improvement Fund
4439Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/91892List of payments to stallholders, with annotation, s...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4440Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/101892Lists of particulars of grants made by the Committee...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4441Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/111892Particulars of grants made by the Committee, alphabe...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4443Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/171892List of subscribers to the collection taken up by Th...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4444Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/181892List of subscribers forwarded by William Findlater, ...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4445Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/201892List of subscribers with erasures, September 1892South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4442Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/151892Subscription list in alphabetical order of subcriber...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4447Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/251892Itemised statement of losses of Theresa O'Shea, ...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4448Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/271892Note initialled J.S., James Shanks, stating that cla...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4449Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/291892Itemised statement of losses presented by Rose Ann D...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4450Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/311892Itemised statement of losses sustained by Mrs E. Moo...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4451Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/321892Itemised statement of losses sustained by Mrs McCabe...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4452Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/331892Itemised statement of losses sustained by Mary McQui...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4455Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/361892List of 'employees' who lost belongings in f...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4453Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/341892Itemised statement of losses sustained by Theresa Na...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4454Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/351892Manuscript list of those affected by fire, with note...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4456Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/371892Manuscript list of employees of Heneberry's Hat ...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4457Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/381892Manuscript list of employees of Messrs M. and W.J. M...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4458Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/391892Manuscript list of employees of M. O'Brien, butc...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4459Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/401892Manuscript list of employees of Whiteside and Compan...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
4460Dublin City Library and ArchiveCh/3/411892List of those who have put forward a second claim on...South City Markets Fire Relief Fund
5029Dublin City Library and ArchiveHLG/1/14/11893Letter from Frank O'Flynn, O'Flynn, Exhams a...Hugh Lane Gallery
5030Dublin City Library and ArchiveHLG/1/14/21893Letter from Mary Hegarty, County Cork, to Mrs Dawson...Hugh Lane Gallery
20499Dublin City Library and Archive1899
Electoral Rolls Database: 1899, 1908-1915 Dublin City Electoral Lists Database
18516Dublin Diocesan Archives (RC)AB6 (File 371/1-8)1900A number of letters from a nun in High Park Convent ...Walsh Papers
18517Dublin Diocesan Archives (RC)AB6 (File 371/1-8)1900Letter from a Sister of Charity in Foxford, 11 May, ...Walsh Papers
18518Dublin Diocesan Archives (RC)AB6 (File 371/1-8)c.1900Typed list regarding St Patrick's, Kilkenny naming t...Walsh Papers
18519Dublin Diocesan Archives (RC)AB6 (File 371/1-8)1889Manuscript financial account of the Female Orphanage...Walsh Papers
18520Dublin Diocesan Archives (RC)AB6 (File 371/1-8)1900Letter from the Presentation Convent in Rathmore, Co...Walsh Papers
18521Dublin Diocesan Archives (RC)AB6 (File 371/1-8)1899Manuscript annual report of the Mission of the Littl...Walsh Papers
18577Dublin Diocesan Archives (RC)AB 6 (Pamphlets)1889The pamphlet collection includes:The Liberty Infant ...Walsh Papers
18578Dublin Diocesan Archives (RC)AB 6 (Pamphlets)1888-1889The pamphlet collection includes:The Creche or Day N...Walsh Papers
18579Dublin Diocesan Archives (RC)AB 6 (Pamphlets)1889-1890The pamphlet collection includes:First Report of the...Walsh Papers
18580Dublin Diocesan Archives (RC)AB 6 (Pamphlets)1893The pamphlet collection includes:An Irish Catholic, ...Walsh Papers
18582Dublin Diocesan Archives (RC)AB 6 (Pamphlets)1883
The pamphlet collection includes:Rev. Thomas Quinn P...Walsh Papers
938Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA4/3051907Terms and conditions of the appointment of William a...Kingstown/Dún Laoghaire
937Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA4/3041907Contractual agreement between the Kingstown Library ...Kingstown/Dún Laoghaire
939Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA4/3161911Counsel's Briefs and Opinions: Mary B. Fox, plai...Kingstown/Dún Laoghaire
941Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA4/3231896-1897Minutes of evidence taken before the House of Common...Kingstown/Dún Laoghaire
940Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA4/3221897-1902Damp letter press copy book of the Kingstown Life-Bo...Kingstown/Dún Laoghaire
3098Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/61887-1891Minutes of the Blackrock Town Commissioners and Urba...Blackrock
3099Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/71891-1892Minutes of the Blackrock Town Commissioners and Urba...Blackrock
3100Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/81892-1894Minutes of the Blackrock Town Commissioners and Urba...Blackrock
3101Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/91894-1897Minutes of the Blackrock Town Commissioners and Urba...Blackrock
3102Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/101897-1899Minutes of the Blackrock Town Commissioners and Urba...Blackrock
3103Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/111899-1902Minutes of the Blackrock Town Commissioners and Urba...Blackrock
3104Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/121902-1903Minutes of the Blackrock Town Commissioners and Urba...Blackrock
3105Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/131904-1906Minutes of the Blackrock Town Commissioners and Urba...Blackrock
3107Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/151908-1910Minutes of the Blackrock Town Commissioners and Urba...Blackrock
3106Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/141906-1908Minutes of the Blackrock Town Commissioners and Urba...Blackrock
3108Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/161910-1912Minutes of the Blackrock Town Commissioners and Urba...Blackrock
3151Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/2871893Housing of the Working Classes: Abstract of Title of...Blackrock
3152Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/2891893Housing of the Working Classes: Claim of Bridget Enn...Blackrock
3153Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/2901893Housing of the Working Classes: Instructions for cou...Blackrock
3158Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/3061891Housing of the Working Classes: Copy of will of Sara...Blackrock
3159Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/3071893Housing of the Working Classes: Abstract of Title of...Blackrock
3160Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/3081896Housing of the Working Classes: Copy of Mrs Mary Har...Blackrock
3163Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/3191895Housing of the Working Classes: Declaration of Josep...Blackrock
3167Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/3321895Housing of the Working Classes: Copy of will of Fran...Blackrock
3161Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/3101895Housing of the Working Classes: Claim of £2772...Blackrock
3162Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/3111895Housing of the Working Classes: Claim of £600....Blackrock
3164Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/3201896Housing of the Working Classes: Objection of Timothy...Blackrock
3174Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/3851894Agreement with Mary Whelan, Superior of the Industri...Blackrock
3177Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/4021908Copy £1000 mortgaged deed. Mrs S.E. Pease, Mor...Blackrock
3178Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA1/4031904-1905Documents, 1904-1905, relating to case taken by Blac...Blackrock
3194Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA2/581901-1911Register of internments in the old graveyard at Dalk...Dalkey
3189Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA2/201902-1903Irregular monthly reports of the Sub-Sanitary Office...Dalkey
3207Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA3/1899-1912Poor Rate, Rate Books:49 November 1899-March 190050 ...Killiney-Ballybrack
3208Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA3/1899-1901Poor Rate Ledgers detailing monies received by colle...Killiney-Ballybrack
3218Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA3/1885
Talbot Waterhouse Estates: Acquistion of land at Roc...Killiney-Ballybrack
3222Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA4/1887-1905Abstracts of Meetings of the Commissioners and Urban...Kingstown/Dún Laoghaire
3232Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County CouncilLA4/1903-1905160 Abattoir, Baths and Destructor Committee Minutes...Kingstown/Dún Laoghaire
12826Elphin Diocesan Archives (RC)1859-1861
Box marked: Section III C. Workhouses/ Reforms Prin...
13256Elphin Diocesan Archives (RC)1897-1912Box marked: Dr Clancy, Convents of Nuns and family l...
13300Elphin Diocesan Archives (RC)1907Box marked Technical Education, Industrial Schools a...
13313Elphin Diocesan Archives (RC)1909-1912Box marked Bishop Coyne Convents/ Marist and Francis...
6235Enniskillen Library1901Microfilm copy of the census of population for Count...
2264Erasmus Smith Schools ArchivesES/907-ES/10111886An Erasmus Smith School, Aclare 'English School&...English Schools
19880Erasmus Smith Schools Archives1885-1888Letters relating to the Trust estates; 1 box, 1885-1...Erasmus Smith Archives
7596Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen CastleFCM-1983-051; FCM-1983-051B-C1889
An Annual Report of Enniskillen Dorcus Society which...
7601Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen CastleFCM-1978-3181905-1906Printed Annual Report of the District Nursing Societ...
7607Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen CastleFCM-1989-1591912A postcard of an Ulster Women's Unionist demonst...
23144Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen CastleFCM-1993-0511912A receipt from the Irish Lace and Linen House, Londo...Eleanor Hassard Papers
23146Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen CastleFCM-1993-0541907A letter from Eleanor Hassard to Lady Brooks seeking...Eleanor Hassard Papers
23151Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen CastleFCM-1993-0721904A cloth pattern for the yoke of a dress designed by ...Eleanor Hassard Papers
23152Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen CastleFCM-1995-1201904A receipt from the Irish Lace Depot Limited, Dublin,...Eleanor Hassard Papers
23156Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen CastleFCM-1980-1101900A collection of photographs by Annie King in an albu...Annie King Papers
23153Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen CastleFCM-1995-1211901Typed memorandum regarding Inishmacsaint lace from t...Eleanor Hassard Papers
1414Fingal County ArchiveDCC/L/34- DCC/L/381912DCC/L/34 September 1912 Notice relating to new regul...Dublin County Council
1444Fingal County ArchiveGJ/4/61- GJ/4/681891-1898Grand Jury Presentments:GJ/4/61 1891 PresentmentsGJ/...County of Dublin Grand Jury
1448Fingal County ArchiveGJ/7/1- GJ/12/11894-1899Grand Jury Law: GJ/7/1 1894 'Grand Jury Law'...County of Dublin Grand Jury
1457Fingal County Archive94/P/2-94/P/11854
Small Collections Box 4 94/P/2 Records of Lakelands ...Small Collections
1651Fingal County ArchiveBG78/AG/1-31901-1909North Dublin Board of Guardians Minute Books:BG/78/A...North Dublin Poor Law Union
20013Fingal County Archive97/LA/1/25-97/LA/1/261966-1977
Agenda and Order Book:97/LA/1/25 November 1966 - Sep...Records of Balbriggan Town Commissioners
20474Galway County Council Archives1911UDC, Labourers' Cottages Ledger:c.1911Ballinasloe Urban District Council & Town Commissioners
20475Galway County Council Archives1908Register of Cowkeepers, Dairymen, 1908.Ballinasloe Urban District Council & Town Commissioners
20492Galway County Council Archives1907-1908County Galway Miscellaneous Accounts, 1907-1908.Galway County Board of Health and Public Assistance
20460Galway County Council ArchivesGPL/11894-1895
Minute Books:November 1894-May 1895January 1913-May ...Glenamaddy Poor Law Union
20472Galway County Council Archives1873-1878
UDC Letterbooks:December 1873-April 1878February 188...Ballinasloe Urban District Council & Town Commissioners
20480Galway County Council Archives1907-1910Ballinasloe Urban District Council, Wages Book, May ...Ballinasloe Urban District Council & Town Commissioners
21924Galway Diocesan Archives (RC)1887-1908Box 24 Papers of Bishop Francis Joseph McCormack 188...
23187Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland1912Pupils' Address Book, c.1912Masonic Female Orphan School
23190Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland1910-1919
Photographs Albums, c.1888, c.1914, c.1910-1919.Masonic Female Orphan School
5097Irish Architectural Archive97/84/Box 631902-1905Rental and Account Books for Castletown, for half ye...Castletown Papers
5098Irish Architectural Archive97/84/Box 641906-1907Rental and Account Books for Castletown for half yea...Castletown Papers
5099Irish Architectural Archive97/84/Box 651908-1910Rental and accounts for Castletown for half years en...Castletown Papers
5100Irish Architectural Archive97/84/Box 661910-1912Rental and accounts for Castletown, for half years e...Castletown Papers
10Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesA211912Letter from Patrick Lydon, 1912.Dominican Archives, Cabra
18Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesA351905Letter dated 1905 from Mary Carrige regarding Channe...Dominican Archives, Cabra
19Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesA361904Letter dated 1904 from S. Benedict OSB, Ypres, regar...Dominican Archives, Cabra
20Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesA371905Letter dated 1905 from Fr Patrick Nolan OSB, Birming...Dominican Archives, Cabra
21Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesA381909Letter dated 1909 from Sr M. Justin OSB, regarding C...Dominican Archives, Cabra
22Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesA391908Letter dated 1908 from Sr Mary OSB, Carisbrook, abou...Dominican Archives, Cabra
24Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesA411908Letter dated 1908 from Sr M. Suso OSD, Carisbrook, a...Dominican Archives, Cabra
40Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesA721808-1819
Letter from Convent House, Vernon Avenue, Clontarf, ...Dominican Archives, Cabra
41Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesA74c.1912Manuscript background of Irish history to Channel Ro...Dominican Archives, Cabra
43Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesF21903Decree of Pope Pius X, 1903.Dominican Archives, Cabra
49Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesF101902Letter from S.M. Ignatius O'Doherty OP, Belfast,...Dominican Archives, Cabra
55Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesG81885A petition in Latin, 29 November 1885, granting indu...Dominican Archives, Cabra
56Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesG101886Petition in Italian, 11 July 1886, regarding indulge...Dominican Archives, Cabra
57Irish Dominican Congregation ArchivesH191895-1901Histories of the following families:1. Lumley, 1895-...Dominican Archives, Cabra
248Irish Film ArchiveHorgan Brothers/1910/St D1910'Horgan Brothers/1910/St Declan's Well, Corp...
249Irish Film ArchiveHorgan Brothers/1910/Unid1910Horgan Brothers/1910/'Unidentified Woman on Street':...
296Irish Film ArchiveHorgan Brothers/1910s/Pro1910Horgan Brothers/1910s/Processions, steamboat, church...
297Irish Film ArchiveHorgan Brothers/1910s/Corc.1910Horgan Brothers/1910s/Corpus Christ procession, race...
342Irish Film ArchiveThe Lad from Old Ireland1910'The Lad from Old Ireland': Production Company: Th...
4634Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ25/1886-1892103 Notes for a retreat for young women, 1886, 1892.Papers of Revd Robert Kane (1848 to 1929)
4644Irish Jesuit ArchivesADM/3/19103 Correspondence mostly between two sisters and the ...Provincials' Correspondence, 1905 to 1959
5129Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1888-1907125 4 September 1888 - 27 January 1907. A file of le...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
5135Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1901-1923
'The Irish Monthly' (1901-1923):177 Card fro...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22125Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/190824 Letter from Hugh F. Blunt, 309 Bowdoin Street, Do...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22126Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1902
26 A file of letters from A. Brownrigg, Bishop of Os...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22128Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/190930 Letter from Elizabeth Christich, Villa Christich,...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22129Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/190530 A file of letters from Amy Coleridge, Royal Pavil...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22130Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/189433 Letter from Emma Duke Coleridge, 40 Gloucester Pl...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22131Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/189335 A file of letters from Mary Coleridge, Marley Hou...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22132Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/190637 17 May 1906. Letter from Ramsay Colles, 7 Essex S...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22133Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1908
39 27 July 1908-4 December 1911. A file of letters a...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22134Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/189440 Letter from Mary Catherine Crowley, 25 Sibley Str...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22135Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/189445 Letter from Eleanor C. Donnelly, Sea Isle City, N...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22136Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1909 46 Letter from Frances Mary P Donovan, Seafield Spa...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22137Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1883
47 December 1883 -5 January 1901. A file of letters...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22138Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/190349 A file of letters from Susan Gavan Duffy (daughte...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22140Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1900-191052 20 October 1900 - 19 July 1910. A file relating t...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22143Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1889-190172 31 October 1889 - 30 November 1901. A file of let...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22145Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1912 74 Letter from Constance Hope, 6 Carlton Hill, Exmo...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22147Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/191176 15 January 1911 - 4 December 1911. A file relatin...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22148Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1897 79 17 May 1897. Letter from [Lilly Kelly] to Fr Rus...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22150Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1897-1908 88 1 March 1897-3 January 1908. A file of letters f...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22151Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1897-190889 A file of letters from Sister Mary of St Agnes (M...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22153Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1888-189995 [ ] 1888 -[ ] 1899. A file of letters from France...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22154Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1890-189496 1890-1894. A file of letters from Margaret Maitla...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22157Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1911 99 A file of letters from Anne Maria Molamphy, 118 ...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22158Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1907102 [Copy] letter from Lady Monteagle to Fr Russell ...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22161Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1906121 Letter from Maud Regan, 294 Central Avenue, Lond...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22162Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1886-1907133 A file of letters from Mary Agnes Tincker to Fr ...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22163Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1894135 27 January 1894. Letter from Jessie Tulloch, Tip...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22164Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1904-1905136 28 November 1904 -3 February 1905. A file of let...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22165Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1903137 30 October 1903. Letter from Honor Walsh, 440 Qu...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22166Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1905142 A file of letters from Alice Willes, Newbold Com...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22168Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1887-1890144 18 October 1887-[ ] 1890. A file of letters from...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22169Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1890-1893145 A file of letters from Henry Wynne (husband of F...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22170Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1893146 A file of letters from Maria Wynne to Fr Russell...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22171Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1905147 25 January 1905 - 31 January [1905]. A file of l...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22174Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1896-1905151 15 September 1896 -22 November 1905. A file of l...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22175Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1902-1908153 24 April 1902 - 2 January 1908. A file of letter...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22176Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1906154 28 May 1906. Letter from Frank Russell, 6 Stone ...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22188Irish Jesuit ArchivesN8/188978 2 December 1889. Letter from [ ] Wray (mother-in-...Papers of Revd Dr Charles William Russell (1812-1880)
22191Irish Jesuit ArchivesN4/189025 13 November 1890. Letter of condolence to Mrs O'H...Papers of Judge John O'Hagan (1822-1890)
22192Irish Jesuit ArchivesN4/189026 Letter of condolence to Mrs O'Hagan, from Laurenc...Papers of Judge John O'Hagan (1822-1890)
22193Irish Jesuit ArchivesN4/189028 Letter of condolence to Mrs O'Hagan from Patrick ...Papers of Judge John O'Hagan (1822-1890)
22194Irish Jesuit ArchivesN4/1890-1894Death of O'Hagan, 1890-1894: 29 9 December 1890. Let...Papers of Judge John O'Hagan (1822-1890)
22196Irish Jesuit ArchivesN4/189131 Letter to Mrs O'Hagan from ? Micks, former Assist...Papers of Judge John O'Hagan (1822-1890)
22197Irish Jesuit ArchivesN4/189332 Letter to Mrs O'Hagan from author, poet and schol...Papers of Judge John O'Hagan (1822-1890)
22198Irish Jesuit ArchivesN4/189333 20 February -28 May 1893. Letters to Mrs O'Hagan ...Papers of Judge John O'Hagan (1822-1890)
22199Irish Jesuit ArchivesN4/189434 Letter to Mrs O'Hagan from Aubrey de Vere, writte...Papers of Judge John O'Hagan (1822-1890)
22206Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ8/1910
9 14 February 1935. Case for Counsel on behalf of Fr...Papers of Fr Peter Finlay, SJ (1851 - 1929)
22248Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ8/19057 Type Settlement and copy settlement Parties: Evely...Papers of Fr. Peter Finlay, SJ (1851 - 1929)
22252Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/18883 Part of a letter from [ ], 9 Leeson Park, Dublin, ...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22253Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/18904 Part of a letter from [ ], Oliver House, Toledo, O...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22254Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1887-18975 A file of letters from Thomas W. Allies to Fr Russ...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22255Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/19036 A file containing letters from Mary H. Allies, 3 L...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22256Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/18907 10 January 1890. Letter from M.E.B. to Fr Russell ...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22257Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1904 8 12 January 1904-26 February [1904]. A file of let...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22259Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/191014 14 February 1910. Letter from Elodie Belloc to Fr...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22260Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/191216 Letter from Sister Mary Berchmans (Lisette Beveri...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22261Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/188917 Letter from Mary E. Blake, 1330 Washington Street...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
22262Irish Jesuit ArchivesJ27/1889
19 [1889] A file relating to Mary Blundell. Includes...Papers of Fr Matthew Russell, SJ (1834 - 1912)
2255Irish Theatre ArchiveITA/140c.1890-1910Picture postcards of actors and actresses. There are...
21741Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)H2/28-40 1887Charlotte Bennerville, Munich, 1887, regarding Canon...Andrew Higgins, 1881-1889
21742Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)H9/5 1886Marriage agreement, 1886, Ballinlonagh, Reidy, Rathm...Andrew Higgins, 1881-1889
21748Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)H14/10 1888Sister Regis Sneem, 1888, regarding superiorship in ...Andrew Higgins, 1881-1889
21749Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)H14/11 1889McCarthy 1889. Cahirciveen regarding convent.Andrew Higgins, 1881-1889
21750Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)H14/13 1885John George McCarthy, 1885, regarding nuns in Kenmar...Andrew Higgins, 1881-1889
21752Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)H14/16 1886Sir Ligouiri Killarney, 1886, Colonel Dease, regardi...Andrew Higgins, 1881-1889
21757Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)H14/22 1885Revd John Coffey, Tralee, 1885, regarding Loreto con...Andrew Higgins, 1881-1889
21762Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)C3/12 1890Bishop Kirby nuns and Castletownbere, 1890.John Coffey, 1889-1904
21769Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)C10/1-27 1894Marie E. de Marie, Glenageary 1894 to my dearest Unc...John Coffey, 1889-1904
21770Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)C10/63-66 1891Fr Scanlon regarding Brigid Donovan and Fr Con O'...John Coffey, 1889-1904
21773Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)C12/23-29 1900J.G. Eager, Milltown, 1900, Fr Carmody, abuses in pa...John Coffey, 1889-1904
21782Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)C110/1-43 1890-1902Fr Mangan Sneem, Sister Xaviour Reynolds, Sneem Conv...John Coffey, 1889-1904
21808Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)M61890-1905Convents of the Diocese in 1890-1905.Miscellaneous
21768Kerry Diocesan Archives (RC)C9/36-42 1890
Revd Patrick Barton, accepts the Mines Parish, 1894,...John Coffey, 1889-1904
1478Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentBG/100/10/11900-1910Quarterly Minute Book October 1900 - July 1910.
2050Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentBG/154/A/1887-1911Rough Minute Books:38. May 1887 - October 188739. No...Tralee Poor Law Union
2058Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentRDC/73/AA/1901-1909Rough Minute Books:1. August 1899 - February 19012. ...Dingle Rural District Council
2064Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentRDC/104/??/1895-1910Miscellaneous: Improvement Schemes under Labourers (...Killarney Rural District Council
12021Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentSL/B/91908-1912Copy of the rental of the Chute Hall estate duty acc...Chute Papers
12037Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentS1/2/261912Marriage Agreement: Nolan and O'Keefe. Draft and...Creagh & Byrne (Matthew Byrne & Co.) Papers
12046Kerry Local Studies and Archives Department1896Miscellaneous transactions, includes:Transaction Num...Listowel Papers
12196Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentSl/O'C/481910Affirmation for Inland Revenue for Mary Lynch, Farra...O'Connell Solicitors
12199Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentSl/O'C/761908Copy Agreement between George Archibald Erskine Hick...O'Connell Solicitors
12203Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentSl/O'C/1591911Case, Dingle Rural District Council versus Mary Quir...O'Connell Solicitors
12206Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentSl/O'C/241921-1922
Bundle relating to the case between Kate Enright, wi...O'Connell Solicitors
21825Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentBG/154/F/1904-1906
Labourers' Acts Minute Books (i.e. acting as Rur...County Kerry Local Authority Records
21830Kerry Local Studies and Archives Department1860-1864
Mahony Estate:Rent Book, 1860-1864Cash Accounts, 188...O'Connell Solicitors
21831Kerry Local Studies and Archives Department1874-1875
Rentals of the Earl of Listowel Estates, County Kerr...O'Connell Solicitors
21836Kerry Local Studies and Archives Department1906Dingle School Attendance Book, Census Register, 1906...O'Connell Solicitors
21854Kerry Local Studies and Archives Department1892-1896
Kerry County Council Letterbooks:1902-19031900-19011...Kerry County Council
21872Kerry Local Studies and Archives Department1912County Kerry Board of Health, Letterbook, 1912.Kerry County Council
21873Kerry Local Studies and Archives Department1891-1892
Kerry County Council Minute Books: June 1891-July 18...Kerry County Council
21874Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentBG154/1887-1898Agreements (Board of Guardians acting as Rural Secre...Tralee Poor Law Union
21876Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentRDC/73/AL/1902-1905Labourers' Acts Minute Books:1. Minute Book Febr...Dingle Rural District Council
21877Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentRDC/73/AAL/1902-19051. Rough Minute Book February 1902 - September 1905Dingle Rural District Council
21878Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentRDC/100/AF/1900-19011. Financial Minute Book August 1909 - December 1911...Kenmare Rural District Council
21879Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentRDC/100/B/1901-19041. Letter Books Outgoing 1901-1904Kenmare Rural District Council
21880Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentRDC/100/AQ/1900-19101. Quarterly Minute Book 1 October 1900 - July 1910&...Kenmare Rural District Council
21895Kerry Local Studies and Archives Department1078
Deeds, Kerry Estate: No 169 27 February 1891 Parties...Listowel Papers
21900Kerry Local Studies and Archives DepartmentBG/104/AF/11904-1906Financial minutes:November 1904 - November 1906Killarney Poor Law Union
14452Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1891-1893Printed schedules of public works, containing itiner...Kildare Grand Jury Records
20812Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives DepartmentMiscellaneous Records1888-1890Register of Admission and Discharge, 13 October 1888...Athy Poor Law Union
20814Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives DepartmentMiscellaneous Records1888Board of Guardians Minute Book, 10 April 1888 - 10 O...Athy Poor Law Union
20815Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives DepartmentMiscellaneous Records1905-1906Board of Guardians Minute Book, 23 August 1905 - 28 ...Athy Poor Law Union
20816Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives DepartmentMiscellaneous Records1890-1891Register of Admission and Discharge, 22 February 189...Athy Poor Law Union
20817Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives DepartmentMiscellaneous Records1891-1893Register of Admission and Discharge, 11 November 189...Athy Poor Law Union
20818Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives DepartmentMiscellaneous Records1906Board of Guardians Minute Book, 14 March 1906 - 12 S...Athy Poor Law Union
20820Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives DepartmentMiscellaneous Records1893-1896
Register of Admission and Discharge, 08 August 1893 ...Athy Poor Law Union
20824Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives DepartmentMiscellaneous Records1899-1902Register of Admission and Discharge, 07 May 1899 - 2...Athy Poor Law Union
20825Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives DepartmentMiscellaneous Records1902-1904Register of Admission and Discharge, 28 April 1902 -...Athy Poor Law Union
20826Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives DepartmentMiscellaneous Records1904-1906Register of Admission and Discharge, 21 November 190...Athy Poor Law Union
20830Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives DepartmentMiscellaneous Records1906-1908Register of Admission and Discharge, 12 September 19...Athy Poor Law Union
20831Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives DepartmentMiscellaneous Records1908-1910Register of Admission and Discharge, 09 June 1908 - ...Athy Poor Law Union
20832Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives DepartmentMiscellaneous Records1910-1911Register of Admission and Discharge, 22 March 1910 -...Athy Poor Law Union
20835Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives DepartmentMiscellaneous Records1899-1912Record of Births, 03 May 1899 - 30 May 1912Athy Poor Law Union
20841Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives DepartmentMiscellaneous Records1903-1907Incomplete Index for undated Register of Admission a...Athy Poor Law Union
20879Kildare Local Studies, Genealogy and Archives Department1908
Register of Cowkeepers, October 1908-January 1937.Kildare County Council
3386Kilkenny Local Studies DepartmentRDC159/AA/11899-1900Rough Minute Book:April 1899-March 1900Urlingford Rural District Council
3349Kilkenny Local Studies DepartmentBG57/AL1886-1898Sanitary Committee Minute Books:1. January 1886-May ...Castlecomer Poor Law Union
3350Kilkenny Local Studies DepartmentBG57/AK1900-1909Minute Books under the Medical Charities Acts:1. Apr...Castlecomer Poor Law Union
3353Kilkenny Local Studies DepartmentRDC57A1899-1900Minute Books:1. July 1899-October 19002. May 1907-Se...Castlecomer Rural District Council
3361Kilkenny Local Studies DepartmentBG101/AL1886-1899Sanitary Committee Minute Books:1. January 1886-1895...Kilkenny Poor Law Union
3379Kilkenny Local Studies DepartmentBG159/L1888-1899Sanitary Committee Minute Books:1. October 1888-Janu...Urlingford Poor Law Union
3388Kilkenny Local Studies DepartmentRDC159/CQ/11892-1893Miscellaneous Account Book, Personal Ledger containi...Urlingford Rural District Council
11703Kilkenny Local Studies DepartmentCR/D/141897-1899Kilkenny Corporation, Minute Book, 3 May 1897-19 Sep...Kilkenny Corporation
11704Kilkenny Local Studies DepartmentCR/D/161900- 1907Kilkenny Corporation Minute Book, 2 July 1900-4 Febr...Kilkenny Corporation
11712Kilkenny Local Studies DepartmentCR/D/231900-1905Kilkenny Corporation, Weekly Minute Book, 26 June 19...Kilkenny Corporation
13227Kilmainham Gaol Museum9LG-1C26-141887Application by Margaret Doyle, 26 Bath Avenue, Dubli...Home Rule
13228Kilmainham Gaol Museum09LG-1C45-161888Marriage certificate of Maria McDonald and John Heus...
13233Kilmainham Gaol Museum15LG-1C26-211890Marriage certificate of James Connolly and Lily Reyn...Labour
13257Kilmainham Gaol Museum10LR-1B11-191898A photocopy of a censored letter to a prisoner J.464...Home Rule
13264Kilmainham Gaol Museum10LG-1C35-71899Memorandum of tenancy agreement between Mrs Henry Ll...Home Rule
13272Kilmainham Gaol Museum17PC-1A44-121900Photo of Countess Markievicz, 1900.Easter Week
13288Kilmainham Gaol Museum10LG-1C35-81904294 committal orders from the Dublin Metropolitan Po...Home Rule
13290Kilmainham Gaol Museum13PO-1B54-141905, 1906Inghinidhe na hÉireann group photograph, 1905...
13291Kilmainham Gaol Museum13LR-1K42-221905-1906Two letters from Thomas MacDonagh to Miss Murphy, 19...Sinn Féin
13292Kilmainham Gaol Museum10PO-1A22-81906Photograph of O'Donovan Rossa and family, 24 May 190...Home Rule
13295Kilmainham Gaol Museum10PD-1E1B-221907Postcard from Clare Gabrielle O'Shea to Bertram Maun...Home Rule
13296Kilmainham Gaol Museum13PD-1A18-101907Postcard written in Irish by Seamus Daly to Catherin...Sinn Féin
13297Kilmainham Gaol Museum17VS-3H51-21907Statuette of girl by William Pearse, girl is Mabel O...Easter Week
13298Kilmainham Gaol Museum17PD-1A54-151907Postcard sent to Mrs Pearse by Patrick, 5 July 1907,...Easter Week
13302Kilmainham Gaol Museum10VP-5A11-121908Oil painting of Tillie Lowe Murphy, by Anna Parnell,...Home Rule
13303Kilmainham Gaol Museum10PO-1E13-231908Colour photograph of Clare Gabrielle O'Shea, 1908.Home Rule
13307Kilmainham Gaol Museum13NW-1B54-171908-1909'Bean na hÉireann' [Woman of Ireland]...
13308Kilmainham Gaol Museum10LG-1H11-041909Death certificate of Clare Gabrielle Maunsell, 17 Se...Home Rule
13320Kilmainham Gaol Museum10PL-1C13-71911Programme of the Royal Progress visit of George V an...Home Rule
13321Kilmainham Gaol Museum12PD-1A11-31911Postcard from William Pearse to Mrs Florrie Ryan, 19...Gaelic League
13468Kilmainham Gaol Museum10LG-1C35-41900
Marriage certificate of Casimir Markievicz and Const...Home Rule
13864Kilmainham Gaol Museum12PC-1A42-22c.1897-1898Photograph of Mr and Mrs Pearse with William and Mar...Gaelic League
13867Kilmainham Gaol Museum13PO-1B22-15c.1912Photograph of Fianna Éireann with Constance M...Sinn Féin
20793Kilmore Diocesan Archives (RC)1929-1941
Convent of Mercy:1: Convent of Mercy, Cootehill, dra...Kilmore Diocesan Archives
20800Kilmore Diocesan Archives (RC)1894-1898Cavan (a) General Administration:6: Bond of Mary Olw...Kilmore Diocesan Archives
20802Kilmore Diocesan Archives (RC)1897Glangevlin:1: 'Father Corr and his parishioners ...Kilmore Diocesan Archives
1789King's Hospital School5/1742
5/ 1910 Scheme for regulation of the charity: Record...Mercer's School
20930King's Hospital School1-16a1887-191116 General Committee Book, 1887 - 1911.King's Hospital Records
20941King's Hospital School17-321892-190526 Education Committee Book, 1892 - 1905.King's Hospital Records
20945King's Hospital School17-321900-191130 Headmaster's Report Book, 1900 - 1911.King's Hospital Records
20952King's Hospital School33-481889-189937 Committee Agenda, 1889 - 1899.King's Hospital Records
20953King's Hospital School33-481899-191238 Committee Agenda, 1899 - 1912.King's Hospital Records
20954King's Hospital School33-481899-191239 Committee Agenda, 1899 - 1912.King's Hospital Records
20955King's Hospital School33-481890-190540 Board Agenda, 1890 - 1905.King's Hospital Records
20997King's Hospital School65-821886-190181 Ledger, 1886-1901.King's Hospital Records
20998King's Hospital School65-821902-190882 Ledger, 1902 - 1908.King's Hospital Records
21048King's Hospital School116-1301892-1908130 Cash Book, 1892 - 1908.King's Hospital Records
21052King's Hospital School131-1441890-1908142 Accounts for payment, 1890 - 1908.King's Hospital Records
21076King's Hospital School145-1601909-1912153 Wages Book, 1909 - 1912.King's Hospital Records
21083King's Hospital School145-1601909-1912146 Receipts expenditure, 1909 - 1912.King's Hospital Records
21120King's Hospital School180-1951886-1896195 Report Book, 1886 - 1896.King's Hospital Records
21134King's Hospital School196-2151895-1908204 Pupils alphabetical list of, 1895 - 1908.King's Hospital Records
21135King's Hospital School196-2151895-1908205 Register of certificates, marriages, births and ...King's Hospital Records
21141King's Hospital School196-2151887-1908211 Letter Book, 1887 - 1908.King's Hospital Records
21142King's Hospital School196-2151908-1912212 Letter Book, 1908 - 1912.King's Hospital Records
21152King's Hospital School232-236A1900226H Mercer's Rental, 1900.King's Hospital Records
21171King's Hospital School237-257A1893-1912240 Doctors' Reports, 1893 - 1912.Morgan's School
21207King's Hospital School5/188512 Mercers's School Board Minutes, 1885 amalgamation...Mercer's School
21637Laois Local Studies19091. Financial Account Book, Expenditure, Abbeyleix Co...Laois Local Authority Records
21638Laois Local Studies1909-19112. Half-Yearly General Consolidated Account Book, Ab...Laois Local Authority Records
21670Laois Local Studies1909-191129. Consolidated General Expenditure Book - Slivemar...Slievemargy Rural District Council
21689Laois Local Studies1905-190723. Half-Yearly General Consolidated Account Book, R...Roscrea Rural District Council
21690Laois Local Studies1907-190924. Consolidated Account Book, Roscrea Rural Distric...Roscrea Rural District Council
21697Laois Local Studies1903-1907
Minute Book of Cloneygowan Rural District Council: 1...Laois Local Authority Records
21698Laois Local Studies1907-1910Rough Minutes of Cloneygowan Rural District Council,...Laois Local Authority Records
21702Laois Local Studies1907-1910
Public Health Acts Minute of Cloneygowan Rural Distr...Laois Local Authority Records
21703Laois Local Studies1899-1904Minute Books of the Mountmellick Rural District Coun...Laois Local Authority Records
21704Laois Local Studies1899-1900Minute Books of the Mountmellick Rural District Coun...Laois Local Authority Records
21708Laois Local Studies1895-1897Proceedings of the Board of Guardian of Mountmellick...Laois Local Authority Records
21715Laois Local Studies1912Labourers' Acts Minute Book of Mountmellick, Rural D...Laois Local Authority Records
1837Leitrim Local Studies Department1785-1786
Miscellaneous items:File 642: Journal of Addia Jane ...
2138Leitrim Local Studies DepartmentBG117/0/11889-1896Register of Common Lodging Houses, 1889-1896Manorhamilton Poor Law Union
2132Leitrim Local Studies DepartmentBG177/AG/1886-1890Miscellaneous Minute Books:1 - Labourers Act Minute ...Manorhamilton Poor Law Union
13305Leitrim Local Studies DepartmentFile4331908Photocopy of a diary kept by Fr Bannon, C.C., 1908.
22294Leitrim Local Studies Department1903-1904
Unidentified Letter Books:18961903-19041914-1921Carrick-on-Shannon Rural District Council
22300Leitrim Local Studies Department1900-1901Minute Book:May 1900 - June 1901Ballinamore Rural District Council
22337Leitrim Local Studies Department1896-1907Misc. 37. Circulars to Court Clerks, 1896-1907Miscellaneous Records, Leitrim
22338Leitrim Local Studies Department1901-1912Misc. 38. Decisions of Superior Courts, July 1901-19...Miscellaneous Records, Leitrim
22284Leitrim Local Studies DepartmentBG/NB/1896-1898Abstract of rates:1 -18962 - 1896-18973 - 1897-1898Carrick-on-Shannon Poor Law Union
22317Leitrim Local Studies Department1901-1907Misc. 17. McGriskens, Dressmakers, Drapers, Kiltyclo...Miscellaneous Records, Leitrim
22369Leitrim Local Studies Department1904-1910
Irish National Foresters' Minute Book, Ballinamo...Miscellaneous Records, Leitrim
128Limerick ArchivesBG 711909-1910General Ledger:April 1909 - October 1910Croom Poor Law Union
18813Limerick ArchivesBG 1101887-1895VII. Letters from Local Government Board, 1887-1895:...Limerick Poor Law Union
18816Limerick ArchivesBG 1101842-1848
II. Rough Minute Books:BG/110/AA/1. 1 June 1842 - 26...Limerick Poor Law Union
12560Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.3563)1898Photograph. Glass slide. Limerick City. Titled: Dutc...
12561Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.3564.2)1898Photograph. Glass slide. Limerick City. Titled: View...
12562Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.3570)1898Photograph. Glass slide. Limerick City. Titled: Old ...
12662Limerick MuseumAQNO (1986.022)1904Postcard, black and white, 'Jubilee Shrine of Mary I...
13236Limerick MuseumAQNO (1985.068)1890sAddress, illuminated, to Thomas J O'Sullivan from th...
13239Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.1663)1892Letter, John O'Leary to Miss Gwynn (Limerick?), 21 A...
13252Limerick MuseumAQNO(1993.103)1896Telegram, to Miss Daly, Thomas St., 20-08-1896, on h...
13258Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.4410)1898Photograph. Glass slide. Group of people, posed. Tit...
13278Limerick MuseumAQNO (0000.4411)1901Photograph. Glass slide. Group of people, posed. Tit...
13286Limerick MuseumAQNO (1987.63)1903Book, 'The Limerick-Huntingdon Ferrars', private pri...
13306Limerick MuseumAQNO(1992.106)1908Pamphlet, Limerick printed, 'The Patriot's Handbook ...
13325Limerick MuseumAQNO(1992.124)1912Receipt, Limerick District Lunatic Asylum to Miss Ka...
20054Little Company of Mary SistersLCM11895-18981/1/1 Exercise book of Mary Potter's Conferences, ci...Mother Mary Potter, Foundress
20055Little Company of Mary SistersLCM11898
1/1/2 Copy foolscap volume of sixteen circular lette...Mother Mary Potter, Foundress
20056Little Company of Mary SistersLCM11901-19091/1/3 Copy foolscap volume of thirty six circular le...Mother Mary Potter, Foundress
20058Little Company of Mary SistersLCM11908
1/1/5 Copy foolscap volume of Chapter Conferences, m...Mother Mary Potter, Foundress
20064Little Company of Mary SistersLCM119111/2/1.02 Circular issued by Sr Philip Coleridge rebu...Mother Mary Potter, Foundress
20072Little Company of Mary SistersLCM119021/2/5 Typescript of the autobiographical notes writt...Mother Mary Potter, Foundress
1771Louth County ArchivesBG80/A/1887 -1898Dundalk Poor Law Union, Minute Books: 67 February 1...Dundalk Poor Law Union
5732Louth County Archives65-801890-1901Minute Books:65 June 1890 - December 189066 December...Ardee Poor Law Union
14124Louth County Archives1885Rental and particulars of the estate of Elizabeth, L...
14134Louth County Archives1885
Polling Lists for Polling districts, 1-5 North Divis...
14135Louth County Archives1885
Polling Lists for Polling districts, 5-8 South Divis...
5003Maynooth University and St Patrick's College, Maynooth1900Letter from Una Farrelly to Eoin MacNeill, 1900.
14495Mayo Local History Department1962-1966
Register of Licences granted under the Pharmacy and ...Mayo County Council
14508Mayo Local History Department1908-1912Labourers Cottages Ledger, 1908-1912Ballinrobe Rural District Council
14510Mayo Local History Department1901-1911Executive Sanitary Officers Record and Report Book, ...Ballinrobe Rural District Council
14509Mayo Local History Department1903-1904
Minute Books:13 June 1903-25 July 190427 May 1912-20...Ballinrobe Rural District Council
14517Mayo Local History Department1902-1904Recommendations as to Proposals for Payments, 1902-1...Ballinrobe Rural District Council
14520Mayo Local History Department1908-1912Labourers' Acts Ledger, 1908-1912Ballinrobe Rural District Council
14521Mayo Local History Department1900-1904Financial Statement Book, Expenditure, 1900-1904Ballinrobe Rural District Council
14534Mayo Local History Department1900Minute Book, June 1900-September 1900.Castlebar Poor Law Union
14536Mayo Local History Department1899-1903Damp Press Letter Book, 1899-1903.Castlebar Rural District Council
14547Mayo Local History Department1903-1909Damp-press Letter Book, outgoing letters, 1903-1909.Ballina Urban District Council
14549Mayo Local History Department1880-1894
Town Court Books being registers of proceedigns take...Ballina Urban District Council
5653Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBG/133/A/1885-1893Minute Books:34 February - August 188536 March - Sep...Oldcastle Poor Law Union
5654Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBG/133/A/1894-1903Minute Books:51 April - October 189453 May - Novembe...Oldcastle Poor Law Union
5662Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBG/155/A/1899- 1910Minute Books:93 June 1899- December 189994 December ...Trim Poor Law Union
5669Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBG/84/A/1898- 1908Minute Books:57 January - December 189858 January - ...Dunshaughlin Poor Law Union
5677Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBG/128/A/1887-1897Minute Books:78 March 1887 - October 188779 October ...Navan Poor Law Union
5678Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBG/128/A/1897-1906Minute Books:97 June 1897 - December 189798 December...Navan Poor Law Union
20276Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentFJC1890-1906Accounts Book, September 1890-July 1906.F. and J. Clayton Company Records
20120Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox F/1907-19122 Receipt Book (Pollock) ,1907-1912.Mountainstown Documents
20123Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox F/19055 Three letters to Fowler from Bennett and Company, ...Mountainstown Documents
20134Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox F/190015 Bundle of receipts regarding Mountainstown, 1900'...Mountainstown Documents
20135Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox F/1911-191216 Large bundle of accounts, Mountainstown, 1911-191...Mountainstown Documents
20136Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox F/1911
17 Labour accounts, 29 April 1911-30 March 1912.Mountainstown Documents
20143Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/19001 Fifty-eight letters (early 1900's) from A.J. Pollo...Mountainstown Documents
20145Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/1910-1911
3 Labour accounts, 1910-1911-1912.Mountainstown Documents
20146Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/19084 Post card regarding wool sales, 1908.Mountainstown Documents
20149Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/19047 Receipt for insurance Kilshine Church 1904.Mountainstown Documents
20151Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/1905-19069 Accounts, 1905-1906.Mountainstown Documents
20152Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/1907-190810 Accounts, 1907-1908.Mountainstown Documents
20153Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/189811 Grange House Work Account, 1898.Mountainstown Documents
20156Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/190414 Bank of Ireland receipt,1904.Mountainstown Documents
20158Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/191217 Letter 1912 acknowledging receipts of money.Mountainstown Documents
20160Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/190321 Farm receipts, 1903.Mountainstown Documents
20162Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/1910-191119 Accounts, 1910-1911.Mountainstown Documents
20164Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/190422 Lease of land to Kenny, Knightstown, 1904 (Hill o...Mountainstown Documents
20166Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/190423 Income tax receipt, 1904.Mountainstown Documents
20167Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/190424 Lease of land by Philip McEntee from J.E. Pollock...Mountainstown Documents
20168Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/191125 Letter, 1911, acknowledging receipt of £125...Mountainstown Documents
20169Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/190526 Receipt of Royal Dublin Society membership,1905.Mountainstown Documents
20170Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/190427 Receipt and statement from J. Sheridan, Navan, 19...Mountainstown Documents
20171Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/190528 Receipt and statement from Dr Timmon, Navan, 1905...Mountainstown Documents
20172Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/190429 Lease of land to J. McKeever, 1904.Mountainstown Documents
20174Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/190931 Bank of Ireland receipt, 1909.Mountainstown Documents
20178Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/1903-190435 Letters claiming compensation for fowl killed by ...Mountainstown Documents
20179Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox C/190436 List of members and statement of Meath Hunt rent ...Mountainstown Documents
20195Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox I/18856 Account of Williams' Estate, (Offaly), 1885.Mountainstown Documents
20198Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox I/19029 Lease for site of teacher's residence, Bloomhill [...Mountainstown Documents
20224Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox I/191233 Midland Great Western Railway delivery notes, (19...Mountainstown Documents
20234Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox B/1900-19043 Account Book, 1900-1904, including: a. receipt for...Mountainstown Documents
20238Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox B/1885
7 Three miscellaneous letters 1885, 1886, 1891.Mountainstown Documents
20242Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox H/18912 Printed notice to tenants on Williams Estate (Offa...Mountainstown Documents
20252Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox H/189012 Order fixing rent on Williams Estate Offaly, 1890...Mountainstown Documents
20296Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/19121 Labour Account, 1912.Mountainstown Documents
20298Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/19013 Farm expenditure, Pollocks, 1901.Mountainstown Documents
20299Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/1903-19044 Account for keeping filly, 1903-1904.Mountainstown Documents
20301Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/19056 Letter from R Wolfe, 1905.Mountainstown Documents
20303Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/19058 Post office receipt, 1905.Mountainstown Documents
20304Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/19049 Letter regarding E. Guardian from A Carolan, Britt...Mountainstown Documents
20306Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/1890-189611 Receipts for salary paid to Revd I.A. Jennings, R...Mountainstown Documents
20308Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox A/190413 Receipt from Representative Church Body, 1904.Mountainstown Documents
20312Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/D/1909-1912Navan Urban District Council Financial Minutes: 1 Ja...Navan Urban District Council
20313Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/D/1906-1911
Navan Urban District Council Financial Statement Boo...Navan Urban District Council
20315Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/D/1906-1911
Expenditure Annual: 7 Years ending 31 March 1906-191...Navan Urban District Council
20590Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox E/188827 Lease of land to John Gordon at Killagriff by Cha...Mountainstown Documents
20594Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox E/190531 Grazing lettings 1905, Pollock EstateMountainstown Documents
20596Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox E/1890-189133 Mountainstown account 13 October 1890-3 March 189...Mountainstown Documents
20616Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox E/19044 Receipt from Church Representative Body 1904.Mountainstown Documents
21232Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/J/1909
Waterworks Sewerage, Extension of System, Works Reco...Navan Urban District Council
21255Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/K/1911
General Works and Services, Electricity and Public L...Navan Urban District Council
21257Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentUDC/I/K/1908
General Works and Services, Road and Streets. Files&...Navan Urban District Council
21308Meath Local Studies and Family History DepartmentBox J/19047 Receipt Book, 1904.Mountainstown Documents
22900Methodist Historical Society of Ireland1836
Archival box 17, containing, for example:An etched p...
1130Millmount Museum, Drogheda519 FFK1911-1912Miscellaneous Books: Record Book of P W Britain Ltd....
13301Monaghan County Library Genealogy and Local History Department1907-1909Castleblaney Urban District Council Minute book, 190...
13312Monaghan County Library Genealogy and Local History Department1909-1910Indoor relief register, 1909-1910. No place given.
2112Monaghan County Museum1978:27A-D1899-1906Minute Books Monaghan County Council, 1899-1906.
2113Monaghan County Museum1984:1121899-1901Index Monaghan County Council Minutes 1899-1901.
2123Monaghan County Museum1974:1451894Workhouse Minute Book, Castleblayney 1894.Castleblayney Poor Law Union
21505Monaghan County Museum1900-1905
County Committee of Agriculture Minutes1991:I0B - 19...County Monaghan Local Authority Records
21506Monaghan County Museum1871-1886
Ballybay Town Commissioners1976:85 Outward Correspon...County Monaghan Local Authority Records
21512Monaghan County Museum1905-19111976:77A Labourer's Acts Ledger 1905-1911.County Monaghan Local Authority Records
21566Monaghan County Museum1899-1906Minute Books, Monaghan County Council, 1899-1906
21572Monaghan County Museum1841-1852
Castleblayney Workhouse, Registers and Minutes, 1841...
11919Mount Melleray Abbey, Waterford1901See for example: Number 8, Papers of Father Maurus O...
561National Archives of IrelandBG/137/1887-1895Rathdown Poor Law Union Minute Books:A89 Half year e...Rathdown Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
562National Archives of IrelandBG/137/1895-1903Rathdown Poor Law Union Minute Books:A105 Half year ...Rathdown Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
588National Archives of IrelandBG/137/CB11891-1899Personal Ledgers: 1891-1899.Rathdown Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
589National Archives of IrelandBG/137/1896-1898Union Ledgers:CC1: Year ending March 1896CC3: Year e...Rathdown Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
607National Archives of IrelandBG/137/1885-1905Report Books of Visiting Committee:FM1 1885 - 1905.Rathdown Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
634National Archives of IrelandBG/131/R1/AB11904-1905Rathdown Rural District Council Attendance Book: Apr...Rathdown Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
640National Archives of IrelandBG/137/R1/CA11909-1911General Ledgers, Rathdown number 1 Rural District Co...Rathdown Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
641National Archives of IrelandBG/137/R1/AQ11901-1910Quarterly Minute Books: 1901 - 1910.Rathdown Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
563National Archives of IrelandBG/137/1904-1912Rathdown Poor Law Union Minute Books:A122 Half year ...Rathdown Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
585National Archives of IrelandBG/137/1886-1903Letters from Poor Law Commissioners and Local Govern...Rathdown Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
684National Archives of IrelandBG/40/1889-1898Balrothery Poor Law Union Minute Books:BG/40/A87 Sep...Balrothery Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
685National Archives of IrelandBG/40/1898-1908Balrothery Poor Law Union Minute Books:BG/40/A105 Oc...Balrothery Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
692National Archives of IrelandBG/40/AG11910Medical Committee Minutes: January 1910 - November 1...Balrothery Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
730National Archives of IrelandBG/79/DB11903Weekly returns of Inmates in outside workhouses: Apr...South Dublin Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
731National Archives of IrelandBG/79/1887-1907Weekly returns of Inmates in Workhouse Master's ...South Dublin Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
710National Archives of IrelandBG/78/1885-1892Register of Admission and Discharge:G49 16 February ...North Dublin Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
711National Archives of IrelandBG/78/1893-1899Register of Admission and Discharge:G65 6 July 1893G...North Dublin Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
712National Archives of IrelandBG/78/1900-1908Register of Admission and Discharge:G81 13 March 190...North Dublin Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
719National Archives of IrelandBG/79/1893-1908South Dublin Poor Law Union Minute Books:A46 January...South Dublin Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
737National Archives of IrelandBG/79/1896-1899Diet Class Books:FJ1 March 1896 - August 1898FJ2 Sep...South Dublin Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
744National Archives of IrelandBG/79/1904-1911Admission and Discharge Books:GA1 April 1904 - Septe...South Dublin Poor Law Union and Rural District Council
755National Archives of Ireland999/660189219 July 1892, Sale by Mary Anne, The Palace, Elphin,...
763National Archives of Ireland999/6741906
Annual report of St Kevin's School, Glencree, Ennisk...
789National Archives of Ireland999/685189128 July - 18th August 1891, Diary of [Delia Stewart ...
791National Archives of Ireland999/687/17188510 November 1885, Settlement on the marriage of the ...
795National Archives of Ireland999/72619031903, Material relating to Hatty Urquhart's stay in ...
796National Archives of Ireland999/7271902-1906March 1902 - November 1906 and no date, corresponden...
801National Archives of Ireland999/739/41885-18881 no date, W.R. Meredith executors in account with M...
3292National Archives of IrelandBG111E1908-1909Outdoor Relief Order Book, April 1908 - September 19...Lismore Poor Law Union
3297National Archives of IrelandBG111/EF/11897-1899Relieving Officers' Receipt and Expenditure Book...Lismore Poor Law Union
3332National Archives of IrelandBG111RCD/11899-1912Lismore Rural District Council, Financial Statement ...Lismore Rural District Council
3333National Archives of IrelandBG111/RCE/11899-1909Lismore Rural District Council, Financial Statement ...Lismore Rural District Council
3289National Archives of IrelandBG111DCA/1893-1908Annual Return of Inmates in Workhouse:1: Year ended ...Lismore Poor Law Union
3748National Archives of Ireland15-IAOS1907Grants payable to the Ramsgrange School of Rural Dom...Department of Agriculture
3857National Archives of Ireland7470/891889Department of the Marine. Office of Irish Fisheries:...Department of the Marine
3929National Archives of IrelandRHK 6/3c.1900Benevolent Funds: Dublin Garrison Needlework Associa...Royal Hospital Kilmainham
3931National Archives of Irelands48701892Letter from H. Caddell , RM, to Mr Davies enclosing ...Crime Branch Special Records
3932National Archives of Irelands68461893Appeal, printed copy attached, to Unionists on behal...Crime Branch Special Records
3933National Archives of Irelands76911893Coombe Hospital case. Death of Mary A. Fearns, full ...Crime Branch Special Records
3934National Archives of Irelands79571894H.L. Creswell, GPO to USA. Renewal of warrant of det...Crime Branch Special Records
3935National Archives of Irelands97861895Bridget Cleary, murder of, 1895, (witchcraft), 9 Apr...Crime Branch Special Records
3936National Archives of Irelands206981899Conduct of the daughters of Mr McGillycuddy, Inland ...Crime Branch Special Records
3937National Archives of Irelands213401900Lucy Clark, application for post of female detective...Crime Branch Special Records
3938National Archives of Irelands23441900Visit of Countess Cadogan to Limerick, 13 December 1...Crime Branch Special Records
3939National Archives of Irelands252301901Cipher telegram from Home Office, Crime Department S...Crime Branch Special Records
3940National Archives of Irelands240601900
'Daughters of Erin' [Inghinidhe na h-É...Crime Branch Special Records
3941National Archives of Irelands287261898-1903Maude Gonne McBride, activities of 1898-1903, 24 Jul...Crime Branch Special Records
3965National Archives of IrelandCSO/ICR221887-1891Miscellaneous: Intelligence Notes, Prosecutions unde...Irish Crimes Records
3966National Archives of IrelandCSO/ICR241890-1892Miscellaneous: Register of Pending Appeals, 1890-189...Irish Crimes Records
3989National Archives of IrelandCCS1885/3761885Chief Crown Solicitor's Office: Cork Female Prison. ...Chief Crown Solicitor's Office
3997National Archives of Ireland1075/41894Stephen E. de Vere Correspondence: Julia [his cousin...
4013National Archives of Ireland1050/71891-1908Minute Books of the Boardroom Meetings of the Truste...Molyneux Home for the Blind
4019National Archives of Ireland1205/351911Agreement to lease for 3 years between Charlotte Nix...Records of Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital
4060National Archives of Ireland1906Report of the Ladies' Committee concerning Matro...Claremont Institution
4061National Archives of Ireland1908Nurses Registration (HL). A Bill entitled 'An Ac...Claremont Institution
4064National Archives of Ireland1906-1909Rathmullen Estate of George Harper/Harpur deceased, ...Claremont Institution
4065National Archives of Ireland1905-1906Material concerning Charlotte Graham of the Claremon...Claremont Institution
4078National Archives of IrelandDUB54/A1897-1902Medical Register, 1897-1902.Records of the Mater Misercordiae Hospital
4086National Archives of IrelandDUB55/F/B1901Miscellaneous Deeds etc., relating to the Hospital. ...Records of the Coombe Hospital
4106National Archives of IrelandVIA/1/181905Return of teachers in service of the National Educat...Privy Council Records
4706National Archives of IrelandED8/21893-1912Index of teachers qualifying at training colleges, w...Department of Education/Commissioners of National Education
4715National Archives of IrelandED9/35581885-1888Currin School, Donegal. Appointment of Miss Catherin...Department of Education/Commissioners of National Education
4789National Archives of Ireland1899Administration Papers: Secretary of the Board of Cus...Customs and Excise
4840National Archives of Ireland1190/15/1899-1902Correspondence received and sent by Agnes Sweetman r...Sweetman Correspondence
4941National Archives of Ireland1088/434 A-1088/434A/11907-1912File on the Fyfin Co-operative Flax Society, Fyfin, ...Irish Agricultural Organisation Society
4985National Archives of Ireland999/836/51896Lease for 31 years by the Right Honourable and Most ...Mercer School Records
4836National Archives of Ireland1190/7/1895-1901Letters and bills to and from Agnes Sweetman, 47 Mer...Sweetman Correspondence
5274National Archives of Ireland1908
Committee on Evil Literature, Department of Posts an...Department of Justice
8843National Archives of IrelandVIB/1/181905Records of Departments of the CSO: Return of teacher...Privy Council Records
8844National Archives of IrelandIB/1/161900Wills and other Testamentary Records: District Regis...
8845National Archives of IrelandIB/3/151903Wills and other Testamentary Records: District Regis...
8846National Archives of IrelandIB/2/371901Wills and other Testamentary Records: District Regis...
8849National Archives of IrelandVB/1/681899Wills and other Testamentary Records: District Regis...
8850National Archives of IrelandVB/1-681886Wills and other Testamentary Records: Londonderry Di...
8854National Archives of IrelandT130381895Wills and Other Testamentary Records: Plain copy wil...
8855National Archives of Ireland1136/1221912Wills and Other Testamentary Records: Letters of Adm...
8970National Archives of Ireland1885Landed Estates Court, Rentals, Annie Josephine Kenne...Incumbered estates/Landed Estates Court
10007National Archives of Ireland1885-1886Crown files at Assizes, includes manuscript and prin...Crown and Peace Office County Kildare
10010National Archives of Ireland1890Crown Books at Assizes, County Mayo:Summer Assizes, ...Crown and Peace Office, County Mayo
10012National Archives of Ireland1889Crown Books at Assizes, County Mayo:Spring Assizes, ...Crown and Peace Office, County Mayo
10011National Archives of Ireland1889Crown Books at Assizes, County Mayo: Winter Assizes,...Crown and Peace Office, County Mayo
10014National Archives of Ireland1911-1912Petty Sessions, Order Books, Cahir, County Tipperary...Crown and Peace Office, County Mayo
11382National Archives of IrelandED9/37001886Cappoquin Convent, County Waterford, Roll No. 3228, ...Department of Education/Commissioners of National Education
11383National Archives of IrelandED9/38021885-1886Kilavullen School, County Cork, Roll No. 2329, the m...Department of Education/Commissioners of National Education
11384National Archives of IrelandED9/38641885-1888Urhan School, County Cork, Roll No. 12260, boycott o...Department of Education/Commissioners of National Education
11385National Archives of IrelandED9/42691887-1888Kilbehenny School, County Limerick, Roll No. 11266, ...Department of Education/Commissioners of National Education
11433National Archives of IrelandPCO/LB/123/764-7731898-1902Privy Council Letter Book, 1 January 1898 - 31 Decem...Privy Council Records
11460National Archives of Ireland1189/2/51887Letter to John Woulfe Flanagan from his sister Johan...Woulfe Flanagan
11464National Archives of IrelandCCS1887/1971886-1887Educational Endowments Commission, Scheme for the Me...Chief Crown Solicitor
11472National Archives of Ireland1189/5/71887-1888Correspondence to Milly [Mary Woulfe Flanagan] from ...Woulfe Flanagan
11473National Archives of Ireland1189/5/81885Correspondence to [Mary Woulfe Flanagan] 13 January ...Woulfe Flanagan
11474National Archives of Ireland1189/6/81892-1893Includes letters, 19 May 1892 - 4 July 1893, from Ma...Woulfe Flanagan
11475National Archives of Ireland1189/7/61893-1895Letters to John Woulfe Flanagan from members of the ...Woulfe Flanagan
11477National Archives of Ireland1189/7/91889-1894Letters to John Woulfe Flanagan from members of his ...Woulfe Flanagan
11435National Archives of IrelandPCO/MB/20/3/764-7731895-1900Privy Council Office Minute Book, Number 20, 6 May 1...Privy Council Records
11478National Archives of Ireland1189/8/61895-1896Letters to John Woulfe Flanagan, 11 June 1895 - 26 J...Woulfe Flanagan
11479National Archives of Ireland1189/8/81895-1896Includes letters from Margaret Phipps, nurse, relati...Woulfe Flanagan
11480National Archives of Ireland1189/9/51896-1897Letters to John Woulfe Flanagan, 28 June 1896-11 Jan...Woulfe Flanagan
11481National Archives of Ireland1189/9/71896
Includes: Letters, 18 March 1896 - 14 March 1897, fr...Woulfe Flanagan
11482National Archives of Ireland1189/10/51897Letters to John Woulfe Flanagan from Edward and Hono...Woulfe Flanagan
11483National Archives of Ireland1189/10/71897Letters to John Woulfe Flanagan from his children, J...Woulfe Flanagan
11484National Archives of Ireland1189/11/61898Letters to John Woulfe Flanagan, January 1898 - Augu...Woulfe Flanagan
11485National Archives of Ireland1189/11/81897-1898Letters from the children of John Woulfe Flanagan, J...Woulfe Flanagan
11486National Archives of Ireland1189/11/101897-1898Miscellaneous letters to John Woulfe Flanagan, Septe...Woulfe Flanagan
11487National Archives of Ireland1189/12/51898-1899Letters to John Woulfe Flanagan from members of the ...Woulfe Flanagan
11488National Archives of Ireland1189/12/71898-1899Letters to John Woulfe Flanagan from his children Ja...Woulfe Flanagan
11489National Archives of Ireland1189/12/91898-1899Miscellaneous correspondence to John Woulfe Flanagan...Woulfe Flanagan
11490National Archives of Ireland1189/13/61899-1900Letters to John Woulfe Flanagan, May 1899-February 1...Woulfe Flanagan
11491National Archives of Ireland1189/13/81897-1900Letters to John Woulfe Flanagan, June 1897 - March 1...Woulfe Flanagan
11492National Archives of Ireland1189/13/101899-1900Miscellaneous letters to John Woulfe Flanagan, April...Woulfe Flanagan
11493National Archives of Ireland1189/14/81900-1901Letters to John Woulfe Flanagan, 2 March 1900 -19 Ma...Woulfe Flanagan
11494National Archives of Ireland1189/14/101899-1901Miscellaneous correspondence to John Woulfe Flanagan...Woulfe Flanagan
11495National Archives of Ireland1189/15/61901-1903Letters to John Woulfe Flanagan from Edward, Frances...Woulfe Flanagan
11496National Archives of Ireland1189/15/81898-1903Letters to John Woulfe Flanagan, [1898]; 18 January...Woulfe Flanagan
11497National Archives of Ireland1189/15/101901-1903Miscellaneous correspondence, 1901-1903, includes le...Woulfe Flanagan
11499National Archives of Ireland1189/17/81903-1908Letters to John Woulfe Flanagan, 1 August 1903 - 1 M...Woulfe Flanagan
12487National Archives of IrelandPEN1905/331905May McCabe, aged 44, born County Meath, servant, sen...General Prisons Board Penal Files, 1883-1925
13277National Archives of IrelandPEN1901/771901Jane Irwin, aged 24, born County Leitrim, servant, s...General Prisons Board Penal Files, 1883-1925
14096National Archives of Ireland1190/41895-1899Two letters from her cousin Alice Mary Hanly, 1895-1...Sweetman Correspondence
14097National Archives of Ireland1190/41897-1901Eight letters from her brother Jim, 1897-1901.Sweetman Correspondence
14099National Archives of Ireland1190/41898-1900Four letters from her sister Tina, 1898-1900.Sweetman Correspondence
14100National Archives of Ireland1190/41899-1900Five letters from her cousin Nan Coppinger, 1899-190...Sweetman Correspondence
14101National Archives of Ireland1190/41900Two letters from Kitty, 1900 and no date.Sweetman Correspondence
14102National Archives of Ireland1190/41901Two letters from her brother Joseph, 1901 and no dat...Sweetman Correspondence
15325National Archives of Ireland 99/56/3/21888Farnham Papers. Settlement on the marriage of the Rt...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15326National Archives of Ireland 99/56/41898-1904Connemara Papers. The Right Honorable Gertrude Lawre...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15374National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/17/71907Papers relating to King's County. Schedule of deeds ...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15375National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/17/81906Papers relating to King's County. Epitome of a title...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15387National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/26/51894Papers relating to King's County. Transcript marriag...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15389National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/28/31888Papers relating to King's County. Settlement of the ...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15391National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/29/91887Papers relating to King's County. Copy will of the H...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15392National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/29/101889Papers relating to King's County. Appointment under ...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15393National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/29/111889Papers relating to King's County. Copy settlement on...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15400National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/32/41885Papers relating to King's County. Settlement on the ...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15403National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/36/1/iii1893Papers relating to King's County. Fee farm grant for...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15417National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/44/61906Papers relating to King's County. Account of Canon W...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15418National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/44/51906Papers relating to King's County. Appointment by Rev...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15423National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/46/81911Papers relating to King's County. Surrender by Mauri...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15424National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/47/1 99/56/101903
Papers relating to King's County. Deed of partners...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15425National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/48/11904Papers relating to King's County. Grant for 99 years...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15426National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/49/11904Papers relating to King's County. Settlement on the ...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15427National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/49/21908Papers relating to King's County. Voluntary settleme...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15428National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/49/31908Papers relating to King's County. Appointment of new...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15429National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/49/41911Papers relating to King's County. Settlement on the ...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15430National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/49/51911Papers relating to King's County. Phipps Settlement....Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15432National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/501905Papers relating to King's County. Release to trustee...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15434National Archives of Ireland 99/56/10/561906
Papers relating to King's County. W.H. Atkinson marr...Family and estate records. 1611-1948
15440National Archives of Ireland 999/11 1902Certified copy will and grant, Anne Dunne, 37 Lower ...Small Private Accessions
15442National Archives of Ireland 999/13/51899Official copy will and grant of Martha West Heron, D...Small Private Accessions
15444National Archives of Ireland 999/15/11903Official copy grant of administration intestate of t...Small Private Accessions
15445National Archives of Ireland 999/15/21906Official copy grant of administration intestate of t...Small Private Accessions
15448National Archives of Ireland 999/16/51904-1907Grocer's account book, Mrs Reilly, Academy St., ...Small Private Accessions
15462National Archives of Ireland 999/381896Official copy will and grant of Mary Cartan, Camolin...Small Private Accessions
15466National Archives of Ireland 999/46/21892Original writ of summons in Exchequer division of th...Small Private Accessions
15470National Archives of Ireland 999/521894
Marriage settlement. Maxwell Stuart Close, Drumbanag...Small Private Accessions
15471National Archives of Ireland 999/71/11901Papers of the Kehoe, Keogh and Keough family, Clough...Small Private Accessions
15472National Archives of Ireland 999/72/11897Plain copy grant of administration d.b.n. of the est...Small Private Accessions
15474National Archives of Ireland 999/72/41896Plain copy grant of administration intestate of the ...Small Private Accessions
15476National Archives of Ireland 999/73/11892Plain copy will, codicil and grant of Harriette Harv...Small Private Accessions
15477National Archives of Ireland 999/73/21902Plain copy will and grant of Susan Elizabeth Harvey,...Small Private Accessions
15479National Archives of Ireland 999/741901Original probate and copy will of Margaret Topham, 1...Small Private Accessions
15481National Archives of Ireland 999/81 1888Probate of the will of Louisa Molloy, 1 Thornville, ...Small Private Accessions
15482National Archives of Ireland 999/82/11898Copy probate of the will of Elizabeth Hickman Roe, R...Small Private Accessions
15492National Archives of Ireland 999/104/31896Grant by Thomas Hopkins, Slieveroe Moyne, Co. Wicklo...Small Private Accessions
15502National Archives of Ireland 999/113/101910Copy probate of the will of Elizabeth O’Dowd, ...Small Private Accessions
15504National Archives of Ireland 999/1171898Bond by John W. Perrin, 79 Great Brunswick St, Dubli...Small Private Accessions
15519National Archives of Ireland 999/132/51895Will of Mary Jane Clarke, 14 North King St., Dublin ...Small Private Accessions
15520National Archives of Ireland 999/132/61892Will of Jane Duffy, 8 North Gloucester Place, Dublin...Small Private Accessions
15521National Archives of Ireland 999/132/81895Will of Catherine Hanway, Ballymurphy, Co. Meath. 25...Small Private Accessions
15522National Archives of Ireland 999/132/171890Will of Bridget McDonald, Mullincar, Co. Wicklow. 21...Small Private Accessions
15523National Archives of Ireland 999/132/181895Will of Bridget McDonald, Mullincagh Upr., Co. Wickl...Small Private Accessions
15524National Archives of Ireland 999/132/251908Draft will of Annie Toole, 22 Woodfield Cottage, Inc...Small Private Accessions
15545National Archives of Ireland 999/155/21897Probate of the will of Mary Susan Gerrard, The Recto...Small Private Accessions
15546National Archives of Ireland 999/1591904Letters of administration of the estate of Mary Smit...Small Private Accessions
15547National Archives of Ireland 999/163/21896Probate of will of Sarah Hoey, 39 Queen St., Dublin....Small Private Accessions
15548National Archives of Ireland 999/163/31902Letters of administration with will annexed de bonis...Small Private Accessions
15549National Archives of Ireland 999/1651901Copy of probate of the will of Sarah Crowley, 25 Cha...Small Private Accessions
15588National Archives of Ireland999/1911909Probate of the will of Adelaide Marion Potter, 21&nd...Small Private Accessions
15589National Archives of Ireland999/197/21900High Court of Justice Chancery Co. Cavan Trustees of...Small Private Accessions
15596National Archives of Ireland999/211/11888Letters of administration intestate of the estate of...Small Private Accessions
15597National Archives of Ireland999/211/21906Letters of administration intestate of the estate of...Small Private Accessions
15598National Archives of Ireland999/211/31898Probate of the will of Helena Finucane, Ballymacooda...Small Private Accessions
15599National Archives of Ireland999/211/41901Letters of administration intestate of the estate of...Small Private Accessions
15600National Archives of Ireland999/211/51905Probate of the will of Annie Groome, 7 North Wall Qu...Small Private Accessions
15601National Archives of Ireland999/211/71889Probate of the will of Julia Lysaght, 17 Harcourt Rd...Small Private Accessions
15602National Archives of Ireland999/211/91912Probate of the will of Elizabeth McEntee, 4 North Wa...Small Private Accessions
15605National Archives of Ireland999/214/11895Letters of administration intestate of the estate of...Small Private Accessions
15606National Archives of Ireland999/214/21912Letters of administration de bonis non of the unadmi...Small Private Accessions
15608National Archives of Ireland999/214/41910Letters of administration intestate of the estate of...Small Private Accessions
23992National Archives of IrelandCIF F4/18871887Thomas Ferris assault on his wife. Sentenced to 6 ca...Criminal Index Files
23993National Archives of IrelandCIF H93/18881888William Hudson, aggravated assault on his wife. He ...Criminal Index Files
23994National Archives of IrelandCIF B28/1908 1908John Brien assault and threaten his wife. He got 6 c...Criminal Index Files
23995National Archives of IrelandCIF W24/1909 1909Edward Walsh assault on wife. Includes details from ...Criminal Index Files
23996National Archives of IrelandCIF R5/1909 1909David Rice assault on wife. He was sentenced to 2 mo...Criminal Index Files
25091National Archives of Ireland1893-1894(Limerick) The Queen v John Halpin. Halpin had prov...Crown Files at Assizes 1893-1894
11178National Gallery of Ireland LibraryAB691899
Routine correspondence relating to Evie Hone's death...
11172National Gallery of Ireland LibraryAB571898Bequest of Annie Calwell. In 1 folder with other non...
11182National Gallery of Ireland LibraryAB1171909
Watercolour Society of Ireland and Art Union, includ...Watercolour Society of Ireland
139National Library of IrelandMs184631900Account by Maura O'Neill Mackey of preparation by Co...
150National Library of IrelandMs185071885-1886Photocopies of labourers' account with the Power est...
154National Library of IrelandMs1851818854 letters to the Revd. T Davison, OMI, from Miss Sim...
159National Library of IrelandMs185371888Autograph letter of P MacCourt, Washington DC, to Ar...
162National Library of IrelandMs185741902-1906Letter from Sir Roger Casement to Margaret A Causton...
973National Library of IrelandMs114251911Miscellaneous letters and documents relating to the ...
979National Library of IrelandMs114491893Four letters including 2 letters of Elizabeth W. Var...Michael MacDonagh Papers
1491National Library of IrelandMss645-6461892-1911Minute Books of the National Literary Society, Dubli...
1511National Library of IrelandMs21351894-1909A volume of typescript copies of letters of Pearl Cr...
1555National Library of IrelandMs31981908Correspondence which includes a postcard to Mrs Eamo...
1556National Library of IrelandMs32081912Correspondence which includes original and photocopi...
1559National Library of IrelandMs32301909Miscellaneous documents relating to the poet's daugh...
1698National Library of IrelandMs134831902-1905Letters mainly to T P Gill, including among others l...T.P. Gill Papers
1905National Library of IrelandMs39041904-1905Correspondence of Padraic Colum which includes eight...
1920National Library of IrelandMs42111903An anonymous play entitled 'The Causeway' by a woman...
1938National Library of IrelandMs46351610
Rough sketch map showing place names in old Dublin c...
1941National Library of IrelandMss4655-46701900-1907Sixteen copybooks containing Mary A Hutton's verse t...
1959National Library of IrelandMs48161902Illuminated address from the citizens of Derry to La...Wicklow Papers
1981National Library of IrelandMs59751903-1909Includes letters from W G Fay to Lady Gregory in con...
1985National Library of IrelandMss7319-73201900-1906Newspaper cuttings containing reviews on the novel, ...
1987National Library of IrelandMs73181898-1899Newspaper cuttings made by M E L Butler (Mrs Mary N...
1998National Library of IrelandMs73881906-1907Minutes of the Committee Meetings of Cluithecheoirin...
2005National Library of IrelandMs79361906Poem and notes by A E in a copy of his 'The earth br...
2008National Library of IrelandMs79711888-1894News cuttings about the Pan-Celtic Society, Dublin w...
2012National Library of IrelandMs80581895Agreement between the three daughters of William Car...
2014National Library of IrelandMs81001889
Letters to Dr George Sigerson which includes 2 lette...
2031National Library of IrelandMs83491890-1905Miscellaneous letters which include letters from Lad...Letters to members of the family of Lord Justice Fitzgerald
2417National Library of IrelandMs4211901Diary and correspondence relating to Alice Stopford ...
2444National Library of IrelandMs9263c1901Includes a notebook of pious thoughts collected by S...
2466National Library of IrelandMs46351911An illustrated manuscript booklet sent by Ellen G O'...
2500National Library of IrelandMss10443-104481900Essays by Alice Stopford Green on various Irish topi...Alice Stopford Green Papers
2509National Library of IrelandMs86161900-1910Letters from Kuno Meyer to Mrs Mary Hutton, dealing ...Mary Hutton Papers
2515National Library of IrelandMs121441909-1911'The tale of a great sham', a history of the Land Wa...
2305National Library of IrelandMs17031899Translation made in 1899 by Lord Dufferin and Ava of...
2315National Library of IrelandMs132671901
Correspondence of theatre critic and enthusiast Jose...Joseph Holloway Papers
2550National Library of IrelandMs59751903-1909Includes comments on the actor, Brigit O'Dempsey, as...
2551National Library of IrelandMs79711888-1894A volume of newscuttings relating mainly to the Pan-...
2559National Library of IrelandMs16491905-1907Photostats of two letters of Terence McSwiney to Ali...
2638National Library of IrelandMs86111908-1910
A large volume of letters, some in Irish, to Mrs Mar...Mary Hutton Papers
2655National Library of IrelandMs86171903-1912Letters in English and Irish from P H Pearse to Mrs ...Mary Hutton Papers
2659National Library of IrelandMss3112-31151896-1902Rough drafts of literary pieces, mainly from 'Some I...
2660National Library of IrelandMs38811896-1902Eleven letters from E OE Somerville and five letters...
2680National Library of IrelandMs107511894Forty seven letters by various figures in the Irish ...F.S. Bourke Collection
2682National Library of IrelandMs121601888Volume i, no 3, of 'Ye Pleiades', a manuscript month...
2686National Library of IrelandMs217541889-1891Seven letters of Katharine Tynan to W J Stanton Pype...
2405National Library of IrelandMs315931889-1891Two reports, addressed to Mrs Trant, Dovea, Thurles,...Trant Papers
2416National Library of IrelandMs10465(1-7)1901A diary, letters, photographs and press-clippings re...Alice Stopford Green Papers
2456National Library of IrelandMs22591907Ten letters from Miss A E Horniman and one on her be...
2467National Library of IrelandMs316031910-1912Letters from Ruth Trant to her family from London, P...Trant Papers
2687National Library of IrelandMs130711904Letters to Sir Hugh Lane and other papers, early 20t...
2690National Library of IrelandMs151131901-1912Five letters to Alice Stopford Green from Jack B Yea...Alice Stopford Green Papers
2691National Library of IrelandMs19845/n6420 p75161902-1907Albums arranged by Lady Gregory relating to the Iris...Abbey Theatre Papers
2720National Library of IrelandMs249491911Letter of Elizabeth Corbet Yeats to Dermot Johnston ...
2514National Library of IrelandMs59301885-1897Letters to P J Quinn of the National League and to M...
2772National Library of IrelandMs21055c1908-1912Letters and cards of Mrs K Gorman to WIlliam Pearse ...Pearse Papers
2773National Library of IrelandMs21058c1908-1912Letters and cards from Mabel Gorman to William Pears...Pearse Papers
2790National Library of IrelandMs145121887-1895Manuscripts of talks, speeches and notices relating ...Amy Mander Papers
2791National Library of IrelandMs245131887-1898Four letters thanking Miss Mander for help, clothing...Amy Mander Papers
2792National Library of IrelandMs245141887-1888Three letters from Timothy Harrington MP to Miss Man...Amy Mander Papers
2793National Library of IrelandMs245151887Two letters from Patrick Gallinagh, Sandy Street Nur...Amy Mander Papers
2794National Library of IrelandMs245171888Letter from Emily Conybeare, St Leonard's Grange, In...Amy Mander Papers
2795National Library of IrelandMs245181888Letter from John Morley MP to Amy Mander, 22 April 1...Amy Mander Papers
2796National Library of IrelandMs245221889Presscutting of an address by the Countess of Aberde...Amy Mander Papers
2797National Library of IrelandMs145231889Two letters from C A V Conybeare MP from Derry Gaol ...Amy Mander Papers
2798National Library of IrelandMs245241889Telegram from [?] Rice, Galway, acknowledging receip...Amy Mander Papers
2799National Library of IrelandMs24525c1890Title page of `French Irregular Verbs', marked Aine ...Amy Mander Papers
2800National Library of IrelandMs24527c1890Leaflet on 'The temperance question and women's suff...Amy Mander Papers
2801National Library of IrelandMs245291890Account of an industrial and technical exhibition of...Amy Mander Papers
2802National Library of IrelandMs245311891Letter from Michael Davitt, thanking Miss Mander for...Amy Mander Papers
2803National Library of IrelandMs245331892-1893Report of statement of accounts and list of members ...Amy Mander Papers
2804National Library of IrelandMs245341894Two copies, with pencilled notes, of the Women's Nat...Amy Mander Papers
2814National Library of IrelandMs240961904Letter from Ellen A Ford of The Irish World, New Yor...Sheehy-Skeffington Papers
2815National Library of IrelandMs240991908Postcard from Hanna Sheehy Skeffington in London to ...Sheehy-Skeffington Papers
2888National Library of IrelandMs8479c1899-1904Letters to Revd. William Hickey while he was a curat...Father Hickey Papers
2903National Library of IrelandMs85861889Miscellaneous warrants and court actions, includes, ...Harrington Papers
2906National Library of IrelandMs86131893-1896Letters from Lucius and Mrs Hutton to their daughter...Mary Hutton Papers
2908National Library of IrelandMs86181911-1912Miscellaneous letters and documents which include pe...Mary Hutton Papers
2975National Library of IrelandMs89991895Copies of 2 letters from Roger Casement to Miss Jeph...
2989National Library of IrelandMs91621906Photocopy of a royal grant to Louisa Maria Biddulph ...Colclough Papers
3011National Library of IrelandMs95511887Diary giving a brief account of employees's daily wo...Townley Hall Papers
3498National Library of IrelandMs10957c1900A calendar of anniversaries of Irish interest compil...
3505National Library of IrelandMs110071911Letters, notes and transcripts, including letters to...R.I. Best Papers
3719National Library of IrelandMs130971904
Photostat copies of six letters by J M Synge to Moll...
3723National Library of IrelandMs129151896Printed notes of rates applotted on households in th...
3738National Library of IrelandMs134531904Twenty letters to J F X O'Brien relating to alleged ...J F X O'Brien Papers
3740National Library of IrelandMs134791893-1895Letters mainly to T P Gill, including some from Blan...T.P. Gill Papers
3741National Library of IrelandMss13480-134811899Letters mainly to T P Gill, including, among others,...T.P. Gill Papers
3742National Library of IrelandMs 134821900-1901Letters to T P Gill, including letters from, among o...T.P. Gill Papers
8976National Library of IrelandMs135261886
Lists of: Philadelphia subscribers to the Irish Parl...T.P. Gill Papers
8989National Library of IrelandMs136171904-1909Twelve letters of J M Synge, 1904-1909, relating to ...Fay Papers
9011National Library of IrelandMs136831902-1912Miscellaneous letters, 1902-1912, including, a lette...
9029National Library of IrelandMs137701901Four letters of Major John McBride to his mother whi...
9034National Library of IrelandMs13810c1890-1910Letters to William Bulfin, correspondents include, M...Bulfin Papers
9038National Library of IrelandMs138251898-1901Thirty two letters of Mrs M Hamilton Luck, novelist ...
9039National Library of IrelandMs138271886-1896Two letters, 1886, 1896, from Cardinal Logue to Mrs ...
9055National Library of IrelandMs139041887-1904Xeroxes of fourteen autographed personal letters fro...
9073National Library of IrelandMs134261888-1904Six letters to J F X O'Brien, 1888-1904, from member...J F X O'Brien Papers
9083National Library of IrelandMss14275-142761891Commonplace books of literary extracts with some dia...Castletown Papers
9116National Library of IrelandMss14695-146961890A diary of a tour in Eygpt, Palestine, Turkey and Gr...Inchiquin Papers
9117National Library of IrelandMs146971885A diary of a tour in Egypt, Palestine and Italy, 188...Inchiquin Papers
9118National Library of IrelandMss14710-147111892-1895Account of money received from the County Clare tena...Inchiquin Papers
9169National Library of IrelandMs138761896-1901Reports of the Ballybay Town Sergeant, 1900-1901. Pa...
9177National Library of IrelandMs149931887-1889Diary entries in 2 notebooks relating to public and...
9212National Library of IrelandMs153921898Transfer of shares in the Drogheda Independent Comap...
9226National Library of IrelandMs154511900-1903Two letters to Miss C.M. Doyle concerning Gaelic Lea...
9229National Library of IrelandMs154691911
Photocopy of notes by James Cryan, 1966, on Miss Agn...
9233National Library of IrelandMs155351896-1907Nine congratulatory letters to Mary A Hutton on the ...
9241National Library of IrelandMs155691905Five letters and 1 postcard, including a letter, 13 ...J.S. Starkey Papers
9242National Library of IrelandMs155701911Rough draft and typed copy of an unsigned letter to ...J.S. Starkey Papers
9252National Library of IrelandMs156351899-1911Business from London office to Mr M J and Mr John O'...Crosse and Blackwell Papers
9254National Library of IrelandMs156751898-1908Documents relating to the Irish Socialist Republican...William O'Brien Papers
9255National Library of IrelandMs157181901Five autographed being the correspondence of Miss C ...
9264National Library of IrelandMs157501908Letter from Sir Hugh Lane to Miss S C Harrison relat...
9272National Library of IrelandMs157811904-1907Four autographed letters and a postcard to Sarah Pur...
9274National Library of IrelandMs157911895Two autographed letters of Michael Davitt in Austral...
9275National Library of IrelandMs157941889Two letters to Mrs Holiday, from Father James MacFad...Holiday Papers
9290National Library of IrelandMs232581897-1898Household Expenses Book of the Fitzmaurice family, C...FitzMaurice Papers
9331National Library of IrelandM 235211899Album relating to the visit of the Duke and Duchess ...Ormonde Papers
9358National Library of IrelandMs239291898-1906Rent Book of the Marquess of Ormonde, Nenagh distric...Ormonde Papers
9362National Library of IrelandMs 23955-23956Feb. 1904Proposals for sale of holdings to tenants [judicial ...Ormonde Papers
9364National Library of IrelandMss23958-23960c1891-1906Three Rent Ledgers of the Kilcash, County Tipperary ...Ormonde Papers
9365National Library of IrelandMss23961-239641904Proposals for the sale of holdings to tenants, judic...Ormonde Papers
9292National Library of IrelandMs230511905-1906Letter book of a firm of solicitors [John P. Harris?...
9366National Library of IrelandMss23965-23968c1889-1907Rent Ledgers of the Dunmore, Garryricken and Kilcash...Ormonde Papers
9367National Library of IrelandMss23969-239741904Copies of proposals for the sale of holdings to tena...Ormonde Papers
9372National Library of IrelandMss23995-239961904Copies of proposals for sale to tenants, non-judicia...Ormonde Papers
9373National Library of IrelandMs23998c1900Maps and lists of tenants of the estates of the Marq...Ormonde Papers
9374National Library of IrelandMs240811910Copy of affidavit and family pedigree of Mrs Kate O'...MacIomhair Papers
9377National Library of IrelandMs241961910Letter from Goddard H Orpen to his cousin Daisy, wit...
9434National Library of IrelandMs24544c1898School execise books of Josephine Kelly as a student...
9463National Library of IrelandMs249251894Three autograph letters of George Moore to Mrs Day, ...
9466National Library of IrelandMs249551890-1899Receipts for tithe rent charge to Daniel and Mary Ry...
9467National Library of IrelandMs24958c1885-1905Typescripts with manuscript annotations of letters f...
9475National Library of IrelandMs250401887-1889Letter-book of Lord Arthur Butler relating to estate...Ormonde Papers
9478National Library of IrelandMs25056c1899-1903Tenants' Notebook of the estate of Marquess of Ormon...Ormonde Papers
9481National Library of IrelandMss25292-25294c1900-1910Albums of postcards, Irish, British and continental,...
9505National Library of IrelandMs26755c1900-1912Miscellaneous letters and other documents, includes,...Frederick J Allan Papers
9514National Library of IrelandMs267901889-1902Three miscellaneous letters, includes Letter of O'Do...Sean Ó Luing Papers
9515National Library of IrelandMs267941905-1909Part of St Catherine's Girls National School [Dublin...
9523National Library of IrelandMs298121904Copy letter from John MacBride to his solicitor, R. ...Frederick J. Allan Papers
9524National Library of IrelandMs298131902Copy draft separation agreements drawn up for Maud G...Frederick J. Allan Papers
9525National Library of IrelandMs298141905Copy letter from John MacBride's solicitor, R. B...Frederick J. Allan Papers
9526National Library of IrelandMs298161905Typescript copy of Maud Gonne's petition for a d...Frederick J. Allan Papers
9527National Library of IrelandMs298171904-1905Notebook, in 2 hands, containing John MacBride's...Frederick J. Allan Papers
9528National Library of IrelandMs298181905Draft statement by John MacBride describing his rela...Frederick J. Allan Papers
9529National Library of IrelandMs298191905Typescript 'Statement of facts on behalf of Majo...Frederick J. Allan Papers
9530National Library of IrelandMs298201905MacBride versus MacBride: 'Major MacBride's ...Frederick J. Allan Papers
9531National Library of IrelandMs298211905John MacBride's notebook containing observations...Frederick J. Allan Papers
9532National Library of IrelandMs298231905Typescript copy of statement by Mary T. Quinn, New Y...Frederick J. Allan Papers
9533National Library of IrelandMs298241905Letters and copy letters of Edmond T. Kelly, solicit...Frederick J. Allan Papers
9571National Library of IrelandMs29770(148)1886Assignment on mortgages and judgements affecting the...Doyne Papers
9572National Library of IrelandMs29770(156)1896Agreement relating to the Doyne estate between C M D...Doyne Papers
9573National Library of IrelandMs29770(158)1898Appointment of new trustees of the marriage settleme...Doyne Papers
9574National Library of IrelandMs29770(171)1904Probate will of Lady Frances M Doyne, 12 January 190...Doyne Papers
9575National Library of IrelandMs29770(175)1905Marriage settlement of D H Doyne and Alice Brooke, 2...Doyne Papers
9576National Library of IrelandMs29770(177)1905Deed of appointment of new trustees between Mrs E B ...Doyne Papers
9577National Library of IrelandMs29770(178)1905Agreement fixing judicial rent between D H Doyne and...Doyne Papers
9620National Library of IrelandMs29763(6)1888Rental statements, 1888.Colclough Papers
9621National Library of IrelandMs29764(1)1896Statement by Lucy Biddulph relating to the will of h...Colclough Papers
9637National Library of IrelandMs29767(60)1902Lease of mineral rights of Ballygahan from Mrs Mary ...Hibernian Mining Company Papers
9638National Library of IrelandMs29767(68)1907Surrender of lease of Ballygahan from Mrs Sarah Wind...Hibernian Mining Company Papers
9698National Library of IrelandMs178271890-1904Letters from tenants and associated documents, relat...
9715National Library of IrelandMs180671897Circulars which include a printed circular from the ...Devoy Papers
9739National Library of IrelandMs183121903Four letters from Annie [Horniman], March-October 19...
9764National Library of IrelandMs184331912Xerox of an entry in the marriage register of the Ch...
9771National Library of IrelandMs184611900Typescript copy of an incomplete letter to Dr Seamus...
10036National Library of IrelandMs177181888Report on rents and tenants by D A McCuady, agent fo...
10039National Library of IrelandMs157951889Four telegrams to Mrs Catherine Holiday from Grace M...Holiday Papers
10040National Library of IrelandMs157961889Five letters of H C Biron to Mrs Catherine Holiday c...Holiday Papers
10041National Library of IrelandMs157981888-1889Six letters to Mrs Holiday and one other document re...Holiday Papers
10042National Library of IrelandMs159791888-1904Eleven autographed letters to Catherine Holiday and ...Holiday Papers
10053National Library of IrelandMs159801888-1889Three letters from David Sheey to Mrs Catherine Holi...Holiday Papers
10054National Library of IrelandMs159811888-1889Correspondence of T P O'Connor, includes Letters of ...Holiday Papers
10056National Library of IrelandMs177451892Newscuttings relating to de Cobain's brother, Edward...W. Fletcher de Cobain Papers
10063National Library of IrelandMs159981893-1900Correspondence of 14th Viscount Gormanston while Gov...Gormanston Papers
10068National Library of IrelandMs160661907-1910Minute Book of the committee of Young Women's Christ...
10072National Library of IrelandMs161191905-1908List of cases instituted by the Headfort estate agai...Headfort Papers
10073National Library of IrelandMs161231889-1891Journal of cash received, mostly in rent, by the Hea...Headfort Papers
10080National Library of IrelandMs16168c1900Newspaper cuttings referring to Lord Edward Fitzgera...Lord Walter Fitzgearld Papers
10083National Library of IrelandMs161941886-1887Roll Book of Glenrard Female Sunday School, parish o...
10106National Library of IrelandMs162591902List of subscribers to the Workers' Republic, 1902, ...William O'Brien Papers
10115National Library of IrelandMss16264-162671889-1904Minute Books of the Irish Socialist Republican Party...William O'Brien Papers
10655National Library of IrelandMss16695-16696c1900Draft autobiography in manuscript form of J F X O'Br...
10670National Library of IrelandMs169021885Prescription Book with some recipes, c1885, probably...Bruen of Oakpark (County Carlow) Papers
10691National Library of IrelandMs170691890Xerox of one page rental of the estate of Miss Ellar...
10707National Library of IrelandMs17291c1900-1909Letters from Lady Gregory to Douglas Hyde relating t...
10709National Library of IrelandMs17305c1912`Memories of the Irish Famine' by a landlord's daugh...
10722National Library of IrelandMss19646-196511893-1898Rentals and accounts of the estate of Robert Dillon,...Clonbrock Papers
10726National Library of IrelandMs197211893Rental from the Portarlington estate of the Earl of ...
10735National Library of IrelandMs197821888-1901Recollections of Sarah Selina Blakeney (c1820-1900) ...
10755National Library of IrelandMs199331899-1900Minute Book of the Irish Transvaal committee for org...
10761National Library of IrelandMs19998-199991894-1895Diaries of Jane Lady Mahon, Castlegar, County Galway...Mahon Papers
10786National Library of IrelandMs206221911Notes by Alice M Rowan on John O'Connell's Metrical ...Rowan Papers
10793National Library of IrelandMs206671895-1902Minutes and draft minutes of the Gaelic League, Dubl...
10795National Library of IrelandMs20690c1888Letters to William Monsell, 1st Baron Emly, from Sir...Monsell of Tervoe Papers
10804National Library of IrelandMs207461895-1900Rentals and accounts of the estate of William Joseph...Teeling Papers
10806National Library of IrelandMs20749c1899-1902Miscellaneous papers with reference to the case of J...Teeling Papers
10830National Library of IrelandMs211271899Two letters from Sir R S Ball, one of which is an au...
10831National Library of IrelandMs211281899-1900Seven letters from C V Stanford, August 1899-Novembe...
10833National Library of IrelandMs211521885-1903A return showing the number of holdings sold to tena...
10855National Library of IrelandMs212801903-1906Twelve letters from George Moore to Baroness Franzis...
10909National Library of IrelandMs21845c1894-1896Four letters of Mrs B M Croker: One to Chatto and Wi...
10919National Library of IrelandMs21918c1909-1912Rate receipts for John Heffernan and Eliza Heffernan...Heffernan Papers
10926National Library of IrelandMs219531911Copy of an arbitration award by C P Scott in the dis...Abbey Theatre Papers
10927National Library of IrelandMs219801886Poem on the late Michael Jones of Derriaghey, by Eli...
10973National Library of IrelandMs22930c1900Photocopy of a letter from J M Synge to his mother, ...
11000National Library of IrelandMs185371888Autograph letter of P T MacCourt, Washington, D C t...
11002National Library of IrelandMs185701894-1911Papers, printed typescript and manuscript relating t...
11004National Library of IrelandMs185741902-1906Ten letters from Sir Roger Casement to Margaret A Ca...
11035National Library of IrelandMs176441908-1912Letters to McGarrity and other documents, includes a...Joseph McGarrity Papers
11057National Library of IrelandMs188471893Indenture of conveyance between Oscar Wilde, Jane Fr...
11059National Library of IrelandMs18880c1909-1911Papers by Eileen Grace O'Mahoney on the Tristan and ...Lord Walter Fitzgearld Papers
11062National Library of IrelandMs191441906Linen Book, Farnham, March 1906.Farnham Papers
11083National Library of IrelandMs19459[c1900-1910]Scheme for distribution of the estate of Blanche H T...
11084National Library of IrelandMs194641889-1892Diary of Edythe Fairlie Cunninghame, later wife of M...Fortescue of Stephenstown Papers
10666National Library of IrelandMs165011889-1912Letter Book of Gilbert Hodson, agent for his father,...Hodson Papers
11546National Library of IrelandMsG244/56-741903-1906Folktales submitted by `Barr Aille' [`Miss Folan, Ar...
11547National Library of IrelandMsG246/1151905Gaelic league manuscripts and folktales. Sumbitted b...
11545National Library of IrelandMsG243/30-371906Gaelic league manuscripts - folktales, submitted Oir...
11911National Library of IrelandMs125811885Newport Poor Law Union Minute Book, January-August 1...Newport Poor Law Union
11912National Library of IrelandMs127011886-1901Ballina Poor Law Union Rough Minute Book, November 1...Ballina Poor Law Union
11914National Library of IrelandMs123561892-1893Belmullet Poor Law Union Minute Book, 21 May 1892-18...Belmullet Poor Law Union
11917National Library of IrelandMs12713-127141893-1897Westport Poor Law Union Ledgers: Ms12,713 25 March ...Westport Poor Law Union
11957National Library of IrelandMss12594-126001890-1900Swinford Poor Law Union Minute Books: Ms12,594 6 De...Swinford Poor Law Union
12007National Library of IrelandMs33241(8)1887Postcard to Edmund Harvey from Helen Taylor, 28 Augu...Rosamund Jacob Papers
12008National Library of IrelandMs33242(24)1894Letter to Edmund Harvey from Henrietta Mitchell Mart...Rosamund Jacob Papers
12009National Library of IrelandMs33242(25)1895Postcard from Alice Milligan to Edmund Harvey, 11 Fe...Rosamund Jacob Papers
12011National Library of IrelandMs33,242(35)1909Letter to Edmund Harvey from Alice Stopford Green, 6...
11992National Library of IrelandMs 941/volume 201910
Document number 196 Memorandum of Irish Country Wome...
12010National Library of IrelandMss33242(30)-33242(30)/A1896-1900Ms 33,242(30) Letter from Maud Gonne to Edmund Harv...Rosamund Jacob Papers
12263National Library of IrelandMss12267-122801890-1899Ballina Poor Law Union Minute Books, June 1890-Decem...Ballina Poor Law Union
12264National Library of IrelandMss12521-125341890-1899Claremorris Poor Law Union Minute Books, December 18...Claremorris Poor Law Union
12269National Library of IrelandMss12281-123001900-1910Ballina Poor Law Union Minute Books, January 1900-Ja...Ballina Poor Law Union
12270National Library of IrelandMss12425-124341891-1899Castlebar Poor Law Union Minute Books, January 1891-...Castlebar Poor Law Union
12271National Library of IrelandMss12321-123251896-1908Ballinrobe Poor Law Union Minute Books, December 189...Ballinrobe Poor Law Union
12276National Library of IrelandMss12435-124481900-1910Castlebar Poor Law Union Minute Books, September 190...Castlebar Poor Law Union
12770National Library of IrelandBox 11982-1985
Records of the Irish Countrywomen's Association date...Irish Countrywomen's Association
12771National Library of IrelandBox 21973-1985
Records of the Irish Countrywomen's Association ...Irish Countrywomen's Association
12772National Library of IrelandBox 31974-1984
Records of the Irish Countrywomen's Association date...Irish Countrywomen's Association
13218National Library of IrelandMs210801885Letter from Annie Besant to James Pearse, 1885.
272National Maternity HospitalE/11894-1910Board of Governors, Minute Book, February 1894-Febru...
4467National Maternity HospitalNMH/591903Hospital Charter, 14 May 1903. Patent granting Chart...
5280National Maternity HospitalAR/11894-1910Annual Report of the National Lying-In Hospital, Jan...
11566National Photographic ArchiveLawrence Eblana26621887House of widow McNamar, Bodyke, County Clare, June 1...Lawrence Photographic Collection
11567National Photographic ArchiveLawrenceR/2215c1900Ladies bathing place, Portrush Antrim, c1900, includ...Lawrence
19041Newry City Library1900-1907
Manuscript abstract of the title of Mrs Mary Bredon,...The Crossle Papers
19085Newry City LibraryQ41.65.81536-1858
14 volumes of bound, typescript and handwritten pape...The Crossle Papers
19099Newry City LibraryQ41.65.81801-1821
14 volumes of bound, typescript and handwritten pape...The Crossle Papers
4808Newtown School, WaterfordSchool Safe/61885-1894Superintendents' Reports, 1885-1894.
4811Newtown School, WaterfordSchool Safe/181894-1906Sub-Committee Reports, 1894-1906.
4812Newtown School, WaterfordSchool Safe/141895-1911Rough Minutes of the Committee, 1895-1911.
4814Newtown School, WaterfordSchool Safe/231898Newtown Centenary Book, 1898
4828Newtown School, WaterfordA1/21900Appeals, 1900.
4830Newtown School, WaterfordA/41900Clothing Lists, 1900.
5406Newtown School, WaterfordA1/121900Parents, Letters to, 1900: Newtown School, Waterford
5407Newtown School, WaterfordA1/131900Prospectus, 1900: Newtown School, Waterford
5414Newtown School, WaterfordA1/201906-1907Letters, etc., regarding girls to board, 1906-1907: ...
5432Newtown School, WaterfordAB/121902-1908Letters, 1902-1908.
5433Newtown School, WaterfordAB/141893-1894Prospectus, 1893-1894.
5455Newtown School, WaterfordBB/121888School Diary, 1888.
5459Newtown School, WaterfordCA/11891Photograph of First Reunion, 1891.
5460Newtown School, WaterfordCA/21892Printed Register, 1892.
5461Newtown School, WaterfordCA/31898Centenary Volume, 1898.
5473Newtown School, WaterfordD/21898Centenary photographs, 1898.Photographs
5511Newtown School, Waterford1900Parents, Letters to, 1900: Newtown School, Waterford
5512Newtown School, Waterford94/5071900Prospectus, 1900: Newtown School, Waterford
5519Newtown School, Waterford1906-1907Letters, etc., regarding girls to board, 1906-1907: ...
20032Newtown School, WaterfordF1-161904F/1 Accounts of New Gates, 1904Quaker Papers
20033Newtown School, WaterfordF1-161890F/2 Plan of Swimming Bath, 1890.Quaker Papers
20039Newtown School, WaterfordF1-161905-1907F/9 Quarterly Meeting Accounts, 1905-1907.Quaker Papers
20040Newtown School, WaterfordF1-161905-1908F/10 Quarterly Meeting Accounts, 1905-1908.Quaker Papers
14722North Down Museum1905-19061 folder of c.100 black and white photographs which ...
18826Offaly ArchivesOH OHS821899Volume containing abstracts of presentments granted ...Grand Jury Presentments Lent Assizes
18827Offaly ArchivesOH OHS531893Bound volume containing book stamp of the Grand Jury...Grand Jury Presentments Summer Assizes
18881Offaly ArchivesOCL KRDC35/31907-19101 Financial Minute Book - KRDC35/3: March 1907 - Ju...Records of Kilbeggan Rural District Council
18883Offaly ArchivesOCL KRDC35/5/1-31911-19123 Rate Books - KRDC35/5/1: 1911 - 1912 (Kilbeggan R...Records of Kilbeggan Rural District Council
18890Offaly ArchivesOCL INF 2/31896-1897Annual Reports: /1 - Annual Report, 1896 /2 - An...Records of King's County Infirmary
18936Offaly ArchivesOCL BG164/41888-1899Labourers' Cottages Rental Account BookRecords of Parsonstown Union
18938Offaly ArchivesOCL BG164/61896Kinnitty Dispensary Residences LeaseRecords of Parsonstown Union
18953Offaly ArchivesOCL RRDC33/21898Printed Material:Featuring a 'Local Government (...Records of Roscrea Rural District No. 2
18954Offaly ArchivesOCL RRDC33/319111 Printed Material Poster: 22 October 1911. Featurin...Records of Roscrea Rural District No. 2
18955Offaly ArchivesOCL RRDC33/419121 Printed Material Notice: 31 October 1912. Featurin...Records of Roscrea Rural District No. 2
18957Offaly ArchivesOCL TRDC36/21900-19111 Quarterly Minute Book: July 1900 - April 1911Records of Tullamore Rural District Council
18960Offaly ArchivesOCL TRDC36/419121 Printed Notice: 1912, 'Regulations made by Rur...Records of Tullamore Rural District Council
18961Offaly ArchivesOCL TRDC36/519121 Printed Booklet: 1912, including 'Bye-Laws mad...Records of Tullamore Rural District Council
18965Offaly ArchivesOCL TRDC36/10/11899-1901RDC No. 2:1 Minute Book: April 1899 - October 1901, ...Records of Tullamore Rural District Council
18967Offaly ArchivesOCL BG158/21891-1899Labourers (Ireland) Acts Minute Book. 1 volume. Minu...Labourers (Ireland) Acts Minute Book
18968Offaly ArchivesOCL BG158/41908-1912Financial Statement Book. 1 volume. Outsized financi...Financial Statement Book
18972Offaly ArchivesOCL BG158/81886Report of the Engineering Inspector on housing. Cove...Report of the Engineering Inspector on housing
18985Offaly ArchivesOCL TUDC11/819101 Notice: 3 March 1910, regarding the Tullamore Pig ...Records of Tullamore Urban District Council
18830Offaly ArchivesOCL P1051891-1904Softbound copy book containing minutes of the Tullam...Minutes of Tullamore Lawn Tennis Club
18836Offaly ArchivesOH OHS701908-1910Scrapbook containing photographs, drawings, colour i...Photograph Album of E. Homan Mulock, Ballycumber House
21381OPW-Maynooth University Archive and Research Centre (OMARC)Box 46-691897Folder containing two letters from Mrs H.M. Barringt...Airfield Archive
21398Our Lady's Hospital, Cork1903Photograph of the Cork Asylum Staff Orchestra, 1903.
21403Our Lady's Hospital, Cork1894-1901Photograph by Dr W T Scanlon, Assistant Medical Offi...
21406Our Lady's Hospital, Cork1890Male Case Book, 1890s.
21409Our Lady's Hospital, Cork1900Minutes of the Proceedings of the Committee of Manag...
21410Our Lady's Hospital, Cork1900Newspapercuttings Book, c.1900.
21411Our Lady's Hospital, Cork1909Superannuation Ledger, 1909.
2316Pearse Museum1909-1912Patrick Pearse moved his boys' school, St Enda&#...
16548Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/431912Terms, written by Canon Sheehan, of the £200 d...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16566Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/981901Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16567Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/991902 Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'C...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16568Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1001905Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16569Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1011905Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16570Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1021905Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16571Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1031905Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16572Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1041906Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16573Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1051906Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16574Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1061907Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16575Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1071907Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16576Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1081907Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16577Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1091908Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16578Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1101908Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16579Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1111908Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16580Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1121908Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16581Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1131908Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16582Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1141909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16583Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1161909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16584Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1171909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16585Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1181909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16586Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1191909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16587Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1201909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16588Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1151909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16589Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1211909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16590Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1221909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16591Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1231909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16592Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1241909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16593Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1251909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16594Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1261909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16595Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1271909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16596Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1281909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16597Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1291909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16598Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1301909Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16599Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1311910Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16600Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1321910Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16601Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1331910Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16602Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1341910Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16603Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1351910Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16604Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1361910Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16605Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1371910Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16606Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1381912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16607Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1391912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16609Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1411912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16610Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1421912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16611Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1431912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16612Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1441912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16613Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1451912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16614Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1461912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16615Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1471912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16616Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1481912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16617Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1491912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16618Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1501912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16619Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1511912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16620Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1521912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16621Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1531912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16622Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1541912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16623Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1541912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16624Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1551912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16625Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1571912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16626Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1591912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16627Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1561912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16628Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1581912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16629Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1601912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16630Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1611912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16631Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1621912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16632Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1631912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16633Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1641912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16634Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1651912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16635Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1661912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16636Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1671912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16637Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1681912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16638Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1691910
Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16639Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1701912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16640Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/171-1721912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16641Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1731912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16642Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/1741912Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16666Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/771888Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16667Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/761888Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16668Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/781888Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16669Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/791888Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16670Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/801888Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16671Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/811889Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16672Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/821889Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16673Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/831889Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16674Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/841890Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16675Presentation Sisters Congregational ArchivesDON1/851891Letters of Canon Sheehan to Mother Ita O'Connell...Presentation Sisters South West Province - St Joseph's Convent, Doneraile
16685Presentation Sisters Congregational Archives1900Account of the centenary celebrations in September 1...Presentation Convent, Kilkenny
1806Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/19931911This collection includes an invitation card for an '...
1809Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/19991900sGenealogy of the Moore family, 1263 to 1908, compile...
1826Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/20351891
This collection includes several testamentary papers...
6295Public Record Office of Northern IrelandBG/28/A/11888Gortin Board of Guardians Minute Book, 1888.Gortin Board of Guardian Records
6325Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1042/11899-1900Wages book of a hemstitching factory owned by John J...
6335Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1084/15/11908Bundle of papers in matrimonial dispute between Edwa...Winslow Papers
6503Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1301/51902An invitation announcing a fashion show at Mrs Georg...
6504Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1313/11912Text of Covenant by Ulster Women's Unionist Council,...
6591Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1688/7c1890A photograph of Mary Murray, c1890.
6597Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1698c1910Genealogical notes on the Ross, Skipton and Kennedy ...
6605Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1717/2c1901Manuscript notebook with genealogical notes on the O...
6333Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1078c1886
D/1078/P/75 Pamphlet 'Ourselves Alone in Ulster' by...Pinkerton Papers
6632Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1775/5/3A-Bc1910
Two photographs of Matilda and William Patton of Pat...
6637Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1790/3/11901-1902Committee Minute Book of Armagh Catholic Ratepayer's...McLaughlin Papers
6368Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/17691865-1866
T/1769/3 Copy of the emigrant diary of Elizabeth An...
6381Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/17951893Copy of an emigrant letter from C Hobson, New York t...
6727Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2066c.18901 photograph album of the Sands and Dickey family in...
6798Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/23031907Minute Book of Portadown Methodist District Lay Comm...
6805Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2336/9-1119103 documents comprising of the testamentary papers of...
6840Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3469/28c1890Pedigree of the Shaw and related families, County Do...
6852Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3490/5/11888Poem written by the father of Phares Patterson in me...
7115Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2814c1890School exercise book prepared by Maggie Butler whils...
6478Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1137/15/11886Letters from schoolgirl, Miss Ramadge, Alexandra Sch...Galway MacIlwaine and Seeds Papers
6487Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1222/361897Letter from H. Henry, Bishop of Down and Connor, to ...Wylly Knox and Wakeman Papers
6493Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1253/12/221892E.D. Atkinson and Son, solicitors, Portadown, briefs...E.D. Atkinson and Son Solicitors Papers
6495Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1269/119122 photographs of a group of nurses taken with Harold...
6499Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1274/1-21888Writing certificates of Susan M. Marsh, Misses Holde...
6511Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1333/1900
D/1333/152 Separation agreement, James and Annie Qua...
7131Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2884c1900Photograph of Queen Victoria in a horse drawn carria...
7161Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2981/31891Letter from Ellen Treanor, New York, United States, ...McKenna Papers
7262Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/34441897Telegram from Robley and Bonar Law to Mrs J. Hunter,...
6512Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1334/1c.1890Photograph of a teachers' conference, Bangor, c....
6515Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1364/1856
D/1364/J/21 Letters from William Young, Fenaghy, Cou...Young Papers
6516Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/13651912Ulster Volunteer Force badge for Ulster Volunteer Me...
6530Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1441/19c.1890Letter from an emigrant [?Robinson] at Chulahoma, No...Hunter of Stewartstown Papers
6531Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1442/6/41c.1905Elevation of a proposed Embroidery School at Maghera...Samuel Stevenson and Son Papers
6536Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1493/1c.1900Bundle of c.50 designs and transfers for embroidery,...
7356Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/38101894-190312 photographic albums, include family photographs o...
7400Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3931c1900Volume of prints and photographs by R Welsh of York ...
7406Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/39501908This collection includes 2 pages of genealogical inf...
6540Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1501/1-6c.1900Photographs of musical comedy artists, including Mrs...
6574Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1639/1c.1900Genealogical memoirs of the Archdale family of Castl...Archdale Papers
6595Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/16961893-19013 Irish Land Commission Receivable Orders to Mrs S S...
6603Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1711c1890-1906c130 documents and 4 volumes including, for example:...
6604Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1712c1890-1898This collection of 10 documents, c1890-1898, include...
7454Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/4085/D/11892Manuscript pedigree of the Stewart family of Horn He...
7520Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/668/181/11898-1899School reports and letters of May, Violet and Floren...Hezlet Papers
7529Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/752/41890Valuation of jewellery, etc., of Mrs Susanna Macaule...McCance Papers
6635Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1788/5c1886-c1896Bundle of c40 miscellaneous domestic accounts of the...
6638Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/17911905-1909D/1791/9 An emigrant letter from Mary J Reilly, Ri...
6699Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/19321896This collection includes an assignment of sums charg...Ranfurly Estate Papers
6701Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/1936c.1900, c.1930Typescript of Gillespie family records, compiled c.1...
6733Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2073c.1885-c.1909The papers of Jeremiah Jordan, protestant home ruler...
6747Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2106c.1890Genealogical notes on the Mackemie family, formerly ...Mackemie Papers
7535Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/8291911Printed copy of a poem entitled 'Sunset and Evening ...
7538Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/850/3/81886Latin notebook of Alice E.L. Ramadge, 1886.
7543Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/892/8A-B19122 copies of the Ulster Women's Unionist Council Decl...
6768Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/21661902-1909200 documents comprising of the papers of R.R. Cherr...
6783Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2231c.1900This collection includes 6 boxes of Butler family pa...
6843Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3480c1900-c1910D/3480/4/1 Inspectors' Report on sweated labour in ...
7558Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/987/14/11902Printed invitation to join the Loyal Women's Patriot...Galbraith Papers
7893Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1140/1-21903Copies of the amended and abbreviated programmes of ...
7927Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1243/11909Copies of the letters of administration of Adelaide ...
8010Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1477/11894Affidavit of Lily Wilson, Kilkeel, County Down, rela...
8044Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/15891887-1888Copy of a wages book for the firm of John Dinsmore, ...
7014Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2531/21875
Deed of appointment of a trust fund by Mrs Catherine...
7019Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2547/171907Letter from Mrs Margaret Beeman, Broad Brook, Connec...
7070Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2700/21903A letter from John Gribben, Chicago, United States, ...
7090Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2753 /1188850 documents comprising of the divorce papers of R. ...
8088Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1713/31887Copies of a list of subscribers and amount given to ...
8145Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1911/1c1890Professional photograph of Mr and Mrs Wilson, London...
8147Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1915/11731-1900
Genealogical notes on the Thomson family, Coleraine,...
7116Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/2815c1889-1902This collection of 25 documents includes: Letters fr...Dufferin and Ava Papers
7178Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/302218875 letters from J.H. Wilson, Londonderry, to Mrs Youn...
7197Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3074/1/11902-19062 letters from Frank Sheehy Skeffington to 'Anni...
7212Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/31161887-1890Exercise book of Bella Eliza Beck kept during her ti...
7229Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3168/18/91889Valuation of Bruff estate, County Limerick, includin...
7230Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/31851895Memorandum of agreement between William Carvill and ...
8158Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1950/31893A photograph of the Irwin family, Ballyedmond, Count...
8166Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/197/11908Chamber order (on originating summons to make leases...
8169Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1974/11730-1871
Pedigree of the Atkinson family, Newry, County Down ...
7245Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/33391897-19115 volumes of records relating to William Coulson and...
7257Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/34261911Illuminated address presented to Miss Jane Mitchell ...
7281Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/35751888-c.18905 letters to Miss Annie Morton, County Londonderry f...
7317Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/36711887-1898Volume listing the names, ages, amount of rent paid ...
7322Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/368018853 letters from Surgeon-Captain John Watson, Sebastop...
7335Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/37371895-c.1905This collection of correspondence includes: Letters ...
8176Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1989/1c1900Genealogical memorandum concerning the Harris family...
8186Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2017/1c1900Photograph of the employees of Broadway Damask Compa...
8420Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2643/11899-1901Account book of Mrs McClartan with the Star Bakery, ...
7342Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/3757c.1912Prospectus for training courses for children's n...
7362Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/38211895Diary of Adelaide R Palmer, aged 16, recording detai...
7410Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/39601903Album of photographs and press cuttings commemoratin...
7412Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/39661894Release on the final distribution of the estate of t...
7418Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/39871907Letter from Charlotte Despard (suffragette leader an...
7425Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/40001911Printed A5 size notice from Henry Campbell and Compa...
8561Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/33381896Copy of a typescript report of Cushendall Cottage Ho...
8672Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/728/11765
Typescript notes on the Dickie family, Cumberland Co...
8695Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/829/11891-1904Extracts from volume 3 of the records of Downshire L...
7481Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/41481896-1909The papers of Hugh R. Brown, High Sheriff of Belfast...
7487Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/4164/D/51898-1899
Notebook including transcribed minutes in the Amateu...Maxwell Given Papers
7498Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/419219129 handwritten factory inspection reports of John Gea...
7548Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/950/1/1531892Botany notes by Letitia Caroline Jane Torney, April ...Torney Papers
7556Public Record Office of Northern IrelandD/982/1241886Joshua E. Peel and Son, Bankruptcy deeds of Elizabet...
7626Public Record Office of Northern IrelandINF/7c1910
Northern Ireland Government Information Service file...Northern Ireland Government Information Service Records
7698Public Record Office of Northern IrelandLA/50/1899-1908Local Authority records are closed for 30 years from...Londonderry Rural District Council Records
7736Public Record Office of Northern IrelandLGBD/2c.1890-c.1907Precedent book of Local Government Board, Dublin, re...Local Government Board
7749Public Record Office of Northern IrelandMIC/1781886Microfilmed copies of the Crossle scrapbooks, includ...The Crossle Papers
7781Public Record Office of Northern IrelandMIC/45/31829, 1892Microfilmed letter from David Trimble to his wife Na...
7798Public Record Office of Northern IrelandMIC/6151890-1909Diaries of Louisa, Countess of Antrim, lady in waiti...
7847Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/106/11897Copy of Vice Chancellor's court order regarding Jane...
7851Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/107/11896Copy pedigree of the Brownlow family, 17 July 1896. ...
7856Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/108/11897Copy chancery scheme regarding Jane Brownlow's chari...
7863Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/109/1c1891Copy affidavit relating to Jane Brownlow's Charity, ...
7868Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1099/1-519115 copies of originating notices in the Court of the ...
7869Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/110/11897Copy of certificate of taxation cost regarding Jane ...
7874Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/111/11896Copy summons regarding Jane Brownlow's Charity, copi...
7879Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/112/11897Copy summons regarding Jane Brownlow's Charity, copi...
7886Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1129c1900A copy of a print of Queen Elizabeth I, no date. A ...
7887Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/113/1c1897A copy of the Chief Clerk's certificate relating to ...
7906Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1185/11889-1909Copy of a volume of genealogies relating to the fami...
7930Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/125/11893Copy summons regarding the Derry Clergy Widows' Fund...
7934Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/126/11894Copy notice [Chancery] regarding the Derry Clergy Wi...
7950Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1296/81891Copy of a letter from K.Y. Sanders of Sandwick, Illi...
7955Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1320/1-41890-1891A copy of a letter relating to the genealogy of Cald...
7991Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/144/11903Copy of chancery scheme relating to Jane Maria Gordo...
7993Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1441/1847
T/1441/10 Copy of a circular letter thanking the ten...
8018Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1505/1-41894-1896Copies of 4 emigrant letters from N.K. Harshaw, New ...
8024Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1542/4-51893-c.1896Copy of an emigrant letter from Dan Quigley, New Sou...
8027Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/15521890-1906Copies of 15 emigrant letters from William Quinn, Ne...
8034Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/157/11910Copy of chancery scheme relating to Eliza Robinson's...
8045Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1591c.1900Copy of a manuscript draft of a speech attacking ...
8060Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1632/2/4c.1895-1896Customer's account book of J.W. Johnston, grocer...
8119Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/18501897-1899Copies of 12 emigrant letters from Elizabeth Fleming...
8134Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/18791890-c1900This collection includes, for example: Copies of pho...
8142Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1903/1-21890-1907Copy of a letter from Marian Boyd, Philadelphia, Uni...
8160Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1959/1-8c1890-c1900This collection of copies of c70 documents includes,...
8164Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/1968/2c1905Copy of a letter from 'Margaret', Ballow House, Bang...
8197Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2037/c.1890T/2037/3A A photograph of Isaac Robinson and his god...
8200Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2051/1-31906Copies of 3 letters concerning the history of the Ir...
8205Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/20601912Copy of a page from Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon's visi...
8225Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2111/9/11781-1876
2 pages of genealogical notes on the Andrews family,...
8242Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2162/1/141893Copy of a letter from Robert Young, Secretary of the...
8261Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2217/11889Copy of a letter from the Marquis of Dufferin and Av...
8285Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2287/1-21600-1900
Genealogy and genealogical notes on the Richardson f...
8318Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2404/1900-1902Copies of 222 letters of the Formby family including...
8319Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2411/1c.1900Packet of prints of photographs by Welsh of County D...
8412Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/26291899-c1900T/2629/2/5 Genealogical notes on the McRoberts fami...
8446Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2707/1-41910Genealogical tables of the Burnside, Boyd, Keers and...
8456Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2732/21885-1887Copy of a record of intimations given at Sunday Mass...
8474Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2771/9c.1890Typescript genealogical notes on the related familie...
8501Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/2879/11891-c.1910Typescript copy of the autobiographical recollection...
8532Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/3009c.1900sThis collection includes copies of photographs of fa...
8545Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/30721912Copies of correspondence from Sir Roger Casement to...
8549Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/30901894Copies of the records of pupils attending Dromore Ro...
8563Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/33781902-1910Copy of a passbook of Miss Emily Crooke, Beaugh, Cou...
8575Public Record Office of Northern IrelandT/36451907Copy of a letter from Eliza Price, Clanabogan, Count...
12502Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and ArchivesMS1718883 notebooks, about 260 pages, which contain stories,...Somerville and Ross Collection
12504Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and ArchivesMS171886
Manuscript of two short stories by E. Oe Somerville,...Somerville and Ross Collection
13242Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and Archives1893Willielma Jane Sayers, BA certificate, RUI, 1893.
13249Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and ArchivesMS17189529 drawings by E. Oe Somerville done in Paris c1895.Somerville and Ross Collection
13294Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and ArchivesMS171906-19086 letters from Lady Augusta Gregory to Violet Martin...Somerville and Ross Collection
13860Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and ArchivesMS17c1885-1890Series of 44 letters to Violet Martin, c1885-1890, f...Somerville and Ross Collection
13865Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and ArchivesMS17c.1898'A Man of the People', manuscript of an unpu...Somerville and Ross Collection
15164Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and ArchivesMS151895-1911Eva Price Correspondence (Digitised) Letters from Ev...Hart Papers
16153Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and ArchivesMS17/9111893Somerville and Ross Manuscripts, Illustrations (Digi...Somerville and Ross Collection
21478Queen's University Belfast Special Collections and ArchivesMS741907MS 1/238 Mary Hobson: ‘The great burial grounds at...QUB Miscellaneous Manuscripts
2284RCSI Heritage Collections1718
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Library Catalog...Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Library Catalogue
659Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryQMI/B31885-1899Women's Meeting County Wexford copy of Minutes of th...Leinster Quarterly Meetings
861Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryQMIII/E11902-1911Epistles and Correspondence: Envelope containing: Re...Ulster Quarterly Meetings
872Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP4381890Filing Cabinet 3 Seven members of Bewley Family on ...Photographic Collections
885Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP991909Filing Cabinet 3 Young Friends' Association, 1909.Photographic Collections
886Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP4251890-1899Young Friends: Fifteen Young Friends on bicycles, c1...Photographic Collections
870Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryAlbums 1-401870-1871
Albums 2-3 Commissioners of the Friends War Victims...Photographic Collections
1214Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP1451900Mounted unframed photograph, c1900. Including Susan ...Photographic Collections
1218Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP9681895Family Groups: Photograph of Mary Edmundson's 80th b...Photographic Collections
1224Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP4261903Woodbrook Summer School, 1903.Photographic Collections
1225Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP3691912Five-year Meetings, Indiaopolis, 15-22 October 1912.Photographic Collections
1226Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryP3671912Five-Year Meeting at Richmond, Indiana 1912.Photographic Collections
1241Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryB2/2631889Buildings: Basket Industry at Letterfrack started by...Photographic Collections
1245Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryNewtown School/Filing Cab1898Planting of Oak Tree by Anna Haslam and Benjamin Foy...Photographic Collections
1247Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1887Art: Sketch Book inscribed 'Josephine Webb', July 18...Museum Collection
1267Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1909Art: Small watercolour by Josephine Webb, 1909, insc...Museum Collection
1339Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical Library1887Temperance: Webb Commonplace Book, containing notice...Museum Collection
1350Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box XIV1907-1909Julia Colgan Tullow Street, County Carlow. Folder 5....Deed Boxes, Miscellaneous, New Shelf Head Lists
3543Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryMM/XIIC7/Reel 171892-1905Ministers's and Elders' Minutes, Lisburn Monthly Mee...
4168Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box XVII/Folder 3:51906Catherine Elizabeth Croker, Cheltenham: Signatory to...Deeds
4189Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box IX/Folder 9:38-41886Harriet Grubb, Dublin: Apprenticed to Switzers Limit...Deeds
4195Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box VIII/Folder 2:81899Susan Haydock, Violet Bank, Rathagan, County Kildare...Deeds
4196Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box IX/Folder 9:411887Martha Hayllar, Sheffield, pastrycook and confection...Deeds
4199Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box IX/Folder 9:35-31885Rebecca Hunter: Apprenticed to John Douglas of 18 We...Deeds
4164Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box XIV1909Julia Colgan, Tullow Street, Carlow: Folder 5:1 Val...Deeds
4205Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box IX/Folder 9:42-41888Ada Douglas Kymer, daughter of Ann Jane: Apprenticed...Deeds
4207Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryDeed Box VIII1908Mary Josephine Lahiff, Rathmines, daughter of Denis:...Deeds
9977Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPM/Dub I/C11901-1910Eustace Street Preparative Meeting, Minutes of the C...
9986Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPM/DubI/A41901-1910Eustace Street Joint Preparative Meeting Minutes, 19...
11100Religious Society of Friends in Ireland Historical LibraryPM/WatIII/A21899-1910Carrick on Suir Joint Preparative Meeting Minutes, 1...
22378Religious Society of Friends, Cork1885A Certificate Book of Burial By Permission, Cork Mon...
22386Religious Society of Friends, Cork1896-1900Cork Young Friend's Association Minute Book, 1896-19...
2147Representative Church Body LibraryMs581888Watercolour illustrations by Miss J.E. Carson for Ro...
2161Representative Church Body LibraryMs3101888-1894Minutes of the Westport Protestant Orphan Society. 1...Westport Protestant Orphan Society
5380Representative Church Body LibraryD1/391894Fivemiletown: 40 13-19 November 1894. Photograph of ...Diocese of Clogher, 1690-1944
5381Representative Church Body LibraryD1/481891Kilskeery: 64 25 September 1891. Episcopal approval...Diocese of Clogher, 1690-1944
5384Representative Church Body LibraryD1/621888-1889Rockcorry: 1 20 December 1888. Design for stained g...Diocese of Clogher, 1690-1944
22081Representative Church Body LibraryB51693-1844
Innishannon Parish, Register of Burials, July 1693-O...St Fin Barre's Cathedral Cork Archive
22085Representative Church Body LibraryB51895-1900
St Fin Barre's Parish, Register of Parishioners:...St Fin Barre's Cathedral Cork Archive
69Roscommon Local Studies and Archives1899-1910Minutes Books (Digitised):AA-01-01 Athlone No.2 RDC ...Athlone Rural District Council
22399Royal College of Physicians of Ireland1899-1908National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculo...Kings and Queens College of Physicians
22411Royal College of Physicians of Ireland1878-1890
Maternity Registers, 1891-1900. Patients Admission...Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital
22413Royal College of Physicians of Ireland1899-1906Daily return of intern patients, 1899-1906.Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital
22418Royal College of Physicians of Ireland1904-1908Dispensary Books, 1904-1908.Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital
1421Royal Irish Academy23/M/751908-1910Henry F. Twiss [formerly Henry F. Berry]. Bound volu...Twiss Collection
2372Royal Irish AcademyMs4/A/51/e1893-1896Correspondence: letters to R.A. Phillips, botanist, ...Phillips Papers
4046Royal Irish Academy12/S/37b1893Statement made and signed by Harriet Tottenham at Ma...Tottenham Family Papers
4044Royal Irish Academy12/L/37-39189612/L/37 Margaret Stokes' photographic album of arch...Margaret Stokes
4110Royal Irish Academy12/B/19/1911Addresses of Welcome to Queen Mary from the Women of...
832Royal Irish Academy of Music 1120/1/41892-19051: 4 April 1892 - January 1899, account book of the ...
837Royal Irish Academy of Music 1120/21889-189730: RIAM draft minute book for governors, 6 November...
22434Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1886-1905
Royal Hospital Sunday [Fund-raising] Scheme Minutes:...
22443Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1896-1904Royal Hospital New Hospital Scheme Minutes:1896-1904...
22476Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1873-1879
Bound volume of photographs of Royal Victoria Hospit...
22485Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast1906-19082 volumes of Royal Victoria Hospital Admission Books...
5194RTÉ Stills Library0015/0161904Major John MacBride, Maud Gonne and son Sean, 1 Janu...Illustration Library
5197RTÉ Stills Library0335/0651912A group photograph of staff of Court Laundry, Dublin...Illustration Library
5200RTÉ Stills Library0265/0611898Four women sitting in a garden, Ireland 1898.Illustration Library
5203RTÉ Stills Library0259/0471906Two women, one standing at the gate, outside a stone...Illustration Library
5204RTÉ Stills Library0259/0521900Women dressed in traditional Irish clothing in c.190...Illustration Library
5207RTÉ Stills Library0266/0691908-1909A group photograph of a Gaelic League class, Dublin ...Illustration Library
5239RTÉ Stills Library0501/0831911Visit of George V King of Great Britain and Ireland ...Illustration Library
13219Sligo Archives ServiceF.C./D.2/131885List of tenants on the estate of John L. Brinkley, b...
13221Sligo Archives Service1885-1912Tubbercurry Poor Law Union Minute Books:1885-1886188...Tubbercurry Poor Law Union
13254Sligo Archives ServiceF.C./D.4/181897Rental and valuation of the estate of Jemmet Duke, 1...Duke Estate
13862Sligo Archives ServiceF.C./D.2/131890Account and rental of the estate of J.L. Brinkley in...Brinkley Estate
7630South Eastern Education and Library Board Local History CollectionIR366.11892Printed and bound volume produced to mark the centen...Local Studies Collection
22676South Eastern Education and Library Board Local History Collection1898-18991 bound volume of newspaper cuttings from 'RM' to Li...Local Studies Collection
22679South Eastern Education and Library Board Local History Collection18902 bound volumes of family photographs including nume...Local Studies Collection
22680South Eastern Education and Library Board Local History Collection19081 agreement of the Irish Land Commission for sale of...Local Studies Collection
22684South Eastern Education and Library Board Local History Collection1912Black and white photographic print from the 'Illustr...Local Studies Collection
22691South Eastern Education and Library Board Local History Collection19042 bound volumes of postcard albums which include sev...Local Studies Collection
22717South Eastern Education and Library Board Local History Collection1898Extracts from Miss Elizabeth Saul's will, 30 July 18...Local Studies Collection
22719South Eastern Education and Library Board Local History Collection1903Lists of 'deserving poor persons' who received money...Local Studies Collection
22722South Eastern Education and Library Board Local History Collection1905-19081 bound volume of correspondence, both typescript an...Local Studies Collection
22003St Brigid's Hospital, Ballinasloe1905Rules and Regulations of the District Lunatic Asylum...Ballinasloe District Lunatic Asylum
21985St Columb's Cathedral, Derry1910Portraits in oils of Mrs F.E. Corscaden, 1910.
22029St Davnet's Hospital, Monaghan1904-1910Monaghan District Lunatic Asylum, No 2 Account Perso...Monaghan District Lunatic Asylum
12079St Louis' Heritage Centre1990/37/CCL1897Material relating to Clones crochet: Dates from Anna...
12084St Louis' Heritage Centre1990/35/BLM/GB/0218934 sets of notable dates in the Annals of Carrickmacr...
7592St Malachy's College, BelfastE21898
One folder which includes:A handwritten diary of Can...
13250Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1985.161.11895Receipt, Ellen English to William Rochfort, 1895.
13251Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1985.161.21896Receipt, Johanna Moloney to William Rochfort, 1896.
13259Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.5301898-1899Receipts, Lismore Clonmel estate, 1898-1899.
13260Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.5311898-1899Receipts, Lismore estate, Banteer, County Cork, 1898...
13261Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.5321898-1899Receipts, Lismore Banteer estate, 1898-1899.
13265Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1995.5181899Receipts, Cahernahallia estate, Lady Lismore, 1899.
13267Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1992.2181899-1901A photocopy of the United Irish League, East Tippera...
13318Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1985.1021910Account, William Rochfort with Mary U Macaulay, 1910...
13324Tipperary Museum of Hidden HistoryAQNO1985.1601912Income tax receipt, Mrs Macaulay's house, Castlegrac...
1678Tipperary Studies1900-1912Absract of County Liabilities and Expenditure for ha...Tipperary Local Authority Records
3080Tipperary Studies1887-1911Awards (8 pieces) relating to Labourers' Acts, 1...Borrisokane Local Authority Records
19798Tipperary Studies1839-1849
Orders from the Poor Law Commissioners and Local Gov...Roscrea Poor Law Union
19800Tipperary Studies1890Papers relating to the implementation of Labourers&#...Roscrea Poor Law Union
19806Tipperary Studies1889-1895Labourers' Acts, Rough Minutes:October 1889-1895Tipperary Poor Law Union
19807Tipperary Studies1872
South Riding of the County of Tipperary. An Abstract...
19813Tipperary Studies1902-1912Outward Letter Books.: January 1902-July 1906 Decemb...Thurles Poor Law Union
19822Tipperary Studies1890-1891
Personal Ledgers:1890-18911899-1907  Thurles Poor Law Union
19825Tipperary Studies1886-1892Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Guardians as ...Thurles Poor Law Union
19853Tipperary Studies1899-1902Gortagarry National School Roll Book 1899 - 1902Tipperary National School Registers and Roll Books
22743Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry1898-1903School of Science and Art, Derry: Register, includin...
22746Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry1897-1899Large oil portrait of Lady Johnston, Mayoress of Lon...
22759Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry1898Enlarged black and white photograph of a garden part...
22760Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry1887Black and white photograph of the laying of the foun...
22773Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry1890Colour print depicting a woman as 'Ireland' torn bet...
22755Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry1845-1849
Reproductions of numerous etchings, several depictin...
22774Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry1893Printed pamphlet entitled, 'Women of the North-West ...
22776Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry1912Letter on 'Irish Freedom' headed paper from Seán Ma...
6396Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs10247/1/907-9291863
Letters of Clara Wynne, daughter of Revd. Henry Wynn...Wynne Family Papers
6401Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMss10247/1/983-41907Letters of Edie [Edith Clara], daughter of Maria Wyn...Wynne Family Papers
6402Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMss10247/1/985-9901888
Letters of [?Edith] C[lara] Wynne, daughter of Revd....Wynne Family Papers
6404Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMss10247/1/998-10011902
Includes a postcard and 1 letter to Alice Katherine ...Wynne Family Papers
6422Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs107971888-1903Notebook kept by Mildred Ann Butler concerning her p...Butler Collection
6440Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs7080/2-31912Two letters from Amanda M Ros, Larne Harbour, to Mis...
6448Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs61981899Synge photographs, includes: Photograph of J M Synge...Synge
6469Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs76731904Draft of a letter from Violet Martin and E Oe Somerv...Somerville and Ross Papers (TCD)
10121Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs102471/1/1-171846
Correspondence of female members of the Wynne family...Wynne Family Papers
10143Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMss7864/1-551894-1897Letters to her parents from Mary Alden Osgood, after...Erskine Childers Papers
10144Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMss7865/1-771897-1898Letters to their daughters from Dr Hamilton and Marg...Erskine Childers Papers
10444Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs67171896Wages Book of Elizabeth Dillon, 1896.Dillon Papers
10445Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs67181896-1897Personal Accounts of Elizabeth Dillon, 1896-1897.Dillon Papers
10446Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs67191902Personal and General Accounts of Elizabeth Dillon, 1...Dillon Papers
10173Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs7890/51904Childers Photograph Collection, photographs of Mary ...Erskine Childers Papers
10174Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs7890/81901-1902
Childers Photograph Collection, boating photographs....Erskine Childers Papers
10175Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs7890/91866
Childers Photograph Collection, miscellaneous identi...Erskine Childers Papers
10199Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs73751899-1904Diary of J A Kinahan, a nursing sister in the Boer W...J.R.W. Goulden Papers
10448Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs67211904-1907Private Accounts of Elizabeth Dillon, 1904-1907.Dillon Papers
10451Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs67241907Elizabeth Dillon, Petty Cash, 31 March-7 May 1907.Dillon Papers
10452Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs67251907Address Book of Elizabeth Dillon, 1907.Dillon Papers
10200Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMss11011-110121908Diaries/Scrapbook of the holiday of Dorothy C and Ir...
10220Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs72881885-1892Servants' Wages Account Book of Henry Theophilus Cle...Clements Papers
10221Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs72891885-1906Bank Book of Mrs Gertrude Caroline Clements with Mes...Clements Papers
10222Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs72901905Travelling Account Book of Mrs Gertrude Caroline Luc...Clements Papers
10249Trinity College Dublin, Manuscripts and Archives DepartmentTCDMs99211904Copy of The One and the Many by Eva Gore-Booth,...