"1819-1928" - 8492 Results

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6923Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A31905Includes programme for the production of 'Kincor...
6924Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A41905Includes programme for, among other plays, 'Spre...
6925Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A131906Includes, among other plays, the programme for the f...
6926Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A81905Includes the programme for 'Spreading the News&#...
6927Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A91905Includes the programme for 'Spreading the News&#...
6928Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A101905Includes the programme for 'Spreading the News&#...
6929Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A 111905Includes the programme for the first production of &...
6930Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A151906Includes:Programme for the first production of Lady ...
6931Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A171906Abbey Theatre Company at the Midland Hall, Mancheste...
6932Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A181906Abbey Theatre Company at St George's Hall, Small...
6933Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A191906Abbey Theatre Company at the Town Hall, Dundalk: inc...
6934Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A 211906Abbey Theatre Company at the Tyne Theatre Newcastle:...
6935Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A 221906Abbey Theatre Company at the Theatre Royal, Hull, in...
6936Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/B21905Abbey Letting: 28 and 29 March 1905, Mr and Mrs McHa...
6937Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A231906Includes:Programme for first production of 'The ...
6938Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A 241906Includes:Programme for 'The Doctor in Spite of H...
6939Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A26 (A)1906Includes programme for the first production of '...
6940Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A271906Includes the Programme for 'The Canavans' by...
11647Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A291907Includes the programme for 'Hyancinth Halvey'...
11648Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1A311907Includes the programme for 'The Doctor in Spite ...
11649Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A321907Includes programmes for 'The White Cockade' ...
11650Abbey Theatre Archivevolume1/A331907Includes programmes for 'The Gaol Gate', ...
11651Abbey Theatre ArchiveBoxH/A1912-1922Logbook, 5 January 1912-1 April 1922, recording play...
11657Abbey Theatre ArchiveBoxN/ATC/Fin/11905-1911Bound volume, Cash Book for the Abbey Theatre, 10 No...
11658Abbey Theatre ArchiveBoxN/ATC/Fin/21913-1919Bound Volume, 'First company private ledger'...
11659Abbey Theatre ArchiveBoxN/ATC/Fin/31919-1924Bound volume. Cash book for 'National Theatre So...
11660Abbey Theatre ArchiveBoxN/ATC/Fin/41920-1923Bound volume. 'The National Theatre Society Ltd....
11662Abbey Theatre ArchiveBoxO/ATC/Fin/61920-1925Bound volume recording receipts from plays and autho...
11663Abbey Theatre ArchiveBoxO/ATC/Fin/71913-1919'First Company Cash Book' recording income f...
11664Abbey Theatre ArchiveBoxP/ATC/Fin/81913-1923Cash Book, 28 February 1913-30 November 1923, for th...
11665Abbey Theatre ArchiveBoxP/ATC/Fin 8-131912Bound volume. Ledger recording entries such as a ban...
11666Abbey Theatre ArchiveBoxP/ATC/Fin/101912-1916Salaries Book recording health insurance contributio...
14229Alexandra College1866-1916'Alexandra College', 1866-1916, traces the h...
14230Alexandra College1866-1914Registers:1866-18741874-18801881-18841884-18891888-1...
14231Alexandra College1873-1891
School Examination Lists:1873-18911914-19241919-1929...
14233Alexandra College1882-1887Exhibition Certificates, etc., 1882-1887.
14238Alexandra College1892-1893Students' Union Minute Book, with inserts relati...
14239Alexandra College1878-1880Students' Representative Body Minute Book, 1878-...
14240Alexandra College1867-1868Bound volume of Exam Papers, 1867-1868.
14243Alexandra College1866-1872Registers, relating to subjects and fees:1866-187218...
14244Alexandra College1879-1881Daily Roll Book, October 1879-November 1881.
14245Alexandra College1905-1922Secondary School Training Department for Teachers Bo...
14246Alexandra College1884-1888Book of Newscuttings with index, 1884-1888.
14247Alexandra College1892-1922Alexandra School Assistants Book, detailing money re...
14248Alexandra College1866-1902Alexandra College and School Balance Sheets, 1866-19...
14254Alexandra College1912Material on the Universities of the Empire Conferenc...
14272Alexandra College1876-1889Certificates of Annie Patterson:Degree of Doctor of ...
14273Alexandra College1830-18351 bound volume, Graves-Hemans letters:Manuscript ext...
14274Alexandra College1830-18351 volume, photocopies of Hemans-Graves manuscript co...
14275Alexandra College1869
R.P. Graves Writings:Afternoon lectures of Literatur...
14278Alexandra College1866-1870
1 file, containing:1st Prospectuses, 1866-1868.1st R...
14280Alexandra College1890File relating to Architects Plans, etc., 1890.
14281Alexandra College1899-1900File relating to Building and Extension, 1899-1900:R...
14282Alexandra College18851 file containing:5 printed copies, Educational Endo...
14283Alexandra College1907
Educational Endowments Inspection, Dublin Castle, Re...
14284Alexandra College1872File on Alexandra College, Dublin, and Trinity Colle...
14306Alexandra College1906
Material relating to the:40th anniversary of the fou...
14310Alexandra College1866-1880File on Annie Jellicoe, 1866-1880, including a file ...
14311Alexandra College1873-1927File on Isabella Mulvany, 1880-1927, includes:Manusc...
14312Alexandra College1880-1890File on Louisa Digges La Touche, 1880-1890, includes...
14317Alexandra College1890-1899
1 book, Margaret Stokes Memorial Accounts, 1904, wit...
14318Alexandra College1889A.P. Trench Memorial, 1889.
14320Alexandra College1907-19231 folder, Memorials, appeals, obituaries, etc., 1907...
14321Alexandra College1882-1883Material on Alexandra School, including:Minutes of R...
14323Alexandra College1907
Book of Theatre Programmes, Gaiety and Abbey, Dublin...
14324Alexandra College1892-1922Alexandra College, Hockey Club, Minute Book, 1892-19...
14325Alexandra College1899-1909Missionary Association Minute Book, 1899-1909.
14328Alexandra College1874
14330Alexandra College1874-1880Journal of the Women's Education Union, c.55, va...
14277Alexandra College1866-1885File on the Foundation of the College:Note of the 1s...
14279Alexandra College1875-1877
File relating to Purchases and the Building Fund:Pur...
2317Archbishop Marsh's LibraryZ2/1/15c.1886-1908Letters from: Horace Plunkett (her second cousin and...Emily Lawless Collection
1660Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1875Franciscan Convent, Athlone Letter no 49 From W.D. M...Conroy Papers
1663Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)General correspondence1874Letter no 39B From M.A. Kelly, Roscommon, giving a c...Conroy Papers
12787Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1853-1870
There are approximately 370 box files and folders of...
14158Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1870Letter no 233 From P. Dawson, Carrick-On-Shannon, co...McCabe Papers
14159Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 124 From a number of parishioners complai...McCabe Papers
14160Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 139 From J. Ceartes, Dublin, to Rev. Mothe...McCabe Papers
14161Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 88 From Sr Josephine, William Street, enc...McCabe Papers
14162Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 94 From Sr Josephine regarding the affair...McCabe Papers
14163Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 114 From L. Tennison, Warwick, wishing to ...McCabe Papers
14164Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 116 From L. Tennison, Kilronan Castle, Kea...McCabe Papers
14165Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 126 From L. Tennison, Maples Hotel, Kildar...McCabe Papers
14166Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 127 From L. Tennison, stating the times sh...McCabe Papers
14167Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 64 From J. White, 27 York Street, stating ...McCabe Papers
14168Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 71 From Fr Gersnain, Killarney, to the R...McCabe Papers
14169Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 84 From C. McCaulie, Brewsterfield, thanki...McCabe Papers
14170Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no122 From Mary Norris, Park Place, Killarne...McCabe Papers
14171Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 145 From Rebecca Stephenson, Ballinrobe,...McCabe Papers
14172Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 80 From Lord Granard, 20 Upper Grosworth ...McCabe Papers
14173Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 162 From the Earl and Countess of Granard...McCabe Papers
14174Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1868Letter no 44 From McGaver, N. Killashee, stating the...McCabe Papers
14175Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1868Franciscan Convent, Drumshambo: Letter no 282 From ...McCabe Papers
14176Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 284 From Mother Abbess, giving an account ...McCabe Papers
14177Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 285 From Mother Abbess, stating that one o...McCabe Papers
14178Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 286 From Mother Abbess, enclosing a letter...McCabe Papers
14179Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 287 From Mother Abbess, saying that she wa...McCabe Papers
14180Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 288 From Mother Abbess, referring to the ...McCabe Papers
14181Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no. 291 From Mother Abbess, concerning the le...McCabe Papers
14182Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 292 From Mother Abbess, explaining about ...McCabe Papers
14183Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 298 From Mother Abbess, seeking permissio...McCabe Papers
14184Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 293 From Mother Abbess, enclosing a lette...McCabe Papers
14186Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 297 From Mother Abbess, regarding a visit...McCabe Papers
14187Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 299 From Mother Abbess, stating that Dr C...McCabe Papers
14188Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 300 From Mother Abbess, stating that Loui...McCabe Papers
14193Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 289 From J. Curtis, Dublin, regarding cert...McCabe Papers
14194Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 294 From J. Curtis, Drumshambo, acquaintin...McCabe Papers
14195Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 295 From J. Curtis, Dublin, stating that n...McCabe Papers
14196Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 301 From J. Curtis, Dublin, sending the st...McCabe Papers
14198Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 290 From Sr F. referring to Fr Luitogue...McCabe Papers
14199Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 283 From Sr Mary, letter entitled 'After ...McCabe Papers
14200Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 305 From Sr Mary, seeking his Lordship t...McCabe Papers
14201Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1867
Letter no 281 A letter entitled, 'The State of my S...McCabe Papers
14206Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Convent of Mercy, Longford Letter no 193 From Sr Mar...McCabe Papers
14207Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 194 From Sr Mechtildis, France, asking his...McCabe Papers
14208Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 221 From members of the convent, begging ...McCabe Papers
14210Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 14 Summary account of receipts and expend...McCabe Papers
14211Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 141 From J. Ennis, Mohill, enclosing a rep...McCabe Papers
14212Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 79 From J. Fiurneran, Roscommon, enclosing...McCabe Papers
14213Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 222 From Lord Granard, Johnstown, regardi...McCabe Papers
14214Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1870Letter no 232 From Lord Granard, expressing great t...McCabe Papers
14215Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 152 From F. Greville, London, to T. Petit,...McCabe Papers
14216Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 131 From Louisa Tennison, Kilronan Castle...McCabe Papers
14217Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 184 From Louisa Tennison, Kilronan, regar...McCabe Papers
14218Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 200 From Louisa Tennison, Kilronan, apolo...McCabe Papers
14219Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 209 From Louisa Tennison, Bellegreee, in...McCabe Papers
14220Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1869Letter no 216 From Louisa Tennison, 33 Merrion Squa...McCabe Papers
14221Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1868Item no 33 A Bill passed for the establishment of P...McCabe Papers
14222Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1870Letter no 265 From J. Reynolds, Longford, stating th...McCabe Papers
14336Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1877Letter no 6 To his mother, letter sent from Montrea...Conroy Papers
14337Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1878Letter no 17 To his mother, letter sent from San Fr...Conroy Papers
14338Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1878Letter no 26 From Sr Bernard, Convent of Mercy, St ...Conroy Papers
14339Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1878Letter no 27 From Mary Byrne, Dundalk, expressing h...Conroy Papers
14341Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1868Letter no 34 From Sr M. Lucy Duffy, Convent of Mercy...Conroy Papers
14342Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1874Letter no. 3 From Sr M. Lucy, Convent of Mercy, Balt...Conroy Papers
14343Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1874Letter no 36 From Sr M. Lucy wishing his Lordship a ...Conroy Papers
14344Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1879Letter no 4 From Sr M. Gerard, Convent of Mercy, St ...Conroy Papers
14345Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1879Letter no 42 From Sr Gerard, Convent of Mercy, St J...Conroy Papers
14347Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1913Letter no 44 From A. Ginnelty, Southampton, (to Mrs ...Conroy Papers
14348Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1914Letter no 47 From A. Ginnelty, Southampton, New York...Conroy Papers
14352Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1914Letter no 52 From Mary Ginnelty, 113 East 55 Street...Conroy Papers
14360Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1874Letter no. 3 From Sr M. Lucy, Convent of Mercy, Balt...Conroy Papers
14361Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1913Letter no 45 From A. Ginnelty, Southampton, Long Isl...Conroy Papers
14367Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1863Letter no 55 From Mary Locke, New York, (to her fa...Conroy Papers
14368Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1863Letter no 56 From Mary Locke, New York, (to her fat...Conroy Papers
14369Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1872Letter no 57 Mary Lock, New York, (to her brother) ...Conroy Papers
14371Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1871Letter no 67 From 'Willie', St Mary's College, Dun...Conroy Papers
14372Ardagh and Clonmacnoise Diocesan Archives (RC)1874Letter no. 68 From 'Willie', New York, (to his gran...Conroy Papers
6965Armagh County Museum1986/691832-1842Minute Book of the Armagh Benevolent Society for 183...
6966Armagh County Museum1948/31833-1834Manuscript, 'A valuation of houses, etc., of the cit...
6971Armagh County Museum1953/51834Sepia drawing 'View of Armagh Cathedral in 1834', by...
6984Armagh County Museum1976/1191840Notebook, Charlotte Campbell, 1840, 248 pages, conta...
6985Armagh County Museum1976/1331840Circular, 'Death fo James Stuart Esq., L.L.D....
13078Armagh County Museum1820, 18371988/225 Print, elevation of the Lunatic Asylum for...
13092Armagh County Museum1935/4021827
'The annual report of the association for the relief...
13102Armagh County Museum1976/1181832Notebook, Charlotte Campbell, 1832, 120 pages, conta...
13106Armagh County Museum1962/1701841-1842Rent Book, Dartry estate, County Armagh for November...
13112Armagh County Museum1978/291843Monthly returns of warrants and arrests, Constabular...
13113Armagh County Museum1978/301843Monthly returns of warrants and arrests, Constabular...
13120Armagh County Museum1985/31846Oil portrait of Martha Wentworth by Samuel Hawksett,...
13127Armagh County Museum1974/161848Medical Report, Keady Fever Hospital, 1848, printed.
13128Armagh County Museum1957/1221848, 1852Pattern book and sheet of examples of lace crochet e...
13134Armagh County Museum1962/1711849Rental estate of Lee McKinstry, 1849, includes tenan...
13144Armagh County Museum1956/611838
Memoranda books, medical, formerly belonged to Surge...
13153Armagh County Museum1974/71853Album, assorted coloured paper, 98 pages, contains p...
13157Armagh County Museum1941/571855Memorandum of Agreement between Portadown and Dungan...
13165Armagh County Museum1956/1331858Hacknahay School House, Committee Minutes, 204 pages...
13171Armagh County Museum1963/1161861Needlework book entitled 'Simple directions in needl...
13176Armagh County Museum1976/1301863Letter, report and copy, Keady Spinning Mill fixture...
13189Armagh County Museum1936/741868Water-colour: City of Armagh, painted by Margaret L....
13190Armagh County Museum1939/31868Water-colour, Folly Lake by Margaret L.F. Wray, 1868...
13204Armagh County Museum1977/281875Certificates of Age of Child, printed, filled in cer...
13205Armagh County Museum1875-19021967/38 Plans, Armagh Lunatic Asylum, dated 29 Decem...
13243Armagh County Museum1949/141893Album, presented to 'Mrs Beresford Diocesan Presiden...
13248Armagh County Museum1960/501895Crayon drawing, portrait of Miss Dorothy Gervais, da...
13255Armagh County Museum1985/21897Oil portrait of Judith Paul by H.R. Douglas, 1897.
13266Armagh County Museum1985/41899Oil portrait of Harriette McCrum by H.R. Douglas, 18...
13273Armagh County Museum1953/21900Water-colour, monochrome, 'Ballinahone, Armagh, 1900...
13274Armagh County Museum1975/351900Copy will of Miss Ann Bakewell, Eddowes and Sons, De...
13280Armagh County Museum1955/1181902Album of manuscript poems by Æ [George Russell...
13281Armagh County Museum1955/1161902, 19262 letters from Æ [George Russell] to Miss Eliz...
13317Armagh County Museum1953/11910Water-colour 'Armagh from the Keady Road', b...
13332Armagh County Museum1992.831913-19192 items, Minute Books of the Armagh Bohemian Club co...
13432Armagh County Museum1962/1691919Armagh Urban District Town Rate Book 30 September 19...
13528Armagh County Museum1972/521922Curfew permits issued to R.J. Mills and Miss M. Mill...
13704Armagh County Museum1991/381928, 1933, 1936Servants' reference papers, 1928, 1933, 1936. Writt...
13842Armagh County Museum1963/107c.1820-1852Formula book, c.1820-1852, compiled by Dr Meredith A...
13844Armagh County Museum1960/49c.1830Water-colour portrait of the Misses Catherine and Fa...
13848Armagh County Museum1956/58c1844-1845Album of drawings entitled 'Ireland. Sketches fr...
13849Armagh County Museum1961/10c1845-1848Needlework book, title page embroidered 'The fol...
13854Armagh County Museum1965/126c1850Valentine, c.1850.
13861Armagh County Museum1960/14c.1886Water-colour portrait of Georgina Frances Dalrymple ...
13872Armagh County Museum1966/60c1918Oil portrait of Mrs Macnamara by J.S. Sleator exhibi...
13881Armagh County Museum1953/4c1920Water-colour, 'Market Street, Armagh, circa 1920', b...
12141Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)Box 11883Raphoe Archives:File V, includes:1a. Will of mother ...Raphoe Archive
12776Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1898
There is a detailed calendar of Letters of Most Rev....Cardinal Logue Archive
14988Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1828-1835Full lists of these papers are available in the arch...
14990Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1835-1846Full lists of these papers are available in the arch...
14991Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1849-1852Full lists of these papers are available in the arch...
14992Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1866-1869Full lists of these papers are available in the arch...Archbishop Michael Kieran Archive
14993Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1819-1832Full lists of these papers are available in the arch...Most Reverend Patrick Curtis Archive
16334Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1917-1919
Material relating to the Diocese of Down and Connor,...Cardinal MacRory Archive
16337Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1916Material relating to the Irish National Teachers Org...Cardinal MacRory Archive
16340Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1928Material relating to the Department of Education, in...Cardinal MacRory Archive
16341Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1928Material relating to the Department of Education, in...Cardinal MacRory Archive
16348Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1921Material relating to organisations, includes:Folder ...Cardinal MacRory Archive
16357Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1894Letters of Cardinal Logue addressed to Most Reverend...Cardinal Logue Archive
16358Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1913Letters of Cardinal Logue addressed to Most Reverend...Cardinal Logue Archive
16359Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1913Letters of Cardinal Logue addressed to Most Reverend...Cardinal Logue Archive
16360Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1898Letters of Cardinal Logue addressed to Most Reverend...Cardinal Logue Archive
16361Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1893Letters of Cardinal Logue addressed to Most Reverend...Cardinal Logue Archive
16362Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1909Material relating to the Sacred Congregation of Reli...Cardinal Logue Archive
16363Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1912Material relating to the Sacred Congregation of Reli...Cardinal Logue Archive
16364Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1913Material relating to the Sacred Congregation of Reli...Cardinal Logue Archive
16365Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1913Material relating to the Sacred Congregation of Reli...Cardinal Logue Archive
16366Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1913Material relating to Meetings of the Hierarchy, incl...Cardinal Logue Archive
16367Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1914Material relating to education, includes:Printed doc...Cardinal Logue Archive
16368Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1905Letters from the Most Reverend Foley, Bishop of Kild...Cardinal Logue Archive
16370Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1918-1922Material relating to various organisations, includes...Cardinal Logue Archive
16372Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1894Material relating to various organisations, includes...Cardinal Logue Archive
16374Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1905Appeals, include:Reverend Mother, Convent of Our Lad...Cardinal Logue Archive
16375Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1896Material relating to the Religious, includes:Sisters...Cardinal Logue Archive
16376Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1922Material relating to the Religious, includes:Daughte...Cardinal Logue Archive
16377Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1913
Material relating to the Religious, includes:Sisters...Cardinal Logue Archive
16378Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1904Material relating to the Religious, includes:Sisters...Cardinal Logue Archive
16379Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1897Material relating to the Religious, includes:Sisters...Cardinal Logue Archive
16382Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1894Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16383Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1894Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16384Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1894Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16385Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1894Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16386Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1895Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16387Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1897Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16388Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1897Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16389Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1897Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16390Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1907Letters addressed to His Eminence Cardinal Logue, in...Cardinal Logue Archive
16394Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1918-1920Material relating to the Sacred Congregation of the ...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16395Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1916-1917Meetings of the Episcopal Standing Committee, includ...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16396Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1920Material relating to the Hierarchy:Folder number 3, ...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16397Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1920Material relating to the Hierarchy:Memorandum, Mrs B...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16398Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1920Material relating to the Hierarchy:Memorandum on exp...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16399Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1915-1918Material relating to the Office of National Educatio...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16400Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1923Documentation relating to Political Prisoners, inclu...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16401Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1909
Political material, includes:Folder number 1:Letter ...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16402Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1909
Material relating to Universities, includes:Copy of ...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16403Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1918Material relating to Teachers' Pensions, include...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16404Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1913Miscellaneous material relating to education, includ...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16405Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1916Material relating to Irish National Teachers' Or...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16406Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1918
Material relating to the Irish language, includes:Le...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16408Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1911-1920Miscellaneous material, includes:Folder number 9: re...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16409Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1889
Material relating to the Religious, includes:Folder ...Cardinal O'Donnell Archive
16410Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1863Matrimonial Dispensations and Queries, Diocese of Ra...Primate McGettigan Archive
16411Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1860-1869Miscellaneous letters addressed to Most Reverend Dan...Primate McGettigan Archive
16414Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1840Material relating to the Diocese of Raphoe, includes...Primate McGettigan Archive
16415Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1842-1861
Appeals, includes:Folder number 2: Donegal Distress,...Primate McGettigan Archive
16417Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1852-1866Correspondence of Archdeacon Felix Slane to Most Rev...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16413Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1868-1872Material relating to the Religious, includes:Folder ...Primate McGettigan Archive
16418Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1862Matrimonial Dispensations, includes:Undated, dispens...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16419Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1855Letter of Sister M. de Sales, St Malachy's, Dund...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16420Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1855Letter of Sister M. de Sales, St Malachy's, Dund...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16421Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1856Letter of Sister M. de Sales, St Malachy's, Dund...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16422Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1858Letter of Sister M. de Sales, St Malachy's Dunda...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16423Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1858Letter of Most Reverend Dr Dixon, relating to the du...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16424Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1860Letter of Sister Mary de Sales, St Malachy's, Du...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16425Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1860Letter of Sister M.P. Maguire, St Paul's Convent...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16428Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1860Letter of Sister M. de Sales, St Malachy's Dunda...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16429Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1861Letter of Sister M. de Sales, St Malachy's, Dund...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16430Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1862Letter of Sister M. de Sales, St Malachy's, Dund...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16431Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1864Letter of Sister M. de Sales, St Malachy's, Dund...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16433Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1864Letter of Sister M. de Sales, St Malachy's, Dund...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16435Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1861Letter of Sister M. Xavier, Convent of Mercy, Ardee,...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16437Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1863Letter of Sister M. Evangelist, Convent of Mercy, Ar...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16439Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1856Material related to the Dominicans - Sienna Convent:...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16440Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1854Material relating to the Society of the Holy Childho...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16441Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1855
Miscellaneous:Letter of Ann Mullin, Ballygawly, addr...Most Reverend John Dixon Archive
16442Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1898There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...Cardinal Logue Archive
16443Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1898There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...Cardinal Logue Archive
16444Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1900There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...Cardinal Logue Archive
16445Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1901There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...Cardinal Logue Archive
16446Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1901There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...Cardinal Logue Archive
16447Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1904There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...
16448Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1906There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...Cardinal Logue Archive
16449Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1908There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...Cardinal Logue Archive
16450Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1914There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...Cardinal Logue Archive
16451Armagh Diocesan Archive (RC)1919There is a detailed calendar of Letters of His Emine...Cardinal Logue Archive
7640Armagh Robinson LibraryKE/IV/211819-c.18381 volume of assize records of case histories for pro...
19113Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 21825A letter referring to the proposal of Mrs Balfour to...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19120Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 71841A letter from Mrs Foster suggesting that her husband...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19121Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 71841A letter from Revd. W.H. Foster apologising for his ...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19124Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 71843A letter from H.L. Prentiss to Primate Beresford reg...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19125Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 81826A list of annuities of £416 paid to 16 widows ...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19126Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 81826-1827A list of all those christened, married or buried at...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19127Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 81841A letter stating that Lady Elizabeth McClintock was ...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19131Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 81827A list of names of all persons christened, married a...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19134Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 91857A letter from Mrs Balfour of Townley Hall, Mellifont...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19135Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 91858A letter from Mrs Anne Darby regarding the collectio...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19136Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 91827A register book of marriages in Termonfekin Church f...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19137Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 101840A list of annual contributions in support of scriptu...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19144Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1850-18591852Extracts from the press on the visit of the Earl and...Dean Rennison Papers
19146Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1860-18691868An extract from the Armagh Guardian on the annu...Dean Rennison Papers
19150Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1880-18891886An extract from the Ulster Gazette on the annual mee...Dean Rennison Papers
19152Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1900-19091900An extract from the Church of Ireland Gazette on the...Dean Rennison Papers
19155Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1920-19291927An extract from the Ulster Gazette on the Duche...Dean Rennison Papers
19162Armagh Robinson Library1888An extract from the Ulster Gazette noted that &...Dean Rennison Papers
19105Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 11824A letter from Doctor Edward Stopford complaining tha...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19106Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 11856A letter from Dean H.V. Tighe objecting on principle...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19107Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 11856A letter from Revd B. Newcombe, Drogheda, asking for...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19108Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 11858A letter from Mrs Flavell, Loughgall, concerning the...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19109Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 11852A letter from Mrs Balfour, Moy, suggesting building ...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19110Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 118583rd Report of Ardee Ragged School, listing the names...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19112Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 21853A letter from Doctor Griffin, Bishop of Limerick to ...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19114Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 21857A letter from Revd. A Irwin to Primate Beresford reg...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19115Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 31855Papers on and a report of the Vaughan Charity School...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19116Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 31812
Returns concerning glebes and schools, listing schoo...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19117Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 31832Returns of families attending parish churches in Arm...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19118Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 41829A census of Protestants living in Woodchapel parish ...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19122Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 71844A letter from H.L. Baker seeking advice from Primate...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19123Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 71835A letter from Mrs Sybilla Baker, wife of the Revd. o...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19128Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 81853A farewell letter to Primate Beresford written by Mr...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19129Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 81844A list of families no longer attending Drumglass Chu...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19130Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 81829Notes that a woman in Grange parish had been forbidd...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19132Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 81841-1843A petition of Mrs Susan James, Wexford, the wife of ...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19133Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 91841-1843Details on the parish of Loughgilly, 1841-1843, whic...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19140Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 111842A letter from Revd J.C. Crosthwaite to Mr Jones info...Primate J.G. Beresford Papers
19141Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1800-18491845An extract from the Armagh Guardian which state...Dean Rennison Papers
19142Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1800-18491849An extract from the Armagh Guardian on the cons...Dean Rennison Papers
19143Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1850-18591851An extract from the Armagh Guardian regarding t...Dean Rennison Papers
19145Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1860-18691860Copy of a letter from 'A voice from St. Patrick&...Dean Rennison Papers
19147Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1870-18791874An extract from the Armagh Guardian on the late...Dean Rennison Papers
19148Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1870-18791875An extract from the Cathedral Chapter Minutes which ...Dean Rennison Papers
19149Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1870-18791876A copy of a letter from the Armagh Guardian, signed ...Dean Rennison Papers
19151Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1890-18991893An extract from the Ulster Gazette on 'A sp...Dean Rennison Papers
19153Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1900-19091906An extract from the Ulster Gazette on a court c...Dean Rennison Papers
19154Armagh Robinson LibraryVolume 1910-19191915An extract from the Church of Ireland Gazette o...Dean Rennison Papers
14629Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland1928A file containing letters to and from Mr and Mrs Sar...Irish Baptist Home and Foreign Mission
14637Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland1906-1914A file of letters to and from Mr R.S. and Mrs E.E. H...Irish Baptist Home and Foreign Mission
14663Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland1928Annual reports of the Irish Baptist Foreign Mission,...Irish Baptist Home and Foreign Mission
14720Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland1877-1906A box containing the following minute books and mate...Irish Baptist Home and Foreign Mission
6231Ballymena Central Library1900-1905Bound typescript volume of the diary of Alice Allen ...
8752Ballymena Central LibraryU/A(BMO)362.51844-1850Ballymoney Board of Guardian Minutes, copied from th...Ballymoney Board of Guardian Records
8754Ballymena Central LibraryU/A(LAR)362.51840-1851Larne Board of Guardian Minutes, copied from the Pub...Larne Board of Guardian Records
8766Ballymena Central LibraryU/Lo/(COL)362.51845-1850Coleraine Board of Guardian Minutes, copied from the...Coleraine Board of Guardian Records
20004Ballymena Central Library1901-1914
Council Minute Books:1901-19141951-1973Antrim County Council Records
8757Ballymoney LibraryU/A-BMO1848-1849Folder of material on the Ballymoney area copied fro...
8764Ballymoney LibraryU/A-BMO-9141795
Notebook of J.B. Hamilton, including a transcription...
8758Ballymoney LibraryU/A-BMO 9141832-1835Typed, bound transcript of the Ordnance Survey Memoi...
8759Ballymoney LibraryU/A-BMO-282.091881Bound volume entitled 'A statement of accounts p...
8761Ballymoney LibraryU/A-BMO-362.51844-1850Ballymoney Board of Guardian Minutes, copied from th...Ballymoney Board of Guardian Records
8762Ballymoney LibraryU/A-BMO-3731823-1824Typed volume entitled, 'Account of Schools in pa...
8765Ballymoney LibraryU/A-BMO-BNA929.2LES1851Bound typescript volume of the history of the Leslie...
20011Ballymoney Library1844-1850File of extracts from the Minute Books of Ballymoney...
13163Belfast Central Library1857-1914The Theatre collection to 1914 comes from four sourc...Theatres to 1914
14595Belfast Central LibraryOM3 (4)1910Manuscript letter from R.L. O'Mealy to J.F. Bigg...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14598Belfast Central LibraryST241856
Manuscript letter from Walter Strickland to J.F. Big...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14599Belfast Central Library1925-1926Correspondence about Sarah Siddons, actress (1755-18...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14600Belfast Central Library1919-1926Correspondence with J.F. Bigger from Amy Young, 1919...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14605Belfast Central Library1896Correspondence about Lady Morgan and her connection ...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14606Belfast Central Library1909Correspondence with Mary Garrett, about her grandfat...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14607Belfast Central Library1906Correspondence relating to Dolly Monroe, the 'Be...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14608Belfast Central Library1908Correspondence with F.J. Bigger about the stained gl...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14609Belfast Central Library1922Correspondence with F.J. Bigger, asking for his help...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14611Belfast Central Library1918Correspondence relating to Mary Ann McCracken, mostl...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14612Belfast Central Library1906-1908Correspondence with Mary Ann Hutton, about the appoi...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14613Belfast Central Library1855-1867Z314 (5), Correspondence from John Mitchel to Henrie...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14614Belfast Central Library1908-1924Correspondence of Helena Concannon with J.F. Bigger,...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14615Belfast Central Library1903-1906Correspondence of Alice Stopford Green with J.F. Big...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14616Belfast Central Library1904-1914Correspondence relating to Sarah Curran, mostly abou...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14617Belfast Central Library1897-1926Correspondence of Eleanor Hull, regarding Irish hist...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
14623Belfast Central Library1916
Archive box 'J.S. Crone, letters P-R': two l...
14625Belfast Central Library1903
Archive box 'J.S. Crone, Miscellaneous Pamphlets...
14592Belfast Central LibraryA88-A891923Two scrapbooks containing newscuttings of articles b...Francis Joseph Bigger Archive
16163Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1823-1824
D/6/1-14: Letters to the 2nd Earl of Rosse from Mr a...The Rosse Papers
16167Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1823-1830D/21/1-16: Letters to the 2nd Earl of Rosse from Mar...The Rosse Papers
16168Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1829-1831D/23/1-13 Letters to the 2nd Earl of Rosse from Cath...The Rosse Papers
16201Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1908-1916
H/115-116: Letters to and from estate agents, includ...The Rosse Papers
16205Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1850-1859J/20: An invite from Frances Anne, Lady Londonderry,...The Rosse Papers
16206Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1855J/22: Letters to 3rd Earl and Lady Rosse from Nassau...The Rosse Papers
16207Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1863-1865J/25: Journals of the 3rd Earl relating to cruises, ...The Rosse Papers
16203Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1829
J/1: Letters to 3rd Earl and Countess of Rosse from ...The Rosse Papers
16204Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1834-1853J/19/1: Letters of Mary Field, Countess of Rosse, in...The Rosse Papers
16208Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1829
J/30: Includes a small quarto volume of watercolour ...The Rosse Papers
16209Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1872K/12: Includes a letter from Lady Rosse to George Jo...The Rosse Papers
16210Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1843K/17: Includes a letter to 3rd Earl of Rosse from Ma...The Rosse Papers
16212Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1846-1850
K/36B: Includes typescript copies of letters from th...The Rosse Papers
16213Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1872M/8: Largely empty diary of Cassandra, 4th Countess ...The Rosse Papers
16214Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1870M/18: Quarto recipe book kept by Miss Edith Cromer, ...The Rosse Papers
16215Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1900M/30: Letters and papers regarding the marriage sett...The Rosse Papers
16216Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1910-1912M/34: Papers regarding the trust set up under the wi...The Rosse Papers
16218Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1915-1916M/37: Postcards and letters of thanks to Lady Rosse ...The Rosse Papers
16219Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1825N/3: 4 letters of Lister Lister Kaye and his wife, C...The Rosse Papers
16220Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1917-1924
N/7: Correspondence of Natica, wife of Sir John Pepy...The Rosse Papers
16221Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1866-1928N/8: Box of letters and papers relating to the 6th D...The Rosse Papers
16222Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1866N8/1: Small envelope of newspaper cuttings regarding...The Rosse Papers
16223Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1866-1873N/8/2-5 3 envelopes of love letters from Hohler to t...The Rosse Papers
16224Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1879-1928N/8/6: Letters of Cecil Lister Kaye and his wife, La...The Rosse Papers
16234Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1840-1845O/30: 9 designs by Mary, Countess of Rosse, (? and o...The Rosse Papers
16235Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1860O/41-44: 4 coloured plans for Mary, Countess of Ross...The Rosse Papers
16225Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1894-1924N/10: Family and personal letters of Cecil Lister Ka...The Rosse Papers
16226Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1906-1908
N/12; N/15; N/17; and N/21:Personal letters to Cecil...The Rosse Papers
16236Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1915O/58A: Map of Mrs Mary Ann Clary's premises at M...The Rosse Papers
16238Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1910-1915
Q: Volumes of in-letters to agents including several...The Rosse Papers
16240Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1874-1892
R/5/1-17: Includes the correspondence of Maria Herap...The Rosse Papers
16245Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1917-1924Early personal letters to Miss Anne Messell and a se...The Rosse Papers
16247Birr Castle ArchivesA-W1922-1924
The correspondence of the 6th Earl of Rosse include,...The Rosse Papers
1185Brother Allen ArchiveBox 1081905-1927Letter from J.A. Kingston to Miss ffrench Mullen, un...Brother Allen Archival Collection
1186Brother Allen ArchiveBox 1091912-1916Letter from Alice S. Green to Sean Gall, 29 May 1912...Brother Allen Archival Collection
4474Brother Allen ArchiveBox 1011916Folder 6: songs and poems of the 1916 rebels, includ...Brother Allen Archival Collection
4475Brother Allen ArchiveBox 1111924Folder 8 Vincent de Paul Register, 1924.Brother Allen Archival Collection
4477Brother Allen ArchiveBox 1241894-18956: To hold as 'twere by Mrs Josph Plunkett,...Brother Allen Archival Collection
4478Brother Allen ArchiveBox 1251911-1924Folder 3 Typescript of the Log of the Asgard gi...Brother Allen Archival Collection
4479Brother Allen ArchiveBox 1261856-18941a Personal letter written by O'Donovan Rossa oh...Brother Allen Archival Collection
4480Brother Allen ArchiveBox 1291847-1860Three journals of Penella Leinigan, 1852, 1847 and 1...Brother Allen Archival Collection
4481Brother Allen ArchiveBox 14219148 Sheaves of Revolt by Maeve Cavanagh, Cit...Brother Allen Archival Collection
4486Brother Allen ArchiveBox 1571820-18558 Letter to Mrs O'Connell, Cork, from her son, B...Brother Allen Archival Collection
4490Brother Allen ArchiveBox 1661900-1922Mounted 'Inghinidhe na h-Éireann' lea...Brother Allen Archival Collection
4492Brother Allen ArchiveBox 174191628 Mounted copy of a letter from Countess Markievicz...Brother Allen Archival Collection
4495Brother Allen ArchiveBox 1801916'A Booklet of Irish Heroines' by Michae...Brother Allen Archival Collection
4501Brother Allen ArchiveBox 1861916Letter from Margaret Pearse to Mr Whelan, 30 Decembe...Brother Allen Archival Collection
4502Brother Allen ArchiveBox 1871916File 1 Photocopy of application for library material...Brother Allen Archival Collection
4505Brother Allen ArchiveBox 2011916-1922Letter from Labhrais MacFionnghail to Miss O'Doh...Brother Allen Archival Collection
4514Brother Allen ArchiveBox 2401916-1921Pencil drawing of Countess Markievicz completed in p...Brother Allen Archival Collection
6176Carlow County Archive1-191845-1854Minute Books:1. 22 March 1845 - 10 January 18462. 10...Carlow Poor Law Union
6177Carlow County Archive20-391854-1861Minute Books:20. 5 October 1854 - 22 March 185521. 5...Carlow Poor Law Union
6178Carlow County Archive40-601862-1874Minute Books:40. 15 May 1862 - 25 September 186241. ...Carlow Poor Law Union
6179Carlow County Archive61-801874-1885Minute Books:61. 28 March 1874 - 3 October 187462. 8...Carlow Poor Law Union
6180Carlow County Archive81-991885-1895Minute Books:81. 2 April 1885 - 6 October 188682. 8 ...Carlow Poor Law Union
6181Carlow County Archive100-1181897-1913Minute Books:100. 1 April 1897 - 30 September 1897 a...Carlow Poor Law Union
6182Carlow County Archive119-1301913-1923Minute Books:119. 13 November 1913 - 11 June 1914120...Carlow Poor Law Union
19996Carlow County Archive1904-1916Minute Books:May 1904 - May 1906May 1906 - November ...Slievemargy Rural District Council
20638Carlow County Archive1902-1918County Infirmary Minute Book: 8 August 1902 - 9 Octo...Carlow Local Authority Records
20639Carlow County Archive1886-1891
Labourers Acts and Rural Sanitary Authority Minute ...Carlow Local Authority Records
20640Carlow County Archive1897-1899 Rural Sanitary Authority Minute Book: June 1897 - M...Carlow Local Authority Records
20641Carlow County Archive1892-1899 Carlow Town Commission Minute Book: 22 November 189...Carlow Local Authority Records
20642Carlow County Archive1908-1911
Carlow Union Minute Book of Boarded and Hired Out C...Carlow Local Authority Records
20643Carlow County Archive1884-1904 Carlow Urban Sanitary Authority Minute Books:6 Febr...Carlow Local Authority Records
20653Carlow County Archive1828'List of leases handed over to the Revd T.M. Vigors,...Vigors Papers
20671Carlow County Archive1919-1928Public Health Minute Books:19 May 1919 - 19 July 192...Carlow Urban District Council
14564Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18751875: 4. Letter from Croke to Issy, tells his sister...Papers of Dr Croke
14565Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18761876: 2 - Grants permission for the Convents of Merc...Papers of Dr Croke
14566Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18811881 4 - Cardinal Simeoni to Croke, grants permissio...Papers of Dr Croke
14567Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18841884: 6 - Letter from Margaret F. Sullivan to Croke ...Papers of Dr Croke
14568Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18861886: 1 - Letter from Croke to his sister 'Abess...Papers of Dr Croke
14569Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18871887 : 17 - Deed of transfer of the Glebe House and ...Papers of Dr Croke
14570Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18881888: 30 - Letter from Mother Ignatius Croke to her ...Papers of Dr Croke
14571Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18901890:28 - Letter from Dr Firby to Croke. The pope ha...Papers of Dr Croke
14572Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18911891: 74 - Letter from Mrs D. Gray to Croke. She hop...Papers of Dr Croke
14573Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18921892: 68 - Letter from Michael Davitt to Croke. The ...Papers of Dr Croke
14574Cashel and Emly Diocesan Archives (RC)Special List 170A18971897: 1 - A printed letter from John Kenny to the fr...Papers of Dr Croke
16711Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1852Marriage Register, Cahircorny Parish, 1852, 1 volume...Bolton Library Archive
16716Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1870-1910
Vestry Minute Books, Parish of Galbally: 1870-1910 1...Bolton Library Archive
16718Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1846-1919Register of Marriages, parish of Galbally, 1846-1919...Bolton Library Archive
16722Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1871-1886Church of Ireland Sustentation Fund, Parish of Galba...Bolton Library Archive
16723Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1870-1882
Church of Ireland Parochial Account Books, Galbally:...Bolton Library Archive
16726Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1852-1877Register of Marriages, Ballinlanders, 1852-1877, 1 v...Bolton Library Archive
16727Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1874-1886Church of Ireland Register of Vestrymen, Ballinlande...Bolton Library Archive
16728Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1875-1882Church of Ireland Minute Book, Ballinlanders, 1875-1...Bolton Library Archive
16729Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1863-1867Daily Roll Book, Ballinlanders School, 1863-1867, 1 ...Bolton Library Archive
16730Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1881-1912Register of Baptisms, Parish of Ballinlanders, 1881-...Bolton Library Archive
16732Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1895-1916
Donohill Church Account Books: 1895-1916 1950-1960.Bolton Library Archive
16736Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1856-1911
Register of Marriages, Doon: 1877-c1923 1856-1911.Bolton Library Archive
16738Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1790-1831
Doon Vestry Minute Books: 1790-1831 1832-1870, with ...Bolton Library Archive
16739Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1870-1893
Church of Ireland Register of Vestry men, Doon, 1870...Bolton Library Archive
16743Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1870-1884Church of Ireland Register of Vestrymen, Kilshane, 1...Bolton Library Archive
16747Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1876-1895Pallasgreen Parochial Records, Pallasgreen Vestry, 1...Bolton Library Archive
16750Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1878-1880
Vestry Books, parish of Templeneiry: 1878-1880, this...Bolton Library Archive
16753Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1855-1870
Parish of Killoughley, Annaghmere, Kings County, Rev...Bolton Library Archive
16756Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1822-1850Lismore Estate:Letter Book, 1822-1850 with index to ...Bolton Library Archive
16759Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1821-1836Wages Book, 1821-1836, place not clear, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16760Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1825-1832Lismore Estate:Rent Day Book, 1825-1832, Clogheen, 1...Bolton Library Archive
16761Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1837-1844Lismore Estate:Ledger, 1837-1844, [Clogheen accounts...Bolton Library Archive
16763Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1878-1902Lismore Estate:Daily Rent Book, all five estates, sh...Bolton Library Archive
16764Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1836-1856Lismore Estate:Rent Ledger, 1836-1856, [place?], 1 v...Bolton Library Archive
16765Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1872Cashel and Emly Diocese, Records of Trusts, 1872-[?]...Bolton Library Archive
16766Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1822-1863Lismore Estate:The Viscount Lismore's Account Bo...Bolton Library Archive
16767Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1830-1833Lismore Estate:Timber Account, 1830-1833, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16768Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1898-1902Lismore Estate:Viscountess Lismore's Cash Book, ...Bolton Library Archive
16769Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1863-1882Lismore Estate:Lord Lismore's Account Book, 1863...Bolton Library Archive
16770Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1850-1862Lismore Estate?Letter Book, 1850-1862, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16771Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1883-1900Church of Ireland Register of Vestrymen, Tipperary, ...Bolton Library Archive
16775Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1845-1879Register of Marriages, Tipperary Parish, 1845-1879, ...Bolton Library Archive
16779Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1879-1903
Marriages Registers, Tipperary Parish:1879-19031959-...Bolton Library Archive
16781Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1918-1921Minutes of Lay Members of the Diocesan Council, 1918...Bolton Library Archive
16790Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1843-1852Parish of St John Baptist, diocese of Cashel, Reader...Bolton Library Archive
16791Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1873-1895
Cashel and Emly Diocesan Board of Education Minute B...Bolton Library Archive
16793Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1845-1875Register of Marriages, Cashel parish, 1845-1875, 1 v...Bolton Library Archive
16795Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1883-1916Parochial Treasurer's Account Book, Cashel parish, 1...Bolton Library Archive
16797Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1842-1876Register of Marriages, Baptisms and Births, Cashel p...Bolton Library Archive
16798Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1879-1889Church of Ireland Minute Book, Cashel, 1879-1889, Di...Bolton Library Archive
16799Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1846-1870Register of marriages, Toem, 1846-1870, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16801Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1890-1905Cashel and Emly Diocesan Council Minute Book, 1890-1...Bolton Library Archive
16802Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1870-1871Church of Ireland Treasurer's Account Book, Cashel, ...Bolton Library Archive
16803Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1890-1916Lismore Estate:Rental of Viscount Lismore's Esta...Bolton Library Archive
16805Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1901-1902Lismore Estate:Estate of Lady Lismore, Cash Book, 19...Bolton Library Archive
16806Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1884-1891Lismore Estate:Letter Book, 1884-1891 belonging to t...Bolton Library Archive
16807Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1891-1902Lismore Estate:Viscount Lismore's Estate, Tenant...Bolton Library Archive
16808Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1891-1902Lismore Estate:Viscount Lismore's Estate Tenants...Bolton Library Archive
16809Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1900-1913Lismore Estate?Timber Sales, 1900-1913, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16812Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1925-1927Lismore Estate?[Creditors' ledger? Drapery?], 19...Bolton Library Archive
16813Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1826-1837Lismore Estate:Account Book, 1826-1837, Clogheen, re...Bolton Library Archive
16815Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1811-1815
Lismore Estate?Banteer Rent Book, 1824-1834 with loo...Bolton Library Archive
16816Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1854-1870Marriage Notice Books, Diocese of Cashel and Emly:18...Bolton Library Archive
16818Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1912-1919Letter Books relating to Estate [Tipperary?], [For A...Bolton Library Archive
16820Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1878-1882
Preachers' Books, Ballintemple:1895-19011885-189...Bolton Library Archive
16821Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1882-1919Preachers' Book, Ballinlanders, 1882-1919, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16823Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1887-1891Preachers' Book, Ardmayle Church, 1887-1891, 1 volum...Bolton Library Archive
16824Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1873-1906Preachers' Books, Althassel parish:1896-19061873...Bolton Library Archive
16825Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1869-1912Preachers' Book, Golden parish, 1869-1912, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16828Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1883-1903Cathedral and Parochial Books:1883-18881888-18941894...Bolton Library Archive
16833Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1958-1965
Church of Ireland Parochial Account Book, Magorban, ...Bolton Library Archive
16836Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1850-1877Clonbeg Burial Register 1850-1877, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16839Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1850-1877Clonbeg parish, Baptismal Register, 1850-1877, 1 vol...Bolton Library Archive
16841Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1865-1871Clonbeg Account Book, 1865-1871, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16843Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1845-1850Marriage Register, Ballintemple, 1845-1850, 1 volume...Bolton Library Archive
16852Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1870-1885Ballintemple Sustentation Fund, 1870-1885, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16853Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1870-1883
Register of Vestrymen: Ballysheehan, 1870-1883 With ...Bolton Library Archive
16859Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1855-1893Folder containing Clonoulty Vestry Minutes 1855-1893...Bolton Library Archive
16867Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1833-1870Alhassel Parish Accounts, 1833-1870, financial accou...Bolton Library Archive
16868Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1832Applotment Book, parish of Relickmurry, diocese of C...Bolton Library Archive
16875Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1846-1884
Marriage Registers, Knockgrafton parish: 1914 1846-1...Bolton Library Archive
16885Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1809-1869
Vestry Minute Books, Cullen: 1809-1869 1912-1923, wi...Bolton Library Archive
16887Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1845-1927
Marriage Registers, Cullen: 1845-1927, with inserts ...Bolton Library Archive
16889Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1846-1885Marriage Register, Dromkeen parish, 1846-1885, 1 vol...Bolton Library Archive
16890Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1858-1865Marriage Register, Emly parish, 1858-1865, with inse...Bolton Library Archive
16892Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1847-1896Marriage Register, Kilbehenny, 1847-1896, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16893Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1846-1920Marriage Register, Ardmayle, 1846-1920, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16894Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1921-1926Church Accounts, Ardmayle, 1921-1926, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16897Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1847-1915Marriage Register, Ballysheehan, 1847-1915, 1 volume...Bolton Library Archive
16899Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1872-1925Church of Ireland Vestry Minute Book, Ballysheehan, ...Bolton Library Archive
16900Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1845-1870Marriage Register, Shronell, 1845-1870, 1 volume.Bolton Library Archive
16901Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1870-1892Sustentation Fund, Ballysheehan, 1870-1892, 1 volume...Bolton Library Archive
16902Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1757-1834
Vestry Minute Books, Shronell: 1757-1834, with inser...Bolton Library Archive
16903Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1870-1872Register of Vestrymen, Shronell, 1870-1872, with ins...Bolton Library Archive
16906Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1836Rental to May 1836, places include, for example, Bal...Bolton Library Archive
16907Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1846-1847Clogheen Relief and Employment for the Poor, Minute ...Bolton Library Archive
16908Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1883-1889Ballyporeen Rate Book, 1883-1889, 1 volumeBolton Library Archive
16911Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1831Large envelope marked 'Lismore Estate':Tithe...Bolton Library Archive
16912Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1830Large envelope marked 'Lismore Estate':Tithe...Bolton Library Archive
16913Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1829Large envelope marked 'Lismore Estate':Tithe...Bolton Library Archive
16915Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1822-18322nd envelope marked Lord Lismore's Account with ...Bolton Library Archive
16916Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1791-1794
A second envelope marked 'Lord Lismore's Acc...Bolton Library Archive
16917Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1898A third envelope for Lismore Estate marked 'Acco...Bolton Library Archive
16918Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1884-1896Volume containing details of sheep and cattle brande...Bolton Library Archive
16919Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1828Among material located in the filing cabinet:(2) Pri...Bolton Library Archive
16920Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1825-1831Among material located in the filing cabinet:(3) Cas...Bolton Library Archive
16921Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1735
Among material located in the filing cabinet:(5) (a)...Bolton Library Archive
16925Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1833Among material located in the filing cabinet:(10) Ar...Bolton Library Archive
16926Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1815
Among material located in the filing cabinet:(11) Ad...Bolton Library Archive
16928Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1866-1872Among material located in the filing cabinet:(13) A ...Bolton Library Archive
16930Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1923Among material located in the filing cabinet:(1) Pri...Bolton Library Archive
16932Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)184319th and 20th century correspondence, not catalogued...Looney Collection
16933Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Diocesan Archive (CoI)1908Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act 1851, 14 and 15 Vict Ch...Looney Collection
14400Cavan County Archives1889Printed volume, County of Cavan Summer Assizes, 1889...Cavan Grand Jury Records
14394Cavan County Archives1886-19231 volume, Register of the Board of Health Officials,...Cavan Board of Health and Public Assistance
14395Cavan County Archives1911-19121 volume, Cavan Rural District: Register of Dairymen...Cavan Rural District Register of Cowkeepers, etc.
14403Cavan County ArchivesBG44/AJ/11852-18981 volume, manuscript, Ballyconnell Dispensary Commit...County Cavan Poor Law Union Records
14409Cavan County ArchivesCTComm1829-1900Includes correspondence, minute books, leases, wills...Cavan Town Commissioners
14412Cavan County ArchivesBG1843-1928Includes Poor Law records for Bailieborough, Bawnboy...County Cavan Poor Law Union Records
14413Cavan County ArchivesRDC1899-1925Includes Minute Books and associated records for Bai...Cavan Rural District Councils
14465Cavan County Archives1911Register of Cowkeepers, Dairymen & Purveyors of ...Cavan Rural District Register of Cowkeepers, etc.
14467Cavan County Archives1880-1889Tenants living in the Barony of Clankee, County Cava...Tenants in the Barony of Clankee, 1880s
14468Cavan County Archives1850-1899Photograph album from the Farnham Estate, including ...Farnham Photograph Album
16935Cavan County ArchivesGJ/91856-1859c. Spring 1856-Spring 1859. Volume containing presen...Cavan Grand Jury Records
16457Central Catholic Library1922-1927
Central Catholic Library, Minute Books of the Counci...
16459Central Catholic Library1922-1924
Central Catholic Library, Minute Book of the Ladies ...
16460Central Catholic Library1924-1926Central Catholic Library, Minute Book of the Lecture...
4134Church of Ireland CentreMs688a1838Fragile soft-bound book with inscription 'The Fo...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4135Church of Ireland CentreMs684-6851824-1855Ms 684 List of mistresses instructed in the Educatio...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4136Church of Ireland CentreMs6861825-1854List, with index by school, of male and female train...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4223Church of Ireland CentreMs1021819-1822Committee Minutes and Resolutions, 10 July 1819-7 De...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4224Church of Ireland CentreMs1031822-1826Committee Minutes and Resolutions, 14 December 1822-...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4225Church of Ireland CentreMs1041826-1829Committee Minutes and Resolutions, 22 April 1826-11 ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4226Church of Ireland CentreMs1051829-1833Committee Minutes and Resolutions, 18 April 1829-10 ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4227Church of Ireland CentreMs1061833-1841Committee Minutes and Resolutions, 17 August 1833-10...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4228Church of Ireland CentreMs1071841-1863Committee Minutes and Resolutions, 17 April 1841-2 J...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4229Church of Ireland CentreMs1081863-1887Committee Minutes and Resolutions, 1 September 1863-...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4230Church of Ireland CentreMs1091832-1834General Committee Minutes, 16 May 1832-21 August 183...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4231Church of Ireland CentreMs1101843-1876General Committee Minutes, 8 April 1843 -9 November ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4232Church of Ireland CentreMs1111865-1878Chairman's Committee Minute Book, 19 April 1865-...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4236Church of Ireland CentreMs1211837-1840Minutes of the Book Committees, 18 March 1837-3 Dece...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4237Church of Ireland CentreMs1221854-1862Minutes of the Committee for the Religious Publicati...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4242Church of Ireland CentreMs1321832Volume containing a list of individuals, with addres...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4243Church of Ireland CentreMs1331832Volume containing a list of individuals, with addres...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4244Church of Ireland CentreMs1471826-1829Signature Book, 2 October 1826-28 February 1829.Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4245Church of Ireland CentreMs1911832Collector's Book of the Ladies Auxiliary to the ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4247Church of Ireland CentreMs3181820Abstract of gratuities paid to teachers, December 18...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4248Church of Ireland CentreMs319-3231826-1827Payments made to teachers under the Cork Committee o...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4249Church of Ireland CentreMs324-3381830-1831Particulars of gratuities paid to teachers, 10 July ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4250Church of Ireland CentreMs4331825Lease between Elizabeth and Sarah Clarke, Marlfield ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4251Church of Ireland CentreMs4851825Lease between Elizabeth, Isabella and Louisa Richard...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4252Church of Ireland CentreMs4871825Unsigned lease between Magistrate McHugh, Westport, ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4253Church of Ireland CentreMs4931825Lease between Lady Harriet Savage, Hollymount, Count...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4254Church of Ireland CentreMs5331825Letter from Shapland Carew confirming that the house...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4255Church of Ireland CentreMs5641827Lease between Mrs H. Richardson, Moy, County Tyrone,...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4256Church of Ireland CentreMs6021827Lease between R. Martin, Ross, County Wexford, and W...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4257Church of Ireland CentreMs6881836Descriptions and observations written in the Model S...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4260Church of Ireland CentreMs6921840-1843Inspector's Reports of the Model School, 1840-18...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4261Church of Ireland CentreMs6931856-1862Signature Book of those who visited the Society'...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4263Church of Ireland CentreMs6961829Folio containing examples of needlework executed by ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4264Church of Ireland CentreMs6971830Folio containing examples of needlework executed in ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4266Church of Ireland CentreMs8321876Landed Estates Court. Notice for the sale of the est...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4270Church of Ireland CentreSerial No371821General Correspondence, II:R. Forster to S. Bewley r...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4271Church of Ireland CentreSerial No461821General Correspondence, II:Miss Hawkshaw to D. Litto...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4268Church of Ireland CentreSerial No111820General Correspondence, II:Lady Louisa Connolly to J...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4269Church of Ireland CentreSerial No171820General Correspondence, II:Box 2 W. Parnell to Socie...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4272Church of Ireland CentreSerial No711824General Correspondence, II:J.L. Foster to J. Foster ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4273Church of Ireland CentreSerial No741824General Correspondence, II:J.L. Foster to Secretary ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4274Church of Ireland CentreSerial No761824General Correspondence, II:J.L. Foster to J. Topham ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4275Church of Ireland CentreSerial No771824General Correspondence, II:J.L. Foster to J. Topham,...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4276Church of Ireland CentreSerial No801824General Correspondence, II:Miss J. Edkins to J.D. Ja...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4277Church of Ireland CentreSerial No931824General Correspondence, II:Bishop Kelly to Lady Osbo...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4278Church of Ireland CentreSerial No941824General Correspondence, II:Lady Osborne to Secretary...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4279Church of Ireland CentreSerial No71827General Correspondence, III:Bishop of Ferns to J.D. ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4280Church of Ireland CentreSerial No591834General Correspondence, III:Miss J. Edkins to J. Top...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4281Church of Ireland CentreSerial No601834General Correspondence, III:Miss J. Edkins to J. Top...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4282Church of Ireland CentreSerial No621834General Correspondence, III:Miss J. Edkins to J. Top...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4283Church of Ireland CentreSerial No631834General Correspondence, III: Miss J. Edkins to the C...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4284Church of Ireland CentreSerial No651834General Correspondence, III:Lady Charlemont to J. To...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4285Church of Ireland CentreBox 41834
General Correspondence, III:Serial No 68 Miss J. Edk...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4286Church of Ireland CentreSerial No831836General Correspondence, III:J.S. Scott to J. Topham ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4287Church of Ireland CentreSerial No1581840General Correspondence, III:Lady F. Cole to Committe...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4288Church of Ireland CentreSerial No1601840General Correspondence, III:Mary Jackson and Son to ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4289Church of Ireland CentreSerial No1641840General Correspondence, III: Lady Dunraven to J. Top...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4290Church of Ireland CentreSerial No1721843General Correspondence, III:Miss J. Edkins to Commit...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4291Church of Ireland CentreSerial No1731845General Correspondence, III:Mrs M. Mills to T. Stewa...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4294Church of Ireland CentreBox 161825Inspectors' Correspondence I:Serial No 119 W. Fi...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4295Church of Ireland CentreBox 181829Inspectors' Correspondence III:Serial No 11 W.V....Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4296Church of Ireland CentreBox No201835-1836Inspectors' Correspondence V:Serial No 5 Mrs Fit...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4297Church of Ireland CentreBox No231825Papers regarding Publication of Cheap Books I:Serial...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4298Church of Ireland CentreBox No241826-1834Papers regarding Publication of Cheap Books II:Seria...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4299Church of Ireland CentreBox 241834Papers regarding Publication of Cheap Books II:Seria...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4301Church of Ireland CentreBox 271827-1847Reports of Various Societies: Serial No 22 First Rep...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
18997Church of Ireland CentreBox 361819Model School:Mod. 12 - Bundle containing Expenditure...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
18998Church of Ireland CentreBox 361819Model School:Mod.13 - Letter from Mrs Mary Anne McLo...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
18999Church of Ireland CentreBox 361820Model School:Mod. 14 - List of Ladies and Mistresses...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19000Church of Ireland CentreBox 361822-1849Model School:Mod. 15 - Names of visiting Ladies of F...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19001Church of Ireland CentreBox 361830Model School:Mod. 16 - Acceptance by Mrs J.D. Jackso...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19002Church of Ireland CentreBox 361820Model School:Mod. 17 - Letter from Ely Le Foru to Mo...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19004Church of Ireland CentreBox 361821Model School:Mod. 20 - Miss Steele, to Model School ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19005Church of Ireland CentreBox 361820Model School:Mod. 21 - Miss C. Mayne no longer in co...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19006Church of Ireland CentreBox 361820Model School:Mod. 32 - Extract from Minutes regardin...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19007Church of Ireland CentreBox 361820Model School:Mod. 33 - Summary of visiting Ladies by...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19008Church of Ireland CentreBox 361821Model School:Mod. 34 - Extract of Minutes regarding ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19009Church of Ireland CentreBox 361821Model School:Mod. 35 - Extract from Proceedings of M...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19010Church of Ireland CentreBox 361821Model School:Mod. 36 - Letter from M.A. McLoughlin r...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19011Church of Ireland CentreBox 361821Model School:Mod. 37 - Report on the state of the Fe...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19012Church of Ireland CentreBox 361821Model School:Mod. 38 - Letter to Committee from Sara...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19013Church of Ireland CentreBox 361822Model School:Mod. 41 - Forwarding decision of Commit...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19014Church of Ireland CentreBox 361830Model School:Mod. 48 - Letter from Julia Campbell to...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19015Church of Ireland CentreBox 361833Model School:Mod. 50 - Letter from Julia Campbell to...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19016Church of Ireland CentreBox 361833Model School:Mod. 51 - Letter from Julia Campbell to...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19017Church of Ireland CentreBox 361819Model School:Mod. 7 - Expenditure of accounts of the...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19018Church of Ireland CentreBox 361833Model School:Mod. 53 - Report on the model school Su...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19019Church of Ireland CentreBox 361839Model School:Mod. 70 - Letter from Elizabeth Duncan ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19020Church of Ireland CentreBox 361840Model School:Mod. 75 - Letter to Mrs Duncan from Ano...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19021Church of Ireland CentreBox 361847Model School:Mod. 81 - Synopsis of numbers in school...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19022Church of Ireland CentreBox 361849Model School:Mod. 82 - Female School, table showing ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19028Church of Ireland CentreBox 361821Model School:Mod. 98 - List of twenty-six names bein...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
19029Church of Ireland CentreBox 361840Model School:Mod. 100 - 'School Assisted by the ...Records of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland
4418Clare County Archives657.8391873-1875Account Book Mrs McAuliffe's Shop, Knock, 1873-1875.
4422Clare County Archives379.1581880-1928District Inspector's Observation Book, Lahinch Femal...
4425Clare County Archives52.041931847-1877Grand Juries of County Clare. Letters and circulars ...
4428Clare County Archives381.181886-1924Scariff Market Committee, Minute Book, 1886-1924.
4429Clare County Archives379.1581856-1902Kilfenora Female National School:Observation Book, 1...
4436Clare County ArchivesBox 51c1890Includes a photograph of the Revd. Phillip O'Dwy...
6060Clare County Archives1921-1923Minutes of Clare County Board of Health, 13 December...County Clare Board of Health
6061Clare County Archives1923-1924Minutes of Clare County Board of Health, 31 October ...County Clare Board of Health
6062Clare County Archives1924-1925Minutes of Clare County Board of Health, 24 Septembe...County Clare Board of Health
6064Clare County Archives1926-1927Minutes of Clare County Board of Health,10 June 1926...County Clare Board of Health
6079Clare County Archives1899-1900Clare County Council, Minute Book, 22 April 1899 - 1...Clare County Council
6080Clare County Archives1900-1905Clare County Council Minute Book, 19 November 1900 -...Clare County Council
6081Clare County Archives1911-1916Clare County Council, Minute Book, 14 June 1911 - 3...Clare County Council
6082Clare County Archives1916-1920Clare County Council Minute Book, 16 April 1916 - 26...Clare County Council
6083Clare County Archives1920-1923Clare County Council Minute Book, 1 November 1920 - ...Clare County Council
6084Clare County Archives1923-1926Clare County Council Minute Book, 26 September 1923 ...Clare County Council
6085Clare County Archives1926-1928Clare County Council Minute Book, 3 July 1926 - 7 Ju...Clare County Council
6086Clare County Archives1912-1921Clare County Council Minute Book,8 May 1912 - 29 Oct...Clare County Council
6095Clare County Archives1926-1927Minutes of Clare County Board of Health, Medical Ass...Clare County Council
6096Clare County Archives1923-1927Minutes County Clare Sanatorium, Dispensaries, 6 Jun...Clare County Council
6101Clare County Archives1915-1918Volume of Letters from the Local Government Board to...Clare County Council
6107Clare County Archives1901-1908Council Attendance Register, 12 January 1901 - 6 Dec...Clare County Council
6108Clare County Archives1901-1908Finance Committee Minute Book, 14 January 1901 - 6 D...Clare County Council
6109Clare County Archives1906-1911Finance Committee Minute Book, 18 January 1906 - 14 ...Clare County Council
6110Clare County Archives1915-1920Finance Committee Minute Book, 9 December 1907 - 5 D...Clare County Council
6111Clare County Archives1915-1920Finance Committee Minute Book, 1 February 1915 - 12 ...Clare County Council
6112Clare County Archives1920-1921Finance Committee Minute Book, 17 May 1920 - 25 Augu...Clare County Council
6113Clare County Archives1917-1920Finance Committee Minute Book, 10 December 1917 - 1 ...Clare County Council
6114Clare County Archives1920-1923Finance Committee Minute Book, 14 December 1920 - 19...Clare County Council
6120Clare County Archives1913-1919Rough Minute Book, 18 August 1913 - 14 June 1919.Clare County Council
6033Clare County Archives1927-1928Minutes of Board of Health and Public Assistance, Tu...County Clare Board of Health
6063Clare County Archives1925-1927Minutes of Clare County Board of Health, Housing Com...County Clare Board of Health
6065Clare County Archives1925-1926Minutes of Clare County Board of Health, Home Assist...County Clare Board of Health
6066Clare County Archives1927-1928Minutes of Clare County Board of Health, Medical Cha...County Clare Board of Health
6077Clare County Archives1926-1927Minutes of Clare County Board of Health, General Ass...County Clare Board of Health
6102Clare County Archives1921-1925Volume of letters from the Department of Local Gover...Clare County Council
6103Clare County Archives1921-1925Volume of Letters from Local Government to Ennis Uni...Clare County Council
14380Clare County Archives1902-1928Canon Philip Dwyer Collection:Photographs, mainly of...Clare County Library Photographic Archive
14384Clare County Archives1870-1914Lawrence Photographic Collection (Clare):Photos from...Clare County Library Photographic Archive
14385Clare County Archives1890-1910MacNamara Collection:The MacNamara Collection includ...Clare County Library Photographic Archive
14392Clare County Archives1857-1871Vandeleur Collection:The Vandeleur Photographic Coll...Clare County Library Photographic Archive
16954Clare County Archives1903-1921Corofin Rural District Council Quarterly Minutes: Ap...Local Authority Records
16959Clare County Archives1896-1897General Ledger:October 1896 - September 1897Ennis Poor Law Union
16960Clare County Archives1900-1908Finance Book Expenditure:December 1900 - February 19...Ennis Poor Law Union
16961Clare County Archives1920Diet Class Book:February 1920 - August 1920Ennis Poor Law Union
16962Clare County Archives1897-1920Architect's Report Book: October 1897 - May 1920...Ennis Poor Law Union
16963Clare County Archives1899-1922Outdoor Relief Register:April 1899 - March 1922Ennis Poor Law Union
16967Clare County Archives1900-1926Quarterly Minute Book:October 1900 - March 1926Ennis Rural District Council
16972Clare County Archives1878-1896Minutes under the Contagious Diseases Act:February 1...Kilrush Poor Law Union
16974Clare County Archives1839-1848Circulars of the Poor Law Commissioners: July 1839 -...Kilrush Poor Law Union
16976Clare County Archives1918-1924Expenditure Book:1918 - 1924Kilrush Rural District Council
16983Clare County Archives1895-1905Infirmary Committee, County Clare Minute Book, 1895-...County Clare Board of Health
16985Clare County Archives1913-1916Local Government Board Sanctions and Sealed Orders, ...Clare Local Authority Records
16986Clare County Archives1916-1919Local Government Board Sanctions and Sealed Orders, ...Clare Local Authority Records
16987Clare County Archives1922-1923Scariff District Hospital, Minute Book, 1922-1923.Clare Local Authority Records
16950Clare County Archives1919-1925MInute Books:May 1919 - May 1920June 1921 - March 19...Scariff Rural District Council
16951Clare County Archives1922-1925Minute Books:December 1922 - July 1923August 1922 - ...Killadysert Rural District Council
16952Clare County Archives1899-1925Minute Books:July 1899 - February 1900February 1900 ...Tulla Rural District Council
16953Clare County Archives1899-1925Minute Books:April 1899 - November 1899December 1901...Corofin Rural District Council
16955Clare County Archives1850-1924Minute Books:March 1850 - August 1850August 1850 - M...Corofin Poor Law Union
16956Clare County Archives1850-1865
Rough Minute Books:August 1850 - March 1851March 185...Corofin Poor Law Union
16957Clare County Archives1849-1922Minute Books:October 1849 - May 1850June 1857 - Dece...Ennis Poor Law Union
16958Clare County Archives1853-1898Rough Minute Books:October 1853 - April 1854June 185...Ennis Poor Law Union
16964Clare County Archives1874-1920Agenda Books:September 1874 - October 1882November 1...Ennis Poor Law Union
16965Clare County Archives1899-1921Minute Books:July 1899 - July 1900July 1900 - July 1...Ennis Rural District Council
16966Clare County Archives1914-1924Ennis Rural District Council Financial Minute books:...Ennis Rural District Council
16969Clare County Archives1899-1908
Minutes:October 1899 - April 1900 April 1900 - ...Ennistymon Rural District Council
16971Clare County Archives1851-1876Rough Minute Books:May 1851 - January 1852January 18...Kilrush Poor Law Union
16968Clare County Archives1839-1924Minute Books:September 1839 - February 1844Feburary ...Ennistymon Poor Law Union
16970Clare County Archives1842-1921Minute Books:September 1842-January 1845May 1848-Jan...Kilrush Poor Law Union
16973Clare County Archives1875-1888Burial Board Minute Books:October 1875 - February 18...Kilrush Poor Law Union
16975Clare County Archives1866-1921
Minute Books:August 1899 - July 1900July 1900 - July...Kilrush Rural District Council
16981Clare County Archives1899-1922Board of Health, Clare County Out-Door Relief Regist...County Clare Board of Health
16984Clare County Archives1922-1927Labourers' Cottages Rent Collection Book, Octobe...Clare Local Authority Records
20679Clare County Archives1897-1913Kilrush Petty Sessions, Minute Book, containing noti...Kilrush Urban District Council
20695Clare County Archives1890-1897Ennis Town Commissioners, Minute Books,1890-1897.Ennis Urban District Council
20696Clare County Archives1866-1921Reports of the Visiting Committee:June 1866 - July 1...Kilrush Poor Law Union
20700Clare County Archives1901Kilkee Town Commissioners, Board Minute Books, Augus...Kilkee Town Commissioners
20694Clare County Archives1919Maps of Ennis urban district (including the workhous...Ennis Urban District Council
20697Clare County Archives1857
One Reel of Microfilm:Rent Ledger by tenant for Burt...
20698Clare County Archives1882-1921One Reel of Microfilm:Rent Ledgers of Various County...
20723Clogher Diocesan Archives (RC)Box 511920-1921Small envelope entitled 'Some documents re the amalg...Clogher Diocesan Records (RC)
20728Clogher Diocesan Archives (RC)Box 511928Letter from Sr M. Raphael, convent of St Louis, Mona...Clogher Diocesan Records (RC)
20729Clogher Diocesan Archives (RC)Box 511924Letter from Sr M. Stanislaus to Bishop informing him...Clogher Diocesan Records (RC)
533Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box L18591796.07/9/1859 Letter. Margaret Leslie, Ballymore to...Bishop W. Keane Papers
5293Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18321792.06/11/1832 Letter from Bishop M Collins, Skibe...Bishop M. Collins
12157Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F1829
1792.05/5/1829 [Copy?] of a letter from [Sir Walter...Bishop M. Collins
12173Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18531796.07/4/1853 Memorandum of Trust Funds of Mrs Ash...Bishop W. Keane Papers
12156Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F1854-18551795.07/32/1854 Statement of Anne Kiely relating to ...Bishop T. Murphy
12628Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)1847-1849A catalogue of the Bishop David Walsh Papers, Cloyne...Bishop David Walsh Papers
14156Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box L18591796/7/15/1859 Letter. Ms A M Purcell to Bishop Kea...Bishop W. Keane Papers
14154Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box L18591796.07/9/1859 Letter. Margaret Leslie, Ballymore to...Bishop W. Keane Papers
14157Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box L18591796/6/4/1859 Letter. Sister M J McCarthy, Mercy, Q...Bishop W. Keane Papers
16992Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box L18591796.06/8/1859 Letter. Sister M J McCarthy, Mercy, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
16994Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box L18591796.05/49/1859 Letter. Revd. J Cullinan, Queenstow...Bishop W. Keane Papers
16997Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18391796.08/1/1839 Search for judgement obtained by Elle...Bishop W. Keane Papers
16998Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18391796.08/2/1839 Search for judgement obtained by Elle...Bishop W. Keane Papers
16999Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18391796.08/3/1839 Costs for satisfaction payable by El...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17000Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18401796.20/2/1840 They are prepared for reception of M...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17001Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18411796.20/3/1841 Instruction for reception of Miss Ho...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17002Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18431796.07/1/1843 Receipt for £1 from Mrs Duggan,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17003Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18431796.20/1/1843 Sermon prepared for reception of Miss...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17004Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18441796.07/1/1844 Receipt for 9s due from late Mrs Wil...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17005Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box C18451796.07/6/1845 Note from J Walsh for 'some cash on ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17006Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box C18451796.00/3/1845 Photocopy. Newspaper cutting from 'C...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17007Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box C18461796.07/4/1846 Midleton Lime account, Chapel and Con...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17009Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18501796.05/1/1850 Letter, enclosure, Revd. M Sheehan, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17010Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18501796.05/2/1850 Handwritten extracts from A Gould's ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17011Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18501796.05/3/1850 Letter, Revd. M Sheehan, Youghal to ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17016Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18511796.00/6/1851 Photocopy of newspaper cutting from t...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17017Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)1840 1793.05 2/1840 letter Bishop B Crotty, Cove, to Rev...Bartholomew Crotty Papers
17021Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18511796.00/10/1851 From 'The Nation' 'The t...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17025Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box A18351795.05/1/1835 letter from Rev. M Sheehan, Killeagh ...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
17036Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box C18511795.06/5/1851 14 November 1851. Letter from Angelin...Timothy Murphy Papers
17040Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18301791.00/1/1830 Draft letter of Bishop Collins, Skib...Bishop W. Coppinger
17042Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18551796.05/1/1855 Bishop W Keane's letter to priests, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17044Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18551796.08/6/1855 Letter of Mr J Nagle to Bishop W Kea...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17045Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18551796.08/7/1855 Marriage settlement of William McCar...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17046Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18551796.07/14/1855 Letter from Mrs Ashlin, Dublin, to ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17047Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18561796.04/2/1856 letter from Bishop T Murphy, Fermoy,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17049Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18561796.07/10/1856 Letter from Mrs Ashlin, Birmingham,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17050Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18561796.04/16/1856 Letter from Bishop D Vaughan, Nenag...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17051Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18561796.04/17/1856 Letter from Bishop T Murphy, Fermoy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17052Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18561796.07/12/1856 letter and envelope from W Duhig, B...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17053Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18561796.06/3/1856 Letter from Sister M Teresa Maher, M...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17054Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18561796.06/4/1856 Plan of ground floor of convent, encl...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17055Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18561796.06/5/1856 Plan of 2nd storey of convent, enclos...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17057Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.05/65/1860 Letter from Revd. T Murphy, Youghal...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17058Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.05/69/1860 Letter from Revd. T Walsh, Castlema...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17059Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.06/9/1860 Letter from Sister M Patrick, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17061Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.05/85/1860 Letter from Revd. M Kennifeck, Rath...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17063Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.05/101/1860 Letter from Revd. T England, Yough...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17064Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.06/12/1860 Letter of Sister M Patrick, Present...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17065Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.06/13/1860 Letter of Sister M Catherine, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17066Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.06/15/1860 Letter of Sister M Aloysius, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17069Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.06/18/1860 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17070Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.06/21/1860 Letter of Sister M Patrick, Present...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17071Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.06/23/1860 Letter of Sister M J McCarthy, Merc...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17072Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.06/24/1860 Letter from Sister M A Dunne, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17073Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796..06/25/1860 Statement of Bishop W Keane, Fermo...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17075Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.07/14/1858 Letter of Mr Swarisborough [?], Cas...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17076Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/23/1858 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17077Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/24/1858 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17078Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/26/1858 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17080Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/28/1858 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17082Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/31/1858 Letter from Sister M Clare, Present...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17083Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/32/1858 Note from Sister M A Tuite, Present...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17085Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/35/1858 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17086Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/36/1858 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17087Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/37/1858 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17088Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/38/1858 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17089Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/39/1858 Letter from Sister M Ann, Youghal, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17090Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.07/23/1858 Letter from Mrs B Cronin, Midleton,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17091Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.07/28/1858 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17092Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06//41/1858 Letter for Sister M J Farrell, Mer...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17093Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/42/1858 Letter from Sister M Aloysius, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17095Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/44/1858 Letter from Sister M Aloysius, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17099Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/48/1858 Letter from Sister M Aloysisus, Pre...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17100Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/50/1858 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17101Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/51/1858 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17102Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.07/36/1858 Short character reference for Mary ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17103Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.07/37/1858 Letter from Eliza Holmes, Ladysbrid...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17104Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.07/38/1858 Character reference for Mary Holmes...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17106Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/54/1858 List of Sisters in Presentation Con...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17107Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/55/1858 List of Sisters in Loretto Convent,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17108Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18501796.06/56/1858 Note `Foundation of the Convent of ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17109Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/57/1858 List of Sisters in Queenstown Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17110Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/58/1858 List of Sisters in Youghal Presenta...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17111Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/60/1858 List of Sisters in Presentation Con...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17112Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J1853
1796.06/61/1858 List of Sisters in Mitchelstown Con...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17113Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J1818
1796.06/62/1858 List of Sisters in Doneraile Conven...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17114Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/63/1858 List of Sisters in Mallow Convent, f...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17115Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/64/1858 List of Sisters in Convent of Our La...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17116Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.05/103/1859 Letter from Revd T. Ahern, Kilnamar...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17117Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.05/109/1859 Letter from Revd T. Ahern to Bishop...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17118Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.05/122/1859 Letter from Revd P. Burton and C.T....Bishop W. Keane Papers
17119Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/16/1859 Song of Fermoy Presentation childre...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17120Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.05/135/1859 Letter from Revd J. Fitzpatrick, Mi...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17121Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.05/137/1859 Letter of Revd M. O'Brien, Mitc...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17122Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/17/1859 Letter from Sister M.J. McCarthy, Qu...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17123Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/18/1859 Letter from M. Augustine Keane, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17126Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/145/1859 Letter from Revd M. Kennefick, Rath...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17127Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.08/15/1859 Letter from S. Wigmore, Liscarrol, t...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17128Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/21/1859 Letter from Angelina Goold (Sister M...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17130Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/22/1859, Sister M Magdalen, Presentation Con...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17131Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/23/1859 Letter of Sister M Patrick of Jesus...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17132Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/25/1859 Letter of Sister M J McCarthy, Quee...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17134Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/26/1859 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Qu...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17135Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/27/1859 Letter from Sister M J Croke, Charl...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17137Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/29/1859 Letter from Sister M C Hughes, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17138Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M185922 July 1859 Letter from Sister M A Dunne, Charlevi...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17139Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/31/1859 Letter from Sister M Aloysius, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17140Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.05/186/1859 Letter from Revd. T Ahern to Bisho...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17141Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.05/186/1859 Letter from Revd. T Ahern to Bisho...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17142Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/32/1859 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Qu...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17143Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/34/1859 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17144Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.05/195/1859 Letter from Revd. S Ashlin, Richmo...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17145Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.05/202/1859 Letter from Revd. M O'Brien, Mitch...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17147Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.07/56/1859 Bill for household items from J Hac...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17148Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/36/1859 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Qu...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17149Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/37/1859 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Qu...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17150Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/38/1859 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Qu...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17153Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18311792.02/2/1831 Letter from Bishop W. Coppinger, Cobh...Bishop M. Collins
17158Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18321792.06/3/1832 Letter from Revd W. O'Brien, Cobh...Bishop M. Collins
17159Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18341792.08/2/1834 Letter of Jane Purdon Atkins to Revd...Revd. Denis Collins
17161Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18401792.08/1/1840 Letter from J. Mullane, Liverpool, to...Revd. Denis Collins
17162Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18401792.08/2/1840 Statement of intent relating to educ...Revd. Denis Collins
17164Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18451792.08/3/1845 Letter from Mother E. Moore, Limerick...Revd. Denis Collins
17165Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18451792.08/4/1845 Letter from Mother E Moore, Limerick...Revd. Denis Collins
17166Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18461792.08/1/1846 Letter from Ellen Creagh, Mountrath, ...Revd. Denis Collins
17167Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/27/1860 Letter from Sister M.J. McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17170Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/30/1860 Letter from Sister M.J. McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17172Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/32/1860 Letter from Sister M Hughes, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17173Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/33/1860 Letter from Sister M. Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17175Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.07/41/1860 Letter from Louisa F Foley, Cork to...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17176Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/35/1860 Letter from Sister M. Hughes, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17177Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/37/1860 List of Sisters, Presentation Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17178Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/38/1860 List of Sisters, Mercy Convent, Cha...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17179Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/39/1860 List of Sisters, Presentation Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17180Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/40/1860 List of Sisters, Presentation Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17181Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/41/1860 List of Sisters, Loretto Convent, F...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17183Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/42/1860 List of Sisters, Presentation Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17184Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/43/1860 List of Sisters, Mercy Convent, Que...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17186Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/44/1860 List of Sisters, Presentation Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17187Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.05/277/1860 Letter by Revd M. O'Brien, Mitc...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17188Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.07/47/1860 Letter from Louisa J Foley [?], Eve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17189Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.07/48/1860 Letter from Louisa J Foley to Bisho...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17191Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/45/1860 Letter from Sister M Baptist, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17193Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.05/309/1860 Letter from Revd. T Lee, Macroom t...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17194Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/48/1860 Letter from Sister M Baptist, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17195Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/49/1860 Letter from Sister M Vincent, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17197Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box O18601796.05/4/1860 Letter from Revd. T Lee, Macroom, to...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17198Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box O18601796.05/7/1860 Letter from Revd. M Kennifeck, Rathc...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17199Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box O18601796.06/1/1860 Letter from Sister M Teresa, Mercy C...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17200Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box O18601796.06/2/1860 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Que...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17201Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box O18601796.06/3/1860 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17202Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box O18601796.05/40/1860 Letter from Revd. D Mahony, Coachfo...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17203Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box O18601796.06/6/1860 Letter from Sister M Patrick, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17204Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box O18601796.05/50/1860 Letter from Revd. T Ahern, Kilnamar...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17205Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box O18601796.04/21/1860 Letter from Bishop Leahy, Thurles, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17207Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/16/1861 Letter from Sister A Dunne, Mercy C...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17209Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S1803
1796.05/100/1861 Letter from Revd. J Fitzpatrick, M...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17210Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.05/101/1861 Letter from Revd. C Davis, Grenagh...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17211Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/18/1861 Letter from Sister M A Dunne, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17212Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/19/1861 Letter from Sister M Aloysius, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17213Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/21/1861 Letter from Sister M A Dunne, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17214Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/22/1861 Letter from Sister M A Dunne, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17215Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.05/118/1861 Letter from Revd. M O'Brien, Mitch...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17218Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/23/1861 Letter from Sister M Catherine, Pre...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17220Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/24/1861 Letter from Sister M. Baptist, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17221Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.05/138/1861 Letter from Revd. W Plunkett, CSSR...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17223Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/26/1861 Letter from Sister M Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17224Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/29/1861 Letter from Sister M C Hughes, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17225Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.27/1861 Letter from Sister M Catherine, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17226Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/30/1861 Statement requesting Bishop W Keane...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17227Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/32/1861 Letter from Sister M Catherine, Pre...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17228Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.00/4/1861 Newpaper cutting, `The Cork Daily He...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17229Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.05/169/1861 Letter from Revd. J Thieujeout, St...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17230Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/34/1861 Letter from Sister M C Hughes, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17232Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.05/177/1861 Letter from the Revd. M Kennifeck,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17234Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/39/1861 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17236Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.05/189/1861 Letter from Revd. J Fitzpatrick, M...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17237Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/40/1861 Letter from Sister M Baptist O'Neil...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17238Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/41/1861 Letter from Sister M Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17239Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/8/1863 Letter from Sister M. Joseph Croke, M...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17240Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/9/1863 Letter from A. Gould, Presentation Co...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17241Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/10/1863 Letter from Sister M. Baptist O'...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17243Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.07/14/1863 Note from Miss Deering to Revd. Mr C...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17244Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.05/113/1863 Letter from Revd J. Rice, Queenstow...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17245Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.07/15/1863 Letter from Elizabeth Murray, Queens...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17246Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/12/1863 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17247Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/13/1863 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17248Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/14/1863 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17251Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.07/24/1863 Letter from M. Elise de MacMahon, Pa...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17252Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.02/13/1863 Photocopy from Irish College Rome, B...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17253Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/17/1863 Letter from Sister M. Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17254Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/18/1863 Letter form Sister M. Joseph, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17255Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.07/33/1863 Letter from Widow White, to Kilrush,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17256Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/20/1863 Letter from Sister M. Baptist O'...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17258Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.02/15/1863 Photocopy of a Letter from Bishop W....Bishop W. Keane Papers
17260Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/23/1863 Letter from Sister M. Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17261Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/24/1863 Letter from Sister M Agatha, Queens...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17262Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796/06/25/1863 Note from Margaret Hyde, Youghal, t...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17263Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/26/1863 Letter from Sister Margaret Mary Ag...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17264Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/27/1863 Letter from Sister A E Dease, Loret...Bishop W. Keane Papers
16990Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box L18591796.06/5/1859 Letter. Sister M. Aloysius, Presentat...Bishop W. Keane Papers
16991Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box L18591796.06/7/1859 Letter. Sister M J McCarthy, Mercy, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
16993Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box L18591796.04/9/1859 Letter. Bishop John Brigg, York, to ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
16995Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box L18591796.07/22/1859 French. Letter. Jules D'Andris, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
16996Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box L18591796.06/13/1859 Letter. Sister M Aloysius, Presenta...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17008Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box C18481796.08/2/1848 Draft letter to Poor Law Commissione...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17012Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18501796.05/4/1850 Letter, Revd. M O'Brien, Mitchelstow...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17013Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18501796.05/5/1850 Letter. Revd. M O'Brien, Mitchelstow...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17014Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D1796
1796.05/6/1850 Letter, Revd T. Lee, Macroom, to Revd...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17015Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18501796.05/7/1850 Letter, Revd M. O'Brien, Mitchels...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17018Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)18421793.05/6/1842 extract from letter Rev. P Cullen to ...Bartholomew Crotty Papers
17019Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)18431793.06/1/1843 photocopy of a letter M O'Sulliva...Bartholomew Crotty Papers
17020Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18511796.04/9/1851 Letter, Bishop M Slattery to Bishop ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17022Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521796.07/5/1852 Letter, T.S. Copinger, Midleton, to B...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17023Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box L18591796/7/11/1859 Letter. Ellen Walden, Queenstown, to...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17024Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box A1831This box includes, for example, 1795. 6 January 1831...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
17026Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box A18461795.05/1/1846 postcard of a letter D O'Leary PP...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
17029Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18501795.06/1/1850 Letter Angelina Gould Youghal to Rev....Timothy Murphy Papers
17030Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18501795.07/16/1850 Letter from a parishioner of Mr Davi...Timothy Murphy Papers
17031Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18501795.05/60/1850 Letter from the Rev. O'Hea, Rosscarb...Timothy Murphy Papers
17032Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18501795.03/2/1850 Letter from Bishop Murphy, Adelaide t...Timothy Murphy Papers
17033Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box C18511795.05/2/1851 Long letter from Rev. M. Sheehan, P.P...Timothy Murphy Papers
17034Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box C18511795.06/2/1851 Letter from Sr M. Teresa Hogan, Charl...Timothy Murphy Papers
17035Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box C18511795.04/7/1851 Letter from the Secretaries Education...Timothy Murphy Papers
17037Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18511795.06/1/1852 Note and expenditure. M H Convent to ...Timothy Murphy Papers
17038Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.05/3/1852 Letter from Rev. Michael Coyle, Elm G...Timothy Murphy Papers
17043Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18551796.07/7/1855 Letter of Mrs Ashlin Dublin to Bisho...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17048Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box F18561796.07/9/1856 letter from Joseph Coppinger, Dundru...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17056Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.06/8/1860 Letter from Sister M Catherine, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17060Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.05/80/1860 Letter from Revd. J Cullinan, Queen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17062Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.04/26/1860 Letter from Bishop M. O'Hea, Ski...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17067Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.06/16/1860 Letter of M.J. McCarthy, Mercy Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17068Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.05/124/1860 Letter from Revd. M Kennefick, Rat...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17074Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box P18601796.04/38/1860 Bishop P. Cullen's reply to Bish...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17079Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/27/1858 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17081Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.07/18/1858 Letter from H Mary Goold, Queenstow...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17084Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/33/1858 Letter from A Goold to Bishop W Kea...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17094Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.05/190/1858 Letter of Revd E.J. Murphy, Banteer...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17096Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.07/32/1858 Letter from Elise M Mansfield, Teig...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17097Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/46/1858 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17098Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/47/1858 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17105Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box J18581796.06/52/1858 Letter from Sister M.A. Smith, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17124Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/19/1859 Letter Revd T. Murphy, Youghal, to B...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17125Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/20/1859 Letter from Sister M. Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17129Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.05/154/1859 Letter from Revd M. O'Brien, Mi...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17133Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.05/159/1859 Letter of Revd. M O'Brien, Mitchel...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17136Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/28/1859 Letter from Sister M A Dnne, Charle...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17146Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.06/35/1859 Letter from Sister M A Smith, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17151Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box M18591796.05/222/1859 Letter Rev. T Murphy, Youghal, to ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17152Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18311792.06/1/1831 Letter from Bishop M. Collins, Skibbe...Bishop M. Collins
17154Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18311792.05/1/1831 Letter from J. Collins, London, to Bi...Bishop M. Collins
17155Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18311792.06/5/1831 Letter from Revd M. O'Brien, Youg...Bishop M. Collins
17156Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18311792.06/5/1831 Letter from Revd M. O'Brien, Youg...Bishop M. Collins
17157Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18321792.06/2/1832 Letter from Revd P. Kenney, St Louis,...Bishop M. Collins
17160Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18341792.08/8/1834 Letter from George Spenser, Staffords...Revd. Denis Collins
17163Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18431792.08/1/1843 Letter of Miss E. MacSweeny, Calcutta...Revd. Denis Collins
17168Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/28/1860 Letter from M. Clare, Presentation C...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17169Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/29/1860 Letter from Sister M.J. McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17171Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/31/1860 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17174Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/34/1860 Letter from Sister M. Teresa, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18630Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.08/1/1865 Extract from the Order of Petition m...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18631Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.04/1/1865 Letter from Bishop D Moriarty, Killa...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17190Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.05/301/1860 Statement drawn up by Bishop M O...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17192Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/46/1860 Letter from Sister M Baptist, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17196Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Q18601796.06/50/1860 Letter from Sister M Angela Dunne, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17206Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/15/1861 Letter from Sister M B O'Neil, M...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17208Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/17/1861 Letter from Sister M Baptist, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18632Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.07/2/1865 Letter from Miss Warren, Kinsale, to...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18633Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.05/16/1865 Letter from Revd. M O'Brien, Mitche...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18634Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.05/21/1865 Letter from Revd. C Davis, Grenagh ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18635Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.05/22/1865 Letter from Revd. T W Croke, St Col...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17216Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.05/121/1861 Pamphlet. Correspondence relating t...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17217Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.07/27/1861 Letter from Mrs M Conners, widow, t...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17219Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.07/29/1861 Letter from Catherine Buckley, Glan...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17222Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/25/1861 Letter from Sister M Baptist, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17231Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/36/1861 Letter from Sister M. Baptist O'...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17233Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.06/38/1861 Letter from Sister M C Hughes, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18636Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.05/95/1865 Letter from Revd. T Murphy, Youghal...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18638Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.06/6/1865 Letter from Sister M Joseph, Mallow,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18643Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.07/11/1865 Letter from Mary Kelher, Macroom, t...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17235Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box S18611796.05/181/1861 Letter from T. Croke, Charleville, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17242Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/11/1863 Letter from the Presentation Sister...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17249Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/15/1863 Letter from Sister M.J. Croke, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17250Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/16/1863 Letter from Sister M. de Sales Bowle...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17257Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z1861-18631796.07/36/1863 Letter from Ellen Ball, Bray, to Bis...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17259Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.06/22/1863 Letter from Sister M. Agatha, Queens...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18644Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.05/44/1865 Letter from Revd. C Davis, Grenagh...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18645Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.05/52/1865 Latin request for dispensation and...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18648Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.07/18/1865 Letter from Mr P Keenedy, Mitchelst...Bishop W. Keane Papers
17265Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Z18631796.04/42/1863 Statement, Bishop D Moriarty, Mills...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18653Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/51/1862 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18654Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.07/47/1862 Letter from Kitty, London, to Bisho...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18656Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/53/1862 Letter from Sister M. Joseph, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18659Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.09/4/1862 Prospectus for the Loreto Day School,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18661Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.07/54/1862 Letter written from Ellen Baillie, D...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18662Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/55/1862 Letter from Sister M. Patrick Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18663Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/56/1862 Letter from Sister M. Baptist, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18665Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/58/1862 Letter from Sister M Baptist, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18666Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.05/286/1862 Letter from Revd. W O'Connor, Pass...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18667Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.07/67/1862 Letter from Nanno Buckley, Shandrum...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18668Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/60/1862 Blue envelope containing Visitation...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18637Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.06/5/1865 Letter from Sister M Baptist, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18639Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.06/1/1865 Letter from Sister M J Croke, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18640Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.05/30/1865 Letter from Revd. D Dilworth, Glanw...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18641Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.06/2/1865 Letter from P D McDonnell, Honorary ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18669Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/61/1862 List of Sisters, Presentation Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18670Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/62/1862 List of Sisters, Mercy Convent, Cha...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18671Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/63/1862 List of Sisters, Presentation Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18672Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/64/1862 List of Sisters, Presentation Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18673Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/65/1862 List of Sisters, Mercy Convent, Mal...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18642Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.07/9/1865 Photocopy no 31, Margaret Kepple, Ana...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18646Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.05/71/1865 Letter from Revd. J Cullinan, Macro...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18647Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.06/3/1865 Letter from Sister M J Croke, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18649Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box EE18651796.06/4/1865 Letter from Sister M J Croke, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18650Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/49/1862 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18651Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/50/1862 Letter from Sister M. Joseph, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18674Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/66/1862 List of Sisters, Presentation Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18675Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/67/1862 List of Sisters, Mercy Convent, Que...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18676Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/68/1862 List of Sisters, Presentation Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18652Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.05/234/1862 Letter from Revd T. Croke, Charlevi...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18655Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/52/1862 Letter from Sister M. Joseph, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18657Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.04/28/1862 Letter from Bishop J.B. Purcell, Cin...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18658Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/54/1862 Letter form Anna Dease, Loretto, You...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18660Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.05/246/1862 Letter from Revd M. O'Brien, Mi...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18664Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/57/1862 Letter from Sister M. Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18677Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/69/1862 List of Sisters, Loretto Convent, F...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18678Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.06/59/1862 Letter from Sister M Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18679Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box X18621796.07/70/1862 Letter from Maryanne Leonard, Skibb...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18680Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/1/1862 Letter from Sister M Magdalen Gould,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18681Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/2/1862 Letter from Sister M Baptist O'Neil,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18682Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/3/1862 Letter from Sister M B O'Neil, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18683Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/4/1862 Letter from Sister M Baptist, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18684Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.07/6/1862 Letter from Mr J Reidy, Cork, to Bis...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18685Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/5/1862 Letter from Sister M B O'Neil, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18686Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.05/21/1862 Letter from Revd. D Mahony, Coachfo...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18687Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U1862 1796.05/23/1862 Letter from Revd. J Cullinane, Mac...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18688Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.05/24/1862 Envelope, 'Macroom Convent',...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18690Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/7/1862 Letter from Sister M.B. O'Neil, M...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18689Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/6/1862 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18691Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.05/32/1862 Letter from Revd T.W. Croke, St Colm...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18692Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/8/1862 Letter from Sister M.B. O'Neil, M...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18693Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.05/37/1862 Letter from Revd M. O'Donnell, B...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18694Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.05/47/1862 Letter from Revd T. Ahern, Kilnamart...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18695Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/8/1862 Letter from Sister M.C. Hughes, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18696Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/10/1862 Letter from Sister M.C. Hughes, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18705Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.05/110/1862 Letter from Revd M. O'Brien, Mi...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18706Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.05/109/1862 Statement, Revd J. Walsh, Conna for...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18709Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.07/1/1864 Letter from Maria Dennehy, Fermoy, t...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18697Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.05/56/1862 Letter from Revd J.J. Murphy, Cork, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18698Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/11/1862 Letter from Sister M. Catherine, Pre...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18699Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/12/1862 Letter from Sister M. Charles, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18700Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.05/83/1862 Letter from Revd T. Murphy, Youghal,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18701Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/14/1862 Letter from Sister M.B. O'Neil, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18702Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.05/93/1862 Letter from Revd C. Davis, Grenagh, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18710Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.07/3/1864 Letter from Charlotte Taylor, Chester...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18711Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.05/7/1864 Letter from Revd. J Rice, Queenstown...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18712Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/2/1864 Letter from Sister M. Baptist, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18703Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/15/1862 Letter from Sister M. Aloysius, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18704Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/16/1862 Letter from Sister M.C.P. Hughes, Pr...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18707Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/1/1864 Letter from Sister M. Baptist, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18708Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.04/3/1864 Letter from Bishop M O'Hea, Skibbere...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18713Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.02/1/1864 Photocopy of a letter Bishop W. Keane...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18714Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/3/1864 Letter from M A E Dease, Loreto, Fer...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18715Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.07/6/1864 Letter from Maria Dennehy to Bishop ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18716Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/4/1864 Letter from Sister M.G. O'Donohoe...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18717Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.07/7/1864 Letter from Charlotte Taylor, Cheste...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18718Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/5/1864 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18719Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18631796.05/21/1863 Voucher for £5.0.0. Revd. Davi...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18720Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/6/1864 Letter from Sister M Agate Hyde, Pre...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18721Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.05/22/1864 Letter from Revd T. Murphy, Youghal,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18722Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.05/23/1864 2 printed copies of 1864 Lenten Reg...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18723Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.07/12/1864 Statement of William Sheehan, Clanw...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18724Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.05/35/1864 Letter from Revd. M Kennifeck, Rath...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18725Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/8/1864 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18726Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/9/1864 Letter from Sister M J Croke, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18727Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/10/1864 Letter from Sister M Joseph, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18733Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.07/20/1864 Letter from Ms Mary Murphy (94 year...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18728Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/11/1864 Letter from Sister M Agatha Hyde, Pr...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18729Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/13/1864 Letter from Sister M Agatha Hyde, Pr...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18730Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.05/48/1864 Letter Revd. J Kepple, Ballyhea to B...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18731Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/14/1864 Letter from Sister M J Croke, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18732Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/15/1864 Letter from Sister M J Croke, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18734Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/16/1864 Letter from Sister M J Croke, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18736Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB1863
1796.05/51/1864 Letter from Revd. T W Croke, St Col...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18737Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/17/1864 Letter from Sister M Joseph, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18738Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/18/1864 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18735Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.05/50/1864 Letter from Revd. T Buckley, Castle...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18739Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/20/1864 Letter from Sister M Baptist O'Neil...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18740Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.05/65/1864 Letter from Revd. M O'Brien, Mitche...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18741Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/21/1864 Letter from Sister M Joseph, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18742Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/22/1864 Letter from Sister M J Farrell, Mer...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18743Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.07/26/1864 Letter from Isabella M E Brown, Ard...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18746Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/25/1864 Letter from Sister M Patrick Pearse...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18752Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/29/1864 Letter from Sister M Joseph, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18756Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/31/1864 Letter from Sister M Agatha Hyde, P...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18744Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.05/68/1864 Letter from Revd. J Cullinan, Macro...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18745Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/24/1864 Letter from Sister M Patrick Pearse...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18747Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.05/71/1864 Letter from Revd. J Fitzpatrick, Mi...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18748Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/26/1864 Letter from Sister M Joseph, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18749Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.05/74/1864 Photocopy of a letter from Revd. T ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18750Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/27/1864 Letter from Sister M J Croke, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18766Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.06/32/1864 Letter from Sister M Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18768Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.07/34/1864 Letter from Mary Fitzgerald, Ballyk...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18771Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.07/35/1864 Letter from Miss Nanno Buckley, Mal...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18751Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.07/30/1864 Letter from Mrs J Eyre, Clifden Cas...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18753Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/28/1864 Letter from Sister M J Croke, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18754Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.06/30/1864 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18755Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box BB18641796.05/96/1864 Letter from Revd. T. Murphy, Youghal...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18774Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.06/36/1864 Letter from Sister M Joseph, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18767Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.05/105/1864 Letter, in poor condition, from Re...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18769Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.04/14/1864 Letter from Bishop P Cullen, Dublin,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18770Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.06/33/1864 Letter from Sister Anna, Richmond Ho...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18775Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.06/38/1864 Midleton Convent. Visitation. 6 Jun...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18776Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.06/38/1864 Loretto Convent, Youghal. Visitatio...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18777Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796/06/40/1864 Visitation of the Presentation Conv...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18772Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.06/34/1864 Letter from Sister M Agatha Hyde, P...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18773Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.06/35/1864 Letter from Sister M J Farrell, Mer...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18778Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.07/39/1864 Letter from Mary de Cussy, Bayeaux,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18779Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.05/126/1864 Letter from Revd T. Murphy, Youghal...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18780Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.06/41/1864 Letter from Sister M J Croke, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18781Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.06/43/1864 Letter from Sister M J Farrell, Mer...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18783Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.05/162/1864 Letter from Revd. H Leader, Clonak...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18784Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.06/44/1864 Letter from Sister M Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18786Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.05/196/1864 Letter from Revd. H Leader, Clonak...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18787Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.06/46/1864 Letter from Sister M Joseph, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18782Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.04/24/1864 Letter from Bishop M. O'Hea, Ski...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18785Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.06/45/1864 Letter from Sister M Joseph, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18788Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.06/48/1864 Letter from Sister M Joseph, Mallow...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18789Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.02/10/1864 Letter from Sister M Joseph, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18790Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.06/51/1864 Letter from Sister M. Joseph, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18791Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box CC18641796.04/29/1864 Letter from Bishop Delaney, Cork, to...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18792Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box DD18641796.07/60/1864 Letter from Alicia Jones to Bishop ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18794Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box DD18641796.07/62/1864 Letter from Miss K. Mulcahy, Clonmel...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18795Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box DD18641796.06/52/1864 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18796Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box DD18641796.07/65/1864 Letter from Alicia Jones, Eccles St...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18793Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box DD18641796.05/265/1864 Letter from Revd. M Power, Killeagh...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18797Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box DD18641796.04/33/1864 Letter from Bishop J J Lynch, Toron...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18798Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box DD18641796.05/294/1864 Printed. `For the Clergy of Ireland...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18799Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box DD18641796.01/11/1864 Copy of Bishop J J Lynch's reply to...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18800Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box DD18641796.05/298/1864 Letter from Revd. J Cullinan, Macr...Bishop W. Keane Papers
18801Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box DD18641796.07/67/1864 Letter from Alicia Jones, Eccles Str...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19458Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18201791.00/6/1820 Rules of Doneraile General Free-Schoo...Bishop Copinger
19459Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18211791.00/3/1821 Account of case between Mrs Baldwin ...Bishop Copinger
19460Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D1755
1791.00/8/1821 Printed booklet Statutes of United D...Bishop Copinger
19461Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18221791.00/1/1822 Last will and testament of Dora O'...Bishop Copinger
19463Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18241792.05/3/1824 Bishop Collins writing of Resolution...Bishop Collins
19465Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18241792.05/22/1824 Draft of returns for Commissioners ...Bishop Collins
19467Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18251792.03/1/1825 Letter from Bishop John Murphy, Cork,...Bishop Collins
19469Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.06/1/1852 Note and expenditure M.H. Convent to ...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19471Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.06/2/1852 Letter from Sister M. Teresa Hogan, C...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19472Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.06/4/1852 Letter from Sister M.B. Griffin, Pres...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19473Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.06/5/1852 List of Benediction and Exposition D...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19474Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.06/5/1852 Letter from Mary Teresa Moloney, Pres...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19475Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.06/6/1852 List of Sisters. Expenditure £1...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19478Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.05/6/1852 Letter from Revd. P Duggan, Donerail...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19481Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.07/35/1852 Elizabeth Buchanan. Receipt for hal...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19482Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.03/4/1852 Letter from Bishop P Cullen, Droghed...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19483Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.05/30/1852 Letter from the Revd. O'Brien, M...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19485Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.04/24/1852 Letter from Stephen Copinger, Solic...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19488Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18221792.05/6/1822 List of paupers in the parish of Tul...Bishop Collins
19493Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18221792.05/13/1822 Report of the Committee for the rel...Bishop Collins
19494Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18261792.05/8/1826 Draft of sworn statement regarding D...Bishop Collins
19495Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18261792.05/9/1826 Sworn 'information' regarding...Bishop Collins
19497Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E1852-18531795.06/1/1853 Bishop T Murphy' s notes regarding a...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19498Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18531795.07/15/1853 Eliza Buchanan received 30 shilling...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19500Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18531795.05/51/1853 Photocopy of letter from Revd. P Du...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19501Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18531795.05/53/1853 Photocopy of a letter from Revd. D ...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19502Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18531795.06/2/1853 Letter from Revd. T England to Revd....Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19503Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18531795.06/3/1853 Letter from M M Gould, Presentation ...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19504Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18531795.06/56/1853 Letter from Revd. E Cotter, parish ...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19508Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18531795.05/67/1853 Letter from Revd. T Murray, parish ...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19509Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18531795.05/70/1853 Letter from the Revd. Justin MacCar...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19510Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18631795.02/7/1853 Photocopy of letter from Bishop Murp...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19511Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18531795.05/71/1853 Photocopy of letter from Revd. O'Le...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19512Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18531795.05/72/1853 Photocopy of long letter from Revd. ...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19513Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18531795.05/73/1853 Photocopy of covering note from Rev...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19515Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E1844-18541795.06/1/1854 Home-made Account Book, 1844-1854 co...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19517Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18541795.07/21/1854 Small envelope containing National ...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19518Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18541785.04/2/1854 Indenture between Bishop T Murphy a...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19519Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18541795.04/3/1854 Letter from J O'Fenall, Kingston, to...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19520Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18541795.04/4/1854 Detailed observations by the teacher...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19521Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18541795.04/5/1854 Letter from J O'Fenall, Kingston, to...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19522Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.06/22/1858 Letter from Sister M Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19523Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.08/117/1858 Letter from Revd J. McCarthy, Mallo...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19524Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.05/1/1858 Letter from Revd. M Power, Killeagh,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19525Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.06/1/1858 Letter from Sister M Aloysius, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19526Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.06/2/1858 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19527Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.08/2/1858 Letter and envelope from J Moore, Mi...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19528Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.08/3/1858 Letter from J Moore, Midleton, to Bi...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19529Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.08/4/1858 Letter from the Executors of Mrs McS...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19530Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18531796.02/1/1858 Letter from T Kirby, Irish College, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19531Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.06/3/1858 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Mer...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19532Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.06/4/1858 Letter from Sister M Patrick, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19533Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.06/5/1858 Letter from Sister M Joseph, Mercy, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19534Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.06/10/1858 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19535Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.04/6/1858 Letter from Bishop P Leahy, Thurles,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19536Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.05/32/1858 Letter from Revd. T Murphy, Youghal...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19537Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.06/12/1858 Letter and envelope from Sister M X...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19538Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.04/8/1858 Letter from Bishop J. Alemarry, San F...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19539Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.06/14/1858 Letter form Sister M Aloysius, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19540Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.06/15/1858 Letter from Sister M Aloysius, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19541Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.06/16/1858 Letter from Sister M A Smith, Yough...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19542Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.08/6/1858 Letter from W H Mugford, Royal Commi...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19543Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.08/7/1858 Letter from Joseph Minchin, Fermoy B...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19546Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.06/19/1858 Letter from Sister M Joseph, Mercy,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19547Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.06/20/1858 Letter from Sister M Aloysius, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19548Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.07/11/1858 Letter from Alicia Smyth, Dublin, t...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19549Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.05/88/1858 Letter from Revd M. Kennifeck, Rathc...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19550Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.05/89/1858 Letter from Revd D. O'Leary, Chu...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19551Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.05/90/1858 Letter from Revd. T England, Yougha...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19552Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.05/91/1858 Letter from Revd. T Leader, Dungorn...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19553Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.05/94/1858 Letter from Revd. T Murphy, Youghal...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19554Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.08/11/1858 Draft letter from Bishop Keane, Fer...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19555Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Y18631796.06/1/1863 Letter from Sister M Patrick, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19556Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Y18631796.06/3/1863 Note from Sister M. Patrick, Presenta...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19557Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Y18631796.05/16/1863 Letter from Revd M. Higgins, Kilwort...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19558Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Y18631796.06/4/1863 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19559Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Y1796
1796.06/5/1863 Letter from Sister M.A. Peyton, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19444Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box B18211792.06/3/1821 Letter. T R England, North Chapel, Co...Bishop Collins
19462Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18221791.00/10/1822 Letter from J. Spiller to Alexander ...Bishop Copinger
19464Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18241792.02/5/1824 Note from Bishop Copinger, Cove, to M...Bishop Collins
19466Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18241792.05/27/1824 Letter from R. Paunceforte, Dublin, ...Bishop Collins
19468Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18251792.05/7/1825 Summons of Ellen O'Driscoll before B...Bishop Collins
19560Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Y18631796.05/32/1863 Letter from Revd M. O'Brien, Mit...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19561Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box Y18631796.06/7/1863 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19562Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18571796.00/1/1857 Letter from Sister M. Aloysius, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19563Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18571796.06/1/1857 Note from Angelina Gould to Revds M. ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19470Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.04/1/1852 Letter from M. Gallwey, solicitor Dub...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19476Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.05/3/1852 Letter from Revd. Michael Coyle, Elm...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19477Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.07/8/1852 Letter from Mary Fitzpatrick to Bish...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19480Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.03/2/1852 Letter from Bishop P Cullen, Droghed...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19484Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box D18521795.05/42/1852 Letter from Revd T. Murphy, Queensto...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19487Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18221792.05/3/1822 Letter from H. Gregory, Dublin Castle...Bishop Collins
19564Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18571796.07/17/1857 Letter from M. T.F. MacCarthy, Boulo...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19565Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18571796.06/6/1857 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19567Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18571796.06/16/1857 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19489Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18221792.05/4/1822 Letter from Bishop Copinger, Cove, to...Bishop Collins
19490Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18221792.05/7/1822 Letter from M. Collins to the Secreta...Bishop Collins
19568Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18571796.06/18/1857 Letter from Revd T. Murphy, Youghal,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19569Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18571796.06/19/1857 Notes respecting Miss Gould's Tr...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19570Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18571796.06/20/1857 Notes on Convent of Mercy, Bathview,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19491Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18221792.05/3/1822 Letter from Bishop Copinger, Cove, to...Bishop Collins
19492Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18221792.05/11/1822 Letter from M Collins, Secretary Sk...Bishop Collins
19496Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E1810-1811
1792.07/1/1828 Letter from Miss E Courtenay, London...Bishop Collins
19499Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18531795.05/47/1853 Letter from Revd. T Murray, Parish P...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19505Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18531795.02/5/1853 Photocopy of letter from Bishop T Mu...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19506Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18531795.05/63/1853 Letter from Revd. T Murray, parish ...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19571Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18571796.06/21/1857 Letter from m O'Hea, Rosscarberr...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19572Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18571796.06/23/1857 Letter from Sister M.J. McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19573Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18571796.06/31/1857 List of days when Presentation Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19507Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18531795.05/66/1853 Letter from w McCarthy, Newmarket, ...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19514Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18541795.05/3/1854 Letter from J Russell, Cloyne, to Bi...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19516Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box E18541795.06/2/1854 Letter from Angelina Gould, Youghal, ...Bishop Timothy Murphy Papers
19544Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.04/13/1858 Letter and envelope from Bishop Cul...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19545Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box I18581796.04/18/1858 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19566Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18571796.06/13/1857 Letter from Sister M.J. McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19574Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18571796.06/32/1857 Convent of Our Lady of Mercy, St Jos...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19575Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box G18571796.06/38/1857 Lists of vacation from school in Pre...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19576Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.06/65/1858 Letter from Sister M.J. McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19577Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.06/67/1858 Letter from M.A. Tuite, Presentation...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19578Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.06/68/1858 Letter from Sister M.J. McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19579Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.06/69/1858 Letter from M.A. Smith, Presentation...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19580Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.05/242/1858 Letter from Revd M. Kennifeck, Rath...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19581Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.08/31/1858 Letter from T. Foley, Estate Office,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19582Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.07/47/1858 Letter from Miss K.M. Clarke, Skiber...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19583Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.07/48/1858 Letter from Miss K.M. Clarke, Skiber...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19584Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.07/52/1858 Letter from Miss K.M. Clarke, Skiber...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19585Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.05/295/1858 Letter from Revd J. Cullinan, Queen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19586Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.08/33/1858 Letter from T. Foley, Lismore, to Re...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19587Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.06/77/1858 Letter from M.A. Smith, Presentation...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19588Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.06/53/1858 Letter from Mary Barry, Clarence Ter...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19589Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.05/304/1858 Letter, Revd J. Cullinan, Queenstow...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19590Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.05/315/1858 Letter, Revd M. O'Brien, Mitche...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19591Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.06/78/1858 Letter from Sister M.J. McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19592Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.05/327/1858 Letter from Revd J. O'Neill, Buttev...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19593Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.06/79/1858 Letter from M. Clare Hennessy, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19594Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.05/33/1858 Letter from Revd P. Burton, Castleto...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19595Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.06/80/1858 Letter from M.A. Smith, Presentation...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19596Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.05/337/1858 Letter from Revd J. Fitzpatrick, Mi...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19597Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.05/342 1858 Letter from Revd J. Fitzpatrick, Mi...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19598Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box K18581796.06/82/1858 Manuscript of General Regulations fo...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19599Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.00/5/1857 List of memoranda, October 1857. Inc...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19600Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.00/10/1857 Letter from nun regarding 'the Cath...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19601Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.00/14/1857 'Prostitution - The need for its Re...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19602Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.07/31/1857 Bill to Mrs McCarthy for an electro...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19603Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/39/1857 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19604Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/40/1857 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19605Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/41/1857 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19606Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/42/1857 Sketch of front view of Convent Cha...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19607Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/43/1857 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19608Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18481796.07/33/1857 Petition from Ellen Noonan, Mitchel...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19609Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/44/1857 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19610Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/45/1857 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19611Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/46/1857 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19612Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/47/1857 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19613Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/48/1857 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19614Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/49/1857 Letter from Sister M Aloysius, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19615Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/50/1857 Letter from Sister M A to Bishop Ke...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19616Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.07/46/1857 Letter from M Jane Coughlan, Spy Hi...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19617Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/51/1857 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19618Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.05/163/1857 Letter from Revd. M Kennifeck, Rat...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19619Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.05/166/1857 Letter from Revd. M Hea, Rosscarbe...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19620Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/52/1857 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Me...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19621Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.07/49/1857 Letter from Elizabeth Hayes, Queenst...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19622Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.07/50/1857 Letter from M Jane Coughlan to Bish...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19623Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.05/175/1857 Letter from Father Ignatius, Dubli...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19624Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/53/1857 Letter from Sisters of Mercy, St. J...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19625Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/54/1857 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Pre...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19626Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box H18571796.06/55/1857 Letter from Sister M A Tuite, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19627Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/39/1859 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Lo...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19628Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.05/238/1859 Letter from Revd. T Murray, Glanta...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19629Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/39/1859 Letter from M A Smith, Presentation,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19630Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/41/1859 Letter from Sister M Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19631Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/42/1859 Letter from Sister M J McCarthy, Qu...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19632Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/43/1859 Letter from Sister M Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19633Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/46/1859 List of Sisters in Presentation Con...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19634Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/47/1859 List of Sisters in Loreto Convent, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19635Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/48/1859 List of Sisters in Mercy Convent, M...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19636Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/49/1859 List of Sisters in Presentation Con...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19637Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/50/1859 List of Sisters in Presentation Con...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19638Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/51/1859 List of Sisters in Mercy Convent, C...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19639Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/52/1859 List of Sisters in Presentation Con...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19640Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/53/1859 List of Sisters in Presentation Con...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19641Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/54/1859 List of Sisters in Presentation Con...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19642Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/55/1859 Letter from Sister M Teresa, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19643Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/57/1859 Letter from Sister M C Hennessy, Pr...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19644Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.05/280/1859 Letter from Revd. T Ahern, Kilnama...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19645Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/58/1859 Letter from Sister M Catherine, Pre...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19646Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.05/292/1859 Letter from Revd. A Peyton, Blarne...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19647Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/59/1859 Letter from Sister M C Hughes, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19648Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.06/60/1859 Letter from Sister M Catherine, Pre...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19649Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box N18591796.05/304/1859 Letter from Revd. J Cullinan, Quee...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19650Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.01/11/1861 Letter from Revd. M Kennifeck, Rath...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19651Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.04/4/1861 Letter from Bishop C Denvir, Belfast...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19652Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.06/3/1861 Letter from Sister M Baptist, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19653Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.04/4/1861 Letter from Sister Hughes, Presentat...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19654Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.06/5/1861 Letter from Sister M. Clare, Presenta...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19655Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.05/29/1861 Letter from Revd. J Cullinan, Queen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19656Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.06/6/1861 Letter from Sister M Baptist, Mercy,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19657Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.06/7/1861 Letter from Sister M Josephine, Merc...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19659Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.06/9/1861 Letter from Sister M Aloysius, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19660Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.06/10/1861 Letter from Sister M Baptist, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19661Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.06/11/1861 Letter from Sister M Aloysius, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19658Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.06/8/1861 Letter from Sister M Baptist, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19662Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.06/12/1861 Letter from Sister M Baptist, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19663Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.07/11/1861 Letter from Maria McCarthy, Midleto...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19664Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.06/13/1861 Letter from Sister M Baptist, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19665Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.08/43/1861 Printed Census Form A, tables to be...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19666Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box R18611796.06/14/1861 Letter from Sister M A Dunne, Charl...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19667Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.06/42/1861 Printed Circular letter from Sister ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19668Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.05/210/1861 Letter from Revd J. Fitzpatrick, Mi...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19669Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.06/43/1861 Letter from Sister M.C. Hughes, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19670Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.06/44/1861 Letter from Sister M. Clare, Neuilly...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19671Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.05/231/1861 Letter from Revd E. Cotter, Newtown...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19672Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.05/232/1861 Letter from Revd M. O'Brien, Mitche...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19673Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.07/36/1861 Letter from D. O'Connor, 6th New Yor...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19674Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.07/37/1861 Letter from Martha Bury Sullivan, St...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19675Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.05/247/1861 Letter from Revd T. Walsh, Castlema...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19676Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.06/46/1861 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19677Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.06/47/1861 Blue envelope containing nine docume...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19678Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.06/48/1861 Visitation to the Convent of Our Lad...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19679Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.06/49/1861 Visitation to the Presentation Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19680Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.06/50/1861 Visitation to the Presentation Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19681Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.06/51/1861 Visitation to the Convent of Mercy, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19682Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.06/52/1861 Visitation to the Presentation Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19683Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.06/53/1861 Visitation to the Presentation Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19684Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.06/54/1861 Visitation to the Convent of Mercy, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19685Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.06/55/1861 Visitation to the Presentation Conve...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19686Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T1796
1796.06/56/1861 Visitation to the Loreto Convent, Fe...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19687Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.07/41/1861 Letter from Mary C. Barry, Ballinamo...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19688Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.05/268/1861 Letter from Revd J. Rice, Queenstow...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19689Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.05/278/1861 Letter from Revd T. Walsh, Castlema...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19690Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.05/279/1861 Reference for Miss Murphy by Revd J...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19691Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box T18611796.06/57/1861 Letter from Sister M.C. Hughes, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19692Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/17/1862 Letter from Sister M. de Pazzi Cotte...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19693Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/18/1862 Letter from Sister M.C. Hughes, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19694Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/19/1862 Letter from Sister M.G. O'Donoghue, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19695Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/20/1862 Printed ticket for raffle in aid of ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19696Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/21/1862 Copy of letter from Bishop O'Hea, Sk...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19697Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/22/1862 Letter from M. Baptist, Mercy Conven...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19698Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/23/1862 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19699Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/25/1862 Letter from Sister M.B. O'Neill, Mer...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19700Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.05/130/1862 Letter from Revd T. Murphy, to Bish...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19701Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.05/133/1862 Letter from Revd J. Rice, Queenstow...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19702Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/26/1862 Letter from Sister M. Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19703Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/28/1862 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19704Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/29/1862 Letter from Sister M. Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19705Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.05/151/1862 Letter from Revd J. Rice, Queenstow...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19706Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U1796
1796.06/30/1862 Letter from M. Anna Dease, Loretto, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19707Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/31/1862 Letter from B. Dease, Youghal, from ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19708Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/32/1862 Letter from Anna Dease, Loretto Conv...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19709Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/34/1862 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19710Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/35/1862 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19711Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U1796
1796.07/26/1862 Decorative address to Bishop Keane o...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19712Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/36/1862 Letter from Sister M. Angela Dunne, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19713Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/37/1862 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19714Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box U18621796.06/39/1862 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19715Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box W18621796.06/40/1862 Letter from Sister M Joseph, Mercy ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19716Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box W18621796.07/31/1862 Ticket of the Grand Drawing of Priz...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19717Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box W18621796.06/42/1862 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19718Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box W18621796.07/32/1862 Letter from Anne Madden, London, to...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19719Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box W18621796.07/42/1862 Letter from Miss Sheehan, Templecarr...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19720Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box W18621796.08/23/1862 Letter from M S O'Shaughnessy, Cork...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19721Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box W18621796.05/216/1862 Letter from Revd T. Murray, Glantan...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19722Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box W18621796.06/43/1862 Letter from Sister M. Croke, Mercy C...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19723Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box W18621796.06/44/1862 Letter from Sister M Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19724Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box W18621796.06/45/1862 Letter from Sister M Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19725Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box W18621796.06/46/1862 Letter from Sister Catherine Cotter...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19726Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box W18621796.07/44/1862 Letter and envelope from Ellen Rior...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19727Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box W18621796.06/47/1862 Letter from Sister M Joseph, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19728Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box W18621796.06/48/1862 Letter from Sister M. Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19729Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.07/39/1863 Letter from Annette Copinger, Midlet...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19730Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.07/40/1863 Letter from Annette Copinger to Bish...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19731Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.07/41/1863 Letter form Elizabeth McCarthy and P...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19732Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.07/42/1863 Letter from Christina Coghlan, Londo...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19733Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.05/193/1863 Letter from Revd M. O'Brien, Mitche...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19734Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.07/54/1863 Letter from Mrs Wall, Macroom, to Bi...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19735Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.07/57/1863 Letter from Mary Osborne, Liscarroll...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19736Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/29/1863 Letter from Sister M.A. Smith, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19737Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/30/1863 Letter from Sister M. Frances, Fairb...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19738Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.07/60/1863 Letter from Mrs Cotteralll, Paris, t...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19739Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/30/1863 Letter from Sister M. Agatha Hyde to...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19740Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/36/1863 Letter from Sister M. Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19741Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.07/66/1863 Letter from Miss Colbert, Cork, to B...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19742Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.07/67/1863 Letter from Emma Callaghan, Midleton...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19743Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/37/1863 Letter from Sister M.J. Croke, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19744Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/38/1863 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19745Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.00/36/1863 Regarding house expenses, £29:2:0, ...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19746Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/39/1863 Letter from Sister M. Agatha, Presen...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19747Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/40/1863 Letter from Sister M. Patrick, Prese...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19748Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.00/37/1863 Blue envelope 'The Year of 1863' wit...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19749Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/41/1863 List of Sisters, Convent of Mercy, M...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19750Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/42/1863 List of Sisters, Convent of Mercy, C...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19751Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/43/1863 List of Sister, Mitchelstown Present...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19752Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/44/1863 List of Sisters, Doneraile, 5 Octobe...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19753Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/45/1863 List of Sisters, Visitation of Fermo...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19754Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/46/1863 List of Sisters, Visitation of Loret...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19755Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/47/1863 List of Sisters, Presentation Conven...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19756Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/48/1863 List of Sisters, Loreto Convent, You...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19757Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/49/1863 List of Sisters Visitation of Midlet...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19758Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/50/1863 List of Sisters and their employment...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19759Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/52/1863 Letter from Sister M. Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19760Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/53/1863 Letter from M. Seraphina, Loreto Con...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19761Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/54/1863 Letter from Sister M. Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19762Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/56/1863 Letter from Sister M.J. Croke, Mercy...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19763Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA18631796.06/55/1863 Letter from Sister M. Magdalen, Pres...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19764Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA1863 1796.06/56/1863 Letter from Sister M. Croke, Conven...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19765Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA1863 1796.06/58/1863 Letter from Sister Philomena Maher,...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19766Cloyne Diocesan Archive (RC)Box AA1863 1796.06/59/1863 Letter from Sister M. Aloysius, Pre...Bishop W. Keane Papers
19185Communications Workers Union1922Other records: An Post Gaedhealach, Journal of the I...Communications Union of Ireland
3700Cork City and County ArchivesU2621864-1867Killbrittan Castle Wages Books:23 September 1864 - 2...
3701Cork City and County ArchivesU211841-c1843Notebook of Robert Bennett, Recorder of Cork on case...
3692Cork City and County ArchivesU336/21821'A Calendar of Prisoners in the custody of Henry...
3695Cork City and County ArchivesU2221908Public House/ Shop Account Book. Photocopy of a Day ...
3698Cork City and County Archives1904-c.1908Photograph album with pictures of the Croker family ...
3699Cork City and County ArchivesU1921921Clonmult Photograph Album. Many of the photographs a...
12529Cork City and County ArchivesU2911922Letter from Miss O'Leary, Carrigdarrery, Lissard...
12530Cork City and County ArchivesU701922Circular letter signed by Constance de Markievicz re...
12531Cork City and County ArchivesU1131922Notes on the folklore of Kilbrittain by Dorothy Stop...
12532Cork City and County ArchivesU1181922Mrs A.H. Varian (née May Allman), died 27 Jan...
12599Cork City and County ArchivesU2831890-1900Two Victorian photograph albums.One contains Cork MP...
12601Cork City and County ArchivesU3131834-1851(i) Miscellaneous posters, 39 items. Theatre Royal, ...
12621Cork City and County Archives1820-1880General Administration: Correspondence and Documenta...Youghal Town Records
13077Cork City and County ArchivesU1661819-1868Cork Chamber of Commerce Minutes 1819-1868.
13098Cork City and County ArchivesU94/1829-1853Letters dated 1829-53. They include:7: Anne Grasbais...James Roche Correspondence
13110Cork City and County ArchivesU46/1842-18541 form of admission 19 September 1842, paper 2 two ...
13135Cork City and County ArchivesU62/1849-18542 Letter from R.F. Geary (?) to his mother from the ...Johnson Papers
13149Cork City and County ArchivesU3371852-1854Medical Officer's Monthly Returns for Inchigeela...
13167Cork City and County ArchivesU2231858-1898School Inspector's Report Book for Kanturk Natio...
13180Cork City and County ArchivesU1721865Xerox of a letter from Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa ...
13196Cork City and County ArchivesU11870-1900Photographs of the Aldworth family, Newmarket, Count...Aldworth photograph album
13220Cork City and County ArchivesU3331885-1891Christchurch Lane School, Attendance Book, 1885-1891...Reidy Deposit
13224Cork City and County ArchivesU881886Diploma of a Dame certifying that Mrs M.A. Johnson, ...The Primrose League
13234Cork City and County ArchivesAccession 92/161890Photograph of Fanny Lundy and of Mary Mahony at a ba...
13235Cork City and County ArchivesU2211890-1910St Vincent's School Cork, Roll Books, 1890-1910,...
13241Cork City and County ArchivesU181892-1901(iv) List of licensed premises in Cork city, 1892-19...Beamish and Crawford Collection
13284Cork City and County Archives1902-1924Minutes of the Proceedings of the Youghal Technical ...Youghal Town Records
13289Cork City and County ArchivesU3151904Letter from Padraic Mac Piarais, An Claidheamh Solai...
13310Cork City and County ArchivesU1621909Includes a letter to 'Nuala' from Maud Gonne...Frank Healy Papers
13406Cork City and County ArchivesU2071916-1922Correspondence between Terence MacSwiney and Pauline...
13429Cork City and County ArchivesH71918-1920Minute Book of the Cork Child Welfare League. The Le...
13693Cork City and County ArchivesU171825-1936
Extracts from the Annals of Bandon Presentation Conv...
13858Cork City and County ArchivesU61c.1880R.B. Jagoe's scrapbooks, c.1880, 3 volumes. Cont...
13859Cork City and County ArchivesU80c.1885Manuscript written by Mrs Katherine Donovan, nee Mur...Murphy Memoirs
14444Cork City and County ArchivesSM9621916-1920A letter and postcard from Terence MacSwiney to Paul...Manuscripts relating to Pauline Henley
14446Cork City and County ArchivesU3991890-1910Mainly streetscapes of Cork City, particularly of Pa...Wilkie Photographic Collection
14447Cork City and County Archives1831Lists of tenants and occupiers of properties in Holy...Valuation List, Holy Trinity Parish, Cork City
14415Cork City and County ArchivesCCCA/CP/CO/M1710-1732
Records the major decisions and resolutions made by ...Cork City Council Minutes
14432Cork City and County Archives1899-1925Rural District Councils: Bandon Rural District Coun...Cork Rural District Councils
14433Cork City and County ArchivesPR271832Correspondence and other papers of Lady Eliza Deane ...Lady Eliza Deane Papers
14437Cork City and County ArchivesB5301868-1918Established in 1889 with the purchase of the former ...Cork Spinning and Weaving Company
14442Cork City and County ArchivesIE 627/U1921921-1925Photograph Album of the Clonmult/Midleton district c...Hallahan 'Clonmult' Photographic Album (Digitised)
22957Cork City and County ArchivesU201/1913-c.192014: Theatre post cards and programmes, mainly visiti...J.T. Horne Collection
22960Cork City and County ArchivesU201/1912-192411: Scrapbook, costs and programmes of Opera House p...J.T. Horne Collection
22962Cork City and County ArchivesU201/19119: Scrapbook of postcard photographs of British acto...J.T. Horne Collection
22963Cork City and County ArchivesU201/19118: Scrapbook, Opera House programmes, 1911, 1 volume...J.T. Horne Collection
22965Cork City and County ArchivesU201/1908-19096: Scrapbook containing reviews and cuttings from ne...J.T. Horne Collection
22966Cork City and County ArchivesU201/19105: Cuttings, with annotations by J.T. Horne, 1910, i...J.T. Horne Collection
22968Cork City and County ArchivesU201/1905-19103: Scrapbook mainly clippings on Shakespearean produ...J.T. Horne Collection
22978Cork City and County ArchivesU6/1819-1822(v) 6 letters from Charles Bianconi, Clonmel, to Mar...
22979Cork City and County ArchivesU6/1822(viii) 2 letters from John Baldwin to his sister Mar...
22980Cork City and County ArchivesU6/1823(x) 1 letter from John Ryan, Steeven's Hospital ...
23216Cork City and County ArchivesU15B/1854P/A22 Cork Ladies Auxiliary to the Irish Church Miss...Thomas Hewitt Papers
23217Cork City and County ArchivesU15B/1860P/A37 Industrial Ragged School report for the year e...Thomas Hewitt Papers
23218Cork City and County ArchivesU15B/P/1872
A42: Masonic Female Orphan School, Dublin, 1872 prog...Thomas Hewitt Papers
23219Cork City and County ArchivesU15B/1856P/A55 St Luke's male and female infant daily sch...Thomas Hewitt Papers
23220Cork City and County ArchivesU15B/1851P/C 34 Katherine Bullen, Sunday's Well Road to H...Thomas Hewitt Papers
23222Cork City and County ArchivesU15B/1849P/C 79 Lucy Gibbons (no address given) to Hewitt, 30...Thomas Hewitt Papers
22967Cork City and County ArchivesU201/1909-1911
4: Newscuttings taken from the Examiner and the...J.T. Horne Collection
22969Cork City and County ArchivesU201/1907-19092: Scrapbook, mainly on Opera and classical music. E...J.T. Horne Collection
22970Cork City and County ArchivesU201/1889-19081: Scrapbook on actors collected by Frank Thompson. ...J.T. Horne Collection
22986Cork City and County ArchivesU140/Class E/1858Day66/32 Manuscript notes on the 'Industrious Bl...Dowden Papers
23221Cork City and County ArchivesU15B/1850P/C 61 L. Dubos, Brentford Butts, Seagrave Place, Bo...Thomas Hewitt Papers
23223Cork City and County ArchivesU15B/1842P/C 89 Charlotte Hewitt (aunt) to 'My dear Tom&#...Thomas Hewitt Papers
23224Cork City and County ArchivesU15B/1851P/C 94 6/6/1851 Dr Charles Hewitt (Sydney Place, Cor...Thomas Hewitt Papers
23287Cork City and County ArchivesPR6/191517: letter form Máire Nic Suibhne, 14 July 19...Papers of Seamus Fitzgerald
12149Cork Folklore ProjectTR-NF98-17-11920-1921Interview on the subject of folksongs, folk poetry, ...
1155Cork Public MuseumAQNO1969:21894